out of darkness
Bright futures emerge for graduating seniors who collectively rose above tragedy, abuse and culture shock

encouragement and support from their teachers, three Woodrow students found a way to shine.

Bright futures emerge for graduating seniors who collectively rose above tragedy, abuse and culture shock
encouragement and support from their teachers, three Woodrow students found a way to shine.
You’ve been dreaming of expanding your home and finally being able to enjoy the space your growing family needs.
Or perhaps a showcase kitchen where you’ll create lasting memories entertaining friends and relatives during the holidays. Maybe even a modernized, open floor plan, an invigorating bathroom remodel, or a custom exterior “facelift.”
Whatever you envision, you deserve to have your project completed on time and on budget. These suggestions should ensure a smooth process and a finished result you’ll love when you hire a qualified remodeling company like BellaVista:
Once you have decided on which remodeling company to use, request a written proposal that includes all the key details of your discussions. This establishes your need for accountability, since often, two people remember conversations differently.
Successful projects begin with a good contract, but many contracts leave out important details. Make sure yours covers the scope of work, project timetable, payment schedule, project closure procedures (including how to address warrantable items), and
detailed specifications for all products and materials. Be sure it includes insurance and permit information, procedures for handling change orders, lien releases, and details on home access and cleanup.
Following the contract, you’ll be provided a list of selection items ranging from fixture options to paint colors and wood stains. These items must get from the distributor to the job site in a logical order, must be properly selected, and must be fully compatible with adjoining materials. Any delays in making selections could cause a chain reaction of ordering and construction setbacks.
Without an upfront kick-off meeting at your home, with your salesperson, the Project Manager, and the construction team, conflict will be inevitable. This is the time to talk about your big picture ideas, your needs, and expectations. Get a firm agreement on the schedule of your project and the key milestones involved. Learn what times of day crews will be working, when you and your family can and cannot be present, and how access, cleanup and protection of your property will be handled. You may want to change materials or other details during the job. Agree with your Project Manager on how these changes will be handled and ask how they will affect the schedule and the budget.
Ask for the schedule and milestone details you discussed at the kick-off in writing. This will hold both you and your remodeler mutually accountable to the project’s completion date.
If you have appliances and fixtures or any items that are to be installed in the remodel, be sure to provide them promptly when requested by your Project Manager.
There is no way around this fact: remodeling will cause an interruption of your normal life. Remember to be flexible and attentive in discussions with your Project Manager. A reputable company like BellaVista respects that it is your home, and choices from material selection to structural options should be yours. Your timely cooperation and decision-making will help to expedite the building process. No matter which remodeler you choose, we at BellaVista wish you all the satisfaction you deserve during the process, and with the final result. As always, please feel free to call and consider us for your dream project.
by: Alan Margulis6318 Gaston Avenue
Suite 202 Dallas TX 75214
(214) 823-0033
We spend enough time looking for happiness that it makes perfect sense to work at the task, maybe hard enough to burrow a trail in the road of life.
As we all know, though, living your life and loving it don’t always go handin-hand.
But it happens, and that’s why, when I met this particular woman a few months ago, I thought she was one of the lucky ones. She was confident. She walked with authority. She seemed happy.
Turns out she grew up in a small town, went to school nearby and then, for reasons not entirely clear even to her, she came to Dallas to live the dream. She didn’t have a job, an apartment or even any friends here — she just decided she wanted to live in Dallas, and so she did.
It was great, she says of the beginning, full of opportunities and excitement. Anything seemed possible, and trying to make it so was part of the fun.
Her story is a lot like the stories you’ll read in our magazine this month. The high school seniors we’re profiling worked hard to dig out of holes not always of their making to earn a high school diploma and, hopefully, a ticket to a better life.
As you’ll notice from the seniors’ stories, these students are filled with optimism and enthusiasm. Why wouldn’t they be? They’re young, and they have every reason to expect their lives to unfold according to their plans.
Perhaps their dreams will be realized. Then again, perhaps not. Most of us have already been there, right? We may be living the dream, but it’s likely not the dream we had in high school.
After many years of doing essentially the same thing, the woman I met says “fun” and “excitement” don’t pop into many of her sentences or weekends. Life is fine, she says. It’s just not what she thought it would be.
So much promise and so many plans when she first arrived. Now it all seems so long ago.
“I was so brave back then,” she says wistfully. “I wasn’t afraid of anything.”
She’s doing fine, so no need to worry. She just wishes things were different. Not specifically different. Just different.
And she’s using her younger self as the ultimate measuring stick.
That’s not what I wish for our graduating seniors. Instead, to measure their success, I hope they use one of those
To measure their success, I hope they use one of those long, retractable tape measures that can be extended and snapped back with a flick of the thumb. That’s what success and happiness are anyway, just quick flicks that can leave as quickly as they arrive.
long, retractable tape measures that can be extended and snapped back with a flick of the thumb.
That’s what success and happiness are anyway, just quick flicks that can leave as quickly as they arrive.
Better than just hoping for success is remaining brave enough to keep trying new things. It’s hard to be bored or unhappy when you don’t allow yourself time to look back at the ruts in your road.
Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
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per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
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If you haven’t been on lakewood. advocatemag.com lately, it’s likely you’ve missed some activity that has come full circle in the neighborhood in the past month.
The northeast corner of Abrams and Richmond has been a quiet little corner for more than a quarter of a century. If you’re especially observant, you might have noticed a little activity at the property recently. Excess brush has been cleared from the yard, and a rickety old garage was torn down. Lakewood resident Alex Winslow recently purchased the property, which is actually two lots — a single-family home sits on one lot.
On March 26, Winslow filed a zoning request with the City Plan Commission to remove the property from a residential conservation district and change its use to a commercial zoning district. Winslow said he wanted to develop the property, which he sees as the “front door” of the Lakewood shopping district, into an “All Lakewood” business.
That evening, he distributed a letter to the surrounding neighbors, detailing his history with the property as well as his intention for its future use, which included a colorful rendering of the hoped-for building. The next day, a proposed rezoning sign with the case No. 123-231 was posted in his front yard.
Although the Plan Commission would review his request initially, the change ultimately would have to be approved by the City Council. If that had happened, the three-bedroom, two-bathroom house currently sitting on the property would have been removed,
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Judy Liimatainen is a mother. Judy is a grandmother, a volunteer, a business woman and a community leader. For years, Judy has worked to better East Dallas and brings a passion for our section of Big D. Judy is also a listener. A doer. And one who can get people to work together. She’s running because she cares about Dallas and not her next political office.
Judy is also fiercely independent. She is not beholden to any corporation, political action committee, or big spenders. Her grassroots campaign has not taken money from any organizations outside the district, like so many other candidates have.
It’s time we, the people, had a voice at city hall instead of special interests. Vote for Judy. Your voice at City Hall.
and in its place, Winslow hoped to build a Southern California-style commercial building. The prospective two-story building would have included about 2,750 square feet of space, with about 2,375 square feet on the ground floor used for a commercial operation and about 375 square feet on the second floor divided into two small office spaces.
Documents filed with the Plan Commission listed several options for what Winslow’s property potentially could have been; possible uses ranged from a library or museum to office buildings or a retail store or restaurant without a drive-thru. (Note: Directly across Abrams next to Lakewood Veterinary Clinic, plans to build a Chipotle have stirred concern from some
neighbors worried about chain encroachment in the neighborhood.)
At first, the reaction was rather muted. During the first days of April, commission vicechair Gloria Tarpley, a neighborhood resident, said the Plan Commission had yet to receive feedback from neighbors — positive, negative or otherwise — but she said the CPC wouldn’t make a decision about the request until after they talked with immediate neighbors, as well as any other Lakewood residents who have an opinion.
“The Planning Commission in general is fairly resistant to make a change from a property that is residential to a property that is commercial. In general, we don’t want to disturb areas that are long-standing and well-established as residential,” Tarpley said.
She also pointed out a key factor: Just because Winslow provided a rendering of what he hoped the building would look like, doesn’t mean that’s what the property would actually look like once it’s all said and done. Zoning simply defines the nature of the property; it in no way mandates or controls the architecture.
“Although it’s in a neighborhood, it does have commercial around it,” Tarpley said at the time. “The Planning Commission will have to balance a lot of factors here. We generally try
“in general, we don’t want to disturb areas that are longstanding and well-established as residential.”
—commission vice-chair Gloria Tarpley
not to disturb neighborhoods, but there may be compelling circumstances.”
immediately after Tarpley’s comments were published on advocatemag.com, surrounding neighbors of the property rallied and made their thoughts known: They weren’t happy about the plan, not one bit.
“Everyone i’ve talked to, so far, is 100 percent against it,” said Belinda Cardwell, the neighbor at 6406 lakewood, across the alleyway from Winslow’s new property.
a small group gathered to discuss their concerns on april 2 at the home of next-door neighbor Carl Dreher. The primary concern was the devaluation of the surrounding properties, said John isaacson at 6411 Richmond. Of course, the influx of traffic and noise were also a concern.
Winslow met with Dreher and his wife, Charlotte Bristow, to discuss the rezoning request. He also met with Tarpley on april 8 to discuss the possibilities for the property.
On the evening of april 8, Tarpley met with about 20 of the surrounding neighbors to get their thoughts. The opinion was unanimous: They wanted residential only and would not consider any other options.
“They were very united in the feeling that the only kind of zoning they could support for that property, would be to keep the residential zoning with the conservation district in tact,” Tarpley recalled.
On april 9, alex Winslow announced he had withdrawn his rezoning request for the property at the northeast corner of Richmond and abrams.
“it’s off the table,” Winslow said. ”i told everybody that if it didn’t get support i’d pull it. and it didn’t, so i am.”
next, Winslow said he plans to renovate the home and rent it out as soon as possible.
— Brittany nunnWant more? Sign up for the weekly newsletter and know what’s happening in our neighborhood. Visit advocatemag.com/newsletter/lw to sign up.
