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Radiation oncologist Dr. Ramzi Abdulrahman leads a dedicated team of health care professionals who specialize in delivering extremely precise cancer treatments that allow our youngest patients to continue their journey into adulthood with fewer long-term side effects. UT Southwestern is the No. 1 referral center for Children’s Medical Center and the only local facility that regularly treats children with advanced radiosurgical tools such as the Gamma Knife and CyberKnife. This is UT Southwestern—where scientific research, advanced technology, and leading-edge treatments come together to bring new hope to cancer patients.
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The streets are a mess and, in a way, we are to blame
Some of you regularly read our online daily news digest at advocatemag.com or find yourself directed to the site from our Facebook or Twitter feeds. I know this because I received plenty of reaction to an online-only item I wrote a few weeks ago concerning our son’s pothole experience.
I hadn’t expected that particular story to be a readership magnet — no animals, crime or restaurants were mentioned. Little did I know so many of you agreed about the pathetic condition of our streets.
Just a quick recap: Our son was driving home from college, and he wound up beached at a grocery store.
“I blew a tire, dad,” he said. “I’m here in the parking lot, and the tire is completely flat.”
Luckily, he wasn’t hurt, and the problem occurred in the last leg of a 250-mile journey. Unluckily, our car had a blown tire, a bent rim and a messed-up alignment.
That’s what it cost us for a new tire, installation and alignment. I think they threw in banging on the rim for free.
“You’re the eighth person in here this morning with a blown tire from a pothole,” the repair guy told me the following day at 11 a.m.
The pothole he hit was deep and wide plenty of space to suck in a small tire and regurgitate a damaged hunk of rubber and metal.
The good news is that after I noted the issue on the city website (you can also call 311), the pothole was repaired within 24 hours, just as promised for serious street damage.
But my pothole wasn’t the only dangerous street issue, as I found out after hearing from
many of you. Streets throughout the city — north, south, east and west — are in poor condition not only from the March spate of winter weather, but moreso from years and years of neglect. Turns out that while we’ve focused our attention on big-ticket “worldclass-city-type” projects such as the Trinity Toll Road, the Downtown city-owned Omni convention center hotel, and the frequent tax breaks we’ve provided to developers, we forgot about our streets.
As a result, we’re $900 million in arrears on street repairs, meaning that’s how much money needs to be spent — today — to put most of our streets back in good condition.
Sadly, there’s no one to blame but ourselves. For years at budget time, the people who run our city made a conscious decision that replacing worn-out streets wasn’t enough of a priority.
And we kept sending them back Downtown because when voters don’t care, an incumbent rarely loses.
What can we do now?
Saturday, May 9, is the next council election; six councilmen are stepping down because of term limits, two more face challengers, and the mayor also is running for re-election. Other than in North Dallas, lots of races are up for grabs.
We’re offering brief election coverage in this month’s magazine, as well as online (short videos of each candidate) for those who don’t have time to attend a candidate gathering to eyeball them ourselves. Other media outlets are covering the election, too.
So we can do what we usually do — whine, complain and then not vote — or we can pay attention to who is running and take the time to help make the decision May 9 (remember to register through Dallas County by April 9).
Every time we hit a rough patch of street, and every time we run across uneven asphalt or poor striping or a plain old pothole, let’s tell ourselves: This year, we’re going to make a difference.
With so many reminders out there, how can we forget?
Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
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reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
(Names are listed as/in the order they will appear on the ballot.)
Place 1
Scott Griggs (unopposed)
Place 2
Adam Medrano (unopposed)
Place 3
Casey Thomas, II
Gerald Britt
Joe Tave
Wini Cannon
B.D. Howard
Place 4
Stephen King
Linda M. Wilkerson-Wynn
Sandra Crenshaw
Keyaira D. Saunders
James Ross
D. Marcus Ranger
Carl Hays
Carolyn King Arnold
Place 5
Jesse Diaz
Rick Callahan
Sherry Cordova
Place 6
Ozumba Lnuk-X
Daniel “DC” Caldwell, I
Lakolya London
Monica R. Alonzo
Place 7
Tiffinni A. Young
Hasani Burton
John Lawson
Kevin Felder
James “J.T.” Turknett
Randall Parker
Baranda J. Fermin
Juanita Wallace
Place 8
Dianne Gibson
Clara McDade
Subrina Lynn Brenham
Eric Lemonte Williams
Gail Terrell
Erik Wilson
Place 9
Christopher Jackson
Darren Boruff
Mark Clayton
Sam Merten
Will Logg
Place 10
James N. White
Paul Reyes
Adam McGough
Place 11
Lee M. Kleinman (unopposed)
Place 12
Sandy Greyson (unopposed)
Place 13
Jennifer Staubach Gates (unopposed)
Place 14
Philip T. Kingston (unopposed)
Place 15 (Mayor)
Mike Rawlings
Marcos Ronquillo
Write-In Candidate(s)
Place 15 – Mayor
Jenny Grumbles’ Preston Hollow home is light and airy, full of white or neutral furniture with soft edges and vibrant pops of color.
Pristine and inviting, it’s hard to tell that much of the home’s decor originated from a pile of trash.
“There’s nothing in this house that’s expensive,” Grumbles says, except for the rugs. “Everything is bargain junk.”
Jenny Grumbles: Photo by Danny FulgencioShe scooped up an armchair discarded on the side of the road and had it reupholstered for a perfect accent in the master bedroom.
