3 minute read
Defining ‘local’
The word means different things to different time to make sure ‘local’ businesses don’t
To be a good neighbor these days, you have to stay on
For example, there’s the “green” movement, which requires almost a thoughtless reaction of agreement whenever it’s mentioned, even though I have a hard time knowing what really is “green” and what is not.
And there’s the rush to drive “hybrid” vehicles, which is an offshoot of the “green” movement. Just having the word “hybrid” (or a tastefully conspicuous “h”) on a vehicle does tend to give the driver a bit of a puffed-out chest.
Then there’s the “local” or “locavore” movement, which is the subject of this month’s cover story. Shopping “local” is always described as a good thing, primarily because the idea of patronizing “local” businesses makes sense — if only “local” could actually be defined.
But just like with the “green” and movements, there’s plenty of wiggle when trying to determine which businesses are local and which aren’t.
For example, can Wal-Mart or or Home Depot be “local” businesses? Clearly, they aren’t locally owned nies, but they employ lots of neighbors and that is, or at least could be, a for being “local”.
It’s a question we all need to think these days as the economy erases nesses large and small every day. of the fittest can be a good thing, not an abstract concept — we as consumers ultimately control which companies live and which ones die. And indirectly, control which neighbors remain employed and which don’t.
We owe it to our neighbors to give definition of “local” some thought. why the Advocate joined with Title’s Lakewood office and a handful self-described “local” businesses to lish LiveLocalEastDallas.com, which cussed in this month’s cover story online source to promote neighborhood businesses.
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or e-mail to rwamre@advocatemag.com.
What you’ll find at LiveLocalEastDallas. com is a practical guide for “living and a list of businesses that have the program and would like our support stay in business and thrive. The e D i T o R ial PH/469.916.7860 publisher: R ic K Wa MR e /214.560.4212 rwamre@advocatemag.com managing editors: M a R lena c H aV i R a -M e D fo RD /214.292.2053 mchavira-medford@advocatemag.com c HR is T ina H ug JY nne TT e neal /214.560.4206 jneal@advocatemag.com designers: s an DR a eV ans, Mic H elle s c R uggs, sallY W a MR e contributors: sean c H affin, san DY g R e Y son, b ill Keffe R , g a Y la Ko K el, eR in Mo web editor: c olleen Yanc Y /469.916.7860 cyancy@advocatemag.com photo editor: can TüRKY ilMaZ /214.560.4200 MaRK DaVis , cHRisToPHeR lee, sean McginTY interns: KaTie be Van, saM boHMfalK , eliZ abe TH ellioTT, auDR a DV e RT ising PH/214.560.4203 advertising coordinator: J u DY liles /214.560.4203 jliles@advocatemag.com advertising sales director: KRisTY gaconnieR /214.560.4213 kgaconnier@advocatemag.com display sales manager: senior advertising consultant: a MY D u R an T /214.560.4205 adurant@advocatemag.com advertising consultants: lisa alTH aus /214.292.0961 lalthaus@advocatemag.com no R a J ones /214.292.0962 njones@advocatemag.com J essica W ilson /214.292.0486 jwilson@advocatemag.com classified manager: PR io be R ge R /214.560.4211 classified consultant: sallY ac K e RM an /214.560.4202 sackerman@advocatemag.com A D voc A te p ub L i S hin G / 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite ric K WA mre | president tom Z ie L in SK i | vice-president Advocate, © 2009, is published monthly by east Dallas Lakewood advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any reject any editorial or advertising material. opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily tions each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge
I remember well teaching Georgia [“Conversation
Piece: Georgia Goggins”, August Advocate ] to learn to high jump at the motel running from the doorway to the king size bed. Georgia is a wonderful swimmer and has gone to National Senior Games for years, always finishing in the top 10 and top 3. She and John traveled to lots of wonderful places. I am proud to say she is my friend.
Thanks for highlighting these guys [“Get Inspired”, August Advocate ]. To describe [architect] Marc McCollom as “patient” doesn’t do him justice. He worked on a renovation project at our house last year and endured everything, from materials changes to meetings that included toddlers, with grace. Marc thoroughly contemplated what the house wanted and how the rooms would feel in his choices of light and finish. In the end, we have a result that far exceeded our expectations.
CORRECTION: The home featured in the article “Get Inspired” was incorrectly identified as the work of architect Howard Meyer. The architect of the home at 6858 Avalon is E.G. Hamilton.