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Out & About

December 2011

NOV. 18-DEC.22

The Nutcracker and Madeline’s Christmas

The Kathy Burks Theatre of Puppetry Arts presents “The Nutcracker” at the Dallas Children’s Theater in the Rosewood Center for Family Arts. Puppets tell this version of the holiday classic, and even a gray-bearded Tchaikovsky puppet makes an appearance. Friday evening’s opening show on Nov. 18 will include additional festivities before and after the show, including carols by the Dallas Symphony’s Christmas Celebration Children’s Choir. “Madeline’s Christmas” is an adaptation based on the children’s book by Ludwig Bemelmans. Performances will be held at DCT’s Baker Theater, and children older than 5 are encouraged.

5938 Skillman Street, 214.740.0051, dct.org, $14-$26

NOV. 30-DEC. 17


One Thirty Productions presents “Greetings” at the Bath House Cultural Center, 1:30 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. “Greetings” is a holiday comedy about a man who introduces his Jewish fiancé to his Catholic parents. Reservations are recommended.

521 E. Lawther, 214.532.1709, dallasculture.org, $12-$14

DEC. 2

Nov. 25-Jan. 1

Holiday at the Arboretum

Evergreen leaves and holly berries have made an appearance at the Arboretum, helping the garden welcome the holiday season. In addition to the festival display, “It’s a Fairy Tale World,” which highlights various Fairy Tale interpretations, events include a holiday tea at the DeGolyer Estate, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. daily through Dec. 21 (call 214.515.6511 for reservations), and live reindeer along with Frosty and Rudolph costumed characters every Saturday-Sunday through Dec. 18. Visit the reindeer from 1-4 p.m. and Frost and Rudolph from 11-3 p.m. 8525 Garland, 214.515.6500, dallasarboretum.org, $8-$12

Holiday in the Highlands

The Lake Highlands Women’s League home tour showcases a variety of Lake Highlands’ most brag-worthy homes and benefits the students of Lake Highlands through Women’s League scholarships. The home tour kicks off at 9:30 a.m. Friday and continue until 5 p.m. The holiday market runs concurrently beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Highland Oaks Church of Christ. A luncheon begins at 11 a.m. at the church. Purchase luncheon tickets in advance.

10805 Walnut Hill, 214.348.8718, lhwl. org $10-$15

Dec. 2-16

Holiday performances at NorthPark Center

NorthPark Center hosts various neighborhood music groups this month as part of its “Sights and Sounds of the Seasons.” Performances will take place either near the fountain near Dillard’s or on the lower level beneath the food court, called NorthCourt:

Aikin Elementary School Choir and Orff Ensemble, Dec. 2, noon, Dillard’s Forest Meadows Junior High School Sound Express, Dec. 2, 3 p.m., Dillard’s

Lake Highlands Songbirds, Dec. 2, 4 p.m., Dillard’s

Kitty Carter’s Dance Factory, Dec. 3, 4 p.m., NorthCourt

Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Wranglers, Dec. 8, 5 p.m., NorthCourt

Lake Highlands High School Espree

Show Choir, Dec. 9, 3 p.m., Dillard’s

Dallas Ballet Company, Dec. 10, 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., NorthCourt

White Rock North School Choirs, Dec. 11, 3 p.m., NorthCourt

Skyview Elementary Singers, Dec. 13, 10 a.m., Dillard’s

Hamilton Park Magnet School Choirs, Dec. 13, noon, Dillard’s

Scofield Christian School Cornerstone

Chorale, Dec. 13, 2 p.m., Dillard’s

White Rock Elementary Honor Choir, Dec. 14, 11:30 a.m., NorthCourt

Merriman Park Elementary School

Choir, Dec. 16, 10 a.m., Dillard’s 8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441, northparkcenter.com, free

Dec. 4

Advent lessons and carols

For this St. John’s Episcopal Church 6 p.m. Advent service, Bishop Paul Lambert, U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling and Dallas City Council Member Sheffie

Kadane will alternate scripture readings between choral numbers and hymns from the St. John’s choirs. A reception follows the event.

848 Harter, 214.321.6451, stjohnsepiscopal.org, free

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