

East Dallas’ public radio rock star.
30 CULTURE IS FOR EVERYONE A museum for and about life on the street.

A look at how we worship.

You Know Judge Vic. Expert Experience. Highest Integrity. Conservative.
Judge Vic Cunningham was considered one of the highest rated criminal court judges in Dallas County for over 10 years. Presided over the “Texas 7” capital murder death penalty trials. Judge Vic has put more criminals on Death Row than almost any judge in the nation.
Elected by his fellow jurists as their Dallas County Local Administrative Judge, Judge Vic managed both civil and criminal administrative matters and personnel for all Dallas County courts.

Served as Dallas County District Attorney Pro Tem from 2015 – 2016 prosecuting capital murder cases.
Former Dallas County Assistant District Attorney, 1988-1994.

After leaving the bench, Judge Vic became a highly successful business owner with many employees, dealing with large budgets, and long-term strategic planning.
Lifelong member of First Baptist Church, Dallas.

North Texas Crime Commission member for almost 30 years, having served on the Board of Directors and as Vice-Chair.
Guest Lecturer for Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business - Entrepreneurship class for over ten years. Mentor, SMU Cox School of Business, 1999 - 2013.

4th generation Dallasite, born and raised in East Dallas, graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School, 1980. Inducted into the Woodrow Wilson High School Hall of Fame, 2004.
Member:American Bar Association, Fellow, Dallas Bar Association, American Judicature Society,American Judges Association, Judicial Section, State Bar of Texas, Sons of the American Revolution.
Southern Methodist University School of Law, J.D., 1988, Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business, BBA in Finance, 1984.

property owners honestly cannot afford these costs. I hope the person is caught and prosecuted.”


“Our town supplied paint to home and store owners to paint over graffiti. The labor was done by the property owner or surrogate. After a while, these taggers give up and move somewhere else. When I was in Germany, not too long ago, I was amazed by the graffiti and asked local friends why more of it wasn’t removed. Her comment, ‘Who are we to judge whether something is art or merely vandalism?’ ”
“Good economy of stroke. It’s a six-second tag even if you don’t hurry. Maybe another second for the optional heat-squigglies.”

“Well it’s not funny if your building or home is being tagged. This destroys property values and costs thousands to repair. Some of the
“Purple tacos graffiti runs rampant on Gaston, and East Dallas
By RICK WAMRESongs to love
The weird titles that hide in our playlists
When I switched to a new phone recently, my iTunes account voluntarily offered up a window identifying how many songs I have on the phone (762). For some reason, the very first song on that list was “I’m My Own Grandpa.”
This song didn’t make any year-end “best of” lists, nor did its writer win any major awards. But it’s a catchy little tune about a guy who finds out that by virtue of some unusual but legal marriages (he married a widow who had a grown-up daughter, who married his father, and they both had kids …). Eventually, all of this family business makes the singer become his own grandpa.
I’ve heard this old Moe Jaffe/Dwight Latham song played live once: We were in Wyoming on a family trip and stumbled across a “chuckwagon” theater, where a father and sons were playing Western music. It was funny at the time, so I bought it and promptly forgot about it.
Until now.
So I started wondering what other odd-titled songs were lurking deep in my phone’s memory or, perhaps, in my own?
Maybe “Satan Gave Me A Taco” from Beck is one of your favorites? Sample lyrics: “Satan gave me a taco, and it made me really sick. The chicken was all raw, and grease was mighty thick. The rice was all rancid, and the beans were so hard. I was getting’ kinda dizzy eatin’ all the lard.” On and on the lyrics go, with the eventual punchline being the singer figures out the whole thing was a dream, and he was part of a rock ‘n’ roll video.
Weird Al Yankovic has some oddball songs, too: “Stuck In A Closet with Vanna White” (nothing R-rated happens), “My Bologna” and “Don’t Download This Song” come to mind.
Loretta Lynn is an old-school country singer known for telling it like it was,
and some of her songs are no exception: “You’re the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly” probably didn’t endear her to her husband.
“I Don’t Know Whether to Kill Myself or Go Bowling” is from Instant Witness’ album “Noise Gunk Murder Castle.” Probably that says enough.
Even Johnny Cash wasn’t immune from picking a weird song title or two: Have you ever listened to “I’ve Been Flushed from the Bathroom of Your Heart”? Yeah, it’s not high on my playlist, either.
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The Notorious Cherry Bombs reached number 47 on the Billboard Hot Country singles chart with “It’s Hard to Kiss the Lips at Night that Chew Your Ass Out All Day Long.”
And since this month includes Valentine’s Day, I’m ending with a “love song” sung by a guy named Mike Snider. As far as I can tell, this song didn’t make Snider a legend in his own time: “If My Nose Were Running Money, I’d Blow It All on You.”
Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by emailing

photo editor: Danny Fulgencio
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contributing photographers: Rasy Ran, Kathy Tran
set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
Loretta Lynn is an oldschool country singer known for telling it like it was, and some of her songs are no exception: “You’re the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly” probably didn’t endear her to her husband.

L A UNC H Out & About
FEB. 14
Valentine’s serenade
FEB. 3- MARCH 17
“El Corazon” art exhibit celebrates its 24th year of works from local artists. This year’s theme, Hearts and Music, explores the connection between sound and emotion.

Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther Drive,, 214.670.8749, free
FEB. 3
Pocket Sandwich Theater, 5400 Mockingbird Lane,, 214.821.1860, $25
Four Day Weekend Comedy, the critically acclaimed improvisation group that has performed in Fort Worth for 20 years, has its grand opening at its new Dallas location. The show features improvisation, songs and sketches from cast veterans and new talent.
Four Day Weekend Dallas Theater, 5106 Sears St.,, 817.226.4329, $25
FEB. 10
Bring the whole family, including pets, out to White Rock Lake for food, animal adoptions and low cost vaccinations. The event is free but donations to Texas Coalition for Animal Protection are encouraged. White Rock Lake Dog Park, 8000 E. Mockingbird Lane,, 940.566.5551, free
FEB. 11
Students from across Dallas showcase their work during a film contest hosted by the North Texas Alliance to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy in Teens. All proceeds go toward reducing teenage pregnancy and supporting teen mothers. Angelika Film Center, 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane,, 214.717.6477, $5-$50
FEB. 24
This event is the culmination of the Dallas Reads literary campaign. Bring the entire family for guest speakers, literacy activities, free food and free books.
Woodrow Wilson High School, 100 S. Glasgow St.,, 972.502.4400, free
FEB. 25
Enjoy a free film screening of “A Backpack Full of Cash,” which explores the results of privatizing America’s public schools. There will be a Q&A with local education leaders after the movie. Greenland Hills United Methodist Church, 5835 Penrose Ave.,, 214.826.2060, free
As a sweet Valentine’s Day treat, The Singapore Slingers are back to woo guests with dinner and a show. Reservations in advance are recommended.
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Radio host Krys Boyd is a can’t-miss listen


