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Those “hoarder” shows on television are something, aren’t they?
The lifestyle is both fascinating and frightening: What people save, and why they save it, sometimes stretches the boundaries of sanity.
I bring this up because I just returned from a trip to my childhood home, a Minnesota farm where my parents lived for 57 years. The time had come to move them to a place that doesn’t require maintenance and snow-shoveling, a place with a single closet as opposed to four huge farm storage buildings. It was time to go through a half-century of “treasures” one final time.
Somewhere along the line, Mom made a conscious but frequently questioned decision: She decided to save everything — gloves and caps we wore at age 10 during our 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily cattle-feeding shifts. Ancient snowmobile suits. Dusty rain boots. All hanging on the same hooks we last hung them on 30 or 40 or 50 years ago.
And the closets in our bedrooms — I kid you not when I tell you that I could model my entire 10th grade wardrobe right now. Mom saved everything, “just in case.”
Mom always talked reverentially about “the grainery,” a farm building ostensibly built to hold oats and wheat between harvest and sale. Every time she mentioned the grainery, my sisters and I cringed: The building had become little more than a dusty, rodent-scented black hole, a place where Mom kept her most precious things in boxes and bags.
Trips to visit us in Texas always involved the interstate transfer of goods from the grainery. My first typewriter from college turned up. My report card from second grade. The first Polaroid camera I received for Christmas, along
Rick Wamre
with the first tiny black-and-white instant photos that popped out of it.
“Why keep all of this stuff?” we asked Mom over the years.
Even Dad joined in the chorus: “Mother, no one wants any of that stuff.”
So it was on my last trip up the grainery’s wood steps, Mom unable to supervise due to back woes. And on a final search-or-forever-destroy mission, I scrounged through her treasures.
There was my original G.I. Joe, lovingly packed in a re-sealable freezer bag and wearing the brightly colored and definitely not Army-issued pajamas my mom sewed for him. There was an old yellow Tonka truck I played with daily as a kid. There were boxes of green plastic soldiers that many times over helped me protect the United States from foreign incursion.
I laughed out loud at what she had saved. I remembered every one of those things — each took me back to when the only thing on my “to do” list was to have fun.
And it was at that point I realized something that eluded me all of these years: I imagine every trip to the grainery reminded Mom of those long-ago days, too, back when her hair was dark, her skin was smooth and the days ahead seemed endless.
It took me until this last trip to our farm, sadly sifting through 57 years of tangible memories, to realize the singular difference between Mom and the TV hoarders.
She saved that stuff not for herself but for us. It was her way of making sure we remembered where we came from and who we are.
Thanks for not listening to us all of those years, Mom.
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Advocate, © 2016, is published monthly by East Dallas – Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.

Clockwise: Earl, a recent rescue. Julie Roller with Earl and her own rescue, Daisy. A smiling Daisy. (Photos by Rasy Ran)

Weimaraners are a bold and beautiful bunch of dogs. Elegant and statuesque, the classic sporting dog was used by royalty in Germany to hunt big game like bear and boar. But in the wrong hands, it can quickly get out of control.

“If you’re a couch potato who doesn’t get out much, a weimaraner
is not for you,” says Julie Roller, a volunteer dog trainer with the Weimaraner Rescue of Texas, and owner of her own “gray ghost,” as the dogs of sometimes known. “They are working dogs. They need a job. They can be very destructive when they don’t get that outlet.”