In 1972, the Lakewood Community Library staff launched an oral history project called, “The Lakewood Project,” through which, a group of volunteers talked with dozens of Lakewood residents about life in Lakewood in the early to mid-1900s. In 1984, Ken Lampton discovered the collection of recordings in the Lakewood Branch of the Dallas Public Library. “I was just thrilled. I listened to many of the tapes and thought, ‘This is totally wonderful.’” At that time, people could walk into the library and ask to listen to the tapes. They were kept in a drawer, so people could sit down with headphones and listen, he explains. Later on, however, they ended up in a closet somewhere. For the last several years, the Lakewood Library has been seriously considering getting them digitized into MP3 format before the tapes deteriorate. When Lampton was nominated to be on the board of directors for the Lakewood Library Friends, he knew exactly which committee he wanted to be on – archives. “That’s when I led the effort to figure out what it would cost to digitize them,” Lampton says.
Tell me a little about the project: (In the 70s, the Lakewood Library staff) were trying to get all the old people around who were in some way prominent in the development and the history of Lakewood, they were trying to get ahold of them before they died, and let them tell their stories about what it had been like to live there, and what had drawn them there. They made about 145 tapes in an eight-year period – most of them made in about a four-year period.
What we’re doing now, the Lakewood Library Friends is getting the tapes digitized that have gone from being in the front of the library to somewhere in a closet. So what we’re doing right now is we’re paying out of our own funds to digitize all this, so that it will last longer and the tapes won’t fade away and be gone. We want to put the ability to stream MP3 off of our website, so that people can listen to the tapes, or to sections of the tapes.
Where does the book ‘Reminiscences’ play into all this?
The big (downtown) library said, ‘You make the tapes and we’ll hire one of our staff to make a book.’ His name is Gerald Saxon, and so he took some of the more interesting material and put it together, along with photos from the library. It has some of the most interesting stories. When you read it, it really gets you excited about the project.
And that has lead to the continuation of the project?
And as we’ve gotten involved in getting that done, we’ve gotten kind of enthusiastic about the idea that we need to go through the whole process again to cover the 60s, 70s, and 80s, because in 1970 nobody wanted to tell stories about the 60s; they were all there. Now those people are all 40 years older, so we need to start talking to that next generation and put out a whole new bunch of tapes. Ultimately we need money to do that. We’re trying to raise funds.
How much is it going to cost? $20,000.
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What will that pay for?
That is for the part beyond this first digitizing job. We will have to buy the equipment. What you have to do, is you have to get a core of perhaps 20 people, and they will have to take training on how to do oral history – it’s a field of its own with it own little rules. We can get help from Baylor University on that. So there will probably be some fees for getting trained, some fees for buying some good quality digital recorders – $100 a piece. So if you have 20 recorders, there’s $2,000. If we pay $1,000 for the courses, there’s that. And then what we want to do is get some kind of publicity campaign going that will let people know they can volunteer, either to be interviewers or be interviewed.
Which step of the process are y’all in right now?
We really want to get the word out that we want to rev this thing up again. Get people excited about the fact that the older material is going to be there for them. Then, ultimately, if we have any money left after doing another 150 tapes, we want to start to edit a bit, so that you could go in and not just listen to an entire tape, which isn’t very exciting, but listen to a recording that has been edited down to the things that we think most people want to hear about. Or separate it, so that this part deals with schools in the area, or this part deals with political figures in the area. And then we would cut apart the other tapes -- we’d have the originals of course – but we’d edit them together into a little story about a particular school in the area, or a particular geographical location or business. Someone suggested we do one about all the Italian families in Lakewood that’ve had such a role.
So we’d like to categorize them, but first we’ve got to save these, create a whole bunch of new material, and then we want to have it edited in a way that will really excite people and make it be used.
Want more? Sign up for the weekly newsletter and know what’s happening in our neighborhood. Visit advocatemag.com/newsletter/lwlhphfndoc to sign up.
Ride your bike…
on the first-ever Santa Fe Trail pub crawl on May 4. The event will benefit the Friends of Santa Fe Trail, so a $20 donation is encouraged. The pub crawl will begin at 11 a.m. at the start of the Santa Fe Trail at White Rock Lake. Along the way, there will be beer specials at The Lot, Craft & Growler, and Deep Ellum Brewery. Register online and bring a friend or two or three at friendsofsantafetrail.org.
through The Magdalen House community garage sale to benefit women who are seeking sobriety. The Magdalen House is a free, non-medical detox center that provides women with a safe environment to withdraw from alcohol abuse. They accept women on a first come, first served basis, regardless of disabilities, religious affiliations or ethnic backgrounds. The garage sale is at 1302 Redwood on May 3 and 4, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. They also welcome donations of new or gently used items. To donate or volunteer your time, call 214.324.9261. Check out magdalenhouse.org for more.
Stop and smell the flowers… during the White Rock Garden Tour and Artisans. With a $10 ticket, you can help support the tour as well as the beautification of Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates. Stroll through nine of the most beautiful gardens in Dallas from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on May 19. Purchase an entry card at 8539 Forest Hills, 8706 Forest Hills or 1418 Bella Vista. Visit whiterockgardentour.com for more.
Know of ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
Snickers is the long-hoped-for pup that became a Christmas surprise. After that, she became a constant companion and queen of the Horton house. Snickers’ people, Mary Grace and her sister Mercy, love to treat her like their baby doll, says their mom, Kim Webb Horton.
Dallas Real Estate 2013 - It’s Wild out there!!! Clients keep asking “Why this has happened so fast”. Well, my answer is… We didn’t all die on December 21, we all got through the crazy $600 billion Presidential Election, there is currently a backlog of 6 years of buyers, interest rates are at their lowest, the Dow Jones is the highest its’ ever been, and we live in Dallas, Texas… The Best City in America. CONFIDENCE!!!
It’s amazing to me that Real Estate agents are promoting all this hype about “COMING SOON” listings and cheating their clients out of potential thousands of dollars, not to mention probably violating equal Housing Law and well as Anti-Trust regulations.
This is the most important time to enter your home in MLS, basically exposing your home to the world. Real Estate is a numbers game . If you deny letting everyone…I mean EVERYONE, know about your home, how can you obtain multiple offers and receive the highest price possible? My last six sales have all received multiple offers…allowing the seller to be in the driver’s seat of the transaction and obtain the highest price possible. This Real Estate Market is a gift and it will not last forever!!!
Last year this “COMING SOON” gimmick was confusing to the buyers. They would see a sign and try to find the home in MLS. With no luck, they would call me and we would track down the company. If the company would say this was an office exclusive, we would then have a discussion that we would go knock on the sellers door informing that seller that the listing company wouldn’t let it be shown. Not Good!!! Every time I represented my buyer on a “coming soon” transaction, I knew they were getting an amazing deal …due to not being in MLS and no competition. Our great Country is based on a free and open market called “capitalism”. So why would you sell yourself short???
When you’re ready to sell your home…make sure you call Scott Carlson Real Estate, Inc. We will develop a strategy specifically designed for your needs and enter into the Lakewood Real Estate market with a bang.You will receive all the benefits of working with a Broker who has 30 years of experience in all markets. We always put our clients’ needs first.
These days the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of young women in tight pants twisting themselves up like human pretzels. It’s chic, sexy and full of estrogen. But in March, Lakewood’s Lotus Yoga began teaching a free one-hour class every Wednesday that’s hardly your girlfriend’s yoga — although it could be, if your girlfriend is a badass. In January, Lotus partnered with the Florida-based Connected Warriors program and committed to a full year of free classes for U.S. veterans and their families. The price of admission is service to the country. The rest is Lotus’ service to veterans. Believe it or not, yoga practices actually lend themselves to veterans, particularly veterans battling post-traumatic stress disorder, says owner Jennifer Hensley. “Yoga is about the mindbody connection, understanding that the emotional body affects our physical body. That’s why breathing exercises are so important,” Hensley explains. The Connected Warriors program is a nonprofit created as a joint effort between yoga instructors and war veterans to help service members embrace the healing power yoga can offer. The program has become nationwide since it began in 2010. Last year, the founders reached out to several Dallas yoga studios, hoping to bring the program to the Big D. When Hensley learned about the program, she knew it would be a perfect fit for her studio, so she and her staff took the training in mid-January and began the class in March. In today’s world, people are used to giving 110 percent, Hensley explains. That’s the kind of mindset she hopes people will check at the door. “Our big thing is health and wellness. I tell my students all the time, ‘Use this as a time to give back to yourself,’” Hensley says. “To actually mindfully give back to ourselves, we don’t always know how to do that.” This class is an hour of doing exactly what you want to do, she says. “My goal is that when they leave, they feel better than when they started. Period. Whether that’s from lying on the mat or trying out some poses. It’s about teaching yourself balance.” For those interested, the class is every Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Lotus Yoga at 6337 Prospect. It’s for service members and their families. —Brittany Nunn
“Necessity is the mother of invention – you always hear,” muses Hip Peas hair product creator Stephanie Mahaffey. That is certainly the case for the kiddie hair products sitting in front of her – a container of hair balm Mahaffey created to help style her daughter’s fine hair, and a spray bottle of detangler designed to help soothe the bedhead of her second youngster. “I’ve almost always done stuff that I needed for my own daughters,” she says with a laugh. When Mahaffey’s oldest daughter, Madison, was a toddler, trying to keep bows in her fine hair was a constant challenge. Mahaffey tried putting some adult hair product in the little girl’s hair to help, but – in true toddler fashion – Madison immediately began combing her fingers through her hair and then sticking them in her mouth. With all the chemicals in hair product, Mahaffey was concerned. Mahaffey, who got her degree in biomedical science and worked as a health consultant for many years, decided she wanted to create a kid-friendly, all-natural hair balm. At first, she didn’t know where to begin, until one day she discovered a manufacturer in Irving called Cosmetic Laboratories that helps people develop and manufacture their own products. After working with them for more than a year, she created a hair balm that did the trick. She began selling it locally and online. Soon after, she released a detangler, curl tamer and cradle cap care, and even shampoo and conditioner to complete her new all-natural product line, Hip Peas hair products. The product has taken off, both online and on store shelves. Ra Ra’s closet in Lake Highlands sells Hip Peas, as well as hair salons in Frisco, Plano and McKinney and throughout the U.S. Recently, Mahaffey also began talking with international distributors. “I’ve had really good growth in the past six months,” she says. “Now that my line is complete, I’m not focusing on creating more hair products. I’ve been really focusing on sales. It’s really taken off, so I’ve been really pleased with it.” —Brittany
NunnOn March 23, Woodrow Wilson students decked out in elaborate tribal costumes danced an Aztec Blessing in the auditorium of the high school while guests trickled in for the ribbon-cutting and open house of the school’s brand new arts and science wing. Dozens of Woodrow parents and alumni, along with community members, attended the ribbon-cutting, eager to see the new 39,000 square-foot facility. Woodrow Principal Kyle Richardson welcomed the crowd, and several other speakers crossed the stage to delever short speeches and “thank you”s. Craig Reynolds, the architect who designed the wing and who also happens to be a Woodrow parent, shared his vision for the new wing. He hopes it will be a space that gives teachers the tools they need to teach, and a space where students can embrace learning and growing. “A school is more than a building,” he says. “We are done warehousing children inside buildings in Dallas ISD.” The $14 million building, which was funded as a part of the 2008 DISD bond election, is three stories high. It includes 19 classrooms and science labs, a two-story rehearsal hall, a dance studio, dressing rooms, a black box theater and all kinds of other goodies. The ceremony wrapped up with the Woodrow fight song, and then the audience took the opportunity to walk down memory lane and see the changes the school has made since the good old days. Jim Peden, of Woodrow’s class of 1959, told his daughter, Leigh Straughn, about when he was in the very first Woodrow musical. In the dance studio, students performed or free-styled to various beats, and in the new band room, band instructor Chris Evetts worked with his students on a prepared set of songs. “It’s great to finally see it complete,” sums up District 2 DISD trustee Mike Morath. — Brittany Nunn
The annual Swiss Avenue Mother’s Day Tour is celebrating its 40th year this May, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday, plus a brunch on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year’s tour features eight historic homes, as well as St. Matthews Cathedral. In addition to the tour of homes, there is a vintage and special-interest auto exhibit, a children’s area with activities planned throughout each day, live music in Savage Park, an art fair with a variety of items available for purchase from local artists and craftsmen and much more.