The book on Krys Boyd’s desk is a high school English teacher’s dream. Four different color tabs are sprinkled throughout dozens of pages, marking those that Boyd finds intriguing.
The Munger Place neighbor leans over the microphone, her voice both soothing and energetic. Boyd is on the phone interviewing author Sam Wasson, who writes about improv comedy. She gesticulates and expresses emotion as one might if her guest were in the booth. As her producers work in the control room, fielding callers and providing “Saturday Night Live” audio segments for the day’s programming, Boyd is an engaging interviewer on the other side of thick studio glass.
Boyd hosts “Think,” KERA’s statewide live long-form interview program where she talks with everyone from university professors to famous actors. Within the last month there were episodes called “Jellyfish: A 500-Million-Year Mystery” and “Rethinking the U.S. Prison System.”

Boyd hasn’t always been one of the most intellectually agile interviewers in the Lone Star State. While she was in school at Texas Christian University, she landed an internship with a local television station where she was tasked
with carrying the tripod. She says she knew she would be a journalist after she helped with a story about a men’s correctional institution. “Other people have real jobs, “ she says. “In journalism, you get to do all these interesting things.”
She was a reporter for seven years after college, and then entered the radio business as a news director for an oldies station in El Paso. She moved to Dallas in 1999 and took a job with, the company that Mark Cuban sold to Yahoo for $5.7 billion. Boyd occasionally served as guest host on the “The Glenn Mitchell Show,” an interview show similar to what “Think” is today. When Mitchell unexpectedly died in 2006 after hosting his show for 10 years at KERA, Boyd applied for and was named to the position.
Boyd sees her ability to listen, pay attention and notice the nuances in a person’s voice as important skills in order to keep the conversation smooth and entertaining. “I have to give someone space to keep talking, “ she says.
The best guests, she says, are those that exude passion for their subject. And with a show called “Think,” Boyd looks for guests who deal in ideas and concepts. She often interviews scientists, and

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though the perception is that they aren’t the best communicators, Boyd disagrees. “Scientists are so excited about what they do,” she says. “It’s infectious over time.”

Many of Boyd’s interview subjects write books. She reads five to eight books a week in preparation - more than 200 a year, for the record. Often, she finds that her guests and their work impact the way she lives. When she hosts a guest

who has written a book about family life, she says, her children can tell by the different strategies she employs at home. “Oh, Mom has read another parenting book again,” they’ll say.
Boyd’s show also takes callers, which can be treacherous territory. Though her producers screen the calls, the questioners are not always as succinct, eloquent or on topic as they need to be. “Thank God for the mute button,” says Boyd, who had not taken live calls before “Think.” “I have to make a good show for the audience, not for the caller.”
In 2016, “Think” went from being broadcast only in North Texas to reaching 19 different frequencies across the state, including Houston, Austin and San Antonio. “Think” won the Public Radio News Directors Inc. award for best call-in program in 2012. Her audience is growing, but Boyd still focuses on what makes her program so powerful.

“We talk to all kinds of people on all kinds of subjects,” she says. “Think is about why.”

Listen to “Think” Monday-Thursday noon-2 p.m. and Friday 1-2 p.m. on KERA, 90.1 FM.

“Thank God for the mute button. I have to make a good show for the audience, not for the caller.”Vickery Boulevard

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Piece of equipment you can’t live without: The elliptical machine, which allows for a total body workout while increasing leg strength.

How your workout defines you: Working out energizes my passion to encourage others to participate in a healthy lifestyle of exercise.
Favorite healthy food: The Estates Salad in the Trattoria restaurant at Churchill Estates. I eat it at least twice a week.

Our expansive Wellness Center is one of the key ingredients in helping our residents and our neighbors to live a healthy lifestyle. Call Sara today to find out how Churchill Estates can help you meet your fitness goals.

The annual fundraiser at Mata Elementary is Havana Nights themed this year. Enjoy mojitos and a Cuban-inspired dinner while dancing and bidding on items to benefit the elementary school. A membership to the KayCee Pool is up for the highest bidder this year. The event is Feb. 24 from 6:30-10 p.m. at the KayCee Club at 10110 Shoreview Road. Tickets are $60. Visit tickets for more information.
This year’s Hot Chocolate 5k and 15k starts in Fair Park but quickly makes its way into East Dallas. The race is Feb. 3, with the 5k starting at 7:30 a.m. and the 15k at 8:15 a.m. The race will follow Bryan St., Greenville and La Vista before heading back down the Santa Fe Trail. The race benefits the Make a Wish Foundation, which helps children with critical illnesses have unforgettable experiences. To volunteer for the race or to take part, visit

Help out local youth by volunteering at the East Dallas Boys & Girls Club

The nonprofit’s programming benefits young people by providing help in education, career, character and leadership development, health and life skills, and the arts. Visit bgcdallas. org to learn more.
Use your brain while you volunteer at the Aberg Center for Literacy. The center hopes to build strong families through programs in English fluency, preparation for high school equivalency in English and Spanish, early childhood education, and family literacy. Volunteers can teach an English as a Second Language Class, help someone get their GED, provide childcare or help a student with homework. Visit for more information.
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Sam the Labrodoodle has yet to meet a mountain he can’t conquer. His parents, Margaret and Seth Hale, love taking him to Colorado to rumble through the Rockies. But on his first ascent, the snow damaged his paws, and his thin hair turned his bark into a brrrr. The Hales couldn’t stand leaving Sam behind on their frequent adventures, so they outfitted their fuzzy friend with shoes, a jacket and “doggles” for good measure. The happy family skied up (yes, up) a mountain on their last trip, and in his exuberance, Sam ran right out of his shoes on the way back down. Sam is as athletic as he is charismatic, just like his spirit animal, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.