She bought an empty, oversized frame from a thrift store, painted it pale purple, added a touch of gold to the corners, and turned it into a beautiful ornate mirror that covers the entire wall behind the dining table.
“You just study it for a minute and ask, ‘What else could this be?’ Find something that doesn’t need a lot of repair. The easiest thing to do is paint it,” she says.
Sometimes she just gets lucky. The eyecatching pink-and-green scallop-patterned lamps in her front living room came straight from the Salvation Army.
Grumbles is an expert when it comes to turning trash into treasure. She operated her own store, Uptown Country Home in Snider Plaza, for 11 years where she did just that — scoured the city, particularly repossessed storage units, for junk that she
could convert into something valuable.
Her talents landed her a reality TV role on A&E’s Storage Wars Texas. She and other professional buyers have just a few minutes to sort through the lockers and identify items that could turn a profit at a high-stakes auction.
The show, which ended last fall, described her as a “blonde, bubbly type-A” and “not one to mess around.” Aside from the added entertainment value, Storage Wars essentially documents the routine work of someone like Grumbles.
“They’re filming us doing our jobs,” she says.
Her most popular project on the show involved turning a pair of old nightstands into a children’s kitchen set.
After Storage Wars, Grumbles gave birth to her son, Thompson, and wondered whether she could continue to run her shop in Snider Plaza. The day she returned to work, the rent increased.
“I thought, ‘This is a sign.’ ”
April 28
Presented by the Ann and Jack Graves
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Author of Argo and both former CIA Chief of Disguise
TONY and JONNA MENDEZ are former CIA officers whose lives have been featured in books, TV documentaries and the Oscar-winning film Argo Tony Mendez engineered the 1980 rescue of six U.S. diplomats from Iran in an operation that inspired the movie Jonna Mendez worked as a technical operations officer with a specialty in clandestine pho raphy Visit utdallas.edu/lectureseries
So she closed Uptown Country Home and set up a booth at the Richardson Mercantile. She also operates out of her home, allowing customers to drop off furniture for her to paint in the makeshift workshop temporarily taking up part of her back patio.
Grumbles is also an artist. She graduated from SMU with a degree in journalism and art, so she makes part of her living painting still lifes and portraits of people and animals — which is the easiest of her jobs to do with an infant in the mix.
“I can just sit at home with him and paint,” she says.
She still can’t kick her treasure-hunting habit, though. She often takes Thompson with her to estate sales, flea markets, and up and down the streets on bulk trash day.
“I can’t stop going to find junk and fixing it up.”
See photos of Jenny Grumble’s trash-to-treasure home at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
Hosted by UT Dallas Arts and Technology (AT EC) pro gram , th e se r ies fe atu re s speakers from a wide range of backgrounds in science, technology and art. They will present public lectures on topics aimed at exploring the evolving relationships among art, technology, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences.
Dallas voters have plenty of complaints about Dallas ISD. It’s poorly run. It wastes tax dollars. It’s both inefficient and inept at educating Dallas’ children. And its trustees spend too much time posturing and pandering to actually do anything about these problems.
But come Election Day each year, these complaints are drowned out by a chorus of apathetic silence.
On May 9, voters who live in District 1, which encompasses most of the Preston Hollow/North Dallas area, will have the chance to choose between Edwin Flores and Kyle Renard to replace DISD Trustee Elizabeth Jones, who is not seeking a second term.
And if every registered voter who lives in Northaven Park takes the time to visit the polls that day, that one small neigh-
borhood could decide who will represent us on the board.
More than 92,000 people of voting age live in District 1. Roughly 66,000 of them are registered to vote. Yet in 2012, when the incumbent, Flores, decided to step down, and four candidates vied to replace him, only 4,069 people showed up at the polls. Jones garnered a little more than half of those votes, meaning that roughly 2,000 people determined the election.
To break that down, 3 percent of voters elected one of nine trustees who manage a school district that educates 160,000 of our students and has an annual budget of $1.6 billion, funded by Dallas taxpayers. And District 1 had, by far, the highest number of voters in the three DISD elections that year.
This apparent lack of concern, however, means that one small segment of the population truly can sway the outcome of the race. The stakes are high, and we are Ohio.
Withers Elementary sits almost in the center of Northaven Park. It was one of our neighborhood’s best kept secrets until recent years, when it became more of an open secret, attracting parents who were planning on going the typical Preston Hollow private school route until friends and neighbors convinced them otherwise. Now they’re singing its praises and appealing to the lottery gods that their children land one of the coveted spots in the school’s dual-language program.
Living in an “it” school zone is a boon for parents but also for property owners.
As the Dallas real estate market shows, popular schools drive up home prices. How the DISD board operates and what kinds of decisions it makes (or doesn’t make) affect the success of Withers as well as other neighborhood schools’ potential to become “it” schools.
Northaven Park comprises only a small chunk of Withers boundaries, but on its streets live approximately 2,000 registered voters roughly equal to the voters who determined the 2012 election’s outcome. So if neighbors believed that casting ballots is a useful way to voice their opinions about DISD, they could almost singlehandedly choose the trustee for District 9’s 116,000 residents.
That’s how few people vote in Dallas ISD elections.
It’s not likely to happen. In 2012 only about 200 Northaven Park residents took time to vote, and it was the same story in 2009, the last time Flores and Renard faced off.