Savage Park, sahd.org, $20 in advance, $25 at the door
April 30
The Dallas Arboretum is planting a seed and asking North Texas youth to spread the message of National Gardens Day through an essay contest. They’ve asked 1st through 8th graders to write about the various ways public gardens impact the community. There will be three age groups, and the winning students will receive 20 free passes to the Arboretum and a sprinkler system for their school garden. Essays must be submitted by April 30. There will be a ceremony on May 10.
www.dallasarboretum.org/ essaycontest
MAy 3 – 4
Ready to rummage? The Magdalen House is hosting a huge charity garage sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Magdalen House, 1302 Redwood, magdalenhouse.org, 214.324.9261
MAy 4
The North Texas Master Naturalists are hosting a family event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with activities for the kids, such as making seed balls and cornhusk dolls, around the picnic tables on the north side of the Bath House. “Twice Upon a Time” storytellers will be there along with Captain Chrysalis, superhero entomologist. Bath House Cultural Center grounds, ntmn.org, 214.663.2268, free
MAy 4
Pack a picnic or grab a hot dog at the Spring Fling at the Hills with Greenland Hills United Methodist Church. This kids event from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. will feature a petting zoo, bounce house, games and more.
Greenland Hills Preschool, 5835 Penrose, greenlandhills.org, free
Eclectic Galleries presents an exclusive collection of handcrafted jewelry from 18 American artisans working in gemstones, fine metals, enamel, pearl, glass, clay, and drusy quartz. There will be a meet-the-artist reception with refreshments on Friday from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Eclectic Galleries, 6725 Snider Plaza, 469.759.6501
May 4
Grab your friends and your bicycles for the first ever Santa Fe Trail Pub Crawl at 11 a.m. There will be beer specials along the way at The Lot, Craft & Growler, and Deep Ellum Brewery. The event benefits the FotSFT, so a $20 donation is encouraged.
Santa Fe Trail at White Rock Lake, friendsofsantafetrail.org, $20 donation
May 4
Fair Park will debut its Summer Adventures in Fair Park in May, which will feature 18 acres of rides, games, stage shows, water-play pools, fountains and misters. It also focuses on the Top o’ Texas ride, which is 500 feet tall and offers a panoramic view of downtown Dallas and the metroplex.
Fair Park, fairparkfun.com, 214.428.8000, $29.95 for adults, $24.95 for seniors and kids under 48 inches.
May 6
The Lakewood Library Friends are calling for submissions for their 2013 Art Show. The art drop-off is Saturday, May 4, and the art show and reception is Monday, May 6.
Lakewood Branch of the Dallas Pubic Library, 6121 Worth, 214.670.1376, lakewoodlibraryfriendsdallas.com, $5 for members, $15 for non-members
Begins May 10
Dallas Children’s Theater brings you their rendition of the book “Flat Stanley.” Stanley Lambchop is just like everyone else, until he makes a wish that, lo and behold, comes true!
Dallas Children’s Theater, Baker Theater, dct.org, 214.978.0110, $16-27
Prizes Include: One year suPPly Of yOgurt famIly 4 Pack tO the arbOretum
May 11
After the success of last year’s event, Against the Grain Productions is hosting the 2nd annual Groundbreakers Speak, an event that highlights seven diverse and inspiring Asian Americans, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Crow Collection of Art, 2010 Flora, againstthegrainproductions.com, $15-$25
May 16
Alligator Café
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Lake House Mexico Lindo
Sali’s Pizza & Pasta Terilli’s Trinity Hall Irish Pub
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Ever wonder where phrases like “the horse you rode in on” and “like a bad penny” come from? Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett, hosts of public radio’s “A Way with Words,” are coming to Lakewood Theater at 8 p.m. to solve such conundrums and explore language and its impact on culture. The event will benefit Aberg Center for Literacy.
Lakewood Theater, abergcenter.org, $40-200
May 19
Spend your Sunday strolling through nine of the most beautiful gardens in Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring extra money to buy art along the way.
Purchase an entry card at 8539 Forest Hills, 8706 Forest Hills or 1418 Bella Vista, whiterockgardentour.org, $10
May 3 - 5 & May 24-26
Lakewood resident Anna Donovan has been working as an integral part of the world-class Texas Ballet Theater artistic staff to prepare for the TBT Springfest at the AT&T Performing Arts Center. The Springfest is a celebration of two cultures, life, heroism and Balanchine. AT&T Performing Arts Center, Wyly Theater, texasballettheater.org, 877.828.9200, $20-60
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At1 p.m. on a Tuesday, Legal Grounds was operating at a slow simmer. An occasional customer or two trickled in, most with laptops slung over their shoulders. During the morning, you’re lucky to find an available seat, much less a table, at the cozy breakfast nook off Abrams. But that’s the beauty of Legal Grounds; it seems to suit just about anyone from high school sports teams to businessmen in suits, students studying, moms on lunch dates, or study groups for various religions — everyone has a place here. Manager Matt Bebee suspects that’s why Legal Grounds is such a landmark melting pot for Lakewood. “I think it’s unique, like Lakewood,” Bebee muses. That’s also the reason why current owner Eric Johnson bought the place two and a half years ago when it was on the verge of going under, to keep a place with such rich Lakewood history and irreplaceable atmosphere from being lost. But, neighborhood feel aside, the crave-worthy breakfast foods speak for themselves. The Diane, their buttermilk oatmeal pancake, is insanely good and so dense you won’t need lunch, or dinner for that matter. If you’re looking for something meatier, the Suzanne is the “bigger, meaner big sister,” as Bebee calls it. It comes with bacon and eggs and the works. Or, if you wander in some lazy Tuesday, settle down with a bold coffee or a loose-leaf tea and a muffin top or scone.
— brittany nunnNot only does the atmosphere of the restaurant make you feel like you’re the star in a TV show, their griddle toast will put you in the best sugar coma you’ve ever experienced. Plus, they’re open 24 hours for late-night snackers.
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No fluff and no frills, just fast service and friendly, familiar faces. If you’re not going just to catch up on the latest neighborhood gossip, try their steak and egg breakfast. You’ll be glad you did.
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The Mecca’s cinnamon rolls are the best things since well, since ever. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.
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Specializing in American and Italian flavors. Choose from our signature pizza, sliders, fries, fresh salads and more. We are in your neighborhood and deliver. Mon-Th 11am-9pm, Fri and Sat 11am-10pm, Sun 12pm-9pm. Closed weekdays 2-4
One of the many facts the wine business sloughs off is that women buy most of the wine in the United States — as much as 60 percent, according to some surveys. From reading wine writing, you’d assume that men dominated the market, and that everyone wanted to drink big, heavy red wines.
So what better way to mark Mother’s Day than by acknowledging how important women are to the wine business? Here are three wines to give Mom for a gift or to enjoy at Mother’s Day brunch:
• Estancia Pinot Grigio ($9): Estancia, part of the multinational Constellation Brands, produces some of the most interesting and best-priced grocery store wine. Look for flowery aromas, soft lemon fruit, and an Italian sort of minerality on the back.
• Goats do Roam Rosé ($10): This South African wine has strawberry fruit that becomes more cranberry and is more European in style. Very nicely done and a fine value.
• Hess Treo ($17): This California red blend is balanced and fruity, but the red fruit is just one part of the wine and doesn’t overwhelm it. A good example of what can be done to make wine that appeals to someone other than critics.
What’s a blind tasting?
That’s when you taste the wines without knowing what they are. It’s actually quite common, especially in wine competitions, and is something everyone should do at least once. If you don’t know what the wine is (except for the varietal and color), then you won’t be influenced by the label, the price or where the wine is from.
—Jeff SiegelASK The Wine Guy taste@advocatemag.com
Remember all the times Mom made you brownies? Why not return the favor with this dessert? And if it doesn’t exactly pair with wine, so what — it’s Mother’s Day.
Grocery List
1 c unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 ½ c granulated sugar
1 ½ c brown sugar
4 large eggs, at room temperature
2 oz red food coloring
4 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 ½ c all-purpose flour
6 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
½ tsp salt
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and flour a 9x13 clear glass baking dish.
2. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition, then stir in food coloring and vanilla, and mix until the color is fully incorporated. Mix flour, cocoa and salt in a separate bowl. Slowly add in the flour mixture, and don’t over-mix. The batter will be very thick.
3. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 30-40 minutes, 35 minutes for a thin crust on top and gooey underneath. Set aside to cool, cut into bars and serve.
Makes about two dozen, takes about an hour
Throughout May, commencement speakers everywhere beseech young graduates to embrace opportunity as they step into a bright future. Each graduate has a story about his or her journey to this day. Some have traversed dark and challenging terrain ...
For those, the light is especially brilliant.
If the School of Hard Knocks were a real place, Woodrow senior RogelIo MaRtInez could write the textbook. nothing about the 20-year-old’s upbringing was easy, but as a sophomore in high school, Martinez found something at Woodrow that changed everything for him — lisa Moya King’s dance class.
Martinez and his siblings lived with his grandparents in East Dallas for the first half of his life. His mom skipped out on them when Martinez was a baby, and his alcoholic father was deported to Mexico when Martinez was about 7, he says. The year his dad was deported was the first year Martinez failed a grade, but it wasn’t the last.
When he was about 12 or 13, his grandparents moved to Mexico, and he and his twin brother and older sister moved in with their oldest sister and her family. His sister’s husband was anything but welcoming. Martinez says his brother-in-law abused him verbally and physically and threatened to hurt his family if he told anyone about it. That year Martinez failed another grade.
At that point his mom began reaching out to him and his siblings. One day she showed up at the door and took him and his brother away to a small ranch in North Texas outside of Paris, he recalls, but because of her ever-present drinking problem, things weren’t much better.
“I was over there because of what happened, but I never wanted to be there. I just wanted to be here because my whole family was here,” he says. “We were there because we were stuck there.”
When his oldest sister visited them and saw how they were living, she brought Martinez back to Dallas, he says. That year Martinez started going to Woodrow as a freshman.
“The situation when I was living with her was the same, but I didn’t care. I was like, as long as I’m back I don’t care,” he explains. “I always kept an eye on my brother-in-law. I just tried to avoid him.”
The next year, during his sophomore year, Martinez discovered Lisa Moya King’s dance class at Woodrow.
“I started staying after school to practice, and I liked it a lot because I wasn’t at home. I was away from home, I was here doing something that caught my attention, I would forget about everything,” he explains.
Not only did he enjoy it, he excelled at it. Dance opened up a new world to him, and before long he was doing things he never knew were possible.
“I danced everything, and I was a really fast learner. I put all my mind into it,” he says. “People always see me as a quiet person, and when I would dance I would be different. I just love performing, just the way it feels. It’s like freedom, you know?”
But when his brother-in-law found out he was dancing, Martinez says things became worse. He says there were days he couldn’t dance because he was hurt too badly, but he refused to give it up.
Over the years, King became a huge part of his life, he says.
“I saw her as a mom, because I never really had one,” he says. “She took care of me and stuff. A lot of my life I felt like a bother, because of my brother-in-law and because of how other people treated me, but when I was with her, she would talk to me about ‘how’s this and that?’ and she would be after me with my classes, you know, basically like a mom.”
Martinez’ feelings about dance are not uncommon, King says. In her eyes, her dancers are one giant family, and she’s the second mom to them all. “They just take care of each other and keep each other accountable,” she says.
In the four years that King has taught at Woodrow, the Woodrow dance program has grown to be the largest in DISD, and it has been a life-changer for many kids, King says.
“What happens with the students is they come to dance at Woodrow with a very narrow definition of what dance is,” she says. “The transformation happens when they realize that dance is about expression; it’s about individuality.
“So what it does, is it starts this process of self-discovery. They start
confronting their fears, they start trying new things, and I think what happens is that transformation carries onto trying anything in life, getting that self-confidence of, ‘You know what, I can do this. I wonder what else I can do in life?’
So it just broadened their horizons, and before you know it they’re going, ‘You know what, I can go to college. I am capable. I can do something with my life.’ And not only that, but it’s through dance that they start developing really strong work ethic. They know that they have to work hard if they want to do well, and then they start doing well in the rest of their classes.”
For Martinez, dance was the reason to go to school, he says. One day his sister told him she was going to take him to live with his mom, but Martinez didn’t want to leave Woodrow. He called King to tell her goodbye, and she and her husband convinced him that, because he was old enough to live on his own, he had a choice. “That same night, I took a backpack, and I just left,” he said.
Now Martinez is 20 years old and a senior. He still dances whatever he can whenever he can, he says. Dance gave him the motivation to go to school and the confidence to do well at it. Now he’s counting down the days until high school graduation. After that, he plans to go on to either college or the Army.
“Because of my family,” he explains. “I saw them and learned from their mistakes, and because I want to do something. I want to prove my brother-in-law wrong, that I am able to do something.”
“I started staying after school to practice, and I liked it a lot because I wasn’t at home. I was away from home, I was here doing something that caught my attention, I would forget about everything.”
When Lacresha Weaver first started going to Woodrow, she didn’t exactly go looking for trouble, but when trouble came looking for her, she didn’t hesitate to oblige.
“When I first got here as a freshman, I was just a little wild,” she says. “I used to fight. My freshman and sophomore year, I fought all the time. I just didn’t take no drama.”
Weaver’s mom transferred her to Woodrow after she jumped into a fistfight at Skyline High School to help her cousin and got hurt, she says. But even after she started going to Woodrow with her brother, she’d scrap with other students if someone messed with her or her siblings.
At first, school wasn’t a top priority. She says she’d often be loitering in the hallway instead of going to class. Although she somewhat managed to keep her grades up during basketball season, her attendance record was a mess.
That was when she met Alene Mathis, or “Mama Mathis” as many at Woodrow know her.
While Weaver was out in the hallways during class time, she’d sometimes be in front of Mathis’ office where Mathis works as the advisor for the credit recovery program, helping students avoid dropping out of high school.
When Weaver stuck her head in Mathis’ office one day, Mathis’ first impression was that she was a “loudmouthed nosey girl,” but she figured Weaver probably just needed a little attention. Mathis fussed at her for always being in the hallway, and then she pulled up Weaver’s grades and found what she expected. She told Weaver she had messed up her grades her freshman year, but she told her she could help her get them back on track, if Weaver wanted.
Weaver agreed and Mathis became a mentor for her – both academically and personally. Mathis reminded Weaver of her grandmother who raised her until she passed away when Weaver was 13. Mathis, who has kids and grandkids of her own, says she became more of a mother or grandmother to Weaver than a teacher.
“Inside she has an old soul,” Mathis says. “She’s a teenager, but she has an old soul. She has knowledge. It’s not just a street smarts, it’s a
“Inside she has an old soul. She’s a teenager, but she has an old soul. She has knowledge. It’s not just a street smarts, it’s a sense of understanding of what life is. It’s like she gets it.”
sense of understanding of what life is. It’s like she gets it.”
Sophomore year Weaver started going to class a little more, but Mathis says she made more of an attitude improvement than an academic one. “It didn’t just happen overnight,” Mathis explains.
Finally, at the end of her sophomore year, something clicked. For starters, Weaver was sent to truancy court for missing so many classes. That’s when she realized her grandmother had raised her better than that and that she would be disappointed if she knew, Weaver says. But more than that, Weaver realized she wanted to succeed in school and in life.
“It was like, ‘Ok, I see all my friends making it. They’ve got all their credits. It’s time for me to get it together. I don’t want to be left here,’” she explains.
“You can’t do anything these days without a high school diploma. Any job you apply for, that’s the first thing they ask.”
Mathis noticed a marked change in Weaver. She started going to class all the time, and she stopped fighting. Mathis mentored her through the summer reconnect program at Woodrow and helped her get her grades back where they needed to be.
“She’s one of the ones that I’m going to really miss,” Mathis says. “She’s one of the students that, if I had to trust a student with confidential information, she’d be the one I’d trust. She’s just really amazing, just seeing where she is from where she was, it’s like watching a miracle unfold.”
Now, as a senior, Weaver feels like she’s a different person today than she was her freshman year.
“This year, I’m very mature. There’s stuff I did I would never do now. I realized that fighting really doesn’t solve anything. I’m the type now that if I get into it with somebody, I’d rather talk about it because I realize it really isn’t worth it.”
At 18, she has a job at Tom Thumb on Mockingbird. After graduation, she plans to go to El Centro in Dallas to begin her college career studying dental hygiene. After that, maybe she’ll go to a university, she says.
“I never would have thought I would be graduating on time this year, but I put my mind to it, and I did the work. I went through a lot to get here, but I finally made it,” she says. “Some people may not have believed me, but you have to believe in yourself.”
Woodrow senior Breanna Simpson possesses the ease of thought and well-spoken confidence people twice her age envy. Her teachers describe her as “well rounded,” “smart,” “sweet” and “down to earth.” Her hair falls in waves around her handmade earrings, and at least half a dozen rings embellish her fingers. Like many young women her age, grappling to find the balance between girlhood and womanhood, she’s quick to smile and just as quick to shed tears. She freely admits she had it better than many kids, but she also has the self-awareness to know she has deep emotional scars that impact who she is and who she will become.
Simpson came to Woodrow Wilson High School after the start of the school year her junior year, which made it difficult for her to get connected in student activities, but that was nothing new for her. Her parents got divorced when she was in 6th grade, and between 7th grade and 10th grade she went to at least six different schools.
“I went through a lot of years being depressed, not having any friends,” she says as her eyes fill with tears.
After the divorce, she lived with her dad so she and her older brother could stay together. He’s a good parent, she says, but they moved around a lot so her brother could play on the best possible baseball teams. Many of the schools were also great schools academically, but being the artistic free-spirit that she is, it was often difficult for Simpson to get connected in some of the more affluent neighborhoods.
While at Flower Mound High School, she felt starkly different from the other students and was very unhappy, she says. It was all she could take, so she decided to move in with her mom, which brought her to Woodrow.
“Best decision I’ve ever made,” she says. “I’m so happy I moved here. My life has completely turned around.”