Unfortunately, many owners just
see the adorable puppies and select the breed based on what it looks like, not how it acts. Without proper training and plenty of exercise, weimaraners can become an unruly handful, just like any other working dog. Ultimately, every year hundreds of weimaraners are surrendered by their family.
8 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com SEPTEMBER 2016
who are housed with fosters spread out across Texas.
Weimaraners come to the rescue after being surrendered by their owners, rescued from other shelters or found on the street, and each has its own behavioral and health needs.
“Many come in with heartworm,” says Roller, adding that treatment costs $350 per dog.
Once medical needs are addressed, Roller is often called in to assess the dog’s behavior and come up with a training program suited to the animal’s needs. A dog that has separation anxiety is different from one who doesn’t listen to commands, and Roller advises the foster family on the best techniques to instilling positive behaviors.
“A lot of time they come in with some baggage,” she says. “We keep them until they’re ready to be adopted.”
Usually the weimaraners remain in
foster care three to six months, long enough for the family to really know the dog and be able to advise on the environment where it’s most likely to thrive.
“The foster gets to know the dog inside and out and can answer any question the adopter has,” Roller says.
It’s a big part of the reason the rescue doesn’t maintain a kennel, and only takes in dogs when they have a home in which to place them. They want to provide the dogs with the best possible chance at rehabilitation, and a family environment is critical toward that goal. Every so often, the shelter comes across and animal too aggressive to re-home, and then “we have to make the hard decisions,” Roller says.
“But usually, they get into a foster home and just blossom,” she says.
While the rescue keeps its overhead low by not operating a kennel, the medical care of hundreds of dogs is
costly. The nonprofit is supported by donors and a series of fundraising events such as the Dallas Golf Tournament taking place Sept. 11 at Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club. Carrolltonbased pet photographer Margaret Bryant also donates her time and talent toward producing a calendar of rescued weimaraners each year, which raises funds and showcases the good work of the shelter.
Roller’s own rescue, Daisy, came in pregnant with eight puppies, and stayed with her and husband, Brett, as a foster until all the puppies had found good homes — but not before they made the cover of the 2013 calendar. By then, the couple was too attached and couldn’t give Daisy up; she was their dog.
“That’s what we like to call a ‘foster failure,’ ” she laughs, although she wouldn’t have it any other way.
AT PRESBYTERIAN VILLAGE NORTH, we’re creating new ways to help you make each day better than the one that came before it. A new Lifestyle Fitness Center and Spa, Café and wellness programs. New villas for independent living. New residences offering health services, too. Martins Landing and Leonard Rose apartments are set to open this year. Don’t wait to reserve. You wouldn’t want to miss out on a future this bright.

110 donations made every minute
Top 8
No one can argue the good work that North Texas Giving Day does. Just look at the numbers: Last year the event raised $33 million for 2,022 nonprofit organizations in one day that benefit everything from children to animals to health services. Here in Preston Hollow, private schools are getting in on the action, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in one day for field trips, new technology and other student-focused activities.
Public schools, however, are missing out completely.
z“To participate, a nonprofit must have a 501(c)3 license and spend at least 50 percent of their dollars
on programs here in North Texas,” says Jennifer Clifford, community philanthropy officer for North Texas Giving Day.
Those restrictions cut out public schools all together, because they are not 501(c)3 nonprofits, a specific IRS tax exemption code used for charities. While schools can establish their own foundation to collect donations, most do not, because they are already considered “government instrumentalities,” a bureaucratic term assigned to public entities that fill a critical need, like schools, police and hospital districts. It allows them to take in donor dollars, but without the added hassle of applying for a special tax
exemption designation, which private schools are required to do if they want to take in donations.
It’s impossible to guess how much the public schools could raise were they to establish 501(c)3 foundations so they could participate in North Texas Giving Day, but it would likely require an active parent base to get it done.
“These [public] schools simply don’t have the staff or time to push for donations with [North Texas Giving Day],” says Marcia Larson, a W.T. White High School parent. “Unlike private schools, there’s no marketing or development department on hand to do all that work.”
W.T. White is located mere blocks from Jesuit College Preparatory School, which raised $97,421 during Giving Day 2015. Hillcrest High School, in the heart of Preston Hollow, just established its own foundation after years of discussion, but has not yet launched a website or solicited donations.
The Dallas Education Foundation is sort of like Dallas ISD’s catchall for donations, in which funds can be gifted to a specific school or program, or to the general fund. The charity did not take part in North Texas Giving Day last year, but plans to particpate this year with a program aimed at getting books to at-risk pre-kindergarten students.
The day that will provide some books to the public schools is a bonanza for private schools in Preston Hollow. Of the top 10 charities that raised funds in our neighborhood during last year’s
North Texas Giving Day, eight are private schools. They collectively raised $1,560,082.92, funds that largely went to augmenting the student experience on campus with better facilities, extra-curricular
enriched arts and music education and field trips, are funded not through families’ tuition payments but by donor dollars, which largely come from North Texas Giving Day.

“We never collect in tuition what it actually costs to educate a child, no family could afford that,” Ridenour says. “Every private school relies on donations.”