But if it did happen — if a couple thousand more voters in Preston Hollow and North Dallas turned out in force May 9 — it would decide the election. —Keri
This game-changing Dallas ISD school board election has two people vying for the District 1 seat. But how would they actually govern? In a series of quick-hit videos, we’ve cornered the candidates with questions that go beneath the surface We test their knowledge of the neighborhood, gain insight into their personalities, and find out just what kind of leaders they are.
Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com and click on “2015 Election” at the top of the page to see the videos along with our full coverage ahead of the May 9 election .
The 12th-annual North Dallas Artist Studio Tour features 32 studios in and around our neighborhood. The artists include painters, sculptors, photographers, jewelers, potters and woodworkers, plus collage, mixed-media and glass artists. It’s an opportunity to experience the work of local artists in intimate, revealing settings.
“Texas Longhorn” by Lori Cusack
Six glamorous Turtle Creek high-rise homes open their doors for the 14thannual Turtle Creek Tour of Homes from 1-5 p.m. Purchase tickets by March 31 for a 10 percent discount. Various locations, 214.526.2800, turtlecreekassociation.org, $50-$60
The Poetry Society of Texas hosts its monthly meeting at 2:30 p.m., featuring guest speaker Terry Jude Miller. Preston Royal Library, 5626 Royal, 214.670.7128, dallaslibrary.org, free
The neighborhood farmers market opens for the season and runs through Aug. 29, featuring local produce and food purveyors.
St. Michael and All Angels Church, 8011 Douglas, saintmichaelsmarket.com
W.T. White High School invites current and former students and teachers, and community members to celebrate its 50th anniversary, beginning April 10 with a morning golf tournament followed by gatherings among specific classes. At 3 p.m. April 11, guests can “walk the halls” and attend an assembly featuring
performances from the band and choir, plus a few surprises from alumni. The celebration gala is at 7:30 p.m. at Brookhaven Country Club. Go online for a full schedule and to buy tickets. 4505 Ridgeside, 972.239.7957, wtwhite.org, prices vary
The 2015 Just Say Yes luncheon benefits the nonprofit’s mission of equipping teens to succeed by saying “yes” to their dreams and “no” to destructive behavior. The home of Lisa and Kenny Troutt, 10595 Strait, 972.437.0002, justsayyes.org, call for ticket prices
The sixth-annual ARTsPARK community art fair includes performances and work from local arts organizations. This year’s centerpiece is “gallery row,” an exhibit from various Dallas art galleries. Discover how to make art a bigger part of your life through participation, membership and volunteering with the city’s arts organizations. Participants in the event, from 1-5 p.m., include the Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas Museum of Art, AT&T Performing Arts Center, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Crow Collection of Asian Art, Anita N. Martinez Ballet Folklorico, Creative Arts Center of Dallas, Dallas Black Dance Theatre and the Dallas Historical Society, among many others. NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441, northparkcenter.com, free
Texan Jan Jarboe Russell brings her new nonfiction book, “The Train to Crystal City: FDR’s Secret Prisoner Exchange Program and America’s Only Family Internment Camp During World War II,” for a reading and book signing at 7 p.m. Barnes & Noble Lincoln Park, 7700 W. Northwest Hwy., 214.739.1124, barnesandnoble.com, free
The Juan Abelló art collection is one of the top private art collections of Spain, and it’s showing at the Meadows Museum as part of its yearlong 50th-anniversary celebration. The Abelló Collection: A Modern Taste for European Masters includes masterpieces from El Greco, Francisco de Goya, Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris, as well as Lucas Cranach, Amedeo Modigliani and Francis Bacon. The Meadows Museum, 5900 Bishop, 214.768.2516, meadowsmuseumdallas.org, $4-$10
Americana musician Sean Watkins, founder of Nickel Creek, performs behind his new solo album, “All I Do Is Lie.”
Uncle Calvin’s Coffee House, 9555 N. Central at Walnut Hill, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $9.50-$18.50
The North Dallas Chamber of Commerce pits neighborhood businesses in a battle of meat and beans at Valley View Center, the site of Beck Ventures’ planned $3.5 billion Dallas Midtown development. Taste the barbecue and beans from 5-9 p.m., and vote for your favorites while listening to live music and sipping beer from Four Corners Brewing. Valley View Center, 13331 Preston, 214.368.6485, ndcc.org, $35-$30 Childcare is available
Our Easter Week services begin on Good Friday with a special celebration of baptism and communion, and culminate with two services on Easter Sunday.
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Thedining scene taking shape at Walnut Hill and Central has hogged much of our neighborhood’s attention lately. The redevelopment of that corner has welcomed Trader Joe’s, Tupinamba and at least three new-to-Dallas concepts. But just one street north, another neighborhood restaurant has become a quiet success. Gabriela & Sofia’s TexMex opened about three months ago tucked away in the shopping center at the northwest corner of Meadow and Central. Preston Hollow has no shortage of Tex-Mex options, but this one holds its own. Although the name is sure to attract traditionalists, manager Gabriel Pompa says guests are surprised to find much more than cheese enchiladas on the menu. “They say it’s better than Tex-Mex,” Pompa says. “We do everything fresh. I think that’s what people like.” Particularly, the camarones brochette, which features six bacon-wrapped jumbo shrimp stuffed with Monterey Jack cheese and poblano peppers. Other standout dishes include the rib-eye fajitas and the brisket tacos. Servers prepare the guacamole tableside in the volcanic rock bowl known as a molcajete. Pompa says he plans to test new menu items periodically, so diners can expect to see something different.
