2012 November Lake Highlands

Page 12


The glory days of air travel and the people who lived it

9643 HILLDALE DR. 4/4.1/2/Hdwds/Pool/Georgian home in Pebble Creek Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 9605 BRENTGATE DR. 4/4.1/2/3 LA/Wood Floors/Updated The Selzer Group 214.797.0868 6000 VELASCO AVE. $492,500 Triplex + 1/1 Carriage House/Investment Oppty! Mike Bryant 214.686.5611 3527 PRINCESS LN. 3/2/2/Updated and Gorgeous MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 11926 LOCH NESS DR. $262,000 4/2.1/2/2 LA/Great Layout/Recently Updated Kitchen Mike 214.686.5611 EBBY PRESTON CENTER | 214.692.0000 EBBY WHITE ROCK/LAKE HIGHLANDS | 214.341.0330 EBBY LAKEWOOD | 214.826.0316 EBBY’S LITTLE WHITE HOUSE | 214.210.1500 THE FIRST NAME IN REAL ESTATE FOR LAKE HIGHLANDS AND EAST DALLAS TM SOLD SOLD 4420 CAMDEN AVE. $239,000 2/1/Amazing Backyard/Detached Studio MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 1007 HARNESS LN. $225,000 4/2.1/2/2 LA/Gas Log FP/Pool/2-Story Khris Macho 8715 FLINT FALLS DR. $259,500 4/3/2/3 LA/Needs TLC - Ideal for a Redo! Charles Hollingsworth 214.808.6086 Bryant 9337 CRESTEDGE DR. 3/2/2/Front Courtyard Jan Stell 214.355.3118 SALE PENDING INVESTMENT! NEW LISTING 214.355.3118 214.520.4410 214.729.6332 9502 TIMBERLEAF DR. $199,950 3/2.1/2/Corner Lot/Recent Paint/Kitchen, Bath Updates Larry Wood 214.908.2150 9863 QUEENSWOOD LN. $194,900 3/2/2/2 LA/Wood Floors/Charmer on Corner Lot Debbie Kelley 214.202.1163 11718 BROADMOOR DR. $82,500 3/1/Lots of Updates, Adorable! Cary Norton 214.704.2705 NEW LISTING SOLD NEW PRICE SOLD NEW LISTING
5739 CHARLESTOWN DR. 4/3/2/2 LA/Updated Kitchen/Large Lot MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 12008 WOODLAKE CIR. $359,900 4/4.1/2/2 LA/Pool/Quarters/Custom-Built Modern Pam Dybvad 214.354.2823 7943 ABRAMSHIRE AVE. $350,000 Traditional on Corner Lot in Alexander Village Carolyn Albers Black 214.675.2089 Rob Schrickel 214.801.1795 8917 FENCHURCH RD. $310,000 3/2/3 LA’s/Hardwoods/Updated/Spacious The Selzer Group 214.797.0868 1806 PEAVY RD. $299,000 2/22/3 LA/On 1+ Acre Oasis With Pond MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 9216 WINDY CREST DR. $285,000 3/3/2/3 LA/Pool & Spa/Add Your Cosmetic Updates Mary Rinne 214.552.6735 9025 LIVENSHIRE DR. $249,000 3/2/2/Hdwds/L-Streets/Well Maintained/Darling! MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 10208 LINKWOOD DR. 3/2/1/2 LA/Updated/Open Floorplan MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 9560 MILLRIDGE DR. 4/2.1/2/3 LA/Updated Kitchen/Sun Room Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 3322 HEATHER HILL DR. $207,000 3/2.1/2/Sherrill Park Golf Course Area Bobby Stephens 214.395.4579 2949 VACHERIE LN. 3/2.1/2/3 LA/Upscale Upgrades/Gated Community Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 10009 NEWCOMBE DR. $205,000 3BR/2Bath/2LA’s/1Car/Fab 2012 Renovation Near Lake Edwina Dye 214.674.3937 9111 SHOREVIEW RD. $462,000 4/2/2/3 LA’s/Mid-Century Modern by Ju-Nel Susan Schweidel 214.558.9692 6501 MCCOMMAS BLVD. $419,900 3/2.1/2/Lovely Well Maintained Home in Bob-O-Link Mary Poss 214.738.0777 8809 SANSHIRE AVE. $410,000 4/3.1/2/2 LA/Hardwoods/Granite/Updated 2-Story Jan Stell 214.355.3118 ©2012. Equal Housing Opportunity. facebook.com/ebbyhalliday To search the entire MLS, scan this HomeKey™ Tag with your Smartphone. SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW PRICE SALE PENDING AREA PROPERTY SALES VOLUME IN $MILLIONS *NTREIS MLS DATA, AREA 18, 1/1/2012-9/30/2012 EBBY HALLIDAY COMPANIES / $69,299,912

Down but not out

Would a dangerous ailment thwart this Lake Highlands dad’s dream of running the Chicago marathon? 34

Business outlook

New restaurants move in to the White Rock area


Vote local

The other November election and what it means to Lake Highlands The

high life

Designer dresses, elaborate dinners, pampered passengers — air travel was different back then Above/ Lake Highlands’ Sherry Hunley (woman on right) and a fellow flight attendant welcome home Vietnam war veterans

Seeds of hope

Rising above the chaos surrounding her, an 11year old embarks on an apartment-community gardening project 13

Give a little

This month, a handbag sale helps breast cancer survivors and more 16

The trains! The trains! NorthPark’s annual holiday exhibit is up, Chihuly exits the Arboretum, and Spruce

Up celebrates 200

4 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012 22 PRIME LIVING 50+ IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD MANAGING THE FUTURE “I really wish would have done this earlier.” Kevin Maloney of C.C. Young Retirement Community phrase he for advanced of us would rather bury our toes –face questions rather than waiting until crisis force difficult unexpected choices. RESIDENCE Downsizing might make practical for easy People develop tachments their neighborhoods and their homes. Familiar things like the view from the back porch finicky doorbell seem like old friends. Sometimes sentimental feelings financial impact staying in long. “People don’t realize how much really costs live home,” Maloney says. “Most of the folks that into community (C.C. Young) quite few years, and probably paid you very expenlive that ‘free’ home.” When people budget, Maloney they usually leave out big expenses like replacing a water is twenty Prime Living featuring health, beauty and financial tips for Lake Highlands residents.
SECTION PAGE 37 features 30
launch 10
Volume 20 Number 11 | LHNovember 2012 | CONTENTS
NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 5 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 8 launch 10 events 16 food 18 live local 34 worship 42 scene&heard 43 crime 49 ADVERTISING the goods 14 dining spotlight 19 education guide 32 worship listings 42 bulletin board 43 home services 45 health resources 51 Advocate Magazines Now on iPad, iPhone and Android. Search Dallas Advocate in the Apple app store or the Android Market. Making a scene Humor, spirituality and decades of getting to know the people of Lake Highlands infuse the life and art of November’s Artist in Residence Colby Jones
Danny Fulgencio 15 LAKEHIGHLANDS.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more news visit us online “On a plane just recently, I see people pulling out a credit card for a small, bad snack, and I think, ‘It’s not
the old days!’”
25 Search Braniff on lakehighlands.advocatemag.com
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to home

Zoning: New homes, more apartments?

Lake Highlands resident Stephen Davis of MasterPlan Development is hoping to purchase nearly 10 acres on the southwest corner of SkillmanChurch. Commercial broker Bill Blaydes, who is representing Davis, says the sale would yield “singlefamily detached housing” on 37 lots. The City Plan Commission is expected to review the plat in November. “The contract is subject to being able to get the plat through,” Blaydes says. If it does go through, “I think it will turn out to be something that the neighborhood will be really proud of,” he says. Nearly seven of the acres are being sold by Prescott Realty Group, developer of the Lake Highlands Town Center, and Forest Meadow Baptist Church also is selling a portion of its acreage.

Find updates on the Skillman-Church land at LAKEHIGHLANDS.ADVOCATEMAG.COM.

Plans are moving forward for a 325-unit apartment complex at Lawther and Northwest Highway, the current site of Duncan’s Liquor. In October the City Plan Commission approved a zoning request to change the property to a “Planned Development Multi-Family.” The final vote is scheduled to take place at the Nov. 14 city council meeting. The project is in Councilman Sheffie Kadane’s District 9, and he says he plans to recommend approval.“I think it’s an excellent project. I can’t think of what else could go there,” Kadane says. “And it goes along with our transit-oriented development goals in Dallas.” Residents would have direct access to DART’s White Rock Station and the White Rock Creek bike trail.

Read Raff’s full story, including what Lake Highlands Councilman Jerry Allen thinks of it, at LAKEHIGHLANDS.ADVOCATEMAG.COM.

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 7 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com What’s ONLINE BLOG

Empower Girls, Be a Troop Leader!

Lucky us

Whether we deserve it or not

The thing about Thanksgiving is that most of us have so much to be thankful for, that we aren’t thankful.

Girl Scouts need individuals to provide a great leadership experience. You will help them become girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

As a troop leader, you will receive training opportunities and experience to build your confidence, public speaking, problem-solving, and career skills, while also making new friends.

To find out more information on becoming a troop leader, visit www.gsnetx.org/volunteer.

I know that sounds impossible, ungrateful even, but it’s not unusual. Think about it: The better off we are, the more likely we are to take what we have for granted rather than consider it a gift or a blessing.

We have it. We deserve it. What else is there to say?

Maybe that’s why holidays such as Thanksgiving and birthdays and Christmas and Valentine’s Day come around once a year — they’re here to poke us in the ribs about how lucky we are to have what we have, whatever that may be.

That “memory jogging” isn’t just triggered by holidays. Sometimes, life causes its own reset, often at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected way.

Nine years ago, shortly after a peaceful holiday season, I visited a doctor for a checkup. Nothing was wrong, nor was anything expected to be wrong.

