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Lake Highlands alum Jani Jones almost didn’t live to see high school. She grew up in New Orleans, and during hurricane Katrina her family’s home was buried under 15 feet of water. Barely 14 years old at the time, Jones had to swim, carrying her little sister, through horrific conditions to a rescue boat. She describes the days following the hurricane as a chaotic “survival of the fittest” during which she saw things she will never forget. “After the storm, the waters rose … I saw babies in strollers floating, people holding onto each other floating away, people you knew were going to die.” Then they spent days stranded could see mine. Maybe he saw all the blood and didn’t want to waste ammo — I don’t know what it was — but he didn’t shoot me. He waved at me, I waved back, and he was gone.” Todd lived, but was immediately captured by Nazi soldiers. He spent almost a year in a POW camp. Though it resulted in prison and near death, Todd’s WWII Air Force involvement was fruitful. He met Molly, a Navy WAVES beauty, at the Naval Air Station, and they are still married and living in Lake Highlands.

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