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The Shop That Changes Hearts

The following article was written by a Global Mission pioneer serving in a veiled country. All names have been changed to protect her and her ministry.

Some time ago, we started a church plant in a city of more than 2.3 million people, most of whom had never heard of Jesus. The church plant resulted from the ministry of our urban center of influence, a health shop where we sell food, offer free seminars and treatments, and build meaningful relationships with non-Christians by meeting their needs.

We share Jesus in several ways at our shop. We can’t distribute literature publicly here, so we attach pamphlets about His love to our products. Because our shop is part of a large market, we’ve set comfortable chairs outside; while customers enjoy much-needed rest, we get to know them a little. We get to know some of them even better when we deliver merchandise to their homes and they invite us in to talk. As we learn about their daily struggles, we find ways to help. We also keep a list of our customers and pray for them each day.

One person we were able to share Jesus with is Ms. Lee. This is her story:

“I was an atheist, although I grew up in a family that embraced the traditional religion in this area. Christianity, viewed as a foreign, western religion, is uncommon here.

“One day, I came across a shop that offers a variety of free health treatments. I tried them and found that my health improved. The woman treating me taught me about health from a biblical perspective and told me about God’s love. I developed an interest in the Bible, and my heart is opening more and more to Christianity.”

I thank God for using our health shop to change people’s hearts. As they apply their new knowledge to their lives, they experience the healing power of Christ.

Here is the testimony of a man we had the opportunity to help:

“When I was thirty, I divorced my wife, left my family, and moved to the city to work. I was always in a bad mood and always drunk. I lived a hopeless life for fifteen years.

“When I was forty-five, I was injured at work. I had a large wound on my leg that wouldn’t heal. It was very painful, and I couldn’t walk. Around this time, I met a woman who worked at a health shop. She told me about someone named Jesus who could heal me. I didn’t know who Jesus was, but because I had nothing else to do, I decided to follow her and her husband to their church plant for a Bible study.

“I kept meeting with them, and they taught me how to pray. One day I prayed, ‘Dear Lord, if you can heal me, I will believe You are God.’

“Several days later, my wound healed! I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Even though I live alone, I know that I’m not alone. I have found a family among the members of the church plant!”

Sadly, some of the people we minister to won’t experience Jesus’ physical healing until He comes again. One such person was a 24-year-old woman named Sister Z. Here is her testimony:

“I had been a member of a Christian church since childhood, but I had never been a Christian. After graduating from high school, I learned that I had cancer.

“The cost of my medical treatment put my mother and me in debt. Despite the excellent care I received, my health didn’t improve.

“It was during this time of hopelessness that a couple of members from an Adventist church visited me. They raised funds for me, comforted me with prayer and Bible verses, and took turns caring for me day and night.”

Unfortunately, Sister Z passed away. Our church plant was heartbroken yet so thankful that God had allowed us to cross paths with her. Before her death, she had a clear understanding of the Bible and had accepted Jesus as her Redeemer.

We were worried about Sister Z’s mother, so we spent a lot of time with her. “I dedicated my whole life to my daughter—my only child,” she told us. “I believed that if she died, I would have no reason to continue living. I’m still suffering, but because of the members of the church plant, I’m hopeful. I believe I will meet my daughter again in heaven.”

Please pray for our Global Mission pioneers and the people we meet through our health food shop. Pray that their hearts will be receptive to Jesus so they will be ready when He comes again.

Global Mission’s priority is starting new groups of believers among unreached people groups. Please support Global Mission by visiting Global-Mission.org/giving.

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