A blood test showed elevated levels of a marker that generally means one thing: cancer. Since I had successfully been treated for testicular cancer 15 years earlier, that was a mental connect-the-dot moment for me and the doctor — maybe my cancer was back?

More tests ensued, along with more visits to specialists. Even as I made the trek from one medical professional to another and from one machine to the next, my mind wandered. Why hadn’t I signed up for life insurance when I had the chance? Why couldn’t the doctors figure out the problem? And the ever-present, why is this happening to me?

It took a few weeks of handwringing before a verdict was in: The doctor who seemed to know the most said I probably had brain cancer, and I needed to start chemo right away to keep it from spreading.

I shuddered. Literally. The body blow came from nowhere.

My mind disengaged, and I thought sorrowfully about the chemicals that would soon be seeping into my body, trampling healthy cells while looking for cancer. I felt sorry for myself, not because I deserved better but because I didn’t think I deserved this.

Luckily, my wife remained level-headed, even as I didn’t. She questioned the doctors more thoroughly than I could, and she figured out the guy was guessing — there was no proof of cancer, just a strong suspicion based on a single blood test that kept coming back irregularly.

So at her insistence, I didn’t start chemo or any other treatment. Instead, we found a renowned testicular cancer doctor in Indiana (the guy cured Lance Armstrong) who suggested that maybe all I had was an irregular blood test that didn’t mean anything at all.

It turns out he was right. After nine months of mental terror, with monthly blood tests to chart progress, right before Thanksgiving I found out that there was not and never had been — anything physically wrong with me.

It was all just a huge, horrifying misunderstanding.

So when I need a reminder about how good I have it these days, and after all this I inexplicably need that reminder almost daily, I don’t have to wait for a holiday to remind me.

I just focus on that bullet I dodged, a bullet that was never even fired, and my heart automatically skips a beat again. And again. And again.


Phone: 1-800-442-2260

8 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com November 2012 Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; email rwamre@advocatemag.com. Opening Remarks

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Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 9
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Janiecia Aubry, a sixth-grader at Audelia Creek Elementary, has been gardening, at some level, since she was 4 years old. First it was okra and tomatoes with her grandma. Then, in 2005, the community garden project at the Audelia Library started. Overseen by master gardener and Lake Highlands resident Janice Fowler, the effort involves planting and caring for an extensive plot in front of the library.

One day Janiecia overheard some older boys talking about “herb.” They seemed to think it was pretty cool. When Janiecia relayed the conversation, Fowler could only smile at the girl’s innocence. She suspects the boys were talking about marijuana rather than tarragon or thyme. They laugh about it now, but the anecdote reflects a harsh reality of Audelia Road apartment life: Violent crime, drugs, prostitution and bad behavior exist right alongside sweet children and good people like Fowler, who has donated untold hours of service in an effort to keep kids occupied with something other than drugs. The gardening project at the library has provided valuable lessons for both children and experienced gardeners.

“Last year, with the drought, nothing made it but the basil,” Fowler says. “So this year we knew to plant plenty of basil.”

Now, the program is branching out and will include gardens

rife with basil and rosemary — in 10 apartment complexes in the Forest-Audelia area, starting with Huntington Brook, where Janiecia lives. The gardens serve several purposes, not the least of which is teaching young people to invest in their community, even if their family rents rather than owns property there, Fowler says.

“It helps them understand the importance of taking care of something and taking ownership of the place where they live,” she says.

Under Fowler’s mentorship, and as part of the horticultural education movement associated with the library, Janiecia leads the Lake Highlands group of Future Organic Farmers of America, which is spearheading the apartment-gardens effort.

Janiecia says her involvement with gardening teaches her to focus and organize her time, since Grandma makes her do her homework before she works in the garden. Audelia Library manager Peter Coyle says Fowler and the library-rooted programs she

10 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012 Launch community | events | food
Can Türkyilmaz
When she heard the older boys talking about ‘herb,’ she assumed they enjoyed gardening. Doesn’t everyone?

leads are making a far-reaching positive impact.

“It makes the entrance to the library look great for one thing,” he says, “and it creates a community learning center. Janice [Fowler] knows how to reach the people living in all of the apartments — there are 8,000 families within a 2-mile radius of the library — and this is what the library is supposed to be. It’s not just about reading, but working, learning and getting the community involved.”

Fowler concedes that planting community gardens in troubled apartment complexes won’t solve the overwhelming problems that exist near Forest-Audelia, which last year was pinpointed by police as the area with the city’s second-highest violent crime rate. But when others see motivated youngsters such as Janiecia working on her garden, they are going to stop and think about what she is doing. There is a chance for other young people to become interested — for apartment managers and parents to get involved, she notes.

“Of course it’s not going to change everything,” she says, “but it puts something positive there for people to focus on.”

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 11
Launch COMMUNITY WeAreLakeHighlands.com 429 Kirkwood $189,000 3/1/1 Dani Hanna 214.293.2104 8931 Covey Court $155,000 3/2/2 Vicki White 214.534.1305 9122 Loma Vista Vicki White 214.534.1305 10611 McCree Road $189,000 2/1.1/2 Kevin Caskey 214.649.8440 1409 San Rafael Vicki White 214.534.1305 SOLD! 8612 Rolling Rock $275,000 3/2.5 Alan Hamilton 214.232.4831 6221 E. University Natalie Alfrey 214.601.9944 SOLD! SOLD! 10018 Faircrest $285,000 4/2.1/2 Kevin Caskey 214.649.8440 8018 Fair Oaks Natalie Alfrey 214.601.9944 SOLD! Micah Weaks, REALTOR 214-202-1234 mw@dallascitycenter.com K B Your Neighborhood REALTOR® Do you have a plan for your biggest investment? I can help devise a home selling strategy. Kevin Belknap 214-477-3352 kbelknap@dallascitycenter.com
Janiecia Aubry and Janice Fowler are planting rosemary in the Huntington Brook apartments garden. Photo by Can Türkyilmaz

paws & claws

Got a pet you want us to feature? Email your photo to launch@advocatemag.com

everyone needs a Buddy

The Cummings family — Susan, Lindsey, Caroline and Claire — brought Tibetan terrier mix Buddy into the fold via adoption from operation Kindness. When buddy arrived at his Lake Highlands home, he was timid. “He hid under the piano and behind the ficus tree and was afraid of loud noises and people.” but with a ton of love (and training) buddy is now a sweet, playful family dog who only occasionally moves the furniture around and rips the eyes from stuffed animals, Susan says. The Cummingses recently added another canine to the family, Teddy, whom buddy treats as a typical sibling. “Now we’re seeing a different side to buddy’s personality. He is quite the rascal and tries to wrestle his new brother.”

12 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com November 2012
Launch COMMUniTY

what gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits

Get ready. Get set. Go!

The Dallas Running Club Half 13.1-mile or 5k race is set for Sunday, Nov. 4. This is the club’s 36th year hosting The Half, which begins at 8 a.m. at Norbuck Park, Northwest Highway at Buckner, and winds around White Rock Lake. An early start is offered for slower runners and walkers. Entry to the half marathon is $85 for DRC members or $95. Registration for the 5k is $30 for members or $35. Proceeds benefit the Tal Morrison Scholarship Fund. Named for the founder of the running club and the White Rock Marathon, the fund finances college scholarships for academically outstanding Dallas students who are on their high school cross country teams. To register, visit drchalf.com. To learn more about the Dallas Running Club, visit dallasrunningclub.com.

Buy a new purse

Lake Highlands resident Carol Autry was part of a small group of women who started the Doris Daniely Outreach for Breast Reconstruction, named for her mother, to help uninsured or underinsured women who have undergone a mastectomy. Beyond the extensive treatment of cancer, breast cancer survivors can expect about $100,000 in expenses for reconstructive surgery, Autry has said. Many women simply cannot afford it. However, the procedure is a vital component in helping women to restore their lives after mastectomy, board member Kim Creason says. That is why their foundation exists, Creason says of the nonprofit, which is run entirely by volunteers. The annual “Bags and Bangles” fundraiser to benefit the Doris Daniely Outreach will be held Sunday, Nov. 11 from 3-6 p.m. at Times Ten Cellars in Lakewood, 6724 Prospect. The event will feature new and gently used handbags and jewelry for sale. Admission is $5. For more information, visit dorisdanielyoutreach.org. Watch the Advocate’s 2011 video about the outreach by visiting lakehighlands.advocatemag and searching: Doris Daniely.


that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.


Come and experience a Lakewood tradition! The Lakewood Home Festival gives attendees an opportunity to tour private residences and shop the holiday market of local vendors.

NEW THIS YEAR: J L Long Middle School will be on the tour to showcase its newly renovated building as well as being the location for the Café. For the Friday night Candlelight Tour, there will be a BONUS HOME For tickets, hours, and additional information, visit our website.

All proceeds bene t Lakewood Elementary, J L Long Middle School, and Woodrow Wilson High School.