But leaving her dad’s house was also the hardest decision she’s ever made because it hurt him and caused tension between them, she says, although she doesn’t regret it.
“I never really realized it when it was happening, but looking back I was extremely depressed from 7th to 10th grade,” she explains.
“I know I’m not the only one who this has happened to, but I’m so lucky I was able to change and get away from what was making me feel bad.”
When Simpson first came to Woodrow, says her dance teacher, Lisa Moya King, she seemed lost. “She was very reserved, and she wouldn’t go out of her bubble,” King explains.
She’s a smart girl, and good at almost anything she tries, King says. Simpson had been dancing ballet since she was seven and is a gifted dancer.
“She asked if she could be a part of the
Woodrow ensemble, which is Woodrow Dance Theater, and even when she got in there, she was still so hesitant to try anything new. She was still trying to acclimate to her environment,” King says.
King began to push Simpson out of her comfort zone, forcing her to break away from strictly ballet into modern dance for the first time.
“She’d have moments of just complete meltdowns because she was having to go out of her comfort zone. She was having to go upside down and be lifted for the first time,
Breanna Simpson needed a place to put down roots. Once she found it at Woodrow, she began to flourish emotionally and academically.
and having to lift someone herself,” King explains.
“It was a sense of trust. She did not have any trust. She did not trust anybody to pick her up, and she didn’t trust herself to pick anybody up.”
Simpson describes it as hitting an emotional wall while dancing. She says it started when she was younger, while taking jazz and ballet classes.
“We’d learn something new, and if I couldn’t do it, I’d cry,” she recalls. “I cried so often, almost every class at one point — just being a perfectionist and trying to accomplish what was put in front of us. It’s not that I couldn’t do it, I just gave up…. Or I felt like I was giving up. I just didn’t have the confidence to believe that I was going to get it, eventually.”
King helped her break away from that mindset, she says.
“She’s just really taught me a lot about movement, that it doesn’t have to be perfect and uniform like ballet. You can really get funky with it.
“I just had this mental block. I just didn’t have the confidence to keep going, and that’s not just with dance, that’s with everything. Coming here has really opened my eyes and broadened my spectrum.”
At the same time she began opening up in dance, she also began flourishing socially and academically at Woodrow.
“I have friends now at Woodrow, and I’m doing better than ever in school. I was always confident with my academic skills, I just wasn’t challenging myself before,” she says.
She reached the top 10 percent this year and hopes to graduate with a 3.75 GPA, she says. Once she graduates, she’d like to go to college at Texas A&M for her undergraduate, and then on to Auburn University in Alabama for graduate school for veterinary medicine, which is where her mom, who owns her own vet clinic in Mesquite, went to school.
“The thing about Breanna is, she kind of represents a lot of our kids, staring at future, at life, going, ‘Where do I go? What do I do?’” says King. “She’s discovered she’s good at just about anything she does, so long as she has a work ethic. The world is hers, really.”
Josh and Kelly Killian’s home at 6003 Bryan received extensive damage during the June hailstorm. They had to replace more than 15 original windows and the floor in their entryway, living room and dining area, among other things. Photos by Jeanine Michna Bales
For four decades, mothers of all kinds have flocked to Swiss Avenue on the second Sunday in May for the Mother’s Home Tour. If there’s one thing Swiss Avenue knows well, it’s mothers. But this year they’ve been dealing with the mother of all mothers — Mother Nature. And, wouldn’t you know it, she is a force to be reckoned with.
For people who live in East Dallas, “the June hailstorm” is a phrase that has been well worn out since the massive storm rolled through Dallas and wreaked havoc on June 13, 2012, leaving a path of destruction in her wake. For months after the storm, the city was a buzz of electric tools and clanging hammers. It was the same old story of roof repairs, car damage and window installations.
Pockets of the historic district were hit especially hard, and they’ve also had a harder recovery curve because of the delicate process of replacing original architecture, like antique wavy or bubble glass windows, tile roofs, flooring, and even a 1913 greenhouse. Every year the homeowners of Swiss Avenue dedicate countless hours and funds to prepping their homes for the Mother’s Day Home Tour; this year, for the 40th anniversary of the tour, participants had the added challenge of scrambling to repair their homes after the storm, and
some of them just barely made it.
Killian stood in his living room and watched as baseball-sized hail repeatedly slammed against his windows. He knew the windows weren’t going to make it much longer against the onslaught, so he moved into the hallway just as the first window shattered. Soon another window exploded, and then another. Hailstones bounced and rolled through the house, and when it was all said and done, the Killians found hail all the way in their kitchen, a good 20 or 30 feet from the broken windows.
The Killians’ home at 6003 Bryan will be on the tour for the first time this year, and from the looks of the beautiful, brightly lit home today, you’d never imagine that a little less than a year ago it was in shambles. More than 15 windows around the house were smashed and had to be replaced. Of all the things that had to be replaced or repaired around the house after the storm (including both the Killians’ cars, which were totaled), Kelly Killian is most devastated about losing the original windows. “That’s the one thing that still makes me almost cry,” she says, looking mournfully at the replacement windows. The new bubble glass just doesn’t compare to the original, she says.
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Because the hail and rain sat on the floors for too long — which wasn’t very long, Kelly says, but long enough to warp them — the floors in the living room, dining room and entry hall were ruined and had to be replaced. “It was a pretty big project,” she says, but the floors weren’t original to the house, so that loss wasn’t quite as tragic as the windows. Their patio and roof also had to be repaired, but luckily their roof wasn’t tile like many of the roofs on Swiss. If it hadn’t been for the hailstorm, all the Killians would have had to do to prepare their home for the tour is clean and maybe reorganize a few things — no such luck.
Helen Rekerdres was in England taking care of her ailing mother when the hailstorm hit her home hard at 5002 Swiss. Like the rest of the world, she watched the brutal beating via sporadic clips on YouTube, while at home, her 1913 greenhouse was being thoroughly pummeled. Rekerdres’ greenhouse is one of the oldest in East Dallas. “Which is probably
why it wasn’t totally destroyed in the storm,” she muses, “because it was made back when things were made more sturdy.” There are more than 200 panes of glass that cover the top and sides of the beautiful building in her backyard, and almost all the original panes were cracked or shattered and had to be replaced. On the bright side, Craig Rekerdres used this as an opportunity to upgrade. “This house is my husband’s baby,” Helen says. “He’s always thinking up new ideas to do to the house, so it was all sorted out by the time I came back.”
Craig had to cover the broken windows immediately to keep heat inside the greenhouse so the hundreds of plants — including their 150 beloved orchids — would continue to thrive.
Not only did Craig take the opportunity to repaint the steel and cedar frame, but he also put in new window actuators (the mechanism that opens and closes the windows), upgraded the misting systems, and put in a new groundwater recovery system. “It’s ab-
“I’m still finding glass in the orchids.”Craig Rekerdres used the hail damage as an opportunity to upgrade their beautiful 1913 greenhouse. Photo by Jeanine Michna Bales 5201 Reiger, Munger Historic District 5201 Reiger Formal Dining 5201 Reiger Kitchen-Family RM
solutely lovely,” Helen says of the finished product.
Those on the tour will see 28 orchids brightening the Rekerdreses’ home. Many of them were once dying orchids Helen saved and brought back to bloom in the greenhouse. Orchids bloom for about three months, and then, with the help of the greenhouse, rest for about six months before blooming again, Helen says. Helen has become something of an orchid doctor since 2003, so her friends and neighbors often bring her orchids to nurse back to bloom. Luckily the hailstorm didn’t damage the orchids, although they didn’t go completely untouched. “I am still finding glass in the orchids,” Helen says.
The Rekerdreses also made a few other changes around the house in preparation for the home tour, such as building a new brick wall in their backyard. “Before the home tour. Everything is ‘before the home tour,’” Helen laughs as she points it out. Their home is one of two homes on the tour
that are turning 100 years old this year. The other is at 5210 Swiss. Both are prairie-style homes, and the Rekerdres’ home is known for being “the purest example of a prairiestyle house in Dallas,” says board member Robyn Schaub. “It’s a classic example of [the style of] Frank Lloyd Wright.”
Another prize the Mother’s Day Home Tour will feature this year is the infamous “Criswell House” at 5901 Swiss, which is most well known for once being the parsonage for W. A. Criswell, the founder of First Baptist Church in Dallas. The house was built in Jacbobethan style in 1924. The storm caused extensive damage to their roof, and repairs were completed only a few weeks ago, according to current owner Jean Bainbridge. Because the roof is made of a certain kind of slate that had to be specialordered, and because of the high demand, it took more than nine months for it to be fully repaired. The new tile also didn’t look as aged as the original, so they went so far as to have them painted to match the original tiles.
This year the Mother’s Day Home Tour is adding a Vintage and Special Interest Auto Exhibit to the tour as a treat for the men, says Schaub. There will be a vintage car at each home. Also, St. Matthew’s Cathedral is slated to be on the home tour for the second time this year, although this year the cathedral will feature special artwork that wasn’t on the tour last time. The home tour is also hosting a candlelight preview of two homes that will be on the tour, as well as a pre-party at a home that will not be on the tour. The pre-party will be at 5020 Swiss, which was on the original Dallas TV show. The party will be South Fork-themed with dinner, drinks and a live band. The pass for everything will be $50 per person, and the regular tickets are $25 per person. As always, there will be brunch on Mother’s Day at Savage Park with all-day entertainment for adults and children.
How to go:
wHat: Mother’s Day Swiss Avenue Home Tour
wHen: May 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. & May 12 from noon to 6 p.m.
wHere: Savage Park & Swiss Avenue
How MucH: $20 in advance, $25 at the door
Neighbors in Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates use everything from plants, trees, landscaping, waterscaping, and yard art to beautify their yards for the White Rock East Garden & Artisans Tour in May.
Everyone knows Little Forest Hills is funky, but did you know they’re competitive too? And thank heavens they are, or else the White Rock East Garden Tour & Artisans wouldn’t be going on its 12th year this May.
“How it started was, Donna [Mason] went to a few garden tours like this, and she said, ‘Oh my gosh, our neighborhood, we could do better than this,’” explains Lottie Minick with a chuckle.