Annual tuition at Alcuin runs from $14,425 at the preschool level, to $23,810 for high school education.
activities and field trips.
“It allows us to offer all the extras,” says Bunny Ridenour, association head of school advancement at the Alcuin School, which specializes in Montessori and International Baccalaureate education.
She points out that Alcuin’s specialty programs, including

Last year, the school raised $340,155 during North Texas Giving Day using a combination of direct mail and social media campaigns.

Ursuline Academy of Dallas was a similar story, and with $412,572.27 raised last year, it was also the top charity to participate in Preston Hollow. While tuition there runs $20,050 a year, the school says the added donor dollars from North Texas Giving Day provide

“competitive teacher salaries and benefits, along with leading edge technology in the classroom, outstanding academic programs and global learning experiences,” says Valerie Oates, the school’s director of communication.
She added, “Tuition funds about 87 percent of Ursuline’s annual operating expenses. Annual giving is the most important source of the additional funds Ursuline needs to meet those expenses.”

Sept. 2
Grab the kiddos and get ready for an afternoon of fun and learning. As part of STEM Fridays, elementary-age children are invited to bring a stuffed animal and build their own zip line to race them across the room. Park Forest Library, 3421 Forest, 214.670.6333 dallaslibary.org, free
Sept. 8-29
The Jewish Community Center of Dallas and the City of Dallas
Office of Cultural Affairs bring us a month of films at three theaters in our area. The showcase includes documentaries and narrative features, all focused on issues related to Judaism. Take “Fire Birds,” a thriller about a detective trying to solve a murder that leads him into a secret society of Holocaust survivors, which won 10 Ophir Awards. Various locations, 214.739.2737, jccdallas.org, $12 per screening or $100 for a film festival pass
Sept. 10
Friends of the Northaven Trail host a screening of “Angry Birds” under the stars on the pedestrian path. The movie starts at dusk, but the night begins at 7 p.m. with dinner from Dickey’s Barbecue Pit.
Northaven Trail (at Edgemere), northaventrail.org, free
Sept. 16
You may not know his name, but you have likely heard his music, most notably his song “The Kid” that was recorded by David Wilcox, Peter, Paul and Mary, and Cry, Cry, Cry. Buddy Mondlock has written songs for the likes of Janice Ian and Guy Clark, and brings his own musical showcase for an 8 p.m. performance. Kevin So will open.
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, 9555 N. Central Expressway, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15-$18
Sept. 17
Celebrate the long-lasting legacy of the Dark Knight during this fun literary event. There will be trivia, coloring and more at 2 p.m. Barnes & Noble Lincoln Park, 7700 W. Northwest Highway, 214.739.1124, barnesandnoble.com, free
Sept. 17
Ever wanted to learn how to have your own backyard chicken coop? John Ramos of Urban Chicken Ranching presents a workshop with everything you need to know about living with fowl. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven Road, 214.363.5316, nhg.com, free
Sept. 21
Jim Lehrer, a longtime debate moderator and former PBS anchor on “Newshour,” will share his expertise and insights while exploring the more interesting and iconic presidential debates. He’ll be joined by Karen Hughes and Sen. Judd Gregg, the team who prepped former president George W. Bush for his 2004 and 2008 debates.
George W. Bush Presidential Center, 2943 SMU Boulevard, 214.200.4300, bushcenter.org, $30-$45

Francisco “Frank” Salinas was a dad who saw a need he knew he could fill. He knew all to well what it was like to try to squeeze a healthy, but quick, meal in between work, school and all of those extra-curricular activities.
“The convenience factor is a big thing,” Salinas says. “When you have kids, you get tired of fast food, but then you go to restaurants, and you find you’re paying too much. We’re shooting to be there in the middle — better than fast food but at price points that aren’t going to break you.”
This summer he opened Frank’s Taco Grill, a new eatery on Upper Greenville that is aimed at families who are short on time and not looking to break the bank. With tacos under $5 a piece,
served in a wide variety of styles, they seem to be hitting the mark. A rolled chicken taco, made with freshly prepared shredded chicken that’s deep fried in a tortilla and slathered with avocado cream sauce, will only set you back $1.25. At the top price point on the menu, you’ll find an herb-garlic shrimp taco served with lime cabbage and salsa for $3.99.
“We’re focusing a great deal on working people,” Salinas says.
Salinas has worked in restaurants before, but this is the first one he’s owned. He’s making it a family affair. Stop by and you’re likely to see his wife, Claudia, behind the counter and at least one of his three children working as well.
The restaurant also offers breakfast daily and catering for larger parties. In a rush? You can skip the line by calling in your order. And all items are made to order, so if you want to leave off the cabbage or add cheese, all you have to do is ask.