November 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 13
Launch COMMUniTY


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Do you love unique & unusual ornaments? Brumley Gardens is the go to place for the best selection in town! Ask anyone! Shop Local! 2 locations: 10540 Church Rd./700 W. Davis brumleygardens.com


Dress up your table this year with a fantastic selection of Fall and Thanksgiving decorations. Available at all three T. Hee locations: Lake Highlands, Lakewood & Preston Center 214.747.5800 t-heegifts.com


Come taste our fall sweets at the London Café inside Timothy Oulton at Potter Square. 4500 N. Central Expressway. 214.534.2241 thehospitalitysweet.com


Wackym’s Kitchen bakes delicious cookies and treats from original recipes using fresh, natural ingredients like real butter and cane sugar. Visit our website to order or find a retail location. wackymskitchen.com


Shop Walton’s Garden Center to create a festive home and garden for the holidays. Great decorations and gifts for the indoors and out! Visit us for Partners Card. 8652 Garland Rd. 214.321.2387 waltonsgarden.com


Express your inner artist! Instructors lead attendees in creating paintings with a featured piece of art, bring nothing more than your imagination,wine or beverage. Perfect for Private Parties as well. 5202 Lovers Lane 214.350.9911 paintingwithatwist.com


Come by Beaucoup for fabulous fashions, unique jewelry, and charming home decor! 2815 Henderson Ave. Dallas 214.823.7906 635 W. Campbell Rd. Richardson 972.235.7906 facebook.com/beaucouphome

14 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012 THE goods SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203


LADY PRIMROSE Body Creme with Engraved lid. Fragrant luxuries for everyday lifestyles – a great gift item. Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30. 214.553.8850 10233 E. NW Hwy., #410. TheStoreinLH.com


Discover the beauty of our one of a kind clothing. So unique we call it wearable textile art! 2813 N. Henderson Ave. 214.826.0069 lamariposaimports.com

Artist in Residence: Sir Colby


The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com

Colby Jones sketches and paints for the love of art, not money, though sometimes he makes a little. “I am not a salesperson. If someone shows up and wants to buy something they’ve seen online, great. People have hired me to do portraits. I try to talk them out of it. I don’t like to charge them what it’s worth for the time it takes,” he says. And if a nonprofit organization asks for something, chances are Jones won’t charge them for it. Case in point, Meals on Wheels asked for (and was granted use of) his “Texas Christmas” illustration, which depicts wise men as cowboys and a 10-gallonclad Joseph standing over the Christ child, to use as its official holiday greeting card. Colby, a Bryan Adams High School alum, started his art career drawing paper dolls for his older sisters. By junior high he had dreams of being a cartoonist, but after he got sidetracked and wound up working for the Park Department. “That partjob lasted 30 years,” he says. Twenty of those were spent at the Lake Highlands Recreation Center, which originally was called Skyline. “You used to be able to the Dallas skyline very well from there, until the trees grew up,” he says. From his he fondly watched Lake Highlands families grow up. “I saw 5-year-olds grow into 30-year-olds and bring their own children back,” he says. Even when his art was less drawing and more about finding creative ways to do his job, he never gave it up. retirement he started his website, sircolby.com, where visitors might find detailed portraits, charming sketches, clever cartoons and religious depictions. In the 1960s he on a state championship soccer team and later was a referee, and he recently illustrated the cover for the “Soccer Federation Laws of the Game Made Easy,” a soccer book. When he’s not drawing, or singing in the church choir, you might find Jones the set of a local TV show — “Dallas,” “GCB” and “Prison Break.” Well, on “Prison Break” only his arm holding a briefcase showed up on screen, he says. “I took a still shot of my arm, autographed it and sent it to my friends.”

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 15
THE goods
Danny Fulgencio

Out & About

November 2012

Nov. 17-Jan. 6

Trains at NorthPark

For the 25th year, the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas holds its fundraiser exhibit of miniature trains traveling about 1,600 feet of track through miniature U.S. landmarks. Raffle tickets and railcars also can be purchased at the show, located on the second level between Barneys New York and Nordstrom.

NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.631.7354, rmhdallas.org, $3-$6

more local events or submit your own

NOV. 3-DEC. 31

Dutch Art exhibit

Artists of Texas, a group of professional artists founded by LHHS graduates Laurie Justus Pace and Debbie Grayson Lincoln, holds its fourth annual art show at the Dutch Art Gallery. “Colors of Texas” is a juried show featuring about 60 Texas artists. On Nov. 3, meet the artists between 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Dutch Art Gallery, 10233 E. Northwest Ste. 420, artistsoftexas.org, free



Chihuly exhibit

The first five days of this month are your last chance to see the acclaimed glass sculpture exhibit placed throughout the garden. Chihuly pieces have traveled to seven countries and been seen by more than 10 million people.

Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland, 214.515.6500, dallasarboretum.org, $9-$20

NOV. 9

Football at the Boneyard

The LHHS Wildcats will play the W.T. White Longhorns at 7:30 p.m. Wildcat-Ram Stadium, 9449 Church, 469.593.1000, $3-$6

NOV. 10

200th spruce-up

For the Love of the Lake meets at 8 a.m. for a historic 200th consecutive Second Saturday Shoreline Spruce-Up. Volunteers younger than 18 should bring an adult. For the Love of the Lake, 1152 N. Buckner Ste. 123, 214.660.1100, whiterocklake.org, free

NOV. 10

RISD Spirit Run 5k

At four “spirit stops” along the way, high schools will greet you with drum lines, jazz bands, cheerleaders and more. The spirited run kicks off at 8:30 a.m. Richardson ISD schools will split the proceeds. Register online or race day beginning at 7:30 a.m.

Galatyn Park, 2351 Performance, 496.593.0241, risdspiritrun.com, $10-$35

Nov. 16-Dec. 22

‘Jingle Bells, Batman Smells!’

The Dallas Children’s Theater is bringing back first-grader Junie B. Jones. Join the “merry mayhem” with Junie and her friends during the holiday season in this production based on Barbara Park’s beloved books.

Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.978.0110, dct.org, $14-$40

16 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012
CarterRose Linda Blase

noV. 10-11

Trucks & Tunes

Find food trucks and more at the White Rock Lake Festival. It opens at 10 a.m. both mornings and ends Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m.

Boy Scout Hill, White Rock Lake Park, 8300 E. Lawther, whiterocklakefoundation.org, $5, free for children

noV. 15

shopping soiree

This fourth annual Lake Highlands Area Early Childhood PTA event features more than 20 vendors, including Stella & Dot, Pint-sized Prints, Sweet Stitchings, Wren & Rumor and Modern Day Memory Keeper. Shop from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-9 p.m. Interested vendors can contact Joy McElroy at 214.236.7500 or joy.mcelroy@yahoo.com.

Knights of Columbus Hall, 10110 Shoreview, free entry

noV. 16-18

Art mart & auction

Photography, ceramics, jewelry, paintings and sculpture from more than 50 artists will be on display and for sale at this event. A preview reception takes place Nov. 16 from 7-9 p.m. The sale and auction runs Nov. 17 from noon-6 p.m. and Nov. 18 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Expect music and Rockin’ Rick’s food truck, too. Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8749, dallasculture.org/ bathhouseculturecenter, free

noV. 27

Funny ladies

Richland College’s Emeritus program hosts a “holiday spectacular” with dessert, coffee and two ladies of comedy, Rose-Mary Rumbley and Lu Mitchell. The unpredictable older women’s presentation runs from 1:30-4 p.m. in room SH 118. Call to register. Emeritus plus 50, 12800 Abrams, 972.238.6145, richlandcollege.edu/ emeritus, $10

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Hyacinth, Allium, Spider Lilies, & other spring blooming bulbs are heat and drought tolerant plants that return in your garden year after year. Plant now for easy-tocare-for spring blooms.


Pumpkin foods

White Rock Coffee’s pumpkin syrup recipe may be a secret, but its flavors certainly are not. The shop boasts an array of seasonal pumpkin-flavored items. The customer favorite by far is the pumpkin latte, says co-owner Nancy Baker. Then there’s the scone, cheesecake, muffin, bread, cappuccino and chai — all pumpkin flavored. “The fall is such great coffee weather, and people like to come together with coffee,” Baker says. Baker and her husband, Bob, decided to open the shop in 2005 after two years of preparation. “My husband and I have been entrepreneurs all our lives. We said next time we do something, we’re going to do something together,” Baker says. They have written every recipe on the menu, including the one for pumpkin syrup. But how do the Bakers resist eating all their tasty treats all the time? Maybe they don’t. “You just buy bigger clothes,” Nancy Baker says. —Lauri Valerio


10105 E. Northwest Hwy. 214.341.4774






18 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012
Left/ Pumpkin Cappuccino Above/ Pumpkin scone and pumpkin muffin from WhiteRock Coffee Photos by MarkDavis


1 JJ’s Cafe

The breakfast spot offers pumpkinflavored crepes, waffles and pancakes. If you have a hankering for them at lunch time, JJ’s serves them every day until the kitchen closes at 2 p.m.

10233 E.Northwest, suite 434 214.221.4659 jjscafe.net

2 Thirsty’s

The pumpkin pie smoothie combines cinnamon pumpkin spice flavors with yogurt for a chilly November treat.

8687N. Central 214.360.9644

3 Hot Donuts & Bakery

Coffee and a cinnamon spice pumpkin muffin might be a great substitute for — or addition to — your morning donut.

12915 Jupiter


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FOOD AND WINE ONLINE Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com/dining

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Have a cup of cheer

Anne Amie Cuvée A Amrita ($15) Oregon

A lot of wine writers don’t like writing about holiday wine. They think it’s beneath them, too pedestrian for a writer who should be above all of that. That is just plain wrong-headed; the holidays are the best wine time of the year, when even people who don’t drink wine figure it’s OK to have a glass or two. And, perhaps, if they enjoy that glass or two, they’ll drink wine more often.

Here are a few ideas for wine for this holiday season: Ridge Three Valleys ($20) is a spicy, almost sophisticated zinfandel from one of the best producers in California and is a great turkey wine. Rene Barbier Mediterranean Red ($5) is a simple but well-made Spanish wine that delivers more than $5 worth of value.

Anne Amie Cuvée A Amrita ($15) is an Oregon blend with 10 grapes that delivers the quality I expect from Anne Amie, fresh and lively with a hint of sweetness, and is another turkey possibility. Domaine Guillaman ($10) is from the Gascon region of France, and resembles sauvignon blanc more than most of the other $10 Gascon wines that I enjoy, but it is still well worth drinking.

