1 minute read
Wills: What Happens if I Die Without One?
Dying without a Will is known as dying “Intestate”.
If you do not write a Will, your assets will be distributed to your next of kin in accordance with the intestacy rules in your province. This can cause several problems, like:
Your spouse will not automatically receive your entire estate, especially if you have children. This is a common misconception.
Young children or grandchildren, who become entitled to your estate, may be unable to manage the assets they receive.
Stepchildren in blended families do not necessarily have the same standing as biological or adopted children.

Common-law partners are not treated the same as married partners, depending on the jurisdiction.
Common-law partners may not be entitled to assets if a divorce has not been finalized.
Disabled dependents do not receive extra consideration

An estate without financial assets will likely have assets that should be distributed at your discretion to avoid family turmoil (i.e. savings accounts, homes, furniture, vehicles, mementos, family heirlooms, etc.)