—Emily Toman Rib-eye fajitas at Gabriela and Sofia’s: Photo by Kathy TranVOTE ONCE A DAY, FEBRUARY 1ST UNTIL FEBRUARY 20TH
Its colorful neon tower shines like a beacon at the southern edge of Preston Hollow, inviting moviegoers inside for the newest blockbuster or campy cult favorite. And, of course, the oversized cushions increase the romance factor.
So it’s no surprise that readers voted the Inwood Theatre (5458 W. Lovers) the best date night in Preston Hollow and North Dallas.
The historic theater was built in 1947 and many of its original details remain, including the aquatic murals in the lobby, updated during the 2005 restoration. In the same building the Inwood Lounge serves up creative martinis (including the decadent chocolate cake martini), which patrons can bring into the theater.
In 2008, it opened the now popular screening room, filled with couches, loveseats and cushions instead of the typical movie theater seating — ideal for cuddling.
The three-screen theater can’t promise every film release you’d find at a larger venue, but it’s the charming, laid-back atmosphere that keeps neighbors coming back.
Runner up: Rise No. 1
Third place: The Mercury
NEXT UP FOR ADVOCATE’S 2015 BEST OF CONTEST: Best taco. Vote for your favorite at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/bestof
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Since I came from a large family with so many traditions, some of my favorite memories revolve around the recipes my Nanny made for the holidays. Easter has a sweet spot in my heart, and there is not a year that has gone by without her famous Easter Bread — a rich, sweet bread, similar to brioche, flavored with orange and braided to perfection. For a special Easter touch, eggs are nestled into the dough and glazed with a thin sugar coating topped with colorful sprinkles. From my family to yours, enjoy!
4 cups all-purpose flour
¼ cup granulated sugar
½ cup vegetable shortening
½ cup whole milk
1 envelope active dry yeast (2 ¼ tsp)
4 eggs
1 orange, zest and juice
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs (for decoration)
2 cups powdered sugar
¼ cup whole milk
1. Place flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl with dough hook attachment and add shortening until a course crumb forms. Heat milk in a saucepan until warm to the touch (110 degrees F) and add yeast.
2. Combine eggs, orange zest and juice, vanilla extract and salt in a mixing bowl and whisk until combined. Slowly add yeast mixture to the flour mixture and knead until it comes together (it will be dry at this point). Add egg mixture a little at a time until fully combined.
3. Knead the dough in the mixer or by hand until dough is soft and elastic. Place the dough in an oiled bowl and cover loosely with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to rise until doubled in size (approximately 1 hour).
4. Divide dough into two pieces and roll each piece into 24-inch-long pieces. Twist the two pieces together. Form the rope into a 12” round circle, pinching the ends together to seal, and nestle 4 eggs into the dough. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled in size (approx 45 minutes).
5. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F; once the bread is ready, bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown on top. Allow the bread to cool completely before glazing and adding sprinkles.
Whisk together powdered sugar and milk, adding more of either ingredient to achieve the desired consistency. Use a pastry brush to glaze the top of the Easter Bread.
“I’ve always been into seeing what a little elbow grease can do. I figured, there’s 52 weekends in a year — how hard can it be?”
After graduating from college a year apart, they married in September 2009 and bought their Midway Hollow home the following December, just before the first-time homebuyers credit expired. He was 26, and she was 24.
“I can’t believe my life sometimes,” Lilly says.
The quaint 1950s ranch-style house, however, was far from perfect. During their first visit, they watched as other potential buyers left the showing, unimpressed by the wall-to-wall blue carpet and other outdated features. But the creatively inclined couple saw potential.
“People couldn’t see through some of the stuff,” Lilly says. “I’ve always been into seeing what a little elbow grease can do. I figured, there’s 52 weekends in a year — how hard can it be?”
It didn’t take much to transform the 1,200-square-foot space into a picturesque starter home full of indie art and eclectic treasures that showcase the Neubauers’ wonderfully offbeat style.
They pulled up the drab carpet and restored the original hardwood floors underneath; repainted the walls throughout; and replaced the countertops and backsplash in the kitchen.
“We just took it room by room,” Lilly says. “It all of a sudden looked totally different.”
Dreaming up the ideas was easy; financing them proved more difficult. As twenty-something newlyweds just beginning their careers (Markus in civil engineering and Lilly in marketing), the Neubauers didn’t have much money to throw around on home design projects. So, they worked odd jobs on the weekends for extra cash. Lilly landed a few babysitting gigs and worked booths at expos. Markus spent one summer driving a pedicab at Rangers games.
Now Lilly feels happy every time she sees someone pedaling away on three wheels, tourists in tow.
“It reminds me of how hard my husband worked for things,” she says. “It’s funny how, as you become more secure in things, you look back on the difficult times with such fondness.”
Lilly grew up just down the street in Preston Hollow and attended St. Monica Catholic School and Ursuline Academy, so for her, this really is home. Markus was born in Germany to his military dad and German mother, and he moved to the Dallas area when he was 5. He still returns to Germany about every two years. Lilly and Markus met while working at a pizza place in Lubbock, where Lilly was pursuing her public relations and art history degree at Texas Tech University. Markus later graduated from the SMU Lyle School of Engineering honors program. Their different personalities mesh well, and the hours they’ve dedicated to home design efforts have brought the two closer together.