The Arcadia Theater on Lower Greenville opened in 1927, playing only silent movies, and wouldn’t show its first “talkie” until the 1930s when a vitaphone system was installed. Neighborhood kids would walk to the theater to pay 10 cents to see one of the popular serials, which ran each week with cliffhanger endings. In 1958, the Robert Mitchum vehicle “The Hunters” was on the big screen when a fivealarm fire brought crews to save the historic theater. It survived, would later become a concert venue and eventually burned again in 2006, ending nearly 80 years of history. Today, the corner is busy again as neighbors hustle into Trader Joe’s for groceries.

The Zeke apartments likely will get a pass, as Dallas schools and statues deal with removal and renaming
By CHRISTINA HUGHES Photos by DANNY FULGENCIOrenovated project: The Zeke, a nod to Elliot, who hadn’t yet played one NFL game, but who was under criminal investigation for beating his girlfriend. (Calls to an S2 representative, who sent an August 2016 press release on the topic, have remained unreturned.)
The allegations against Elliot were questionable, pundits said at the time. “The fact is, Cowboys fans loved him and they [thought] the whole thing was a sham,” says ESPN’s Tim Cowlishaw. Sportscaster, writer and Lake Highlands resident Matt Mosley finds humor in the name. “Naming an apartment after a tailback who hadn’t played a down is silly in the first place.”
In 2016 the Dallas Cowboys drafted running back Ezekiel Elliott, “Zeke” to fans. The rookie represented hope for a despairing team. Like many a Cowboy prospect, he brought baggage, but he was a charismatic champ from a lineage of pro athletes, a star who leapt defenders in a single bound and ran at lightning speed for substantial yardage.
Arguably, the branding of a renovated apartment complex near White Rock Lake was clever. Dallas-based S2 Capital purchased and launched a $5 million renovation on the rundown Grove apartments. Today it is modern, clean and relatively code-compliant (unlike its Grove days).
Old gray and brick exterior transformed to trendy rustic orange and distressed wood, a scheme that did not reflect the Dallas Cowboys or the name that S2 Capital christened its

It was an exhilarating 2016 season, thanks largely to Elliot, who habitually hurdled defenders and rushed toward the end zone, charming cheering crowds with his signature “feed me” gesture and gleaming smile. But the 24-year-old never seemed to stay out of trouble long enough for accruing allegations of misconduct to escape the collective mind of Dallas sports reporters and fans. He reportedly was involved in a nightclub brawl. He yanked down a woman’s tube top, exposing her breast in public during Lower Greenville’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. Feminist-leaning fans discerningly replaced Elliot T-shirts with less specific Cowboy gear.
“I was so freaking excited about Zeke, so pumped after the 2016 season, even though it ended too soon,” says Angie Swim, a 19-year-old “Cowboy fan for life” visiting her grandmother at The Zeke. “But, nope, I cannot wear the [Elliot] shirt. There’s too much evidence that something happened here.”
The NFL agreed. “The NFL’s disciplinary process does not
carry the same burden of proof as the legal system,” according to Sports Illustrated reporters. “The league’s investigation determined Elliott was violent toward [his girlfriend] on three separate occasions.” After three appeals from the Cowboys, Elliot sat out six games, the baseline suspension for first-time domestic violence offenders, notes Sports Illustrated. Many felt he was treated unjustly; others said he needed the tough lesson — that too many NFL players receive a pass when it comes to bad behavior, legally substantiated or otherwise.
As the Cowboys’ and commissioner entreaties proceeded, a tangentially related national movement emerged. A growing group of women united to share accounts of powerful men who they said had sexually harassed them and thwarted their careers. Separately, last summer, at protests, rallies or PTA

meetings, citizens of Dallas and those across the nation debated the removal and renaming of perceivably offensive statues and school names.

The Zeke never was mentioned — no surprise. It’s private property, not a public institution. No one really remembered it was named after Elliot.
“I had no idea these apartments were even named for a football player,” says a female resident who recently moved in. “That’s some BS, though. I mean, if he did it.”

Her male companion opines that Elliot “deserves nothing named about him because he hasn’t done anything on the field this year. Simple. Give me ‘Troubled Michael Irvin Apartments’ any day,” he chuckles.

Sportscaster Matt Mosley believes Zeke is a great player, but, so far, his off-field behavior has overshadowed his on-field brilliance. “If I owned [the apartments], I’d admit I jumped the gun and immediately rename them The Whitten or The Emmitt.”

“I had no idea these apartments were even named for a football player. That’s some BS, though. I mean, if he did it.”


Meet the neighbor turning the streets into an artistic destination

hen driving toward Downtown on Columbia, neighbors might notice what appears to be an old fire station, its brick façade recalling a bygone era. But the structure hasn’t been Fire Station No. 16 since 1978. Instead, it served East Dallas as a community arts center, museum and is now a studio.
Alan Govenar and his wife, Kaleta Doolin, acquired the property in 1991, when a Mexican Mennonite church community worshipped there. The couple restored the building with architect Dan Shipley and worked to establish it as a Dallas Landmark on the National Register. They planted trees and created an artistic oasis in East Dallas.
The former fire station became the 5501 Columbia Art Center to exhibit photography, paintings and sculpture. Next, the couple obtained other properties in the area. One became the Texas African American Photography Archive, which housed more than 60,000 images taken between 1840 and 2000. Doolin established the “Art in Community Program” and provided a space for Aguila Azteca, a boxing gym for kids
in the neighborhood. There is also an adjacent home for an artist in residence.

“East Dallas is definitely part of our life,” says Govenar, who splits his time between New York and his East Dallas office.
The couple does more than rehabilitate East Dallas properties. The former fire station - complete with fire poles - is used today as a studio and office for Govenar, a filmmaker, photographer and author of 29 books, and for Doolin, an artist and arts advocate. Today Govenar operates Documentary Arts Inc, a nonprofit arts organization, in the space.

