2 minute read

Low-Cost Ways to Serve Your City

Think reaching the cities has to be expensive? Think again!

We are told, “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’”—Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 143

So how can you mingle among people as one who desires their good? How can you begin making new friends for eternity?

Here are some ideas!

Offer programs for senior citizens— SENIOR PICNIC, EXERCISE PROGRAMS, OR SENIOR MEALS.

COMFORT OTHER FAITH GROUPS in the wake of attacks.

Use social media to set up a LANGUAGE EXCHANGE.

Go to a public laundromat and PAY FOR A LOAD OF LAUNDRY.

Host a BICYCLE TUNE-UP for an apartment complex.

Paint a MURAL.

PRAYER- WALK the city.

Hold a DRIVE-THRU PRAYER EVENT for people who are facing cancer or other illnesses.

Provide YARD CARE for seniors or the disabled.

Hold a public event to CREATE LARGE- SCALE ART.


Set up a HEALTH FAIR at a biker rally.

Organize a COMMUNITY YARD SALE, and then give the items to those who come to buy them.

Organize a GYM OUTREACH for kids.

Make an appointment to pray for local business owners and SHARE BIBLE PROMISES AND TRUTH-FILLED LITERATURE.

HAND OUT WATER during a marathon.

Eliminate an urban food desert by planting a COMMUNITY GARDEN.


PICK UP TRASH at a beach or park or in a neighborhood.

Get more ideas for reaching your city! Visit MissionToTheCities.org/Serve-your-city.

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