194 Casa Linda Plaza 214-324-2889

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1-800-SUPERCUTS | supercuts.com

I’ll have more on this next month, but if you want some bubbly for Thanksgiving, almost any Spanish cava will do. They’re inexpensive — between $7 and $15 — and are food-friendly and very easy to drink. Cristalino and Segura Viudas are longtime favorites, but this is a category where you can buy something you don’t know and will be fine.

JEFF SIEGEL’S WEEKLY WINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on lakehighlands.advocatemag.com

Ask the wine guy

Q. Are there wine pairing rules for Thanksgiving?

A. Dozens, but you can safely ignore them. Serve what you like, keeping in mind what your guests like. The idea is to have fun, and not to intimidate anyone.

ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com

20 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012 Launch FOOD
We specialize in the complete care of chronic pain with the most advanced techniques, treatments and equipment.
GET YOURSELF A FRESH CUT, ROCK ‘EM HERE. 6500 East Mockingbird #100 Dallas, TX 75214 Over 30 products to help fit your needs AUTO HOME BUSINESS LIFE SERVING LAKE HIGHLANDS FOR THE PAST DECADE Kelly Harris Agency 214.821.9687

with your wine

Thanksgiving leftovers

Welcome to our third annual Thanksgiving leftover potpourri, because the world does not need yet another recipe for the holidays. Instead, let’s clean out that refrigerator.

You can even make your own crust using any basic bread recipe. Just turn the oven up as high as it will go, top the raw dough with leftover turkey, whatever cheese is in the house, and any vegetables in the fridge, and bake until the crust is brown. Sauce is optional, but green salsa would do very well.

Add 1/2 cup or more of mashed sweet potatoes to your favorite biscuit recipe, and reduce the liquid in the recipe by the amount of sweet potatoes. Form and bake as usual.

This is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that before?” moments. All you need is leftover turkey, cheese, pickled jalapenos and flour tortillas. And maybe some green salsa.

Soak the rice noodles (the wider style works better) according to package directions. Sauté onion, garlic, ginger and bell pepper in a wok or large skillet, and then add a couple of tablespoons of hoisin sauce, a teaspoon or two of lime juice, and soy sauce. Stir again, correct for seasoning, and then add cubed leftover turkey and noodles and mix carefully until heated through.

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 21 Launch FOOD
With a full range of dental, cosmetic and restorative services — a shiny happy smile is only a phone call away. 6329 ORAM ST. DALLAS TX 75214 214.823.1638 Cosmetic and Restorative Services Shiny happy patients for over 65 years. Rick Beadle D . D . S . Reid Slaughter D . D . S . L AKEWOOD F AMILY D ENTAL COM

something special


the air

Remembering a unique era in air travel, when it was all glitz, glamour and questionable practices

Flying in the 1950s and ’60s was all luxury, style and class. Pilots greeted pristinely dressed passengers as they boarded. Beautiful hostesses donned fashion-forward mini dresses and high-heeled boots, served up cocktails and chef-prepared lunches, and when one of them delivered the seat belt instructions, people actually listened.

Back then, women in their late teens and 20s clamored for a flight attendant job, typically available to about one in a hundred applicants.

In 1965, Dallas-based Braniff hired White Rock area resident Miki Snell on the spot — she says she thinks they were trying to fill a class and her timing was right.

At the time, airlines looked for girls to fit a certain mold, she says.

Snell and her contemporaries weren’t called flight attendants, as they are under today’s gender-neutral standards, but “hostesses.” On other airlines, they often were “stewardesses.” In height, they were 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 7 inches, and they weighed no more than 135 pounds. Married girls needed not apply. Each woman teased her hair into a puffy do, wore Valentine-red lipstick and nail polish, and squeezed into a girdle that fit so tight that, “by the end of the day, you had a mesh pattern on your flesh,” she says.

Though sex appeal was essential, preparation for the flight crew was intense. Before taking off, Snell attended a five-week training school at what is now the maintenance center at Love Field.

“We had to learn about the planes, their configurations and food service, but the biggest thing was emergency training — learning about the equipment on the aircraft and what to do in medical emergencies. It was pretty comprehensive.”

Retired Braniff pilot Don Maynard still has his late wife’s faded hostess-training manual (when they married, she had to quit).

“I think it might have been a little tougher than they thought it was going to be,” he says, holding up the thick-ish typewritten booklet. “Though you should have seen our [pilot’s] manual!”

Flying is in Maynard’s blood. His father was a New Orelans-based pilot, and Maynard flew solo the first time when he was 16. He joined Braniff in 1951.

“Aviation was glamorous — people wore suits and ties to go to the airport,” he recalls. There were plenty of practices that

Story by Christina Hughes Babb Photos by Danny Fulgencio and Can Turkyilmaz

wouldn’t fly today, he says, describing the hostesses’ pre-flight weighing-in ritual: “Before a flight, they got on a scale. And they got pinched. Sometimes, if they weighed too much, they were sent home.”

The pinch, Snell says, was to ensure the girdle was in place.

Lake Highlands’ Sherry Hunley, also a Braniff hostess in the late 1960s, recalls some of the tricks used to fool the scale.

“Some would cheat. Putting a pencil under the scale was a popular way,” she says.

The high-fashion atmosphere, while it could be uncomfortable, was simultaneously cool, Snell says.

“It was all chic, trendy and fun. We got a new uniform every couple of years, and even the planes were painted bright like jelly beans.”

Hunley remembers when the Braniff look really took off. An advertising executive named Mary Wells spearheaded the “End of the Plain Plane” campaign in November 1965.

“The next thing you know, everything right down to the swizzle sticks changed,” Hunley says. “We had the look, and it put us on the map.”

24 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com November
In the 1960s, Miki Snell worked in a bright Emilio Pucci uniform. At lower right, Snell sports a scarf from a Braniff uniform.

The campaign even called for in-flight wardrobe changes that came to be nicknamed “The Air Strip.”

Hunley describes one uniform: “patterned tights and a jersey top with these wild prints, and bowler hats with the same print.”

Some of the hostesses’ accessories included stylish serving aprons worn during meal service, a miniskirt-length reversible hot pink and navy overcoat, and the famous space bubble hat, designed to shield bouffant hairdos from the atmospheric elements.

“Those were quite impractical,” Hunley says. “Mostly they were for photo ops.”

Of course, when the Southwest stewardesses, also based in Dallas, started wearing hot pants and go-go boots, Hunley says, “we got hot pants, too. There was a little bit of competition.”

At the Frontiers of Flight Museum, which houses hundreds of flight-related artifacts and replicas dating back to World War II, the upper-level Braniff exhibit is one of the most popular, says Jess Hall, the museum’s development director.

Several Braniff hostess uniforms — runway-worthy dresses, pantsuits, smocks and accessories designed by Emilio Pucci — serve as the centerpiece, and the gallery includes Braniff Barbie dolls, matches, playing cards and other memorabilia. Members of the Clipped Bs, an organization of former Braniff hostesses who stay in touch today, donated many of the pieces.

Flying around the globe, especially for young women such as Hunley, was more than just a job — it was educational and magical, she says. It opened the door to new worlds. “I grew up in Lake Highlands, at the time across the street from a farm,” Hunley says. “I had never even flown in an airplane before I got the job.”

By age 20, Hunley had a teaching degree and an offer from Richardson ISD, but she couldn’t resist the allure of the airlines. She really wanted to work for American Airlines at first.

“They had these red, white and blue uniforms and fishnet stockings. I interviewed with them and never heard back.”

Later, she says, she learned that her dad

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 25
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had intercepted the call. He wanted her to be a teacher.

With Braniff, she flew to California, London, Tokyo, the Philippines and Vietnam, for starters.

“I couldn’t believe they were paying me for this. I had to pinch myself. Here I still had hay in my hair, and now I’m flying around the world. It was just incredible at that age.

“Onboard, we knew the passengers by name and knew what they drank. We didn’t have those carts, but used trays. Braniff prided itself on getting every passenger a drink before takeoff. Because of regulations, we had to pick up the drinks before takeoff, too, so sometimes you’d have men drinking a big martini or even two before takeoff. We had to be fast and organized.”

She recalls elaborate meals — chateaubriand carved in front of the passenger, eggs benedict, crepes suzette, even caviar en route to London.

“On a plane just recently, I see people pulling out a credit card for a small, bad snack, and I think, ‘It’s not like the old days!’” Indeed, things have changed and security has intensified. Pilot Maynard recalls a time when he stood at the door and greeted passengers as they boarded the

26 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012
The Artistry of the Nativity returns with the popular collections of George Dvorsky and Dr. and Mrs. Ray Harrington. 8525 Garland Road - 214.515.6500
The Gattini family invites you to our new location! After a quarter of a century, Momo has moved to a new and better spot. We are still in the neighborhood and we are as committed as ever to offering our guests lovingly prepared homemade Italian food — made in the traditional ways.


“Now they lock us up tight inside the cockpit. Where once kids used to be able to visit the cockpits, now there is virtually no interaction between pilots and passengers.”

Maynard is the first to admit: He and the other pilots loved the pretty hostesses. As a young co-pilot, when he first saw Jeanne Toews walking up the tarmac in her sexy Pucci uniform, he said to his pilot, “I’m going to marry her.” In May 1957, he did.

With the women’s liberation movement came shifting standards for flight attendants. Maynard stops short of disapproving of the changes.

“Now you might get a hairy-legged guy rather than a pretty young lady coming to the cockpit. I’ll just leave it at that,” he says with a grin.

The loss of luxury started with deregula-


Happy Thanksgiving from the Physicians and Staff of Walnut Hill OB/GYN.