In the past, Govenar organized music festivals in Dallas, wrote numerous books about the Texas blues, African American photography and made a film called “Stoney Knows How” about a circus and carnival sideshow tattoo artist, which was an Outstanding Film of the Year at the London Film Festival. “It is an inside look at a hunchback dwarf tattoo artist in a wheelchair,” he says.
Govenar’s latest project as the founding director of The Museum of Street Culture is a collaboration between First Presbyterian Church and The Stewpot, which provides resources, programs
and social services for the homeless. The museum’s mission is to activate social change and community through art and education by displaying the everyday experience of people in public places.
The museum will display work by professionals and Stewpot clients within the facility as well as on the street, adding art and beauty to an area where many of the clients congregate. In addition, the Stewpot trains clients to be docents, leading groups visiting the works.
“The Museum of Street Culture will be on the street and about the street,” Govenar says.

Currently, the museum showcases the work of Mary Ellen Mark, an award-winning photographer who documented a teen runaway in Seattle for 32 years. On Jan. 27, the museum will feature work done by children in the Saturday Kid’s Club, a program run by the Stewpot for at-risk children. “We are reinventing the museum,” Govenar says.
The museum is part of a larger development called Encore Park, a nonprofit pioneered by First Presbyterian Church. It is a community of social and cultural services that includes an amphitheater, community garden and 508 Park, a 1929 building where Bob Wills and Robert Johnson made records. 508 Park eventually will be an event space, recording studio and a showcase for art programming.
The connection between music, homelessness and the museum is not lost on Govenar. “Vernacular music was all about giving a voice to the voiceless,” he says. “Many of the musicians would have been homeless if not for the music.”
Govenar considers his latest endeavor an extension of his past work and a way to make a difference.

“The Museum of Street Culture is about rethinking the modes of presentation,” he says. “We are trying to humanize one of the most marginalized groups. Being homeless is not an identity. It’s a circumstance.”
The Museum of Street Culture
1822 Young St.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, noon-1 p.m. Visit for more information.

“It is an inside look at a hunchback dwarf tattoo artist in a wheelchair.”

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Richard Upchurch wanted to buy his nephew a tape recorder, but couldn’t find one for cheap, so he decided to build his own. He lived in New York at the time and walked up and down Canal Street looking for a man who had the parts he needed. The man, whom he only knew as Wong, repaired TVs and VCRs out of the back of a luggage shop in Chinatown.
Eventually, he found Wong working behind mountains of suitcases and purchased the circuit board, buttons and switches he needed. He talked to the expert about how to build what he wanted. Soon his nephew had the coolest show-and-tell in his class.

When his nephew brought the machine to school, his teachers wanted one too. He built five more, then 10 for an online store; he is still building them today.

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In the parking lot behind Lower Greenville’s The Dubliner, a sign on a nondescript building attached to the back of The Grape restaurant reads “Stop Wondering Come Inside.” Inside, you’ll find Upchurch’s shop.
The space is meticulously organized, with mason jars full of colorful electronic pieces and glue sticks, tools hanging in neat rows and clean work tables Upchurch built himself.
The eye is drawn to the stacked col-

More than 200,000 sets of eyes are checking out these items right now. Get your specialty items or featured products in front of your neighbors that love to shop local for unique items. Read online at
umns of the rectangular sound machines, which look like miniature wooden droids that were created by a hybrid of George Lucas and Wes Anderson.
The gadgets allow users to make a short recording and manipulate the sound in different ways, depending on the unit. Each piece has its own face, ranging from a mustachioed Mr. Purple that alters the pitch of the recording, to the smiling Zoots, a thumb piano.
He credits his stepdaughter Reagan for the design success. Upchurch asked her what she wanted on her sound machine, and she requested a purple mustache. Today, he can’t keep them on the shelf.
“She deserves all the credit,” he says.
Upchurch was a professional guitarist, but went to graduate school at NYU for audio engineering when he grew tired
customers to take his machines apart, and even sells a kit where people can build their own.
“What if I make what I call an exploration gadget?” he asks.
This February, he will host his first class at the workshop, where he will teach the basics of electronics and allow folks to build their gadget.
The Brandnewnoise machines can be found in Good Pagoda in East Dallas, as well as online and in the Dallas Muse-

um of Arts, the MOMA in Manhattan, and other museums and boutique shops across the country.

Upchurch sees Brandnewnoise as a way to open sound manipulation and innovation to the young and old. “What if you gave a 4-year-old access to a guitar pedal? What could you learn from that?”

5706 Goodwin Ave.
of having his antique amplifier repaired. Brandnewnoise is a creative combination of Upchurch’s electronics knowledge, audio engineering skill and desire to make something with his hands.
“I was interested in building things more than I was in engineering,” he says.
He crafts the wood pieces in a shop near Peavy in East Dallas, then assembles them in his shop on Goodwin. His newest model is the Player One, which includes colorful arcade buttons and allows users to loop a recorded sound. The arcade buttons give it a retro feel, and special needs customers find it easier to operate.
“I built them to be a universal experience,” Upchurch says. “Everyone should be able to have and find their own voice.”
The Wes Anderson aesthetic is more than just homage. Mark Mothersbaugh, who is the front man of Devo, used Upchurch’s contraptions in some of the work he did on Wes Anderson movies, as well as “The Lego Movie.” They have also been used in projects with Pat Carney of the Black Keys, Wayne Coin of The Flaming Lips and Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.
In an increasingly digital world, Upchurch sees a desire for a simpler device that can be understood by the average user. A person can’t tinker with an iPhone, but Upchurch encourages
“I built them to be a universal experience. Everyone should be able to have and find their own voice.”
While it has expanded to an event center, breakfast still rules at JJ’s Café
By EMILY CHARRIER I Photo by KATHY TRANJose Ramirez set out to build a neighborhood staple. His vision was an affordable, family friendly spot that served a killer breakfast.
It was realized in 2010 as JJ’s Café, which he runs with his wife, Josefina.
On any given day, he knows a majority of the diners in his restaurant by name. He wanders from table to tables, asking about their families and their holidays.
“People recognize me everywhere,” he says. “I’ll be out shopping and I’ll hear, ‘Hey, Mr. JJ!’ ”
The breakfast menu was built on crepes, flavorful pancakes and an ample array of egg dishes, along with a hearty brunch buffet on the weekends. Lunch is simple with burgers, sandwiches and salads, but Ramirez always has a few specials on the board that offer customers something new to try.

