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The ex fac Tor

The ex fac Tor

Blockbuster On Lower Greenville To Close

Today I saw “store closing” signs at Blockbuster at Skillman and Abrams, too. People talk about Walmart driving out mom-and-pop businesses. I feel Blockbuster was guilty of that as well. I canceled my membership to Blockbuster in 2004. It was to a store in Richardson that was one of the first ones to close, long before Blockbuster ran into all these financial problems. Good riddance, Blockbuster. —THOMAS

One of the best movie rental stores in the USA is located in East Dallas — Premiere Video. They have adapted to changes in the industry, expanded inventory and have a loyal customer base. If only they would loosen up on their latefee charges! —CITIZEN


Developer Pitches Plan For Trinity Church Property

I just saw your blog and wondered who you were. The neighbors on Clayton that I’ve talked to are very much against the rezoning that will bring in too much density and therefore traffic to our end of the neighborhood. The future owner of the property needs to think of high-quality singlefamily homes that reflect the character of the neighborhood. Wonderful neighbors are the best reason for living where we do. We want to keep it that way. —SUSAN


Why should Lakewood, Forest Hills or Lakewood

Hills give up 3.8 acres of low-density single family for 44 townhouses? The buildings on the property need to be torn down and that would make a nice park until the economy gets better. Whatever is built will be the last thing built for most people’s lifetimes. —TONTO


I am pleased to know Ms. Hunt will not run for mayor. Perhaps the new mayor will not indulge in smallness; perhaps a new mayor will appoint her to the chairmanship of at least one council committee. —GAY


Iaman ardent Hunt supporter, though we’ve never met, so I am disappointed. But I also think this is not the right time and agree with her decision. —LEE



I don’t see any special talents in Hunt that lead me to believe she would be better or worse than mayors in the past. She is a lawyer (I think), and the last thing government needs is more lawyers! I’d rather see Kunkel. I can’t think of any big city mayors who were previously chief of police.


It’s just laughable, sad, infuriating that it takes more than a year to get these permits in Dallas. What looks like a good, creative solution to the economic crisis won’t be in place here until after the economy is expected to improve.


Austin is packed with these trucks. My relative took me down South Lamar and showed me at least 4 or 5 areas which had anywhere from 1 to 5 trucks in each location. We are way behind the times. —ANN

Ice And Snow

The city is completely incompetent in dealing with it — closed for 3-4 days for an inch of snow and ice? Have they not heard of sand? Have they not heard of salt? What is embarrassing and contemptible about North Texas is how such a comparatively mild storm has made so many roads completely treacherous. —JASON M

I almost wish I was back in Chicago myself, even with 2 feet of snow, because at least I’d be able to walk to the store, or the el, to get more food. Papa John’s isn’t delivering, and I’m down to half a leftover Stouffer’s lasagna for dinner tonight.


Kurt Warner said it so clearly last night on Channel 8: “Where’s the sand trucks and plows?”


The answer to “Where’s the sand trucksand plows?” is — wait for it ... wait for it — “Where’s the money?”


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