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 27
The Braniff exhibit at the Frontiers of Flight Museum attracts both former staffers and fashion aficionados.
the Frontiers of Flight Museum at 6911 Lemmon. Hours are Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1 p.m.-5 p.m. seniors $6,adults $8,students $5, under 3 free
more information call 214.350.3600 or visitflightmuseum.com Please visit our secure website to schedule an appointment, pay a bill or email your nurse.
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September MLS home sale statistics*, plus annual totals

tion in the late ’70s, Maynard says. “Fare wars led to pay cuts and cuts all over.”

Even during the most dazzling era, air travel wasn’t entirely glamorous.

Hunley, for example, recalls training at a defunct shoe warehouse in Fairfield, Texas. Snell says she once spent 10 hours in an airport ladies room while waiting for her assigned flight, just so she could take off her heels. She also was onboard a plane during a bomb scare, after which she and her crew underwent questioning by the FBI.

Despite Braniff’s sometimes-borderline misogynistic regulations and an eventual bankruptcy, which disrupted the lives and livelihood of Hunley, Maynard and many others, Hunley remembers the era fondly.

“It changed my life and I learned so

28 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012
In her 20s, Sherry Hunley opted to work in the air rather than a classroom. by: JAN STELL 214-355-3118
area home values
*Statistics are com piled by Ebby Halliday Realtors, and are de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers are believed to be re li able, but are not guar an teed. The Ad vo cate and Ebby Halliday Realtors are not re spon si ble for the ac cu ra cy of the in for ma tion. NorthwestHwy Walnut 635-LBJ 355-L Forest Royal Park Walnut Hill W 5 4 32 1 6 7 9 12 8 11 13 1415 Audelia Ferndale Plano Rd Jupiter Abrams FairOaks Whitehurst eh Church 75Central Expressway W e s t Fo r k J a c k s o n B r a n c h Greenville ille 10 killman an Sk Ski 5500 Greenville Avenue @ Lovers (in Old Town) 214.368.0170 tombarrettoptical.com Creative Water Gardens 10% off your next in-store purchase with this ad. One mile north of 635, on Kingsley Ave. @ Garland Rd. 2125 W. Kingsley Ave. Garland, TX 75041 Fall/ Winter Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9am to 5pm; Closed Sun. & Mon. 972.271.1411 creativewatergardens.net

much — more than I would have learned spending those years in college,” she says.

Airline employees — many of whom live in Dallas because it was home to Southwest, Braniff, American and two major airports — tend to stay in touch even long after retirement.

Maynard, for example, is on the board of an organization of former Braniff pilots, and he maintains close bonds with many of his fellow aviators. Hunley too says that, in flight, she made lifelong pals.

“I still have friends all over the country from the flying days,” she says. “Braniff was like a big family.”

November 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 29
Hunley recalls fondly how her Braniff job exposed her to travel, cuisine, culture and fashion.
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Hell bent

A life-threatening illness has nothing on this Lake Highlands dad

Sunio admits he hit a personal low during his hospital stay.

“I am always the happy, glass-is-half-full type of person, but one night in the hospital I had a moment of depression. The blood thinners make you bruise like crazy, so I was lying in bed alone, in pain and sweating, and I was looking at the deep purple bruising all over my belly from shots and my arms from the IVs and blood draws, and where the PICC was inserted ... not knowing when I would go home. I was feeling pretty low.”

The PICC, a peripherally inserted central catheter, is used for easy administration of intravenous antibiotics. It is basically a mobile IV accompanied by a portable antibiotic canister, which must be kept in the patient’s pocket. Survival and recovery would depend on wearing the thing for about two months

Apain in the groin. To an athlete like Paris Sunio of Lake Highlands, it is a minor distraction. Nothing a few stretches won’t fix.

On the morning of July 24, when the pain started, Sunio was several weeks into training for the Chicago Marathon. Following his morning workout, he noticed tightness in the area around his high inner thigh.

The ache, which would rapidly escalate to bullet-wound level pain, was the first sign of an infection that nearly took the 39-year-old’s life.

An excruciating 48 hours of tests, torture and stumped doctors ensued. Narcotics did little to stop the blinding pain that accompanied even the smallest movement. When the 106-degree fever hit, the medical staff began to put the pieces together.

Sunio was infected with Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as staph infection, a condition that can range from relatively benign to fatal. Sunio’s was life-threatening, doctors told him.

“It went to my pelvic bone region. For it to go to my bones is pretty bad. I got hit really hard by this damn thing,” he says.

A negative attitude is as foreign to Sunio as the infection permeating his bloodstream. His running pals say they never have seen a person so perpetually positive. That even during the hottest, hardest workouts, he is the guy cracking jokes.

“It’s rare you see him down because he always seems to find a silver lining in difficult situations,” says Lake Highlands resident Chris Stratton, who leads Sunio’s running group, the White Rock Running Co-op.

and administering antibiotics — a meticulous and time-consuming process — daily.

Upon his return home, Sunio could barely lift his 20-pound daughter, Elise, and he couldn’t walk or even stand without assistance. His wife, Grace, says it was tough seeing him this way.

“He went from a super active guy who’s never really sick, to someone who can’t walk or be outdoors. Until this, I had never seen him depressed.”

On a Tuesday evening, a week after his hospital release, members of the running club visited Sunio’s L Streets home. Instantly, he perked up. He regaled them with stories of his freak illness — the jerky paramedics who thought he was an overly dramatic jock with a pulled muscle, his screams that could have broken a window, the shakes, delirium and nightmares, and the cute nurses.

The runners laughed and cringed and told their friend how happy they were to have him home. How there would be other marathons.

30 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com November 2012
“i am always the happy, glass-ishalf-full type of person, but one night in the hospital i had a moment of depression.”
Photos by Danny Fulgencio

Don’t even worry about missing out on Chicago, they said.

That’s when he paused. Against his metal walker, he used the good arm — the one that wasn’t gauze wrapped and tube-infused — to straighten himself, and he told them that he still hoped to run the Chicago Marathon on October 7.

The responses varied from gaping silence to nervous laughter to replies of “Sure, buddy,” the sort of dismissive encouragement one might offer a mentally unstable person. Sunio just stood there and smiled, as he always smiles. His cheery outlook was back. His plan brewing.

A few days after the gang visited, he felt good enough to scoot around the house.

“Today was a banner day,” he noted following the visit. “I was able to walk around the house without the walker. Don’t get too excited because Elise just turned 9 months today and she can stand up from a lying position 10 times faster than me. The way I walk is like a pregnant lady waddling, but way slower.”

From there he progressed: walking without the walker, walking at NorthPark Center, pushing Elise’s stroller down the Katy Trail, jogging slowly — IV dangling from his arm — around the Lake Highlands High School track. Once the tube was out, he ran the whole 9-plus miles around White Rock Lake. His peers had mixed feelings about it all.

“I would prefer to see him save this fight for another day. There are lots of races in his future,” Stratton says, “but I commend him for his stubbornness and determination.”

Several of them have kindly, or not so kindly, tried to talk him out of it.

“I know they are just worried I will hurt myself,” he says.

When Grace discusses the prospect of her husband running a marathon, after all the family has endured, it is clear the idea has been keeping her up at night.

“Being in the medical field, I know that a normal body usually can’t handle such a high-demand type of activity right away. It’s just too much too soon. His activity level was almost zero for the past two months, and I’m ver y concerned and afraid that his muscles, joints, ligaments may not hold up. And most importantly, his heart, lungs, kidneys and thermoregulatory system will


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November 10th & 11th Saturday 11 a.m - 9 p.m & Sunday 11 a.m - 7 p.m at Boy Scout Hill White Rock Lake Park
DIRECTIONS: East on Mockingbird Lane, Past W. Lawther, past Dog Park over Mockingbird bridge at White Rock Lake, First turn right just after bridge.
Trucks Sat Nov 10 Noon - 1:15 - Fate Lions 1:45 - 3:00 - The Will Callers 3:30 - 5:00 - The Fox and the Bird 5:30 - 7:00 - Goodnight Ned 7:30 - 9:00 - Larry G(ee) Sun Nov 11 Noon - 1:15 - J. Charles & the Trainrobbers 1:45 - 3:15 - Somebody’s Darling 3:45 - 5:15 - Forgotten Space 5:45 - 7:00 - Bird Dogs 214.821.2077 whiterocklakefoundation.org presents
Tenth Annual White Rock Lake Festival presents: Tunes and
32 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012 education GUIDE to advertise call 214.560.4203 6121 E. Lovers Ln (@ Skillman) Dallas, TX 75214 www.ziondallas.org TRANSFORMING LIVES 2 Corinthians 3:18 Spanish Immersion PK & Kindergarten New Location opening in 2013! 4411 Skillman 75206 Also Spanish Classes available for Adults & Children DallasSpanishHouse.com 2 14-826-4410 Current Location: 5740 Prospect Ave. #1000 Dallas, TX 75206 DALLAS ACADEMY 950 Tiffany Way, Dallas / 214.324.1481 / dallas-academy.com DALLAS LUTHERAN SCHOOL 8494 Stults Rd. Dallas / 214.349.8912 / dallaslutheranschool.com FIRST BAPTIST ACADEMY 1606 Patterson St. Dallas / 214.969.7861 / fbacademy.com OpenHouse Sun.,Dec.2ndfrom2-5pm. November 13 (Kindergarten) November 27 (Middle School) November 29 (Upper School) December 4 (Lower School)

to advertise call 214.560.4203

education GUIDE


Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931, lakehillprep. org


848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org


1902 Abrams Pkwy., Dallas / 214.821.2066 / schoolofcbd.com


9727White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool. com.

all be so stressed, too,” she says. But, she concedes, he has made up his mind.

“Knowing Paris, his strong desire to finish in Chicago may well put him in the ‘American Journal of Infectious Diseases,’ ” she adds. “He has my support. Elise and I will be waiting at the finish line to give him the biggest, sweatiest hug ever.”


