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Outcry Over Canceled Church

I am a member of Lake Highlands United Methodist Church and, while not an active Off-Campus Ministries volunteer, I have supported the Audelia Manor ministry by providing and serving the annual Thanksgiving meal, along with others, for the past several years. [ Advocate Back Talk Blog, “Dallas Housing Authority halts worship services at Audelia Manor”]. I am outraged that one small-minded local bureaucrat has taken it upon herself to deny these elderly, homebound residents the opportunity to freely exercise their religious freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution! I encourage every Advocate reader who believes in individual freedom to call or write Councilman Jerry Allen and Mayor Tom Leppert to demand that they rectify this gross injustice and intrusion by the DHA.

This is government bureaucracy at its worst. Hopefully Councilman Allen and Mayor Leppert will see the extraordinary good LHUMC is doing for our neighborhood and for these people. And hopefully this small-minded bureaucrat will be given something useful to do, maybe filling potholes.



Thank God for people speaking out! Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion.


I’m shocked — an actual rational decision by a government agency. Did I just see a pig fly by my window?



As a 15-year resident who lives a stone’s throw from Liberty Junior High, I want to express my appreciation to Mr. Killinger and Mr. Pino for their vision and perseverance [“Apartment Turnover”, March

Advocate ]. My kids are 11 and 9 years old. Your efforts, along with Councilman Jerry Allen’s determination, offer economical and emotional upside that will carry on for many years. My sister and brother-in-law live seven houses up the street, on Lawler, and are planning to start a family soon. Your stick-to-your-guns mentality will really help to bring back this neighborhood. My wife and I drive by the front entrance to The Madeline every day. We cannot thank you enough!



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