“Markus and I make a really good team when we’re working on projects,” Lilly says.
One project that made a big difference involved installing a built-in sitting area and shelving within the wall behind the dining area. Markus says Lilly envisioned it from the beginning.
“I didn’t even know what built-ins were,” Markus says. “I didn’t get it. What’s the point?”
Now, it’s his favorite spot in the house, with a view of their backyard chicken coop.
“Lilly is really good at visualizing things before they exist,” he says.
The teamwork also prepared them for what was coming next: parenthood. And in typical Neubauer fashion, it happened fast.
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Markus and Lilly always knew they wanted to adopt even though they could conceive naturally; it was a conversation that just kept moving forward. They began the process with a domestic agency in Austin.
“We’re like the 1 percent,” Lilly says of couples who adopt by choice. “They were surprised we continued to show up.”
Most couples wait 18 months or longer to receive a lead on an available adoption. For Markus and Lilly, it took just three months.
On Christmas Day in 2013, Lilly became uncharacteristically emotional, crying for strange reasons and pacing around the house. She didn’t know that her baby was being born that night.
“I just had this gut feeling,” she says, and then, “They called and said, ‘There’s a baby in Austin that’s ready for you.’ ”
Two days later, they brought their new daughter, Heidi, home to an unfinished nursery scattered with boxes. The floors throughout the house were lined with drop cloths after a fresh painting project. While the baby slept in a bassinet, Lilly and Markus spent their waking hours completing the nursery.
Lilly says that if they hadn’t already experienced the ups and downs of DIY projects, “We would have sat around in shock. The team was back together.”
Markus admits that the first six weeks were a blur, but the unconventional way of becoming parents certainly had its advantages.
“All of a sudden, it’s there,” he says. “We don’t have time to overthink it.”
Heidi’s nursery came together. Painted a dreamy sea-glass green, it features images of elephants a species known for adopting babies without biological parents.
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Even with a baby, now over a year old, the Neubauers continue to tweak and update their home.
“This year has been about adapting things to make the most out of the space,” Lilly says.
They just installed a skylight in the living room. To open up the space even more and avoid hazards for Heidi, they removed the coffee table altogether. Instead, they have an end table between the back of the sofa and the wall. Propped up on the table, and no doubt the first thing to catch any visitor’s eye, is a 5-by-5-foot canvas painting of iconic country singer George Jones by local artist Clay Stinnett.
Lilly had noticed the painting at the vintage oddities shop Dolly Python, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. Soon after they adopted Heidi, Lilly decided to call Stinnett directly and ask if he could deliver the piece since she had her hands full.
Lilly’s mother visited the same day, opening the door to find in the liv-
ing room Stinnett, a 6-foot-tall bearded, tattooed man, hanging a bizarre piece of art, while Heidi slept peacefully in her swing.
“She was probably thinking, ‘Yeah, she’s not evening out any time soon,’ ” Lilly says.
Much about the house still evokes a youthful abandon — the decorative mirror lined with colorful images of Mexican wrestlers; a hallway full of gig posters for The Old 97s, Cake and Rhett Miller; a typographical print by Ludwig Schwarz displayed in the dining area that reads, “They hate us for our free gum.”; and a sign in the kitchen meant to display the family name but customized to say “House of Keeping it Real.”
Parenthood has not stifled this couple’s eccentric tastes. If anything, it’s an extension of it. There is something special about two different people getting together and raising another person who is different from them, Lilly says.
“I think different is good.”
Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com
A charming new children’s boutique opened in March at 4715 W. Lovers. Madre, which has teamed with Little Bean, sells children’s clothing, interiors, toys and art.
You’ll find all sorts of treasures to outfit a nursery or kids’ playroom, including teepees, which have become quite popular these days, customized furniture, linens and gifts. Check littlebeanblog.com for more.
The new Trader Joe’s store at Preston Hollow Village features Preston Hollowthemed murals. They depict Ebby’s Little White House, where the original town of Preston Hollow once operated before it was annexed to Dallas in the 1940s. Also included is Mr. Blanding’s Dream House, a replica of the house from the classic film. The home was built at 5423 Walnut Hill in 1948, and its opening was timed with the release of the movie. This is the second Trader Joe’s for our neighborhood, following the Inwood Village store, which opened in June.
Twin sisters Laura and Amanda Ernst of Midway Hollow have put their own worldly spin on fashion. The women recently opened an online boutique, sunshinetienda.com, featuring clothing, jewelry and accessories from artisans around the globe. The shop includes items such as handcrafted jewelry from Kenya, Balinese beach towels, Guatemalan runners and hand-woven bags from Bolivia. Laura and Amanda graduated from the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising in New York City. Laura became a fashion forecaster and stylist while Amanda took time off to travel the world. Their combined experiences led them to Sunshine Tienda.
Benefit Cosmetics had been expected to open by the end of March in the Plaza at Preston Center. The San Franciscobased make-up brand is known for its girly and playful atmosphere. The store will feature brow bars, “beauty armories,” and bronzing and waxing rooms. This would be the company’s first standalone store, between Sprinkles and Apples to Zinnias.
