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ThE GrE aTEr LakEWOOd rEpubLicaN WOmEN S GrOup (formerly Westlake Republican Women) is looking for new members. This month’s meeting is Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Commonwealth Title, 6465 E. Mockingbird. Guests are welcome. For more information, contact Kelly Nolan at 214.728.7301 or kellynolan@ebby.com.
OuTGOiNG daLL a S pOLicE chiEf david kuNkLE will talk about “What Do Crime Stats Really Tell Us” at the Tuesday, Jan. 12 monthly luncheon for the Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce. The luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. and will be held at C.C. Young retirement community, 4847 W. Lawther. Tickets are $30 for members and $35 for non-members; reservations are recommended; call 214.328.4100 for information. Upcoming meetings of the chamber will feature Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert in February, Dallas Morning News columnist Steve Blow in March, and neighborhood resident Mike Poss in April.
ThE WOOdrOW WiLSON hiGh SchOOL GirLS SWim TE am recently finished second at a meet in Carrollton, and the boys team finished third. First place finishes were Kristen Arnold in the 200-yard freestyle, Hayley Heiner in the 200-yard individual medley, and Sydney Patterson in the 100-yard butterfly and 100-yard breaststroke. Second place awards went to Stephen Slaughter in the 200-yard freestyle, Kristen Arnold in the 500-yard freestyle, Jonathan Notebaert in the 500-yard freestyle and 100-yard backstroke, Hayley Heiner in the 100-yard backstroke, and the girls’ 400-yard freestyle relay team: Hayley Heiner, Kristen Arnold, Halle Thornton and Sydney Patterson. Third place finishes went to the girls’ 200yard medley relay (Hayley Heiner, Halle Thornton, Patterson and Laura Luna), Halle Thornton in the 200-yard individual medley and 100-yard freestyle, Joe Marshall the 100-yard freestyle, and the boys’ 400-yard relay (Sam Rooney, Sam Hendrix, Stephen Slaughter Marshall) Sam Castillo, Random Bailey and Gabriel also contributed points to the effort.
ST. paTrick aNd ST. ThOma S c aThOLic SchOOL graduates and neighborhood residents recently received Patrick Haggerty Math & Science scholarships to Jesuit Prep. The students are Connor Bush, William Harris, O’Brien, Justin Buskmiller, Connor Davis, Henry Ideker, Ideker, Nicholas Bedenkop and Kevin O’Brien.
STONEWaLL JackSON ELEmENTary SchOOL fOur Er aLE xaNdEr c aNriGhT recently took first place the second year in a row — in the 34th Annual DISD Olympiad at Skyline High School. Stonewall fifth-grader Eden won third place in the Northeast Learning Community. The coaches are Ms. Barnes, Ms. Sandoval and Ms. Trapalis.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com or online at advocate.com/submit_ed_news. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
Recently attending the Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce holiday party were (from left) Derek s mith, director of the White Rock YMCA; Richard v itale, YMCA board member and Bank of America executive; c hakilla White, chief operating officer of Doctors Hospital, and her husband Louis White, candidate for 304th District Court judge..