5740 Prospect Ave. Dallas / 214.826.4410 / DallasSpanishHouse.com



6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630/ ziondallas. org

to advertise call 214.560.4203 of our readers say they want to know more about private schools.

Marathon morning in Chicago is a crisp 41 degrees, the ideal temperature for distance running. Sunio and some 40,000 other entrants make their way to the start. His plan: jog, slowly, the first half of the course, then walk as far as possible.

As he runs, he sends text messages: 9:22 a.m. “7 miles in 1 hr 15 min,” 10:35 a.m. “half way. 2 hr 23 min. so tired. walk now. trying my best,” 12:03 p.m. “mile 19. tired and hurtin.”

It takes him 5 hours and 26 minutes to reach the end, where Grace and Elise are waiting. With the finish line in sight, a sweaty Sunio hugs his wife, then scoops up his daughter and carries her right through the finishing chute. As a volunteer places a medal around his neck, big fat tears rolls down Sunio’s smiling face.

“I didn’t think I could do it for a while there,” he says. “I almost quit after mile 14. Everything was a blur. At 20 [miles], I got some second wind and I started running again. It hurt, but having my daughter in my arms that last 100 meters, as I conquered this crazy goal, made it all worth it.”

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 33
Paris and Elise Sunio finish the Chicago Marathon.


The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM


owners buying Walnut Hill-Audelia shopping center

Commercial broker Bill Blaydes says Lake Ridge shopping center at Walnut Hill and Audelia’s southeast corner is under contract and should be overhauled when the sale closes. “The cost of the land is too much for residential housing, but they do intend to redo the old shopping center and get it back into shape,” Blaydes says. He didn’t identify the buyer, saying only that it is a “local group” and that the sale is due to close in mid-January 2013. Restaurants Atomic Pie and Offshore’s Next Door are in this shopping center, as well as service retailers such as My Office, whichrecently moved from Lake Highlands Plaza, across the street. The only property on that corner not included in the sale is the Circle K, Blaydes says.

Lake House restaurant and bar to open this month

John Schmitz and Eric Paulsen, along with help from consultant Cory Pope, plan to open Lake House bar and restaurant at Northwest Highway and Lawther, in the spot where the former Bicycle Café was located. They are aiming for a mid- to late November opening. Schmitz says the location is prime and that the north side of the lake is in need of quality food and brew, which they promise. The menu

More business bits

will consist of American cuisine, a step above bar food, with some healthy options such as flatbread sandwiches and dishes with locally farmed ingredients. Lake House will offer a full bar with 11 beers on tap. Lake House will share one major similarity with Katy Trail Ice House, Schmitz says — capitalizing on the popularity of Dallas’ trails. He expects the Lake House to attract a diverse crowd — family-friendly, but also a good place to have beers with the boys or breakfast with your running or cycling group.

Whiterock Abbey moving into Garland-Peavy shopping strip

Whiterock Abbey is set to open in November at the shopping strip just south of Goodfriend and Good 2 Go Taco at the Garland-Peavy intersection, near Old Lake Highlands. Owner Weylan McAnally, a pharmacist from Red Oak, plans to have 30-40 beers on tap and to offer at least 100 bottled beers. The menu will include gourmet pizza and standard bar fare, he says: pretzels, cheese boards and the like. Inside, they’ll hang about eight televisions, and outside, patrons will be able to drink/dine on the patio/beer garden.


Lake House 7510 E. Northwest Hwy. Atomic Pie 9660 Audelia Ste 117 214.553.5733


Offshore’s Next Door 9660 Audelia Ste 305 214.503.1012

My Office 9660 Audelia Ste 123 214.221.0011


Whiterock Abbey 9909 Garland WHITEROCKABBEY.COM

Goodfriend Beer Garden & Burger House 1154Peavy 214.324.3335


Good 2 Go Taco 1146Peavy 214.519.9110


Big Mama’s Chicken and Waffles 9810 Forest 214.340.3035


Havana Café 1152Buckner, suite J126 214.680.9545



1 Big Mama’s Chicken and Waffles suffered a fire in mid-September. This is the second big fire at the Forest-Audelia soul-food favorite. 2 Adams Paint at Northwest Highway and Abrams closed soon after celebrating its 50th anniversary. 3 The original Chili’s restaurant on Meadow was razed to make way for a 7-Eleven

4 Havana Café is open in Casa Linda Plaza.

34 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012
John Adams lunches with customers at Adams Paint Photo by Benjamin Hager
more business buzz every week on

The Richardson Council of PTAs has a general council board meeting scheduled for 9:15-11 a.m. Nov. 1 at Lake Highlands High School, 9449 Church. Refreshments will be available at 9 a.m. The council also hosts a used book fair luncheon Nov. 29 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the professional development center, 701 W. Belt Line.

$2,500 National Merit scholarships, while the scores of the others help them obtain merit scholarships from colleges.

The Exchange Club of Lake Highlands recognized four LHHS seniors in September’s youth of the month and character counts awards. Youth of the month Blake Lueder is eighth in the class, captain of the men’s varsity gymnastics team, Bell Boy and senior class treasurer. In his essay to the club, he emphasized, “Happiness does not come through wealth, but through service.”

Dani Austin is the senior service coordinator of National Honor Society (NHS) and the Girls Service League, a member of Mu Alpha Theta and part of the tennis team. She has served at the High Adventure Treks for Dads and Daughters program. In the character counts awards, Emily Barrows is drum major in the band, captain of the Wranglers and a member of NHS. She is described by teachers as always helping others before herself. Jonathan Garza, senior captain of the football team, is noted by teachers as someone who makes people “better for just knowing him.”

will win $10,000, additional staff development opportunities, a presidential citation and trip to Washington, D.C. Anderson is in her seventh year teaching in Richardson ISD. Before LHE, she taught six years at Thurgood Marshall Elementary.


Four students at Lake Highlands High School have been named National Merit Semifinalists this year: Nathan Bucki, Kenton Cozard, Dallas Crotty and Austin Curnutt. Each year more than 1.5 million high school juniors take the PSAT test to help qualify for college entrance and scholarships. And each year, students who achieve the top 16,000 scores among all test-takers are named National Merit Semifinalists. About half of the semifinalists will receive

Lake Highlands Elementary teacher Maggie Anderson is a finalist for a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The recognition is given to teachers whose exceptional and innovative methods make learning more vivid. Anderson is one of only three state finalists in elementary math. This is the highest recognition possible for a math or science teacher in the country. If selected, Anderson

LHHS grad Tori Mellinger was on a September front page of the Aggie newspaper, profiled in a story about her rise to star status on the Texas A&M volleyball team. The article, titled “The Hard Way,” notes that Tori first joined the team as a walk-on. Today, she’s a scholarship player and senior co-captain. After astellar career leading her Wildcats to the 5A regional semifinals, Tori had offers from several schools, but she knew she wanted to play for the Aggies. She took a risk walking on to a team with no scholarship to give her and no guarantee that she’d play. The autumn leaves hadn’t even begun changing color in Aggieland her freshman year before she became a pivotal part of the starting rotation. She’s been a starter ever since, traveling across the country with the team and appearing in nationally televised matches.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

NOVEMBER 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 35 www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Anson V. Sobers, AAMS® Financial Advisor Serving the Lake Highlands Area 7215 Skillman St., Ste #310 Dallas, TX 214-342-0696 EdwardJones® MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Shop Lake Highlands 214 - 221- 0011 Dallas WE ALSO OFFER COPY/FAX/SCAN/BINDING SHOP IN STORE FOR SCHOOL/OFFICE SUPPLES, or online at myofficeLH.com FAX: 214-221-1119 | INFO@MYOFFICELH.COM VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION: NEWS & Notes
Rediscover Ho{me} 214-874-7474 Call for more information or to schedule a tour. Assisted Living at White Rock Lake Live life to the fullest with the freedom of an independent lifestyle on the shores of White Rock Lake. www.ccyoung.org



“I really wish I would have done this earlier.”

Kevin Maloney of C.C. Young Retirement Community says that is the phrase he hears most often from clients he has met through his work. Unfortunately, when it comes to planning for our advanced years, many of us would rather bury our toes – and our heads – in the sand. But no matter how difficult it is to face questions about the future, the time to take action is now, rather than waiting until a crisis may force difficult or unexpected choices.


Downsizing might make practical sense for empty nesters, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy decision. People develop at-

tachments to their neighborhoods and their homes. Familiar things like the view from the back porch or even a finicky doorbell can seem like old friends. Sometimes sentimental feelings cause us to overlook the financial impact of staying in a house too long.

“People don’t realize how much it really costs to live at home,” Maloney says. “Most of the folks that move into a community like ours (C.C. Young) have been in their home for quite a few years, and it’s probably paid for. But when you consider taxes, utilities and maintenance, it is still very expensive to live in that ‘free’ home.” When people budget, Maloney says, they usually leave out big expenses like replacing a water heater or a roof. But in a house that is twenty or more years

37 special advertising section
a special advertising section

old, large expenses are not only likely, they are inevitable.

Judy Burkett of Presbyterian Village North says, “The thing I always tell people is, you need to come (to a retirement community) when you can still enjoy it, and you can experience it for what it’s meant to be.”

And what is it meant to be? A way of living that offers freedom from the responsibilities of home maintenance and repairs, and chores like mowing the grass. Consequently, residents are free to take up (or return to) activities like art and music, or social activities like dancing.

“I’ve seen people come in and fully embrace the retirement community,” Burkett says. “We have several couples that spend part of the year traveling, and they don’t have to worry about locking up the house or anything happening. They are still on the go, and they have peace of mind, knowing everything will be okay at home.”