Radio Shack over and out Fort Worth-based Radio Shack filed for Chapter 11 bankrupty protection in January and announced it would close 1,784 of its more than 4,000 U.S. stores by March 31. That includes all of our neighborhood locations at Preston and Royal, Marsh and Forest, and on Lovers Lane, along with about 12 other Dallas stores. The closest Radio Shack remaining open is on Lemmon Avenue near Bachman Lake.
The stark, white walls enclose the home in such a way that begs drivers by to wonder what lies on the other side.
This style of contemporary architecture is nothing new for Dallas, but Janet Kafka’s house on Glendora was among the first to hit the scene 18 years ago, designed by local architect Lionel Morrison.
“There weren’t very many white boxes in Preston Hollow,” Kafka says.
In the case of her home, the idea involves a simple but striking contrast: complete privacy from the outside and complete openness on the inside. The house has no interior doors, except for one “moveable wall” that closes off the master bedroom.
“We’re modernists,” she says. “We knew this was exactly what we wanted.”
It’s a type of architecture typically seen in Spain — where Kafka derives much of her inspiration in life. Besides running her own marketing firm, she also serves as the Dallas area’s Honorary Consul of Spain, promoting its art, food and culture. She has played a large role in the growth of the Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University, which houses the most comprehensive collections of Spanish art outside of Spain.
When Spanish guests — businesspeople, artists or dignitaries — visit Dallas, they stay in the Kafka home, which is ideal for entertaining.
The house itself is a compelling conversation-starter. The all-white interior presents an extensive art collection.
“The home is designed for art,” Kafka
says. “Art and architecture are very important. They’re kind of hand-in-glove.”
Through the floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors, you can see the shadows of the trees cast on the white exterior, creating different shapes and patterns throughout the day, like a moveable canvas, Kafka says.
When she and her husband Terry built their home back in 1997, they were following the lead of the couple next door who had also engaged Morrison to design a modern
Terry and Janet Kafka’s home on Glendora, designed by Lionel Morrison, is like a canvas. “The home is designed for art,” Janet says. The Kafkas have a rotating series of modern art paintings and sculptures on display through the house.
white box.
“They didn’t want their home to feel out of place,” Kafka says.
So, both homes were erected simultaneously on one-acre lots previously occupied by original ranch-style abodes.
Since then, other modern homes have sprouted up on the same short block, which dead ends at the Dallas North Tollway.
“Now it’s become a bastion of modern architecture.”
“It’s not here today and gone tomorrow. It looks like we just moved in.”
• Classic education
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Highlander School 9120 Plano Road, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-3220
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Morning (9 am-noon) or afternoon (1-4 pm) sessions. June 8-12, June 15-19, July 13-17, July 20-24, 2015 and extended playing classes.
utdallas.edu/chess james.stallings@utdallas.edu
8202 Boedeker Dr., / (214) 368-4047 / clairesdayschool.com At CCDS, we encourage a child’s sense of exploration and discovery in a loving, nurturing, and safe environment. We offer a parent’s day out program with a play-based curriculum fostering socialization, motor skill development, and an introduction to academics for children aged 4mo – 3yrs. Our preschool for children aged 3-5 further develops these skills, along with a more focused approach to pre-math and prereading. At CCDS, we have developed our own science, math, and reading enrichment classes to ensure kindergarten preparedness for every child. We make learning fun!
Fusion Academy is a revolutionary, accredited private middle and high school where positive relationships unlock academic potential. With one teacher and one student per classroom we personalize curriculum and teaching to students’ individual strengths and learning styles. Flexible scheduling allows students to enroll and take classes at times that work for them. Our campus includes a state-of-the-art recording studio, mixed media art studio, and a Homework Café® where students complete all homework before going home. Fusion students are all unique but have one thing in common: traditional school doesn’t work.
9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / www. highlanderschool.com Founded in 1966, Highlander School offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christian-based environment. Small class sizes help teachers understand the individual learning styles of each student. Give us a call for more information.
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
4411 Skillman 214-826-4410 / 5740 Prospect 214-826-6350 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
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800 W. Campbell Rd., Richardson 75080 / (972) 883-4899 / utdallas.edu/chess ) 2014 Summer Chess Camp Campers learn while they PLAY. Chess develops reading, math, critical and analytical skills, and builds character and self-esteem. Just don’t tell the kids…they think chess is fun! Join beginner, intermediate or advanced chess classes for ages 7 to 14 on the UT Dallas campus. Morning (9am-noon) or afternoon (1-4pm) sessions are available June 8-12, June 15-19, July 13-17, July 20-24 and extended playing
of our 200,000+ readers with average income of $146,750 want more info about private schools.
classes. Camp includes t-shirt, chess board and pieces, trophy, certificate, score book, group photo, snacks and drinks. Instructors are from among UT Dallas Chess Team PanAm Intercollegiate Champions for 2010-2012!
5707 Royal Lane Dallas, Tx 75229 / 214691-6950 / www.winston-school.org If your bright child struggles with things like Attention and Concentration, Executive Functioning and Dyslexia, The Winston School may be able to help. The Winston School has a robust academic program which prepares a student for college while at the same time developing the whole child. We understand bright children who learn differently and recognize their unique gifts and talents. Celebrating and validating these assets with our students enables them to discover who they are, and empowers them to be consistently successful. The Winston School brings hope for today and a road map for tomorrow.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool.com
6 Weeks through 6th Grade. Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
St. Monica Catholic School in February earned accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement. To earn accreditation, schools must meet high standards, be evaluated by a team of professionals from outside the school and implement a continuous process of school improvement.