7033 Greenville Ave., suite 101 214.987.1704

AMBIANCE : Family friendly

PRICE RANGE: $1.25-$4 (per taco)
HOURS: Monday-Saturday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday, 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

DID YOU KNOW: Tacos can be ordered four different ways: classic, rolled, wrapped or in a bowl.
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Summers are made up of late nights, no routine and a lot of tiresome fun, and it is not always easy getting back into the school routine.

For me, the early mornings are the hardest part. Getting everyone up, dressed, fed a nutritious breakfast, lunches packed and out the door on time can be a challenge.

As important as breakfast is for ourselves and our kids, so is the lunch we pack to fuel the rest of their day. The lunch box routine does not have to be intimidating or stressful when you have an organized refrigerator of simple and healthy options.
In my family, we love a classic sandwich, but I always like to change it up so lunches don’t look the same every day.
Here’s some easy-to-make crowd pleasers to get your school year started on the right note with plenty of big flavor.

Apple slices
Carrots and ranch
Pretzel sticks
Salami and crackers

Mozzarella balls

Cucumbers and tomatoes
Dried fruit mix

Pasta salad
Sugar snap peas
Strawberries with yogurt dip


The reality TV roadshow that is the “Real Housewives” franchise rolled into town this year, bringing new words to our lexicon l ike “Jesus juice.” The high-money, glass-tossing cast included Preston Hollow neighbors LeeAnne Locken and Cary Deuber. While the often-ca tty pair clashed like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the show, there is at least one topic on which they absolutely agree: life is better with dogs. Between the two of them, they have five pooches who probably have better lives than most people, living large with all the dogg y amenities one could imagine. Often, these four-legged fuzz-balls stole the show, winning over the Bravo production staff from the start. “The crew would just hold them while I was doing interviews in the living room,” says Cary of her dogs Lily, Daisy and Izzy. “[The dogs] loved the attention.” For Locken, her dogs Chief and Carly are more like children, and thus a critical part of her story on the show. “You can have a hou se, or you can have a home. You can have a pet or you can have a fur baby,” she says. “I have a home with two fur babies. That’s just how I li ve my life.”
It’s a good thing show producer Andy Cohen is a beagle lover and owner himself. He insisted that the “Real Housewives” editors name Carly whenever she came on the screen, just like the housewives themselves.
“She was the only dog on the show who got her name on there,” beams LeeAnne.
The 2-year-old beagle was rescued from a parking lot of a Dairy Queen in Crandall, Texas by LeeAnne’s good friend Cassie Evans, a Hockaday graduate and volunteer attorney for the Dallas SPCA. As soon as Evans posted pictures of the dog on social media, LeeAnne fell in love.

“You know how you just look at something and know it’s yours?,” she asks. “She was just my dog.”
She fit right into the pack, bringing a mischievous balance to her more mellow dog-brother, Chief. LeeAnne says Carly’s always the one to instigate playtime, and the most likely to cause trouble. One day, she heard a ruckus outside, and looked up to see the beagle perched high in a tree in the backyard.
“She goes 20 feet in the air and she jumps from branch to branch chasing squirrels,” LeeAnne laughs. “She’s crack-head Carly.”
But LeeAnne identifies directly with the dog’s high-energy ways. “She’s just like her mama,” she says, “she goes from nothing to 90.”
Although his small frame may not look it, Chief is the sheriff at the Locken household. He makes sure everyone knows when someone is at the door, and is quick to tattle on little sister, Carly, when she’s up to no good.
“He comes right over to me and gives me these eyes and I know Carly has gotten into something,” LeeAnne says.
Call it kismet, but Chief was meant to be her dog. One day when she was leaving her gig at the Plano Television Network, she saw a group
of women trying unsuccessfully to coax the little black dog in a parking lot. LeeAnne called the dog over and he came running.
“They said, ‘We have been trying to get that dog for three hours,’ ” LeeAnne recalls. “And he just came right up to me.”
While he had a collar, there were no tags. She tried in vain to find an owner, checking for microchips, posting to social media and listing him with local shelters. By that point, her boyfriend, Rich, had was smitten with the dog, so Chief

