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Capture, Create, Win Advocate Video Contest

Prizes and Details at lakewood.advocatemag.com/contests

VIEW: Readers will have a chance to pick the winner. Online Voting will be available week of July 12-17 at advocatemag.com

Video winner will be chosen by online viewers.

Grand prize for winning video: An air-conditioned luxury box for 16 people, three parking passes, and $300 worth of food credits for the sought after Texas Rangers vs. the Los Angeles Angels on Sunday, July 25 (or comparable game, at our option). (Package worth $3,450) Great prizes for the three runners up. (Seriously, we don’t joke about great prizes at the Advocate) thatthegraduatedfifthgraders from Lipscomb will start as sixth graders at J.L. Long Middle School. Theschoolhadbeenprekindergartenthroughthirdgradesince the’80s.Butsomeneighborhood parents had been reluctant to send their kids there because after third grade, they were sent to Eduardo Mata Elementary School for fourth and fifth grades before moving to

Long for sixth grade.

“Parents like having the continuity of having one school for all of elementary school,” Gonzalez says.

Sotwoyearsago,theschool retained its graduating third graders over to fourth grade, and this year they had fifth graders for the first time in years.

Recently,theCubScoutpack raised$180toplacetwostone lions — Lipscomb’s mascot — at the entry of Lipscomb to symbolize the transition from Lipscomb to Long.

Dieterich, who also started a Cub ScoutspackatMatawhenhis older son was a student there, is movingontohelpoutwithBoy Scouts Troop 325 at Long. Sarah Dieterich will stay on one more year to help organize the Scouts groups at Lipscomb.

Butthey’vecreated a scouting tradition at the school.

“They’vetrainedyoungparents to get involved,” Gonzalez says. “So they’re passing the reins.”


Creative Water Gardens

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