Just like that, Mason and her husband, Jeff, decided to manifest the idea into a garden tour in Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates. When nearby neighbors Minick and Barbara Michaels caught wind of the idea, they asked whether Forest Hills could be included as well. These days, Michaels heads up the tour, although Donna Mason is still over Little Forest Hills.
“It was a free tour for a long time,” Minick explains. “But as the droughts happened, they lost some big trees, we lost some big trees, and so we kinda decided we’d like to make some money, so now we charge 10 dollars.”
That money goes toward beautifying the neighborhood with things
like stone markers, street-sign toppers and water for trees during dry seasons.
“The thing that I love about this tour is that it’s brought the three neighborhoods together. I know more neighbors now with the garden tours. I’ve lived here 20 years, and not until I got involved with the garden tours did I begin to really make friends with people in the three neighborhoods,” Minick says.
One mile north of 635, on Kingsley Ave. @ Garland Rd. 2125 W. Kingsley Ave. Garland, TX 75041 972.271.1411 creativewatergardens.net
Spring Hours: Mon. 9am to 3pm; Tues. - Sat. 9am to 5pm Closed Sun.
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The day of the tour, the homeowners and extra volunteers stake out at each house and welcome guests into their beautiful gardens in the back and answer any questions the guests might have. “It’s a long day, but it’s a fun day,” Minick says.
They also make a decent little chunk of money during their plant sale in Casa Linda Park. Each of the participants in the garden tour will donate plants to sell. Since Texas can be a tough place for amateur gardeners — or even experienced gardeners, for that matter they particularly focus on plants that have grown well for them.
Also, since the beginning of the tour, the gardeners have been teaming up with area artists, hence the “artisans” part of the title. At each garden location, two or three artists can pay to set up a booth selling their wares.
Gardens and artists seem to go hand-inhand, says artist Chris Unruh, who has been selling her recycled-trash art (although her specialty these days is concrete pots) at the garden tour for the past couple of years.
“There are a lot of great artists in this area,” she says. “I think it really rounds out and points out that there’s so many creative people in these neighborhoods.”
The gardens feature everything from organic veggies to exotic blooms to tranquil landscaping to elaborate garden setups. This year, Minick and the others have a couple of “ah-ha” gardens they’re thrilled to showcase, she says.
“We try not to be too snobby that we live in the best place in the world,” she says, laughing. “Actually, that’s not true ... I don’t try not to be snobby, but others try not to be snobby. I like to brag about it.”
How to Go:
wHat: White Rock East Garden Tour & Artisans
wHen: May 19 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
wHere: Buy tickets at1418 Bella Vista, 8706 Forest Hills or 8539 Forest Hills
How MucH: $10
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Shannon Kincaid empowers women through her paintings, which line the walls of the fourth floor of the T. Boone Pickens
Story by Brittany Nunn | Photos by Kim Ritzenthaler Leeso
The elevator door opens to the fourth floor of the Baylor T. Boone Pickens Cancer Hospital, and immediately visitors are greeted by three colorful images on the far wall of the waiting area.
Throughout the women’s cancer unit, 22 paintings by nationally and internationally known Lakewood artist Shannon Kincaid line the walls like an art exhibit, speaking messages of hope and empowerment to the thousands of women who walk by.
“[The paintings] are all about women,” Kincaid explains. “There’s a significant body of my work that has to do with just women — sort of the sacred feminist is my aesthetic that I’m interested in.
“This is a gynecologic oncology unit, so all of the people on the unit are women, and they’re women with some kind of gyn cancer. The paintings are bright and filled with color, and women doing things that women do.”
Kincaid was originally commissioned by the hospital in 2000 to create 12 paintings for the gyn-oncology unit. Recently, she donated 10 more pieces to the unit.
Kincaid began working with Baylor hospital in 1992 after her mother was diagnosed with uterine cancer. (Several years later, she was also diagnosed with breast cancer, and, thankfully, is a survivor of both.)
“It has always made a big difference in our sales when we advertised in
— ChrIs Brumley, Brumley Gardens
“She had been given such tremendous care at Baylor. They were so loving and took such great care of her that I wanted to give back. I was so thankful that I offered a year of my time, artistically, to the hospital in whatever form or facet they needed. It was just my way of giving back.”
After the year, Baylor Hospital took her on as the commissioned artist for the hospital, and she’s done many more projects with them since.
“[Being diagnosed with cancer] is just the most terrifying position to be in — even vicariously,” Kincaid explains. “I can’t imagine the journey of someone who’s actually walking it, how that feels.”
Many of the paintings in the women’s cancer unit are very simple. In vivid colors, they capture women going about life, such as three generations of women walking along the beach, or a woman standing in the wind holding her hat in place. Some of the pictures are more abstract and emotional, depicting women in various states of being contemplative, anguished, insecure, confident — in obscure locations.
“I’ve been making that art since I was about 20. I didn’t really even understand what was drawing me — pardon the pun to create art about women, but I’ve just always felt sort of pulled to the power that women have,” she says.
“It’s an intrinsic power that, through the eons and millennia, has been taken away from us. It used to be the Earth Mother and goddesses. Women were revered and venerated and powerful, and in past millennia that power and social standing has been taken away. And yet, we still have that power inside of us. It’s just something that I feel and believe in.”
That was the image Kincaid set out to portray in her painting of a woman with ovarian cancer, which now hangs above the check-in counter at the cancer unit. It’s one of her all-time favorite pieces, she says.
She originally painted it in 2007 for the cover of “TORCH: Tales of Remarkable Courage and Hope,” which is a book written by 25 ovarian cancer survivors at Baylor Hospital.
“It had to be conceptual, so I created a powerful woman holding a torch,” she explains. “But instead of facing you, she’s holding it behind her. She’s lighting the way for women who are yet to come with this cancer. The wind is blowing in her face and whipping her all around, yet she’s undaunted and she’s powerful, and her
head is bloody but it’s unbowed. And she’s there, holding the light for other people.”
The torch picture holds a special place in the hearts of the staff and patients at the cancer unit, says Linda Gray, nurse manager for Women’s Health at Baylor Hospital. But the other 21 paintings do as well, because of what they represent — women being women.
“When women experience cancer, they don’t stop being normal women who go about life; however, their normal is a new normal,” Gray says, “because it does change them, but they are still just normal women going through life, doing normal things.”
Gray says patients often remark on the paintings, asking who the artist is. Eventually they decided to put plaques beside the paintings because so many people inquired about them.
Kincaid’s husband, C. Allen Stringer, is the chief of OB/GYN and gynecologic oncology at Baylor Hospital. He, too, says not a week goes by that a woman doesn’t remark on the paintings. Some even say the paintings helped them keep walking down the hallway.
“It just reinforces to me the healing power of art,” Kincaid says. “I believe in it with all my heart.”
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The dust is stirring at Lakewood Shopping Center. The two vacant spaces that, once upon a time, housed Catalina 5G Boutique and the School of Contemporary Ballet Dallas are being gutted and chopped up to make room for a new burger haven.
Liberty Burger co-owner Mariel Street signed a lease with Lincoln Property Co. in midMarch. She will be overseeing the Lakewood branch of Liberty Burger from here on out, and she says she hopes to make it “very Lakewood.”
“I’ve hired some great designers who have really unique touches, so we’re actually going to break down some of the Liberty Burger design a little bit and make it very Lakewood — nothing cookie-cutter. We’re going to really tailor it to the neighborhood,” Street says.
There’s still a bit of work to be done before Lincoln hands the keys over to Liberty Burger. They’re going to knock down some major walls and put in a breezeway connecting the front of the building to the back. Liberty Burger will take up part of the Catalina space and part of the Contemporary Ballet Dallas space. Beside it, between Liberty Burger and Beads of Splendor, will be a vacant spot that Lincoln is looking to fill.
After Lincoln finishes the initial overhaul, Street and her team will start their phase of the construction. “I’m hoping [the
Liberty Burger construction] will start in July, and from there it should probably take 90 days. Hopefully 60, but realistically more like 90,” Street says.
In 2012, the UPS store was moved from the Lakewood Shopping Center to a new location at Gaston and Garland. In January, FLOSS dental put up a sign announcing their upcoming arrival in the vacant UPS spot.
Most of the other tenants in the Lakewood Shopping Center have leases for at least a couple of years, so we might not see any more big changes for a while. Some rumors have circulated about the possibility of Lincoln building a parking garage near or in Lakewood Shopping Center, but we’ve heard that’s not on Lincoln’s to-do list at this point.
In the Gaston-Garland shopping center, Lincoln should start renovations on the old YMCA building any day now. Although we don’t know exactly what that will look like, we do know it’s going to be retail, not a
“We’re actually going to break down some of the Liberty Burger design a little bit and make it very Lakewood — nothing cookie-cutter. We’re going to really tailor it to the neighborhood.”
multi-family building as some rumors have suggested. According to plans Lincoln revealed in February, they hope to anchor the shopping center with a major grocer in the original YMCA space, and then slice and dice the Far West building into three or four smaller shops.
Forest Hills - Little Forest Hills - Casa Linda Estates
Three unique gardens in each neighborhood & Fabulous Plant Sale
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PRESALE: $10 Buy your ticket in advance and get $5 OFF! ($15 Day of Tour)
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In other important restaurant news, Chipotle is officially coming to Lakewood at the northwest corner of Abrams and Richmond, according to a Chipotle spokesperson. At this point, they are not able to tell us when they expect to open.
Also, it seems Italian local mini-chain Patrizio has been snooping around Lakewood trying to find the ideal location for a new restaurant.
The most recent possibility Patrizio considered was the former Rocket Science Salon in the Wells Fargo building at Gaston and Abrams. The Rocket Science space looks out on Dixie House on the lower/plaza floor of the building.
Outside is a large, somewhat recessed patio area that would have been dynamic for a restaurant, but the deal didn’t go through, and the Rocket Science space reportedly has been leased to a general practitioner, with Patrizio’s still on the hunt for a space somewhere.
And last but not least, the Genaro’s of yesteryear is making a comeback. The old Washington Mutual Bank building at Abrams and Mockingbird is now sporting a “Genaro’s coming soon” sign.