became the newest addition to their family.
He’s famous for his adorable party trick that sends him sailing across the floor on his belly whenever his parents sing a ditty they made up called “Floor Surfing.”
LeeAnne Locken goes to bat for homeless pets as the emcee of the SPCA’s annual Fur Ball, this month on Sept. 24. Get the details at furballdallas.com.
“Lily is not really a dog,” says Mark Deuber. “If she could talk, she would tell you that. She’s a person.”
Despite being just 3-pounds, little Lily runs the pack at the Deuber household. At 7, she’s the oldest in the puppy family and makes sure everyone knows her seniority.

“She’s the uppity bitch,” Cary laughs.
At night in the Deuber’s bed, she prefers to sleep on a pillow just like her people. She came to the family as a tiny puppy through a nurse in the couple’s med-spa service. From the very beginning, the mini-Maltese had a big presence and a take-no-lip attitude.

“I swear she rolls her eyes at me,” Cary smiles, “she’s such a bitch.”
Cary has always loved malteses, since she was a young teen who had just moved to Texas and got her first little fluffy friend. Lily is the quintessential lap dog, quick to curl up in Cary’s lap because she knows that’s where the alpha belongs.
She has weekly appointments every Friday at the Grooming Table, where she only trusts Daniel with her long silky locks.

While Daisy shares the same DNA as her big sister Lily, and the two could pass as twins, the similarities stop there. Lily is graceful and stately, Daisy is goofy and bumbling.

“She’s the dumb, pretty one,” Cary laughs as Daisy presses against her side. “She’s a big ditz.”
A year after the Deubers got Lily, her canine parents had a second litter of puppies and they decided to get her a little sister. Enter Daisy, so named to continue the floral theme. It became clear quickly that she was
no Lily, but rounded out the pack with her own loveably inept style. She never challenges Lily’s authority, she knows better than that. She’s perfectly content to be the ludicrous sidekick — the Pinky to Lily’s Brain.
But she’s also the one most likely to cause her owners anxiety by wandering off, like a recent adventure that took her prancing around the neighborhood while her frantic parents tried to call her home.
“She would not last long on her own,” Cary says.
Were it not for the Deuber’s pet snake, Izzy likely wouldn’t have found her way into the couple’s expansive Strait Lane home. The ball python, who went by Jade or Nelly depending on who you ask, was the pet of Mark’s son, Gray. Like most snakes, she ate live mice that had to be bought regularly from the pet store. It was there that Mark spotted a little Shetland sheep dog, waiting patiently in her crate.
“She was marked down to a dollar. She had been there for four months,” Cary says. “But she was just so proud sitting there waiting.”
Mark was drawn to the dog, and not just because of her discounted price. It was clear she was no longer a puppy, although she was being marketed as one. He called Cary from the pet store.