St. Monica principal Philip Riley Jr. recieves the 2015 Distinguished Principal Award from the National Catholic Educational Association in a ceremony in Orlando April 7-9. The award is given to pastors, principals and teachers who have “demonstrated a strong Catholic educational philosophy as well as exceptional ability, dedication and results.”
The National Association of Bilingual Education named Withers Elementary School teacher Irma De La Guardia 2015 teacher of the year. Withers teaches third-grade; she was recruited in 2007 to develop the school’s duallanguage program. De La Guardia won the Texas Association of Bilingual Education competition last fall, which made her eligible for the national award.
AT&T Aspire granted $10,000 to W.T. White High School to prepare students for careers. The charitable arm of the communications giant will work with the school’s DECA program to provide students with speaking and presentation engagements, job shadow opportunities and field trips.
Journalist Rena Pederson, a Preston Hollow resident, in February released a new book, “The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation.” The book tells the story of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi and her struggle to bring democracy to Burma, with a forward by former First Lady Laura Bush.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
To recognize neighborhood Realtors who help promote our community and value our property, we’re
We’ve produced this special section listing the Top 25 Realtors®, in terms of 2014 NTREIS reported sales volume as of Jan. 27, 2015, alphabetically using sales statistics compiled by neighborhood real estate companies and those reported to the North Texas Real Estate Information Systems Inc. (NTREIS), a service of the MetroTex Association of Realtors*. Some database reporting in fact resulted in the inclusion of four additional Realtors to this year’s list. Congratulations to the Realtors who comprise the Top 25, as well as the other Realtors working in our neighborhood and participating in our special section — together, they’re helping make Preston Hollow/North Dallas a great place to live and work.
Victoria Barr
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Christy Berry
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Mark Cain
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Stephen Collins
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Shirley Boulter Davis
Shirley Boulter Davis Realtors, LLC
Amy Detwiler
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Claire Dewar
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Joan Eleazer
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Becky Frey
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Becky Frey Real Estate
Diane Gruber
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Jane Idzi
Keller Williams
Elite — Dallas, Park Cities
Doris Jacobs
Allie Beth Allman & Associates
Jill Long
Allie Beth Allman & Associates
Susan Marcus
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Christine McKenny
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Danna Morguloff-Hayden
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Morguloff Team
Martha Morguloff
Minnette Murray
Minnette Murray Properties
Katherine Ballard, Caroline Bourret, Catherine Gravel, Barbara Marshall
Ellison, Alcie Massman, Sally Peltz, Stephanie Thatcher, Ines de Urtubey
Curtis Parker Roundhouse Partners
Julie Pillans
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Julie Provenzano
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Ryan Streiff
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Linda Vallala
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Kay Weeks
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Grady Yates
Sharif & Munir Custom Homes
Stephanie Ziemann
Connect Realty DFW, LLC
*Statistics used to prepare the Advocate’s 2014 Top 25 Realtors list were compiled solely from those submitted by neighborhood real estate companies and sales statistics reported on behalf of and credited to individual Realtors as of Jan. 27, 2015, to the North Texas Real Estate Information Systems Inc. (NTREIS), a service of the MetroTex Association of Realtors. Realtors on the List are listed in alphabetical order by last name and were determined based on sales volume reported to NTREIS in Area 11, which is largely composed of the Preston Hollow/North Dallas neighborhood. Realtors are not required to purchase any advertising or pay any fee to be included on the LIst; additionally, Realtors not designated as Advocate Top 25 Realtors were offered the opportunity to advertise in the special section. Sales results for some Realtors on the List may include sales made by other members of the Advocate Top 25 Realtor’s team if reported to NTREIS under the Advocate Top 25 Realtor’s name. We attempted to contact each individual Advocate Top 25 Realtor to give him/her the option of having his/her team name and/or team members included with the individual Advocate Top 25 Realtor listing, but not all designated Realtors could be contacted. Past team members may or may not be included on the List if the individually designated Advocate Top 25 Realtor chose to exclude existing team members or Realtors no longer associated with the team. Closed sales volume for the period from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, is included in the calculations; calculations are affected by the fact that not all Realtors choose to report some or all of their sales to NTREIS, and so-called “hip-pocket” sales, non-MLS sales and sales reported to NTREIS after Jan. 27, 2015, are not included in the calculations used to determine the Advocate Top 25 Realtors. Designated Top 25 Realtors can use the Advocate Top 25 Realtor/2014 logo in future advertising provided that the designated Top 25 Realtor appears in the advertisement; team members listed with the Top 25 Realtor are not authorized to use the Advocate Top 25 Realtor logo without participation in the advertisement of the designated Top 25 Realtor. NTREIS is not associated with the Advocate or the Advocate Top 25 Realtor list and has no responsibility for the Advocate Top 25 Realtor list. Sales statistics used to determine the List are believed to be accurate as of Jan. 27, 2015; the Advocate assumes no liability for inaccurate, unreported or otherwise incorrect information that may have resulted in the inclusion or exclusion of a Realtor(s) from the List. Data for the 2015 List will be compiled on Feb. 1, 2016, for sales in 2015.
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
Worship & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500
Sundays: Bible Fellowship (all ages) 9:15 am /Service Time 11:00 am
12123 Hillcrest Road / 972.820.5000 / prestonwood.org
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel 10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path for Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
10:30 am Sunday - Celebration Worship Service
UNITY ON GREENVILLE / Your soul is welcome here!