DID YOU KNOW: The café gives back every year by feeding about 50 needy families for Thanksgiving. “It started with five and just kept growing,” Jose Ramirez says.
tional space on the weekends when the restaurant is packed.
“We have catering, of course, or people can bring in their own food for parties,” he says.
“The most popular plate we have is our Nutella crepes, or maybe the huevos rancheros,” he says. “I’m from California, so a lot of our dishes have a California twist.”
After six successful years growing the restaurant and catering business, Ramirez realized he was missing an opportunity. Customers would ask to rent out the restaurant for special events, something that wasn’t always cost effective for him to do. When RaRa’s Closet closed down next door, he bought the space and transformed it into an event center. He knocked down the connecting wall and installed a stylish barn door that allows him to open up the addi-
The new space can fit 100 guests, but when combined with the full restaurant, it could hold wedding parties of up to 250. Ramirez invested in an array of linens, vases and crystal candelabras that allow clients to stylize the event to their taste.
Ambiance: Super casual
Price range: $7-$10
Hours: 7 a.m.-2 p.m. daily, plus 5-8:30 p.m. on Friday
10233 Northwest Highway
Restaurant GUIDE

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Amazing Faith

Dallas is often called the buckle of the Bible Belt. While about 78 percent of Dallas churchgoers claim Christianity according to the Pew Research Center for Religion and Public Life, our neighborhood is a rich tapestry of faith from traditions all over the world. Over the past several weeks, we visited houses of worship in East Dallas and witnessed everything from fasting and flower fights to mochas and a mosque. Celebrate the color, passion and belief all around us.
Congregants hurl thousands of rose petals through the air inside Radha Kalachandji Temple in East Dallas, a fragrant shower of faith. It’s the Hare Krishna Festival of Flowers, and the Krishna idol sitting at the front of the temple is an Indian import older than the state of Texas. After honoring the deity with flower petals from more than 50,000 roses, attendees throw petals on each other, dancing and singing along. Colorful saris, traditional “dhoti” (pants) and “kurta” (shirts) make the room a dizzying scene.
Hundreds of participants take part in the ceremony, a version of the Hare Krishna practice called “Kirtan,” which means “to glorify.” Professional musicians and teachers come from India, Kazakhstan and Australia for the annual celebration, where believers recite the names of god with different melodies, rhythms and instruments.
Kalachandji’s festival runs through New Year’s Eve and lasts four

days. Prayers, meditation, classes, concerts and meals fill 70 consecutive hours of celebration. “This age is characterized by short attention spans, shorter memory and a shorter temper so a very simple form of meditation is given,” says Nityananda Chandra Granger, a minister at Kalachandji’s.
“I went from punk to monk,” he says.
Most neighbors know about Kalachandji’s restaurant, which serves colorful vegetarian Indian food cafeteria-style, but Hare Krishna believers from all over Texas practice their faith at the adjacent temple since the nearest Hare Krishna temple is in Houston.

Tamal Krishna Goswami, an SMU doctorate student, founded the temple in 1971. The congregation settled on the campus at Graham and Gurley in Mount Auburn in a facility that once housed a church. The temple room used to be the church’s basketball gym.
Granger grew up as a Christian in Hawaii, but found his way to his faith after studying at a Hare Krishna temple in Portland. “I was never attracted to the idea of a mean guy who favors people of a particular group for never-ending torture,” he says. Granger belonged to the vegetarian punk movement in Portland before he joined the temple.
More than 50 Hare Krishna families moved into the neighborhood to be close to the temple, and many children attend TKG Academy, a religious elementary and middle school down the street from the temple.
The temple offers regular daily prayers, a Wednesday class for beginners called “The Darshan Room,” and a Sunday gathering called “Krishna Fest.” Granger describes the temple’s ceremonies as “loving interactions with God himself.”
For more information visit
Hundreds of believers come from all over the country to take part in the Festival of Flowers.“I was never attracted to the idea of a mean guy who favors people of a particular group for never-ending torture.”

The coffee shop is standing room only this Tuesday night as the Misfit Whatevers take the stage with guitars, vocalists and percussion. Music drowns out the espresso machine that is still serving customers, and lyrics are projected on the wall so that the audience can sing along. The song is “Pompeii” by Bastille, a popular indie rock song, followed by “Home” by Phillip Phillips of “American Idol” fame. An uninformed guest who walks in for mocha might think this is just a popular cover band, but a sermon from pastor Mike Baughman brings the event into focus.
Union Coffee is a ministry that hopes to transform the concept of church. “We want to cultivate the divine spark of our neighbors for the good of Dallas,” says Baughman, who is described on the group’s website as a “community curator.”

People who didn’t normally go to church helped start Union, which includes a coffee shop that supports the ministry and gives 10 percent of proceeds to local causes. Assistant pastors and members often work as baristas when they aren’t taking care of church duties.
The group hopes to minister to those who have felt alienated by traditional churches, including those on the LGBTQ spectrum. “Kuneo,”

which means “to kiss,” is the name of the Tuesday night service. In some ways, it resembles a traditional church service with pastors, a sermon, communion and a call and response creed. In other ways, Kuneo is different. The songs are a mix of Christian and secular, though they often have a message that relates to the theme of the service. “Most people are church refugees,” Baughman says. “But the songs of a homeland still matter to a refugee.”
The sermon is a conversation. Baughman asks a question and expects a response from the young congregation. Members seem ready to finish his sentences when prompted. He calls them “sermons in the round,” and he doesn’t shy

away from subjects like sex and finances. Baughman welcomes a variety of people to take the stage and preach each week.
Union emphasizes breaking boundaries and storytelling. “Naked Stage” on Friday nights is a forum for storytelling and spoken word performances. “When people start telling their story, they see they have the divine spark,” Baughman says.
At Sunday night’s “Studio” service, an artist shares his or her work then Baughman introduces a topic to be discussed by the congregation. The audience breaks into small groups and shares responses after a few minutes. “A studio is a place where someone creates, discovering things about themselves and their place in the world while refining their work,” reads the website.
Union is on the move from its location on Dyer street near SMU, and eventually will settle in the old Brink’s coffee shop at Gaston and Carroll.
At their final Kuneo, Baughman plays a clip from “The Lord of The Rings,” where Sam and Frodo go the farthest from home that they have ever traveled. “As Union goes on the road, things will be uncovered,” Baughman says. “It might be hard and will probably be beautiful, but God will be in it.”

