1 minute read
Look at other smart snacks and their nutrition information at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/DISDhope
“Harvest of the month”
menu items are grown by local Texas farmers. September’s menu features watermelon from the Green family in Henderson. Cafeterias feature posters with fun facts about harvest items, such as, “Did you know the vine can grow as much as 8 feet within the first month?”
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
Serving size: ~1 oz
Calories: 170
Fat: 11 g
Sodium: 250 mg
“We won’t be selling hot Cheetos this year,”
Lopez says. Last year the district piloted a program with roughly 20 schools to find out whether students would still buy snacks if there were no Flamin’ Hot Cheetos or Nacho Cheese Doritos to be had. “And actually, they did,” Lopez says. This year, the program rolls out to all 224 schools, where any items sold at lunch and from vending machines must meet the new federal “Smart Snacks” guidelines. Lopez knows that lower calorie counts and the absence of trans fats shouldn’t be the only factors in snack selection. “We’re looking at clean labels for next year and will review them this year,” she says.