2 minute read
ART: Draw/Paint. Adults All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Yearly fee. 18-59 yrs-$15, 60+$10 Mon-1-3: Wed 10:15-1:15, Jane Cross, 214-534-6829.
Casa Linda Plaza. Art Classes & Drop In Pottery Painting For All Ages. 214-821-8383. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm
GUITAR OR PIANO Patient Teacher. Your Home. 12 Yrs Exp. Reasonable rates. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
Beginners intermediates; Rice, TCU, DTS ex; John Cunyus 214-662-5494 www.JohnCunyus.com
MUSIC INSTRUCTION Especially For Young People
Aged 5-12. Guitar, Piano, Percussion. ChildPlayMusicSchool.com. 214-733-1866
Learn to draw this summer with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain ®
Brenda Catlett Certified Instructor (972)989-0546
LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
AVIATION MANUFACTURING CAREERS Get Trained As FAA Certified Technician. Financial Aid For Qualified Students. Job Placement Assistance. AIM 866-453-6204
PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS reply to http://www.pcpsi.com/join
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY to earn residual income on electric bills. Call Jay at 214-707-9379.
Services For You
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688
CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
DISH TV RETAILER Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 months) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available)
Save. Ask about Same Day Installation 1-800-615-4064
Metal & Wood Artworks for the home or office. 214-727-7957
Legal Services
A SIMPLE WILL. Name a Guardian for Children. Katherine Rose, Attorney 214-728-4044. Office Dallas Tx.
A WILL? THERE IS A WAY Estate/Probate matters. Free Consultation. 214-802-6768 MaryGlennAttorney.com
‘Spreading Good Cheer’
St. Monica Catholic School collected more than 4,200 jars of peanut butter for Catholic Charities of Dallas as part of its annual “Spreading Good Cheer” event. Each year, hundreds of cheerleaders from local Catholic schools come together to kick off the Catholic Bowl games, raise awareness and gather pantry donations for Catholic Charities. St. Monica’s cheerleaders took home the large school trophy, having donated enough jars of peanut butter for more than 100,000 sandwiches for families served by Catholic Charities.
Leading the way
Methodist Health System Foundation recently awarded Preston Hollow resident Bobby Lyle with this year’s Robert S. Folsom Leadership Award. Lyle has raised more than $1.5 million to support medical education for Methodist physicians. Fellow Preston Hollow neighbor and Methodist president/CEO April Box Chamberlain presented the award.
left: Carolyn and David Miller, Mitch and Linda Hart, Bobby Lyle, Nancy Ann and Ray Hunt; April Box Chamberlain, Methodist Health System Foundation president and CEO; Dr. Stephen Mansfield, Methodist Health System president and CEO)

Local Resources
TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
Professional Services
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903
FARMERS INSURANCE CALL JOSH JORDAN 214-364-8280. Auto, Home, Life Renters.
Planning For
Maximize Your Social Security Benefits and/or
Rod Clark - 35 Years' Experience Working for the Federal Agencies