“I said, ‘I can’t leave her here,’ ” he recalls.
At 4 years old she’s the youngest of the Deuber pack, but also the most well behaved. She’s a quiet, slightly anxious creature who is happiest sticking close to her mama. She lacks the moxy of Lily and the playfulness of Daisy, but carries a gentle demeanor that makes her the perfect third-leg of the Deubers’ trio.
PH issue
Sep delux nail text placed for Sept
The property at 4410 W. Lovers Lane could soon become a delicatessen, if a zoning change request is approved. Currently, the building is zoned in such a way that a business could serve food off-premises — grab-and-go sandwiches and snacks. The applicants, represented by the law firm Jackson Walker L.L.P., hope to build a dine-in deli, where patrons could sit and enjoy their meal, or grab a fresh slab of meat to take home and cook. “The concept is a modern-day delicatessen, which will sell select cuts of meat and will have a limited selection of meats prepared on site for consumption on or off site,” the application states. “The concept also includes the sale of beer and wine.”
Wine Spectator’s list of “Where to Drink Well” included four Preston Hollow eateries, who were called out for their unique wine lists. Adelmo’s Ristorante, DISH, The Mansion Restaurant and Season’s 52 are all worth a visit if it’s wine that you seek.
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An Austin-based sustainable building supply store is redefining the face of a highly visible shopping center in the neighborhood. TreeHouse is hoping for a 2017 opening of its second store, but not before The Hill at Walnut Hill Lane and North Central Expressway gets a major makeover. TreeHouse is famous for its park-like settings and its hyper-green designs, a concept that the center is using to inspire its new layout is focused on green gathering spaces.
The expansive property at 9027 Midway Road includes Cochran Chapel Methodist Church and sits on 2.77 acres of land, but soon 1.8 of those acres will be filled with housing for families. A zoning change request filed by Cochran Chapel with the City of Dallas seeks permission to transform the western side of the property into 15 single-family lots. Current zoning on the site requires 10,000-square-foot lots for residential homes, but the developer is hoping the city will allow it to build 3,200-square-foot lots instead. “The church owns a lot of land where those big trees are. There’s been a developer who has been after part of the land for years to build homes,” says Cindy Short, a volunteer with Life in the Trinity Ministry, which also utilizes the site. “But that won’t affect the church at all. Everything will stay the same for us.”
Highland Park 4235 W. Northwest Hwy. #200 Dallas, TX 75220
(214) 350-0113
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Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
11611 Inwood Road Dallas TX 75229/ 214-369-9201/ thelamplighterschool.org
Lamplighter delivers serious education wrapped in the wonder of childhood. The Pre-K through fourth grade years are fleeting, but filled with pure potential. What we, as parents and educators, ignite in these primary years establishes the trajectory of a child’s future. Lamplighter helps set children on a path toward rewarding lives as forever learners. The independent, co-educational school promotes academic excellence through innovative curriculum that merges fine arts with language arts, math, environmental science, social studies, physical education, and Spanish
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service.St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
Four East Dallas Locations / 214.826.4410/ DallasSpanishHouse.com Spanish Immersion Program in East Dallas! Nursery, Preschool, Elementary and Adult Programs available. Our new K-5 Dual-Language Elementary School will be open for the 2016-2017 school year at 7159 E. Grand Avenue. Please visit our website (DallasSpanishHouse. com) or call 214.826.4410 for a tour.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool. com 6 Weeks through 6th Grade. Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Characterbuilding and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and stateof-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
Highlander School

