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Flying Colors March
Snapped in spring 2014 at Lake Highlands High School’s 50th anniversary celebration, members of the Latin dance group Folklorico stand poised to take the stage. The aesthetics that caught our photographer’s eye — bold colors and silky textures, billowing skirts, lacy blouses, shiny sashes, opaque eyelashes and red lips and flamboyant flowers and ribbons flanking and threading thick braids all are essential to Folklorico. Says Suzanne McKown, the LHHS teacher who started it, “They love the costumes. There are different types of costumes based on what state of Mexico the dance comes from. What we’re trying to achieve, as we raise the money, is to purchase authentic costumes for each dance.” Socialization can be especially difficult for students who are recent immigrants to the United States; cultural clubs such as Folklorico can rescue a young person who otherwise might be lost. Annabelle Garcia, for example, moved from Cuba to Lake Highlands, where she faced loneliness and unfamiliarity. She hardly spoke English and missed her dad, who could not legally accompany her here. Folklorico, which formed at LHHS in 2011, provided a source of friendship, support and expression, Garcia told the Advocate in 2013. McKown vouches for Folklorico’s lifechanging potential. “I often see a shy kid come out of his shell,” she says. “I see that with every kind of dance, in fact — ballet, jazz and [western].” She dabbles in all.
Fred In The Shadows October
Fred Wiatrowski and his wife, Helen, appeared in a 2014 Advocate article about their work behind the scenes at the State Fair of Texas. We talked for about an hour before the photo shoot — about their jobs cleaning coupons during state fair season and other things, such as Helen’s recent brush with death after she fell and badly injured herself in the shower and how much she misses her old house. The Wiatrowskis were a photogenic couple — she with pristine makeup and hair, dressed beautifully in deep purples, and he in what reportedly is his signature look: plaid shirt, starched blue jeans and a the stub of an unlit cigar between his teeth. At one point, Fred’s shirtsleeve crept up, and we noticed a tattoo. We guessed, correctly, that it was related to military service. Our conversation about that went something like this: Advocate: “Did you serve in the war?” Fred: “Yes.” Advocate: “Oh yeah? What branch?” Fred: “Navy. But she doesn’t like for me to talk about it.” He tugs his sleeve, concealing the ink, looks at Helen, and they share a smile.