If you have been around for a while, you might recall Genaro’s Tropical Mexican Restaurant in the Skillman and La Vista shopping center, or the various Moctezuma’s on McKinney Avenue. Genaro Silva is back in the restaurant biz, although he says he isn’t quite ready to reveal what sort of food and experience we can expect at the new location. If it’s anything like the old place, it’ll be fine-dining Tex-Mex, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
For now, Silva’s fixing up the place, which will be a chore considering that the location has been a bank building for the past couple of tenants — a Washington Mutual, and then most recently a Chase. It’s been vacant for the past three years, though. So, if nothing else, it’s nice to see a little life in the windows.
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Looks like Trader Joe’s is planning to open in June. After placing several phone calls to the Trader Joe’s corporate offices and getting maddeningly little information, Patricia Carr, president of the Lower Greenville Neighborhood Association, emailed us to point out a write-up in its most recent newsletter. “At the bottom of the third page is a brief blurb that confirms your June date,” Carr told us. Sure enough, regional vice president Greg Pauquet told LGNA that the estimated completion date of construction is mid-June. He also noted that Trader Joe’s generally requires a 16-week build-out, but hopes to shorten the window. “As far as we’re concerned,” Pauquet is quoted as saying, “the sooner it opens, the better.”
The Centennial Fine Wine & Spirits stores around the neighborhood are quickly being sold, following the company’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December. At first, its leadership hoped to restructure the debt and continue operating, but these days that option is looking less than promising. The Centennial at Ross and Greenville is soon to be a Cheers Spirits and Liquor. The deal between Centennial and Pilot Point-based Cheers Spirits & Liquor has been made official, according to Cheers regional director Ralph Huellemann. Huellemann says Cheers is in possession of 20 Centennial locations in and around the Dallas area. Centennial sold six more of its liquor stores to Houston-based Spec’s in a $4 million deal. This will leave Centennial with four stores and a warehouse, but those, too, will eventually be sold. Huellemann says Cheers is considering purchasing the other four locations, although nothing is official yet. He says they’re not interested in the warehouse. Texas-based Liquor Depot bought out the vacant Centennial building at Northwest and Lawther. It opened in March, although, according to a spokesperson, it might not be around for long. The spokesperson says, because there are other liquor stores nearby, it’s not a good location. He didn’t say where they might move to, but he says they don’t plan to move into any other Centennial buildings in the area.
—brittanny nunn brittanny nunn
more business buzz every week on
lakewood.advo C atema G.C om/
1 Cane Rosso White Rock was delayed in opening in April. At the time of publication, it was unsure when the new opening date will be. 2 Chefs Jeana Johnson and Colleen O’Hare opened a new Vietnamese restaurant called Mot Hai Ba in April at 6047 Lewis Street. 3 The LOT just announced that the eagerly anticipated bridge connecting the Santa Fe Trail to the restaurant will be open in May “just in time for summer.” 4 The Dallas Beer Kitchen, a bar to be located at 1804 Greenville and featuring craft beer and delicious food, is set to open in June.
5 The Las Vegas-based bakery Nothing Bundt Cakes has spread across the U.S. from Cali to Florida since its inception in 1997. In May we get our very own in Casa Linda Plaza next to Starbucks. 6 The first of 20 or so standalone Seattle’s Best Coffee shops opened on Skillman just north of Northwest Highway in the Timbercreek Shopping Center (Walmart, Sam’s and JCPenney). 7 By popular demand, Andrea’s Italian Restaurant parted ways with its old building at 4816 Gaston in Old East Dallas, where it had been for more than 13 years, and moved to the La Parrillada building at 7260 Gaston near the Gaston-Garland-Grand shopping center on April 15.
Bthe centennial at ross and Greenville construction of trader Joe’s on Greenville
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Times: 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM
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Activities will include: Bible encounters, Singing, Skits, Games, Fun, Special Presentations!
Registrations are due church office no later contact Terri in church office at 214-348-9690
Times: 9:00 AM
Times: 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Times: 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Place: BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10101 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-9690
Place: BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10101 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-9690
Place: BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10101 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-9690
Times: 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Ages: 4 – 10 years old (Kindergarten through 4th grade)
Ages: 4 – 10 years old (Kindergarten through 4th grade)
Ages: 4 – 10 years old (Kindergarten through 4th grade)
Cost: $50 per child! * scholarships available
Cost: $50 per child! * scholarships available
scholarships available
Fun week studying FAITH IN ACTION! What happened after Jesus rose from the dead? Learn about the new Christians and their adventures bringing the story of Christ to the world.
Fun week studying FAITH IN ACTION! What happened after Jesus rose from the dead? Learn about the new Christians and their adventures bringing the story of Christ to the world.
Place: BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10101 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-9690
What to bring: Bring a sack lunch every day, sunscreen, and a mat or a towel. Drinks will be provided.
What to bring: Bring a sack lunch every day, sunscreen, and a mat or a towel. Drinks will be provided.
Ages: 4 – 10 years old (Kindergarten through 4th grade)
Cost: $50 per child! * scholarships available
Activities will include: Bible encounters, Singing, Skits, Games, Fellowship, Crafts, Worship, Fun, Special Presentations!
Activities will include: Bible encounters, Singing, Skits, Games, Fellowship, Crafts, Worship, Fun, Special Presentations!
in the church office no later than Friday, July 12th For registration information,
How to Register: Registrations are due in the church office no later than Friday, July 12th For registration information, contact Terri in the church office at 214-348-9690 or see our website: www.bethany.net
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Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com
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CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291
Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am
Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome
E AST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
HIGHLANDS CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Lake Highlands) 9949 McCree Rd. 214-348-2805 / www.highlandschristianchurch.com
Sundays: School 9:45 am / Worship 11:00 am / Rev. Paul Carpenter
HU CHANT CLASS / A Love Song to God / expand awareness, experience divine love, bring peace and calm / May 9, 7:15 pm Lakewood Library / 972-820-0530 / meetup.com/Eckankar-Dallas
Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am
Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222
fIRST UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH / 6202 E Mockingbird Lane
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org
L AKE HIGHLANDS UmC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
mUNGER PLACE CHURCH / Expect Great Things.
Worship Sundays, 9:30 and 11:00 am / 5200 Bryan Street 214.823.9929 / www.mungerplacechurch.org
WHITE RoCK UNITED mETHoDIST / www.wrumc.org
1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661
Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk
DWELLING PLACE CHURCH / Being the church in every day life experiences / Sundays at 10:30am / www.dpclife.com
Magnolia Theater / 3699 McKinney Ave. / 469.438.5405
KING’S PARISH A SSoCIATE REfoRmED PRESBy TERIAN CHURCH kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am
Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303
9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org
Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
NoRTHRIDGE PRESBy TERIAN CHURCH / 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 214.827.5521 / www.northridgepc.org / Welcomes you to Worship
8:30 & 11:00 am / Church School 9:30 am / Childcare provided.
ST. ANDREW ’S PRESBy TERIAN / Skillman & Monticello
Rev. Rob Leischner. / www.standrewsdallas.org
214.821.9989 / Sunday School 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am
UNIT y of DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Memorial Day is a time to remember.
Remembering soldiers who lost their lives in service of the country can be vague and vacuous if not personalized. If you know someone who died in the service — a family member or close friend — remembering is easier. Their absence gnaws on you as you miss them in all the places and at all the times you would have shared with them.
Veterans, and those who have lost loved ones in wars, feel a double hurt when people make no effort to remember the sacrifices of the dead or the families they left behind. Remembering starts with desire and requires work.
A lot of us are bad with names. Not Ron White. The former Navy Intelligence officer and memory expert decided this past year to memorize the name and rank of all 2,200 fallen American soldiers from the war in Afghanistan. Operation Enduring Memory took him 10 months. Mission accomplished.
“I just wanted to acknowledge Petty Officer Third Class Matthew O’Brien was an individual person. Bruno Del Sol was an individual person,” White said. “I just want them to grasp the fact that the sacrifice for our country is significant.”
Jews closely link memory and immortality. For God to “remember you no more” is tantamount to being deprived not only of life in the age to come but also of any significant legacy in the life left behind. It means to be blotted out, as if you had never lived. Conversely, for God to remember you means that you have a share in the age to come and remain a part of God’s redemptive work of healing this broken world.
Christians, too, link God’s memory and eternal life. Consider a computer analogy in the age of cloud technology. Our great fear in the computer age is that we will lose
everything we had done, that our backups will fail with a hardware breakdown, and all we have worked on will be lost forever. But now all our data can be uploaded to iCloud or its kin. It will be remembered there in perpetuity (password protected!), and then can be downloaded again into new hardware when the old machine wears out.
We may think of God’s memory of our
unique personality and life work as a Christian doctrine of immortality that awaits the resurrection of the body and the final act of new creation when we shall be restored and healed — body and soul.
To remember those who have fallen in sacrificial service is an act of spiritual likeness to God. It shows love and honor. To save a life in our memory is akin to God’s great act of salvation. To forget, on the other hand, is to fall a notch from godlikeness toward the abyss of self-centeredness. Forgetfulness due to apathy (not dementia) is a symptom of spiritual lostness.
Memorial Day is about us, then, too. Whether you remember by visiting a national cemetery, welcoming home troops at the airport, walking the Katy Trail in the Carry the Load effort, or simply naming a name to God in prayer, take time to remember and be grateful.
There is no greater love, Jesus said, than to lay down your life for a friend. He ought to know. And we ought to know enough and love enough to at least remember.
Veterans, and those who have lost loved ones in wars, feel a double hurt when people make no effort to remember the sacrifices of the dead or the families they left behind.
The Advanced Placement Program recognizes high school students who have demonstrated college-level achievement through AP courses and exams. Woodrow was chosen as one of “America’s most challenging high schools” by the Washington Post for its high participation in Advanced Placement courses and exams. Graeme Hamilton and Grace Choi were named AP Scholars with distinction. Drew Scherger, Zach Youpa, Russell Regan, Stephanie Arnold, and Erin Shilling were named AP scholars with honors. Seniors Erin Shilling and Kayla Finstein were recognized as Commended Scholars, which means they placed among the top five percent of the 1.5 million who entered the competition by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. A select group of approximately 34,000 across the nation were officially “commended.”
