People experiencing poverty customers
rights holders members
4th Knowledge Exchange Forum Participation and social Justice Advocacy social justice advocates share a deep commitment to involving those who we represent in advocacy. We have different ways of describing this involvement and the people we work with. however across the broad range of community and voluntary organisations the participation of those experiencing the issues is identified as critical to effective advocacy. Participation is also a key demand of social justice advocates, who look for decision-making processes that include the voices of those affected. There are many diverse strategies for participation. However we share a desire to strengthen participation, and share the similar dilemmas: When and how to involve people in media work? How to meet the expectations of those who become involved? Do policy-makers have the capacity to respond to participation? Does focusing on participation place the responsibility for action on those who are excluded? Is service provision without active participation sufficient grounds for advocacy? This 4th Knowledge Exchange Forum will be an opportunity for those working in a wide range of community and voluntary organisations to share learning and challenges of involving those who experience the issues in their advocacy.
Register by Friday 19th July at:
WEDNEsDAy, 24th July 2013 13:00 - 16:30 WOOD QuAy VENuE, DuBlIN CIty COuNCIl CIVIC OFFICEs, WOOD QuAy, DuBlIN 8.
Registration (light lunch provided)
Opening and welcome Kieran Murphy, Chair of The Advocacy Initiative
Outcomes from The Advocacy Initiative participant workshop
A legitimacy test? National and European perspectives on participation Hugh Frazer, Adjunct Professor NUI, Maynooth & Coordinator of the European Commission's Network of Independent Experts on Social Inclusion
Participation: A case of Implementation Deficit Disorder? Chris McInerney, Lecturer in Politics & Public Administration, University of Limerick
Open Forum: Strategies, dilemmas and shared challenges Facilitated by Maria Hegarty, Equality Strategies Ltd
service users
Close Anna Visser, Director, The Advocacy Initiative