For all the gold medal performances, for all the world records that fell in Rio, one of the best stories was the Refugee Olympic Team. Ten athletes who no longer have a country to call home were invited to participate in the games
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
Worship & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street 214.824.8185 / Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel 10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
GRACE UMC / Diverse, Inclusive, Missional
Sunday School for all ages, 9:30 am / Worship, 10:50 am 4105 Junius St. / 214.824.2533 / graceumcdallas.org
GATEWAY CHURCH / we’re all about people
12123 Hillcrest Road, 75230 / 469.801.7250 / gatewaydallas.com
Saturdays: 4:00 pm / Sundays: 9:00 & 10:45 am
Services: 8:15 am Chapel, 9:30 and 11:00 am Sanctuary
Senior Pastor Matthew E. Ruffner / www.phpc.org / 214.368.6348
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path for Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sundays: 9:00 am Early Service, 11:00 am Celebration Service
under the Olympic flag.
Five members of the refugee team were from South Sudan, two each from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Syria, and one from Ethiopia. They competed in athletics, swimming and judo. They lived in the Olympic Village along with all the other competitors.
The invitation meant to raise global consciousness about the plight of the refugee, humanize refugees in the eyes of the world, and sow seeds of peace. Let’s pray all those things result.
As one journalist noted, however, while the world is moved by Team Refugees, it is unmoved by refugees.
Refugees flee their countries because they are making a choice between life and death. They leave home because their homeland has left them homeless. They often are heroic in braving every obstacle to safety.
Yet often they are met with suspicion, if not contempt. While many countries have accepted and welcomed some refugees, and often more than they can easily integrate into their communities, fear of terrorists infiltrating refugee ranks and worries about clashes of religion and culture tend to dominate our responses to the desperate pleas for sanctuary.
The ancient Olympics were self-consciously religious. Athletes competed in the name of various Greek gods and the winners were crowned with wreaths from the garden of
Zeus. Winners achieved near divine status in the eyes of the “hoi poloi.” The modern Olympic movement has evolved into a kind of civil religion. There’s an Olympic flag, an anthem and the ritual of lighting the torch. Athletes are accorded celebrity worship and granted enduring admiration.
But what of our actual religious communities?
Most refugees today are Muslims fleeing violence from fellow Muslims. While some Muslim countries like Jordan have done a remarkable job of aiding refugees, too many others have put sectarian differences ahead of humanitarian likeness.
Jews and Christians both know something about exile consciousness. Abraham and Sarah left their homeland and Jews forever thereafter have confessed, “My ancestors were wandering Arameans …” The 40 years of wandering in the wilderness beyond the Jordan after the exodus from Egypt, the modern diaspora from the Promised Land and the flight from pogroms and the Holocaust have hardened a pilgrim identity into the Jewish experience that even the rebirth of Israel as a state has not fully overcome. While Christians in the West most often think of themselves as settled, we too have at the core of our history a sense of being “resident aliens” in the world.
When robust religious communities fail to advocate for refugees, we forget our own history and mute our witness. The well-intended yet unsustainable support of a few refugees by the quasireligious Olympic movement still leaves multitudes awaiting our actionable compassion. But a gesture can serve as a reminder.
George Mason
is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the neighborhood businesses and churches listed here. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
Hunter McWilliams, 6, sold lemonade outside her Northaven Road home, with all proceeds going to Assist the Officers foundation. She also sold “I support local law enforcement” and “This house backs the blue” lawn signs, raising a total of $1,700 over two Saturdays for Dallas Police.
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Landscaping not only adds beauty to your property, it can also help deter criminals
How to use plants as protection:
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2. Prune hedges and trim back trees to keep prowlers from lurking or gaining access to second-story windows.
3.Light it up — your property will visually please, and it eliminates hiding spots.
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RENOVATE DALLAS renovatedallas.com 214-403-7247
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In August, Senate Bill 11 known as the “Campus Carry” law went into effect, allowing students and faculty at college campuses across Texas to carry concealed weapons. The law applies to all campuses, but private institutions have the ability to opt out and continue banning guns on campus, a right SMU recently exercised. r
Preston Hollow parent Lousia Meyer is on a mission to inspire every elementary student to graduate high school. The I Will Graduate project gives a T-shirt to young students that bears the name of their expected high school (such as Hillcrest for Preston Hollow Elementary students) on the front. The back features the names of various universities DISD students have attended, from UNT to Yale. The goal is to get students excited for their future from a young age. Donations are needed to ensure every student gets a shirt; find out how you can help at iwillgraduatedallas.org.
The congregation at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church set a lofty goal for itself: filling 120,000 meals for the North Texas Food Bank.
Last month, Glen Meadows neighbor Brent Herling got back to painting the section of the Forest Lane mural that was damaged when a pick-up truck plowed through it last summer.
Preston Hollow’s most famous residents, George and Laura Bush, have both been busy with books. Working with daughter Jenna, Laura Bush penned the children’s book “Our Great Big Back Yard.” “It’s a love letter to our National Parks,” Laura Bush said during a recent talk at Edgemere senior living.

George W. Bush has made paintings and working with veterans two of his passions since leaving the White House. He puts those two together in a new project in which he paints the portrait of dozens of injured veterans and shares their stories. The book is still being developed, with no release date announced.
This year’s tour is highlighting residential landscapes in east Dallas, as well as several school demonstration gardens in southern Dallas.

The first 500 visitors at the tour headquarters will receive a free hose-end spray nozzle. For more information and to download a map for the self-guided tour and a schedule of landscaping-related talks, visit SaveDallasWater.com or call the Water Conservation Hotline at 214-670-3155
Tour Headquarters
Ridgewood/Belcher Recreation Center
6818 Fisher Road, Dallas, TX 75214

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$619,000 First time available 1-owner custom built! Sophisticated style for traditional or modern tastes! Master has sitting area & WBFP! 4/3/2LA/2-CAR
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$537,500 Meticulously maintained 4 bedroom home! Split formals allows for living room to be study or media! Many improvements! Large yard and Pool!
Simone Jeanes 214.616.9559
$435,000 Handy Man Special, house needs to be renovated. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths and 2 living areas. Don Thomas 214.641.7001
Soozie Bul 214.673.6259 Lori Sparks 214.680.6432 Simone Jeanes 214.616.9559 Don Thomas 214.641.7001 Deep Valley Coppedge Kelsey Road Alta Vista Lane 6307 Stefani