For more information, visit

“When people start telling their story, they see they have the divine spark.”

The congregation of the stately brick church on Garland Road always has straddled the line between traditional and progressive. It was created 26 years ago in a private home as a safe space for gay and lesbian members to connect with their faith, during a time when other churches were less accepting of their lifestyle.
“It’s an evangelical church but it was founded in the LGBT community,” says Pastor Douglas Shaffer. “As far as churches go, we’re pretty conservative, except when it comes to LGBTQ acceptance.”
It quickly established its mission to support those suffering from AIDS, providing food and supplies, hospital rides and a sense of human connection to those afflicted by the disease. To this day, the church works with around 6,500 AIDS patients, providing free meals every Saturday along with household items like toilet paper.

That program is the only thing keeping the congregation of about 125 in its Little Forest Hills location. The congregation has considered options to sell the church and chapel for more than a year, and nearly became an apartment complex until the city deemed the project was too high in density. Shaffer says the property is too large and expensive to maintain, pointing to the $200,000
spent to replace the HVAC system.
“That’s a whole lot of missions we could have done,” he says. “A congregation our size just doesn’t need 40,000 square feet of space.”
Shaffer says the congregation has been “dating” other churches, looking for a place to partner to hold worship services and feed the sick without the
responsibility to maintain a property. He believes the financial freedom will allow them more resources to help others.

“We want to expand our options to do more ministries,” Shaffer says. “We’ve said at our church for years, the church is not the building, it’s the people.”
Learn more at

A rainy night doesn’t stop the congregation from filling City Church International in Old East Dallas. This Sunday night marks the end of a period of fasting to begin 2018 for the church’s faithful. Some members avoided food altogether or skipped a meal each day, while others took a break from social media or television. The fast refocuses the believers on what is important in the New Year.

Inside the church, the worn wooden pews and steep slope toward the stage
Believers gather for prayer at City Church International and serve the community with a food pantry.
bear witness to the church’s age. In 1920, the building housed the Central Congregational Church, and the gothic revival structure is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Pastor Brad Weir takes the stage to deliver a message of trust, describing the fear he dealt with during his wife’s battle with brain cancer and the hope that followed.
Weir left his family’s eponymous furniture company 10 years ago to start the church after he began ministering to employees who worked in the warehouse. He wanted to reach across boundaries that divided the world around him such as ethnicity, education and politics. “Our heart was to see what it is going to be like in heaven one day right here on Earth,” he says.
A LifeWay Research study reports that 67 percent of churchgoers say their

church has not done enough to become racially diverse, but less than half the people in the same study think their church should become more diverse. Through outreach and an emphasis on meeting people where they are, City Church achieves what few churches have: A diverse congregation. The church offered bilingual translations and eventually helped start a Spanish-speaking congregation from its Hispanic community.
Academics with Ph.D.s sit next to the homeless and lawyers worship with former prostitutes at City Church. Weir once was made aware of a woman dealing with addiction who stole from another church member. “You are family,” he told her. “If you need something, you come to us.”
The church connects with inner city youth through activities and services such as a food pantry, even delivering pineapples to its neighbors. “People have to see that you really care,” Weir says.
Church leadership reflects diversity as well, with African-American, Tongan, Hispanic and Singaporean members providing a vision for the future. Weir sees his church as a beacon in a world of increased racial tension. “What is going on out there,” he says, “is not what we experience in here.”
Learn more at

“Our heart was to see what it is going to be like in heaven one day right here on Earth.”

Vickery Meadow in Northeast Dallas is home to 50,000 people from all over the world in about five square miles, including many Muslim residents from the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. But the area is not home to any public mosques. Because many residents lack transportation, traveling to the nearest mosque in Richardson is not a viable option. Rohingya Muslim Relief (RMR) stepped in to fill the void.
The organization emanated from Myanmar refugees, who fled their homeland’s violence against their faith. RMR created a space in The Ivy apartments so that Muslim neighbors can worship close to home. It also provides religious education for 180 Muslim children during the week. With permission from manage-

ment, members transformed an old storage unit into a place to pray. Islamic art decorates the windowless room. Rugs line the floor and spill into the parking lot for worshippers to practice “Salah,” the five daily prayers. The space also has running water for residents to cleanse their face, hands and feet, a practice called “Wudu.”
In Myanmar, the Rohingya must worship in secret or risk a violent rebuke from the anti-Muslim government, according to Shaukat Salleh, RMR’s president. Refugees often risk their safety to escape their homeland and spend years in camps waiting to be resettled in a land with little resemblance to home. The RMR space provides them a chance to reconnect with their culture and faith.
RMR also serves more than 300 families by providing transportation, rent, furniture, clothes and food for those in need. The organization funds English as a second language and computer classes to help Vickery Meadow residents find jobs. The group’s services are not specific to religion or culture; members help anyone in need. “We don’t see religion,” says Salleh. “We see only people.”
Visit to learn more.
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The space also has running water for residents to cleanse their face, hands and feet, a practice called “Wudu.”
Interfaith Family Services pulls families out of the financial fires
By WILL MADDOX Photo by DANNY FULGENCIOLooking back, Monic McMiller realizes that she was too generous.
She couldn’t say no when her friends and extended family asked her for money. Her own ability to save paired with a stable career as a nurse weren’t enough to keep her out of financial trouble.
She thought she was making the right decisions and being helpful, but in the end, she couldn’t manage her resources.
“I was trying to help everybody but myself,” she says.
McMiller moved to Dallas nine years ago, and her marriage dissolved. As financial pressure mounted, she needed to make a change. She couldn’t afford the life she was leading and began struggling financially.

“Decisions I made in the past were still haunting me and made me revisit a part of my life where I was feeling worthless,” she says.
A friend told her about Interfaith Family Services, located
Our neighborhood loves to give back and support the organizations that make it a special place. A local nonprofit will be featured each month describing how the organization makes an impact on the community.
on Ross near Greenville, which helps families facing extreme financial hardship. It was just what she needed to get her life back on track.

“Coming to Interfaith has helped me figure out what is most important,” she says.