U.S.A. Today reports that nearly half of Americans approaching retirement have no plans in place to make sure their money lasts the rest of their life. Here are some age markers to keep in mind:

If you retire at age 55, you can make withdrawals from your 401(k) without the penalty, but you will have to pay income tax. At age 62, you can claim Social Security, but checks may be reduced by as much as 30 percent if you sign up at this age. Full benefits begin for most Americans at age 66. The age eligibility increases gradually, in monthly increments, for baby boomers born in the 1950s. If you were born in 1960, you will have to wait until age 67 for your full benefits. But for everyone who can hold off collecting Social Security until age 70, payouts will grow by as much as 8 percent per year.


Don’t overlook planning for health care, including the possible need for long term care, advises Penni Jones of Villages of Lake Highlands. “Typically in assisted living people are preparing for the future and looking at what they can afford,” Jones says. “Sometimes they have veteran’s benefits, or long term care insurance.” The different levels of care at Villages of Lake Highlands include assisted living and progress through skilled nursing and a dedicated memory care unit.

Sometimes families are in crisis over an aging parent’s health when they come to the facility, and they don’t have a lot of time to search for high-quality care. “We do a lot of special things in our memory care unit that some people don’t do,” Jones says. “We try to reduce medications used on Alzheimer residents. We call it “calm therapy.” We have quiet rooms where we administer aromatherapy and involve pressure points that have a calming effect on people with dementia.”


Roughly 50 percent of adults don’t have a legal will in place. “The State of Texas does provide you with a will in their statute,” says independent estate planner Mary Glenn. “But most people don’t want the State of Texas to write their will.”

PRIME LIVING special advertising section 38 special advertising section
You know the magazine, now get exclusive content by Email HERE’S WHAT YOU’VE MISSED LATELY! SIGN UP AT ADVOCATEMAG.COM/NEWSLETTER UP IN THE AIR BE LOCAL IN LAKE HIGHLANDS NOVEMBER 2012 ADVOCATEMAG.COM The glory days of air travel and the people who lived it.
GLENN Attorney & Counselor at Law Call me to discuss your family’s needs www.maryglennattorney.com Every Family Needs a Will. PLANNING PROTECTS YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES. Wills & Trusts Medical Directives / Living Wills Powers of Attorney Declarations of Guardian Let me help you with all of your important legal documents. It is my goal to make this process simple and easy for you!

The thought of paying legal fees today in exchange for the experience of planning our eventual mortality has driven many people to online do-it-yourself sites. Unfortunately the complexities required to ensure validity can make that alternative a high risk. “Some people really care about their pets,” Glenn says. “Others want to give to the community or a charity. Without a valid will, that’s not going to happen.”

Whatever your age, it’s important to have a will. “If you are young and you have minor children, you’ve got to have a will so you can designate a guardian for them,” Glenn says. Also, a will is the only way to cover friendships or partnerships that would not be recognized in Texas probate.

An Estate lawyer can help you establish your wishes in case of illness or incapacity. “You may be in the hospital,” she says. “It really is handy to have a medical power of attorney in place so that you have a designated person that is going to be able to make financial decisions, like keep your electricity on and pay your mortgage.” Other examples of documents for the living include advance directives about health care (like a living will) and even a declaration of guardian, should that be necessary.

“If your capacity is gone, you no longer can say, ‘I don’t want Jimmy to do it,’” Glenn says with a knowing laugh. “If you want Sue Ellen to do it, it’s better to have it written down now.”


Older adults tend to move in three distinct phases.

Retirement – usually between the ages of 60 and 70, seeking lifestyle amenities and hobbies such as boating and golfing. Health Events – when living in one’s current residence becomes difficult, or adults who have moved away geographically from family return to be closer.

Advanced age – common among those with increasing ailments and those who do not have an available caregiver.

(Source: University of Minnesota, Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 2004)

special advertising section PRIME LIVING 39 special advertising section

You want to live life your way. That’s the beauty of Presbyterian Village North. With a full continuum of services, you can enjoy the independence of your own home within our beautiful 63-acre community. You’re free to pursue your interests, take part in a wide variety of activities and get involved in a vibrant community of friends, knowing that enriched care is available when and if you need it. Your needs may change, but your neighborhood doesn’t have to. Visit us at PresbyterianVillageNorth.org or call us at 214.355.9015 to learn more.

Youthful Glow

Dr. Lynne Roberts, an internationally known laser surgeon based in Dallas, consults with many patients who feel energetic and dynamic in the second half of life. “They want to look as good as they feel,” Dr. Roberts says. “They’re taking care of their bodies, and they want their skin and their appearance to reflect that.”

Most of us know that the biggest environmental enemy of our skin is also one of our best friends — the sun.

“Living in Texas, we’re closer to the equator,” Dr. Roberts says. “We have lots of sun year-round, and people like to be outside year-round.” Indications of sun damage include ruddiness of the skin, spider veins, and a dull or yellow appearance, rather than a healthy glow. Sun damage also causes brown spots, sometimes called age spots or liver spots. “Dermatologists call them sun spots, because they are related to the sun,” Dr. Roberts says.

8600 Skyline Drive, Dallas 75243



Eighty percent of sun damage to the skin is often done in the first two decades of life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t protect your skin now. Dr. Roberts tells her patients, “If you start using sunscreen at any age, your skin can repair some damage. It’s not just about going forward with sunscreen,” she says. “It actually helps your skin to heal.”

The skin’s second biggest enemy is smoking, which causes decreased blood flow and slower healing. Even someone who has smoked for decades can improve skin health if they quit today. Even more good news for patients

Prime living special advertising section 40 special advertising section used logo
Peace of mind is a gift you give to yourself. And to your children.
Advocate November Prime Living 10/7/11 3.375” x 10”
Craig and Ruth Millis Presbyterian Village North Residents


1. Protect yourself from the sun. Use sunscreen, seek shade and wear protective clothing.

2. Don’t smoke. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit.

3. Treat your skin gently. Use warm water (not hot) and gentle soaps, and moisturize dry skin.

4. Eat a healthy diet. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and avoid unhealthy fats. Some research suggests vitamin C can be helpful for a more youthful appearance.

5. Manage stress. Stress can trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. Scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy.

(Source: mayoclinic.com)

is available through treatments such as pixel fractional resurfacing. The laser creates thousands of microscopic spots known as “pixels” which reduces the affected surface area during the treatment, resulting in minimized pain and reduced recovery time (a few days, instead of months required for other resurfacing options.) It is a safe and effective way to treat sun damage, stubborn pigmentation, acne scars, rough texture, enlarged pores, and fine lines.

Lynne J. Roberts, M.D.

Internationally Known Laser Surgeon

Dr. Roberts offers a fullyequipped IN-OFFICE LASER SUITE , with all lasers on site, where she performs laser surgery daily. In addition to laser surgery for adults and children, she also specializes in COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY, including skin rejuvenation, Botox, and “fillers”.

PIXEL FRACTIONAL RESURFACING provides firming of the skin and improves skin texture and tone, sun damage, wrinkles and acne scars with minimal downtime.

We are excited to offer our HIGH SPEED LIGHTSHEER DUET LASER HAIR REMOVAL SYSTEM! This advanced technology with a new vacuum assisted, high speed handpiece eliminates the need for topical anesthetics and provides improved comfort, treatment speed and effectiveness. Treatment times for large areas such as legs, back or chest are reduced up to 75%. It is now possible to treat several different areas of the body in one session.

Lynne J. Roberts, M.D.

8144 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 360

Dallas, TX 75231

special advertising section PRIME LIVING 41 special advertising section


ForeST Me Adow / 9150 Church Rd. / Welcoming the mosaic of cultures living in our neighborhoods / www.fmbcdallas.org

Worship 10:50 / Bible Study 9:30 / Tim Ahlen, Pastor / 214.341.9555

LAKeSIde BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425

Worship — 8:30 am Classic & 11:00 am Contemporary

Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com

PArK CITIeS BAPTIST CHUrCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org

All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),

Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500

wILSHIre BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org


GrACe BIBLe CHUrCH / www. gracebiblechurch.org

Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 am; Contemporary 10:30 am

Adult Bible Classes both hours /11306 Inwood Rd./214.368.0779

NorTH HIGHLANdS BIBLe CHUrCH / www.nhbc.net

Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697


CeNTrAL CHrISTIAN CHUrCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291

Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am

Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome

eAST dALLAS CHrISTIAN CHUrCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org


CeNTrAL LUTHerAN CHUrCH, eLCA / 1000 Easton Road

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am

Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222

FIrST UNITed LUTHerAN CHUrCH / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule.

214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org


L AKe HIGHLANdS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time

10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship

wHITe roCK UNITed MeTHodIST / www.wrumc.org

1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661

Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk


L AKe HIGHLANdS CHUrCH / 9919 McCree / 214.348.0460

Sun: Assemblies 8:45 & 11:30, Classes 10:10, Coffee 11:10

Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org

SHoreLINe dALLAS CHUrCH / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane

ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan

Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry

PreSB yT erIAN


kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am

Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303

L AKe HIGHLANdS PreSByTerIAN CHUrCH / 214.348.2133

8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org

9:00 am Contemporary, 9:55 am Christian Ed., 11:00 am Traditional

NorTHPArK PreSByTerIAN CHUrCH / 214.363.5457

9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services


UNIT y oF dALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

and that’s the word

Language is a constant evolution

Bobby Hogg’s death at 92 was unremarkable but for what he took with him to the grave. The last known speaker of the now lost Scottish dialect of Cromarty, Hogg’s thees and thous have gone silent. Hogg lived in a small fishing village on the tip of Scotland’s Black Isle. He spoke one of the biblically influenced English dialects that are fading away faster than the King James Version.

Language is a living thing, which means it evolves. All evolution involves winners and losers: things that adapt and live in a new form, and things that fail to and die. This happens every day as once popular words fall into disuse and new ones morph into being. When it happens on a grand scale, a dialect or a whole language may disappear.