Ten Woodrow Wilson High School seniors will receive State Fair of Texas Pete Schenkel $5,000 Scholarships. Janelle Ferrence, Kayla Finstein, Laura Garrison, Graeme Hamilton, Cal Little, Russell Regan, Drew Scherger, Erin Shilling, Breanna Simpson and Ilana Smirin will be honored at the Music Hall at Fair Park April 29 in a ceremony emceed by Channel 4 news anchor Clarice Tinsley.
Every Monday for the month of March, Sakhuu Thai Cuisine donated 100 percent of sales and gratuity to Kidd’s Kids, which works to send chronically ill or physically disabled children and their families to Disney World. In March, they raised $7,742.12 through the help of numerous “volunteers” (AKA long-time customers), says Kyla Phomsavanh with Sakhuu. A representative from Kidd’s Kids told Phomsavanh the money they raised will help send a whole family and part of another family to Disney World.
The YMCA needs a couple more million for its new building soon to be built at Gaston and Loving. If they fall short, the organization will complete the project in phases. Either way, in August they will start on the bulk of the project, which will cost $10 million. The original YMCA building in the Gaston-Grand shopping center was bought out by Lincoln Property Co. In November, Lincoln gave them a temporary location across the street while they raise money for the new facility at Gaston and Loving. If you would like to donate to the YMCA, contact alise. cortez@sbcglobal.net.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
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80% of our perception is processed through our visual system. It is estimated that one in four school age children has an undiagnosed vision condition. Regular vision exams will ensure that your child’s eyes and visual system are helping them gain the most from their school experience. Call Dallas Eyeworks to schedule a convenient exam with Dr. Meyer. dallas eyeworks 9225 Garland Rd., Ste. 2120, Dallas, TX 75218 214.660.9830
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Sixth-grade Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Program students from Robert T. Hill Middle School recently learned about DNA fingerprinting and careers as DNA analysts on a field trip to Southern Methodist University.
On April 4, 2013, the third-grade classes from St Pius X Catholic School in East Dallas attended a field trip at the Lab at Lakewood for a science-based enrichment program, paid for with a Target Field Trip Grant. The students also experienced “Explore the Garden,” a interactive tour of The Lab’s own chicken coop, green house and vermicomposter, finishing up with planting a vegetable seed to take home.
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.
Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads, Betty & Bill. View BucherMusicSchool.com or call 469-831-7012
GUITAR OR PIANO Fun/Easy. Your Home. 9 to Adult. Prof Musician. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
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LOCAL TEACHER WHO TUTORS Algebra 2, Pre Cal, Calculus. Your Home/Mine. Melissa-MS. 817-988-0202
MATH TUTORING Elementary through High School
Sari Bahl, MS Ed 25+ years exp. 214-357-8680
VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560
Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center
Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688
CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $50/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
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CREATE INCOME From The Internet. One On One Coaching & Group Support. www.MonthlyResidual.net
PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS Email Recruiting@pcpsi.com
I’M LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME ASSISTANT Must be a Go Getter. Computer Wiz. Call BJ Ellis 214-226-9875
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903
A team of St. John’s Episcopal School parent volunteers hosted the Golf-n-Gala on March 15. Benefiting the school, the event featured a golf tournament during the day, followed by an evening gala, auction and raffle. Pictured are gala co-chairs, Amy Lauten, Debbie Gilmore and Jennifer Sharpe.
to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203
ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768
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Initial Office Consultation $125 for Advocate Readers (applied to future fees if matter or case accepted)
REAGAN MCLAIN LEE & HATCH, LLP 6060 North Central Expressway, Suite 690 Dallas, Texas 75206
ADULT SWIM TO FIT NOW! All levels, Open 2 public. Learn 2 Swim, Kidswim, Tri, Masters • kcsharks.com • 214-226-5422
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MAvS/DALLAS STARS TICkETS Neighborhood group needs partners for great Dallas Mavs/Dallas Stars seats — tickets are priced at our cost; 2 seats for each game. Mavs seats are in Platinum Level Section 204, front row; Stars seats are Section 123, Row B (second row from the glass).
E-mail rwamre@advocatemag.com or call 214-560-4212. We have great Rangers seats available, too!
OLD GUITARS WANTED Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, Martin. 1920s-1980s. Top dollar paid. Toll Free 1-866-433-8277
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Donna@ClutterBlasters.com 972-679-3100
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BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730
G&G DEMOLITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925
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renovatedallas.net 214-403-7247
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20 yrs. exp., Reliable, Great Prices, Excellent Refs., Free Estimates. No Crews. Sunny 214-724-2555
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Renovation & Design. Full Time Supervision. Licensed/Insured. Free Estimates. 281-761-4648
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CleaNiNg ServiCe
mcprofessionalcleaning.com 469-951-2948
CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 214-490-0133
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Don 214-704-1722
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BRICK, STONEWORK, FLAGSTONE PATIOS Mortar Repair. Call George 214-498-2128
CONCRETE REPAIRS/REPOURS Demo existing. Driveways/Patio/Walks
Pattern/Color available 972-672-5359 (32 yrs.)
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aBraHaM PaiNt SErvicE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541 all tYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Any size jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000
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#1 AT BIG JOBS. NO JOB TOO SMALL. 40+ years exp. Ron Payne 214-755-9147
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The old bench in the front had been like an old friend of the family. Through the years Louis Edwards and his family had spent time relaxing, talking, and enjoying some time together outdoors on the porch of their Lakewood Trails home.
“I’d had it over 46 years right on the front porch,” Edwards says. “My kids grew up on it. It’s a sentimental thing.”
The bench was wrought iron and somewhat heavy; it must have taken quite an effort for a thief to remove it. Edwards estimates it will cost about $200 to replace, but just the idea that someone made their way onto the porch and took off with something that belonged to his family is unnerving.
The family had a portable building broken into in the past also. Edwards says that his neighborhood is usually nice and quiet, but that there has been quite a bit of crime like this in recent months.
Dallas Police Sgt. Keitric Jones of the Northeast Patrol Division
The Victim: Louis edwards and wife
The Crime: Theft
Date: Friday, March 29
Time: Between 10 p.m. and 5:50 a.m.
Location: 6800 block of Sperry
says the theft of patio furniture is not a common offense. But items that are not secured can always be a target for thieves looking for easy loot. Making yourself less of a target will make a thief think about looking elsewhere.
“To try to prevent lawn and patio furniture from being stolen, the persons should purchase a small steel cable or chain, and secure the furniture to a tree or other immovable object,” Jones says. “Please keep in mind that any precautions taken to secure your property will help to reduce the chance of you becoming a victim of a theft.”
Comment. Visit lakewood.advocatemag.com and search “elections” here to tell us what you think.
The analysts and politicians were wringing their hands after the March city council elections in Los Angeles, where turnout was just 16 percent. “Awful” and “embarrassing,” said the city council president.
We should be so lucky. One projection for turnout for this month’s council’s elections: the low single digits.
Why we care so little about municipal elections has always baffled me. It’s not like they aren’t entertaining, given the variety of candidates and the how shall we say — unusual positions they espouse. Dwaine Carraway in south Dallas has offered fashion advice, while the late Billy Jack Ludwig handed out emery boards instead of campaign buttons during his perpetually unsuccessful runs for mayor. And
But we don’t care. Most of us have a variety of opinions about Jerry Jones, who could vanish tomorrow and not change our lives at all, but nothing to say about the people who tax us and make sure we have police and fire protection.
SMU professor and political analyst Cal Jillson, who made the single-digit prediction, says we don’t care because the stakes appear lower in city elections than in state and federal elections. Fixing potholes and running libraries don’t seem as important as the defense budget, income taxes and the like. In city elections, he says, it’s about property values, and as long as the outcome doesn’t threaten the value of our homes, we just aren’t that interested.
But we don’t care. Most of us have a variety of opinions about Jerry Jones, who could vanish tomorrow and not change our lives at all, but nothing to say about the people who tax us and make sure we have police and fire protection.
it’s not like the candidates don’t spend lots and lots of money to get our interest. Brint Ryan’s 2009 campaign in Preston Hollow cost $1 million, and the mayoral races regularly run into seven figures.
There’s probably a lot of truth to that.
Turnout in north Dallas during last year’s GOP primary for U.S. senator helped Ted Cruz shock front-runner David Dewhurst, but those same people will almost certainly not vote this month, despite contested elections in Preston Hollow and far north Dallas. The former is especially intriguing, given that Roger Staubach’s daughter is running against the candidate endorsed by the still popular Mitch Rasansky, who represented the district for eight years at the beginning of the century.
And turnout probably won’t be much better to replace Angela Hunt in the M Streets, where seven candidates are on the ballot. This provided a number of interesting sights during
the campaign, where the candidates weren’t much outnumbered by the audience at several forums.
One commenter, when I wrote about this on the Advocate blog, blamed the news media for the low turnout, saying that we don’t do a good job publicizing city elections. As much as I would like to agree with him, given how I feel about Dallas’ mainstream media, I don’t think that’s the cause. It has never been easier or simpler to get election information, thanks to the Internet, and one of the few things that the city’s TV stations and daily newspaper do well is cover elections.
And Jillson’s analysis, as persuasive as it is, doesn’t seem to explain everything. I can’t help but think that Dallas’ form of government, where an all-but-anonymous city manager and staff handle the day-to-day operations, makes it easier for us not to care. It’s one thing to rail about waste and inefficiency in Washington, where we have faces to rail at, but it’s much more difficult to complain when there doesn’t seem to be anyone to complain about. Do most of us even know we have a city manager, let alone who it is?
And the city council likes it that way, since it gets them off the hook when they screw up (as the city council almost always does). Taxes too high?
Talk to the city manager. Libraries closed? We didn’t do it – it’s the city manager. Pothole not fixed? Check with the city manager. (It’s Mary Suhm, by the way).
How many of us can say we have a job where we get on the news, get paid, and don’t have to be accountable for our actions? Nice work if you can get it.