McMiller and her sons, 12 and 10, live at Interfaith, which offers housing and support for families experiencing homelessness. Clients may stay at Interfaith for six to 12 months, where they attend counseling and receive financial and success coaching in an effort to graduate from the program capable of supporting themselves. Clients are supported through the program as they learn to restructure their financial lives.
Dr. Irie L. Session – Guest Preacher

Come hear Dr. Irie L. Session as Royal Lane joins Baptist Women in Ministry in celebrating the Martha Stearns Marshall Women in Preaching Month during the 10:55 a.m. Worship Service on Sunday, February 4, 2018.

Lunch & Conversation with Dr. Irie in Family Hall following the Worship Service
Dr. Irie uses her expertise in pedagogy, theology, academic and social research, and curriculum development to increase the impact of the education and training she offers to survivors organizations. She delivers expert training and workshops exploitation, trauma informed ministry, and sexual exploitation prevention for groups such as educators, parents, youth, faith communities, Juvenile Detention Centers, and Social Workers.

lives. McMiller moved into one of the fully furnished apartments, which included everything from toothpaste to food in the refrigerator.

Interfaith helps parents find a job that will lead to independence, and provides childcare, activities and tutoring for the children who live there.

“I don’t have to worry about where my kids are,” McMiller says. “My kids love it here.”

The transition to Interfaith wasn’t completely smooth. “When I first came here, I thought, ‘What have I done?’ ”she says. “I didn’t want to be told what to do.”
But over time, she began to understand the benefits of the structure that Interfaith provides. Counseling is the most impactful part of the program for McMiller, but she knows she would not have been successful if she didn’t fully commit to the program.
“You have to have your mind made up,” she says.
Interfaith was founded nearly 30 years ago, and has steadily grown over the years at their East Dallas location as they equip parents and educate children for independence. The facility maintains 25 apartments for clients, and is currently building a new Family Empowerment Center, which will include adult education and childcare services. The new facility will allow Interfaith to reach 300 struggling parents and 500 children a year, including those who don’t live on site.
Like all the families at Interfaith, McMiller pays 30 percent of her income as a monthly occupancy charge, but when graduates exit the program, Interfaith gives back everything clients paid in rent to get them on solid financial footing.

McMiller learned that saying no to those she loves isn’t the end of the world, and that in the long run, focusing on her own family was her most important priority.

“Interfaith doesn’t make you feel like you are a sorry case,” she says. “They don’t treat you like you are the reason you are there. They genuinely help you.”

Interfaith has a number of volunteer and giving opportunities. Neighbors can donate lightly used clothes, and the center always is looking for apartment furnishings and toiletries. Career and financial coaches are needed, as is help with childcare and tutoring. Visit for more information.



Two million payment card accounts associated with Jason’s Deli purchases were for sale on the “dark web,” according to a Jason’s Deli press release. The company became aware of the breach on Dec. 22, immediately alerted authorities and activated a “leading threat response team,” which disabled the malware at the Jason’s Deli locations soon after. The deli on East Mockingbird Lane is one of the locations included in the breach. For more information, neighbors should contact their credit or debit card companies or Jason’s Deli at and 409-838-1976.
Executive Chef Misao Masuda worked in high-end restaurants like the Four Seasons in Hawaii prior to coming to East Dallas, but changed gears for his latest project, The Creek Cafe, now open in Lakewood, replacing The Philly Connection. The cafe serves fresh pastries, omelettes, panini and parfaits for breakfast and lunch. Masuda says the menu will expand with time, but they wanted to keep things simple at first. Blackwood Developments is remaking an aging shopping center at the corner of Bryan and Fitzhugh and Mai’s Restaurant was the first client to sign on. The new project will have 7,000 square feet of retail space with two restaurant locations, floor to ceiling windows and a large courtyard. The work includes a complete gut and remodel of the existing property. “Essentially, it is going to be two new buildings,” said Sammy Aflalo of Blackwood Developments.

The improv comedy troupe Four Day Weekend is opening a comedy venue near Lower Greenville. The cast will perform in the space formerly used by Contemporary Theatre of Dallas, which closed in 2016. The theater is a refashioned 1930s-era church behind Trader Joe’s. Four Day Weekend will keep many of the same scenes, sketches and songs from their Fort Worth theater at the Dallas location while adding fresh ideas with new cast members. The first show is Saturday, Feb. 3, at 9 p.m.