Change frustrates grammarians who like things to stay the same and delight in longstanding rules. On the other hand, change delights syntactical adventurers from Dr. Seuss to Jay-Z.

Something’s lost and something’s gained, though, with every passing noun and every verbal invention. The past is cut off from the future when a dialect dies. At the same time, new ways of talking come to reign. “The king is dead, long live the king.”

What’s lost, of course, is the bridge across time that has linked men and meaning. Even saying it that way — “men and meaning” — betrays a faint bond with a quaint past. We sacrifice the music of men and meaning now for the sake of clarity and inclusiveness. Something’s lost now when I try to say it properly as people and meaning, or humanity and meaning, or men and women and meaning. Alas.

A one-handed clap then for the victory of the pundit’s precision over the poet’s passion. Words are as much about sound

as sign. Words make things happen as much as just point out things that are happening. When someone says your name, you turn your head and tune your ears. When someone says “I love you,” especially when your heart has hoped those words into being, you are born again. When you hear “For God so loved the world” as if you are the world, you are born again by the Word made flesh again in you.

But the Word becomes fresh, too. Dying dialects give way to newborn ones.

Language casts a spell. New words are born into old family lexicons, and each time they are, something is gained. New worlds are made with each new word, and each is a bridge to the future.

What’s waiting to be spelled into life?

“In the beginning was the Word,” the gospel writer John says. All things were made by the Word of God. We are wordsmiths ourselves now, too, being made in the image and likeness of God. We have the power to create or destroy with our world making word making.

The Hebrew language uses the same word for bless and curse. Maybe they knew how close to life and death we are by our wordiness. We need to be solemn undertakers and happy midwives at the same time.

So we can bid Bobby Hogg’s Cromarty tongue “Fare thee well,” and before we leave the graveyard, we can listen for a just-spanked baby to talk us into a new day.

42 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com November 2012
Change frustrates grammarians who like things to stay the same ... [but] delights syntactical adventurers from Dr. Seuss to Jay-Z.
worship lis T ings spe C ial adver T ising se CTion to advertise call 214.560.4203
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.

Three cheers for this duo

Freshman Cheerleader Megan Brady (left) and Varsity Cheerleader Callie Wood cheered the Lake Highlands High School Wildcats to victory over Berkner Sept. 28.

Going the distance

The White Rock Running Co-op recently welcomed celebrity distance runner Dane Rauschenberg (center, in blue shirt) to a track workout at Lake Highlands High School. Rauschenberg, who in 2006 raised some $43,000 for charity by running 52 marathons in 52 weeks, was in Dallas to preview October’s Allstate Life Insurance 13.1race course for his blog, seedanerun.com.

TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203


ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill See: buchermusicschool.com on Facebook 469-831-7012

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I’M LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME ASSISTANT Must be a Go Getter. Computer Wiz. Call BJ Ellis 214-226-9875

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Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a

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TRANSLATIONS English, Spanish, & French at affordable rates. LenguaTutoringAndTranslation@yahoo.com or 214-331-7200.

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links to all our
media at

Golden golfers

At Healing Hands Ministries’ Third Annual Golf Classic, Bill Goad, Todd Olson, Shawn Mackey and Brian Murchinson competed for a cause and took first place.

Best of the bands

Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Band drum majors Sam Simmons, Miles Wilson, Averie Summey and Emily Barrows show off their preliminary-round trophies for best percussion, best winds, best marching, best guard, best-in-class and thirdplace among all bands at October’s DeSoto Classic competition.

SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.


Professional services

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Pattern/Color available 972-672-5359 (32 yrs.)

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FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001

eleCtriCal serviCes

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Swimming Pool Remodels • Patios Stone work • Stamp Concrete 972-727-2727 Deckoart.com

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DIRECT ELECTRIC Inc. New, remodel, res/com. Insured. Call 214-566-8888. Lic # TECL27551


LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Local. Insured. Lic. #227509 Call Rylan 214-434-8735

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FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645

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A HELPING HAND No Job Too Small. We do it all. Repairs /Redos. Chris. 214-693-0678

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HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606

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White Rock Landscaping 214-415-8434

RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296)

SPRINKLERS, LANDSCAPING, Stone Work, Drainage. Installed and Repaired. Call Kevin at 214-535-3352,Lic#7840. www.bigdirrigation.com


Repairs, service, drains. 27 yrs exp. Ll 6295. Backflow Testing Cell-469-853-2326. John

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sMA sH.

Pam and Jim Dunlap had been relaxing that Friday evening. They sat in their living room talking and watching some TV

The Victim: Jim and pam Dunlap

The Crime: Criminal mischief

Date: Friday, Sept. 28

Time: 11:05 p.m.

Location:8700 block of Alwick

— just a normal pleasant night at home. Suddenly, a loud crack disturbed their nice evening. It was quite a shock. Glass from a front window shattered all over their dining room near their kitchen.

“Jim had gotten up to go to the kitchen and something popped on the window,” she says. “At first we thought someone had shot it.”

The couple had no idea why someone

would do this and could not see anyone outside. They quickly called police who arrived a few hours later because it was not a life-threatening crime. It was, however, very startling.

Her husband and police were able to locate a large bolt outside below the window, which they believed to be the object that was thrown. The Dunlaps estimate it will cost a few hundred dollars to repair a very frustrating and time-consuming hassle that seems so senseless.

Dallas Police Sgt. Keitric Jones of the Northeast Patrol Division says kids could have played a part in the breaking of this window and this type of crime is common.

“Also, if there is any type of major construction in the area, the bolt could have come from a construction site. The possibilities are that it could have been an accident or it could have been intentional.”




Time of afternoon on Sept. 25 when men armed with knives and handguns burst into an apartment in the 9000 block of Whitehurst Drive demanding money. Jamal Salaam, 27, was killed, and Gregory Autry, 48, has been charged with capital murder in the crime

SOURCE: Dallas Police Department

8400 $300

Block of Park Lane where 32-year-old Ayoul Akout called 911 at 8:19 a.m. Sept. 29 and said he had just killed a man. Akout and another homeless man had fought the previous day, and Akout was hospitalized. Upon release, he found the man and beat him to death, he told police

Amount a robber made off with when he jumped into the backseat of a woman’s car in the parking lot of Taco Cabana in the 6000 block of Greenville. He held a gun to her head and said “Give me your damn money.”

WANT MORE? Sign up for the weekly newsletter and be the first to know what’s happening in our neighborhood. Visit advocatemag.com/newsletter to sign up.

November 2012 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 49 TRUe Crime
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.
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COMMENT. Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com and search voteyesdallas to tell us what you think.

Whoever you are in Lake Highlands, you will either love or hate the results of the presidential election. But also, whoever you are and wherever you live in Lake Highlands, I hope you will wake up Nov. 7 to news that our 2012 Dallas Bond package has been approved by Dallas voters.

If that happens, it will be cheerful news for all of us.

To learn what the bond package will mean to Lake Highlands, visit one of the most user-friendly web-

With one or two clicks, you can find out exactly what projects are on the list for our neighborhood, down to the name of the alley and the trail.

sites I have ever seen: voteyesdallas. com. With one or two clicks, you can find out exactly what projects are on the list for our neighborhood’s City Council District 10, with detail down to the name of the alley and the trail.

Quick rundown of why “yes” is good for LH on Proposition 1,

which targets streets and transportation:because it includes a long list of street names near you that are targeted for improvements. There also are enhancements and expansion of local bike trails, notably from White RockCreek Trail to Skillman (the Town Center.)

What about Proposition 2, which deals with storm and drainage improvements? If you live in LH, chances are you know what it’s like to drive through high water and pray your car will still be running on the other side. (If that hasn’t happened to you, at least once, I bet you know someone else who got caught.) And if you ride a bike, you know the White Rock Creek Trail runs directly through a flood plain. Now, at last, there is a plan to improve drainage at some of the lowest points on the trail.

Finally, why should LH residents vote yes on Proposition 3, which designates $55 million for economic development? After all, LH doesn’t benefit directly from the proposal, unless you happen to believe improvements in adjacent neighborhoods will be good for all of us.

It bears repeating at this point that bonds do not increase taxes.

And how do I know that? Two ways: first, I sifted through a lot of official materials posted at dallascityhall.com — bless their hearts,

I am truly grateful all of that information is there — and second, I found the FAQs page on the great website at voteyesdallas.com, where the tax question is the first

50 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2012
Sure, who becomes president is important, but don’t forget about city bonds
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Ellen Raff, a neighborhood resident, writes a monthly opinion column about neighborhood issues. Her opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to her
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and last question addressed.

I was so impressed with the website, I called LH resident Alan Walne (who formerly served on city council for our district and continues to play a role in many of the city’s initiatives). Walne is chairman of Vote Yes Dallas.

“It’s a sign of the times,” Walne said of the website. “We’re able to put together a pretty detailed website in short order, versus what used to take months in the past.” When I pointed out that the website is much more user friendly than the city’s website, Walne affirmed that all of the information is on dallascityhall.com, but it takes more time to sift through council business to find the details.

“Normally when you go to a town hall meeting — the typical way for the public to be engaged on a bond issue — that information is handed out,” Walne says. “Even on the city website itself, you can go in and look at the entire proposal when the council had it on their agenda to pass. The information is always available, but with what we’re able to do today with websites and social media, it’s much easier to get the information in somebody’s hands.”

I asked Walne if the voteyesdallas.com website will be available after the election.

“Once it’s served its purpose, it will not be maintained,” he said. “I would suggest to people that if there’s information on there that you want, go ahead and save it on your own computer.”

So whether you are reading this before or after Nov. 6, take a moment to visit voteyesdallas.com, and play the game, “Find more than three projects I really care about in District 10.” This is a surprisingly fun game, and it’s easy to win.

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