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TuToring & Lessons
A+ PIANO TEACHER WADE COTTINGHAM Super Refs. LWood Res. wadewademusic.com 214-564-6456
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. L. Highlands North Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829, Linda 214-808-4919.
Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www. artisticgatherings.com
DALLAS COLLEGE & TEST PREP Tutoring: SAT, ACT, THEA, TExES, Math, English. www.dallastestprep.com, 214-341-0076
DANCE-MOVEMENT-SOUND is Dance, Gymnastics & Instruments for boys & girls, 2 1/2 & up. Ballet for 3 & up. 20 yrs exp. Plano Rd./ NW Hwy. near Kroger. Anette Brown 214-893-3715
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS All Ages/All Styles. Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill 972-203-1573
GUITAR, PIANO, YOUR HOME Fun/Easy. 9-Adult. UNT Music Degree. Larry 469-358-8784
VOICE TEACHER with 37 years experience. MM, NATS, MTNA www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-324-5625
Spanish Immersion Classes in East Dallas
Private and Small Group Classes for Adults & Children Spanish Immersion Preschool Mon. - Fri.
5740 Prospect Ave. #1000
DallasSpanishHouse.com 214-826-4410
CUDDLY KIDS Now Enrolling All Ages. Hourly/weekly Care. Fri-Sat. Till 11:30pm. cuddlykidscare.com 214-368.KIDS (5437)
EXPERIENCED OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER FOR INFANTS including multiples. References. Kendell 214-346-9220
Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center
Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
ALL CASH VENDING Do you earn $800/day? Local Vending Routes. 25 machines+candy. $9,995 800-807-6485
TEACHER - East Dallas Developmental Center (eddc.net) now hiring for infants class. eddcad@gmail.com or 214-821-7766
serviCes for you
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services Include Digital Photo Help.Sharon 214-679-9688
BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING Yearly Tax Prep, Monthly Service or Quickbooks Set-Up Robyn Young, CFP 214-564-8171
CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
DONATE YOUR CAR Free Towing. “Cars For Kids” Any Condition. Tax Deductible. Outreach Center. 1-800-597-9411
NEED A VACATION? Great Customer Service For Cruises, Family vacations, Honeymoons & More. Worldwide Cruises and Tours mariannewoody.wwtravel@yahoo.com 214-929-2069
WE FINANCE COMPUTERS You’re approved. guaranteed. Bad credit Ok. Checking account required. 877-609-7845
YOUR COMPUTER GEEK Let Me Solve Your Computer Problems. 25 Yrs. Exp. Hardware/Software Issues/Install. Network Setup, Home & Small Business. $50 per Hr. Mike. 214-552-1323. mikecomputergeek@gmail.com
Pearl... A “Precious” find in Quality Dry cleaning!
U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling honored Eagle Scout George Jones of Lakewood at a special recognition ceremony at White Rock United Methodist Church in Dallas. Troop leaders, parents and invited guests attended the recognition ceremony along with the Eagle Scouts. “Today’s Eagle Scouts are the leaders of tomorrow,” said Congressman Hensarling. “Receiving my Eagle Scout was one of the proudest moments of my life, and I welcome these young men to the ranks of some of America’s most dedicated servants.”
DISD Board Member Bruce p arrot and Superintendent m ichael Hinojosa recently awarded m argie Quintal , a Martha Turner Reilly volunteer, Outstanding Elementary School Volunteer. Quintal has been credited with fostering improved volunteerism through her hard work, dedication, upbeat demeanor, patience and courtesy. Her great-granddaughter, m ikayla Derrick , is the third generation of her family to attend Reilly.
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