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The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses
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The Ferrari of ice cream
A new frozen treat shop, Frost Gelato, is expected to open in Preston Hollow Village by late August or early September. This is the first Texas location for the 10-year-old Tucson, Ariz.-based Italian ice cream chain, which has grown internationally. The gelato varieties at Frost are seemingly endless. All of the raw ingredients are imported from Italy, everything is made from scratch daily, and each store’s chefs are trained by master gelato chef, Nazario Melchionda. He has been making gelato for more than 30 years, beginning in his native city, Bologna. Frost also serves sorbet, cakes and coffee drinks. The popular “affogato” is a scoop of gelato with espresso poured on top. Similar to a cake pop, “frostbites” are scoops of gelato dipped in chocolate and available in orders of eight or 12.
Tupinamba, or not Tupinamba?
Tupinamba, the longstanding Tex-Mex restaurant, reopened on Walnut Hill at Central. But what of its old location on Inwood? The restaurant had operated in the Jesuitowned Summertree shopping center since 1996. City Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates says the shopping center’s owners are considering breaking the former Tupinamba space up into two restaurants. No leases have been signed so far.
Valley View redo in queue
Beck Ventures, the developer that plans to redevelop Valley View Mall as Dallas Midtown, could begin building it next year. Scott Beck told the Dallas Business Journal in May that he expects to begin demolition
Lamplighter School third-grade student Gracie Hood received the Joe M. and Doris Russell Dealey Fund Junior Award of Achievement for her poem “Our Smelly Dogs” in the 19th-annual Express Yourself! Youth Poetry Competition, sponsored by the Dallas Public Library and the Dallas Foundation. Her poem was selected from 1,400 entries. She also recently received six awards from the Poetry Society of Texas.
of the mall in December. Dallas Midtown would be a 400-acre mixed-used development with homes, restaurants, shops and offices.
Butch Cassidy couture
Do you derive fashion inspiration from the outlaws of the Wild West? There’s a store for that. Founded by Robert Redford in 1989 after the iconic 1969 film “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” Sundance Catalog features American West-style clothing, accessories and home furnishings; Redford is to open the first Texas location at NorthPark Center in November. The store operates in Colorado, California and Utah with a focus on artisan communities with many products designed exclusively for Sundance. Other stores on their way to NorthPark Center include within the next year or two: shoe designer Sam Edelman, affordable fashion retailer Zara, and the beachy collections of Lilly Pulitzer.
Preston Hollow resident Robin Daniels was named vice president of development for Methodist Health System Foundation. Daniels leads key capital campaigns and works with North Texas leaders to advance the foundation’s mission. She joined Methodist Health System in October 2012 as director of community and public relations. She graduated from Southern Methodist University with a bachelor of fine arts from the Meadows School of Arts and a master of business from Cox SChool of Business.
The Via Dolorosa Sculpture Garden at the Museum of Biblical Art opened in May after a year of construction and seven years of planning. The Mediterranean-style garden features bronze sculptures by the late Gib Singleton, representing the 14 Stations of the Cross that commemorate the last days of Jesus’ life. Like the museum itself, the garden is geared to people of all faiths and backgrounds, and access is free.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.