3425 Greenville Ave. / 214.826.5683 / www.dallasunity.org
Sunday Service 11:00 am and Book Study 9:30 am
Spend any time online these days, and you’re sure to find stories on the dangers of social media, texting and driving, and becoming too absorbed in the virtual world.
When it comes to driving, it’s pretty obvious to almost everyone that there are real consequences. What gets our attention less often, however, is the simple truth that being distracted, in and of itself, can be a danger. Not necessarily a physical one, but a spiritual one.
We spend so much time glued to our phones, our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like, that we risk missing the real world around us. If our minds are always “somewhere else,” then we are not truly focusing on our present reality.
My favorite example of this is a story that came out in February. It involves photographer Eric Smith and a set of photos he took near Redondo Beach, Calif.
Smith was looking to snap pictures of humpback whales in migration. He was lucky enough to stumble on a mother and her calf, surfacing and submerging rhythmically, just off shore. Using his long, telephoto lens, he started capturing a whole series of photos.
But when he examined the pictures in detail, one series jumped out at him. In the foreground is the clearly visible back of the whale, sliding in and out of the water. But just behind —perhaps only a few feet away — is a sailing boat. And clearly visible on the deck is a man. The man is sitting down, crouched slightly forward, elbows on his knees, and totally and completely engrossed with his mobile device.
So busy is he, staring at a 4-inch screen, that he completely misses the beauty of the 40-foot whale right in front of him.
Smith posted several shots of this moment, and it’s clear this wasn’t an isolated frame. The man most definitely missed the entire event. Before, during and after, he is so distracted by his phone that he fails to notice a moment of beauty that few people ever get the chance to experience.
To me, this story is a metaphor for all of us. We are often so mesmerized by the minutiae of our lives that we fail to see the true beau-
ty all around us. Our heads are down. We’re busy. We have deadlines. We have goals.
And, certainly, these things are important. But far too often, we’re either thinking ahead to our “next thing,” or worried about events long passed. Either way, we’re not “present” in the present.
Lest we think this a new phenomenon, the writer of the Gospel of Luke told a similar tale. Jesus is visiting sisters, Mary and Martha. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, taking in the words Jesus has to say to her. Meanwhile, her Type-A sister, Martha, frets over the details of dinnerparty hosting. Are the napkins straight? Is everyone’s glass filled?
Eventually, she can’t stand it anymore, and asks Jesus to intervene, and get her lazy sister to come help her. To her shock, no doubt, Jesus sides with Mary. He says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things.” (Luke 10:41)
This tells us that no matter the current context, distraction is not just a modern phenomenon. Even in Jesus’ day, it was far too easy to fret away over details, and miss the beauty around you. We don’t just miss it in nature. We miss it in the people around us, too. We’ve got to find ways to slow down enough to truly enjoy our loved ones and friends.
Milton Brasher Cunningham is a chef and ordained minister. Every week, in his hometown of Durham, N.C., he and his wife host a meal and invite friends to eat. He says that as a chef, people often ask him what he likes to cook. His answer is always the same, “I like to cook whatever will make you stay at the table and talk.”
That’s someone who understands the purpose of a good meal. The meal is not meant to be fretted over. It’s a vehicle to foster a time of fellowship and sharing.
Don’t be so distracted in every present moment that you miss the beauty of the moment itself. Details and plans are important, to be sure. But so is enjoying nature or the peace of an evening with friends. Be present in your present, and you will find that God will be there with you, too.
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Students at The Lamplighter School celebrated the Lunar New Year in February with the ceremonial lion dance performed to a drumbeat. The “lion” danced “before cheering students who patted him on the back as he danced his way through the crowd before finally collapsing of exhaustion,” a media release tells us.
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Bo Jackson spoke to students and teachers at E.D. Walker Middle School in March. Football players from W.T. White High School also attended. “My education took me 10 times further than my football talents,” Jackson told them. Jackson was in Dallas to accept the PWC Doak Walker Legends Award. The middle school is named for Doak Walker’s father, a teacher and assistant superintendant. University of Wisconsin running back Melvin Gordon, recipient of the collegiate Doak Walker award, told students, “It took me until my sophomore year of high school to realize just doing enough won’t get you where you need to be.”
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For someone cruising around town last month, Italian-made luxury cars are disposable as a 5-cent plastic grocery bag.
State troopers found a yellow Lamborghini Gallardo abandoned on the Dallas North Tollway near Royal Lane.
The car, which retails for more than $180,000, had been wrecked in the early morning of Monday, March 9. The Texas Department of Public Safety had the car towed to the police impound lot.
It turned out the Lamborghini belonged to a rental company in Farmers Branch, Exotic Skittles, which specializes in eye-catching luxury sports cars.
The Lamborghini was damaged on both sides from hitting concrete barriers and was expected to be a total loss. It was covered by insurance, and Exotic Skittles owner Tim Tran told the Dallas Morning News he hadn’t decided whether to press criminal charges against the driver, who was not identified. — Rachel Stone
percent increase in murders in Dallas in the first six weeks of 2015 over the same period in 2014
murders occurred from Jan. 1-Feb. 15, compared to nine in that period of the previous year
robberies occurred from Jan. 1-Feb. 15, a 10.5 percent increase
The car, which retails for more than $180,000, had been wrecked in the early morning