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By GEORGE MASONChocolates or ashes?
What happens when religious holy days and secular holidays overlap?
Clergy like me like to gripe about how culture calendars usurp church calendars. We’ll have to be especially creative this year as Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day and April Fool’s Day is also Easter. Oh my.
How we tell time is a spiritual exercise. Our calendars direct the seasons of the soul and mark the holy days (holidays).
Christians follow a calendar that tracks the life of Christ. It begins each year with Advent, reimagining the coming of God in Jesus as the babe in the manger and yearning for the coming of God’s final union with the world at the end of days. The seasons then move from Christmas to Epiphany to Lent, during which times we follow the ministry of Jesus and learn to follow in his steps today. Holy Week climaxes with his crucifixion on Good Friday, and the world begins again on Easter Sunday with his resurrection from the dead. Easter season yields to Pentecost, when the Spirit that empowered the earthly Jesus is given in a new way to the church. The latter half of the church year then is devoted to how the resurrected Christ continues his liberating work through the church. This longest season of the year is Ordinary Time, so called because we order our daily lives by the agenda of Jesus.
Jews and Muslims order their lives with similar calendric approaches. The three major pilgrimage festivals of Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot) and Tabernacles (Sukkot) highlight the Jewish year. The Muslim month of fasting known as Ramadan ends with the Feast of Eid Al-Fitr. The pattern of fasting before feasting is common to all faith calendars. Likewise, the originating narrative of the religion is annually rehearsed, featuring Moses or Jesus or Muhammad, along with the people they formed.
The lunar calendar undergirds these
religious calendars, thus joining the natural and supernatural rhythms in one dance. What annoys religious leaders is when the commercial calendar, the school calendar or the sports calendar takes precedence. Neither Hallmark, nor Congress, nor the NFL determines our holidays. Mother’s Day is not a religious day. Memorial Day does not commemorate martyrs. Super Bowl Sunday doesn’t change the menu at the Lord’s Table.
Do you see the challenge?
This year some of us will celebrate romantic love with ashes on our fore-
Neither Hallmark, nor Congress, nor the NFL determines religious holidays.
heads. We may indeed need to repent of our lack of love in order to renew it, but my guess is that restaurants will be busier than churches and people will be giving chocolates rather than giving them up for the start of Lent. Penitence and indulgence are hard to reconcile.
Easter is a little easier, since an old tradition of the church has the preacher starting the sermon that day with a joke. Resurrection Sunday was the ultimate fool’s day. On Good Friday, the Devil was tricked into believing he won with the death of Jesus; Easter proved the joke was on him.
Maybe the spiritual will conquer the secular this year after all. Time will tell.
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the neighborhood businesses and churches listed here. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
Worship & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500
ROYAL LANE BAPTIST CHURCH / 6707 Royal Lane / 214.361.2809
Christian Education 9:45 a.m. / Worship Service 10:55 a.m.
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Michael L. Gregg /
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00am
Bible Study 9:40 am /
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel 10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes /
Worship: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 8 & 10:30 am / Christian Ed Sunday Morning & Weekdays, see calendar on website / 214.321.6451 / 848 Harter Rd.
A Welcoming and Affirming Church / Pastor Rich Pounds
Sunday School 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am /
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 /
GRACE UMC / Diverse, Inclusive, Missional
Sunday School for all ages, 9:30 am / Worship, 10:50 am 4105 Junius St. / 214.824.2533 /
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 /
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee Worship: 8:30 am & 11:00 am Traditional / 11:00 am Contemporary
LAKE POINTE CHURCH – WHITE ROCK CAMPUS Classic Service at 9:30 & Contemporary Service at 11:00 am / 9150 Garland Road
NORTHRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / / Sundays 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School 9:35am / All Are Welcome
8:15 am Chapel, 9:30 & 11:00 am Sanctuary, 5:00 pm Founder’s Hall Senior Pastor Matthew E. Ruffner / / 214.368.6348
ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN / Skillman & Monticello Rev. Rob Leischner / 214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am
UNITY ON GREENVILLE / Your soul is welcome here! 3425 Greenville Ave. / 214.826.5683 / Sunday Service 11:00 am and Book Study 9:30 am

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Taking one day to organize your entire week will smooth out your days and allow you more time on busy weeknights. Here’s five things to do on Sunday to ease the stress.
1. Check the calendar — Nothing worse than forgetting meetings or an important event. Review your week each Sunday, and don’t forget to plan some fun stuff, too.
2. Shop and prep meals — Helps you eat healthy. Plus, you can avoid mid-week trips to the grocery store.
3. Tidy up — Straighten up enough so that your place looks presentable when you wake up on Monday morning.
4. Make a list for Monday — Identify the biggest priorities so you know what to tackle first when you get to work.
5 Go to bed early — Don’t start Monday off tired and stressed. Have a stress-free week!
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Bike ‘litter’ a sign of progress
Bringing Dallas into a new era of transportation, one ride at a time
As someone who truly believes that if the world were a just place, Frito pies and chocolate-filled doughnuts would be recognized as their own food group, it is remarkable to me that my youngest child loves fruits and vegetables as much as she does. I mean loves them. I’ll find half-eaten bags of baby carrots in the stuffed animal bin, desiccated orange peels on the window sill, an apple core on her bedside table.
Sure, I remind her to return uneaten food to the fridge. I encourage her to use this newfangled gadget we’ve got called a trash can. But still, I find broccoli stems in her backpack and leftover grapes in the carseat.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. It brings me joy to find the remnants of her unusually healthy appetite (although, to be honest, it does make me wonder about a baby switch at the hospital). No, her discarded edamame shells and peach pits are evidence that she’s forming healthy eating habits, hopefully for a lifetime. Picking up a few scraps here and there is a small price to pay, and fretting about it is missing the point entirely.
That’s what I think when I hear the frenzy over rental bikes strewn across our city. In the last two years, several private bike companies have come to Dallas in a big way, allowing people to find and rent bikes easily and cheaply from their smartphones. In response, Highland Park has all but banned them. The City of Dallas is poised to regulate them.
But this isn’t something we should be wringing our hands over, and it’s not something that we should try to “solve”
with heavy-handed and over-reactive government regulation that will very likely kill these new businesses.
No, this is a problem we should be celebrating. These bikes littering our city are the best evidence yet that Dallas is changing, and for the better.
The leftover bikes — the bike wrappers, if you will, are proof of a significant pent-up demand for bikes as a transpor-
By ANGELA HUNTtation option. Conventional wisdom in Dallas has long held that Dallasites are attached to their cars with superglue and there is no real need for bike infrastructure because only hippies and children ride bikes (and who cares about hippies and children, amiright?). The success of bike share proves that many regularly-bathing adults will use bikes when it is cheap and convenient. We need to encourage this.
The success of bike share is also proof
that people will get out of their cars if we give them cheap and convenient transportation alternatives. So let’s focus on how we can make other public transportation options more attractive to riders. If people will get out of their cars to ride bikes, why aren’t they getting out of their cars to ride buses? Is it that buses aren’t convenient enough? Not going to the right places? Not efficient enough? Let’s identify ways to improve other non-car transportation options and get even more people out of their vehicles.
Lastly, Dallas has lagged in investing in on-street bicycle infrastructure because of an erroneous perception that there isn’t a demand and roads are for cars. (By the way, it’s hard to justify building a bridge by the number of people swimming across a river.) All the people pedaling around Dallas on bright green and yellow bikes are proof that Dallas needs to invest in safe on-street bicycle infrastructure. The City’s $20 million recent investment in the Loop Trail, which will connect central Dallas’ trail systems, is a critical start. We need more.
As Jim Schutze recently wrote in the Dallas Observer: “If we think piles of bikes look tacky and we want to figure out how to clean them up a bit, well, ok, maybe. But we ought to be cheering this potentially transformational change, not fixating over minor growing pains.”
Angela Hunt is a neighborhood resident and former Dallas city councilwoman in East Dallas. She writes a monthly opinion column about neighborhood issues. Her opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to her

and search Angela Hunt to tell us what you think.
Conventional wisdom in Dallas has long held that Dallasites are attached to their cars with superglue and there is no real need for bike infrastructure because only hippies and children ride bikes (and who cares about hippies and children, amiright?).

There’s no subtle qualifier to this statement.

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