2013 April Lake Highlands

Page 8

Be LocaL IN Lake highL ands april 2013 | advocatemag.com InsIde story Showcasing stellar home design in our neighborhood download our free itunes app
Ebby PrEston CEntEr | 214-692-0000 Ebby WhitE roCk/LakE highLands | 214-341-0330 Ebby LakEWood | 214-826-0316 Ebby’s LittLE WhitE housE | 214-210-1500 9722 VAN DYKE RD. $549,000 4/3/2/2 LA/Mid-Century Modern, Renovated in 2010 Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 10752 LANETT CIR. $499,000 4/3.1/1+ Acre Lot/Master Down/Large Pool/Circle Drive Jan Stell 214.355.3118 9345 CHISWELL RD. $400,000 3/2/2 LA/2-Car Garage/RISD - White Rock Elem. Paula Streiff 469.231.7170 8907 FOREST HILLS BLVD. $224,950 3/1/2/Hdwds/Updated/Open Living/Little Forest Hills Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 11815 NEERING DR. $214,500 3/2/2 LA/Hardwoods/Wood Deck/Lochwood Bobby Stephens 214.395.4579
HIGHLANDS AND EAST DALLAS TM 9702 CLOISTER DR. 3/1.5/1 Car/Updated/Open Floor Plan MALOOLEY|BARRERA 6849 TRAMMEL DR. 3/2/2/2 LA/Large Deck/Professionally Landscaped Joanne Vetterick 214.502.1884 9416 ROLLING ROCK LN. $175,500 3/2/2 - Stylish soft contemporary in RISD Cary Norton 214.704.2705 SALE pENDING NEw LISTING NEw LISTING GROUP 214.520.4410 2545 PINEBLUFF DR. $135,900 3/2/2/2 LA/Hdwds/Storage Bldg/In Quiet Hillridge Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 7730 MEADOW PARK DR. #120 $130,000 2/1 Beautiful Resort-style Condo in Tropical Paradise Julie Pillans 214.692.0000 9807 BENT BRANCH LN. $125,000 3/3 Pristine Town Home/Nice Updates/Neutral Colors Jan McElroy 214.692.0000 NEw LISTING NEw LISTING SOLD 2525 COLLINS BLVD. $189,000 5/3/2/2 LA/Sunroom/Pool/Backs to Greenbelt & Creek Kit Brosius 972.415.8545 SOLD SALE pENDING NEw LISTING NEw LISTING



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THE EBBy COMMUNITy “SpRING CLEAN THING” HELP YOURSELF BY HELPING OTHERS AT THE NORTHLAKE SHOPPING CENTER 9211 CLOVER VALLEY DR. 4/2.1/2/2 LA’s/Pool/Moss Haven Elementary The Selzer Group 214.797.0868 Selzer 7830 RIDGEMAR DR. $287,500 3/2/2/2 LA’s/Updated/Granite/Hdwds/Moss Haven Elem. The Selzer Group 214.797.0868 7069 WAKEFIELD CIRCLE $267,000 3/2/Converted Garage/Pool/Cul-de-sac Konnie Clayton 214.708.5233 1722 LOREE DR. $254,900 3/2 Contemporary Renovation near White Rock Edwina Dye 214.674.3937 11926 LOCH NESS DR. $252,000 4/2.1/2/2 LA/Great Layout/Recently Updated Kitchen Mike Bryant 214.686.5611 8635 CAPRI DR. $239,000 3/2/2/3 LA/Deck/Beautiful Lake Highlands Traditional MALOOLEY|BARRERA GROUP 214.520.4410 551 HAMBRICK RD. $194,900 3/1/2/Wood Floors/Close to White Rock Lake Joanne Vetterick 214.502.1884 10902 PALACE WAY $154,900 3/2/2/Hdwds Under Carpet/Lochwood/Near W.R. Lake Konnie Clayton 214.708.5233 9837 SMOKEFEATHER LN. $112,000 2/2/2 LA/Completely Updated Townhome Near Richland College Perry Flowers III 469.233.9099 3322 HEATHER HILL DR. $190,000 3/2.1/2/Landscaped/Sherrill Park Golf Course Area Bobby Stephens 214.395.4579 9075 LEASIDE DR. $189,500 3/1.5/1 Carport/Hardwoods/Move-in Ready Jeraldine Wooldridge 214.773.9312 11318 RIDDICK CT. $399,900 4/3/2/2 LA/Near Park/Enclave at Wyrick Estates Joanne Vetterick 214.502.1884 9766 BROKEN BOW RD. 3/2/2/Hardwoods/Rebuilt Kitchen/White Rock North Dick Phelps 214.669.6255 9004 CHURCH RD. $349,900 4/3/2/2 LA/Hand-scraped Oak Herringbone Floors Jan Stell 214.355.3118 SOLD SOLD SALE pENDING NEw LISTING NEw LISTING NEw pRIcE NEw pRIcE SALE pENDING SALE pENDING SALE pENDING NEw LISTING


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cover Open house


6 April 2013
features 40 A touch of nostalgia
embrace the minimalist movement? Even a flea-market enthusiast can have a gorgeous abode. 48 La vida local Arboretum children’s garden, new nearby developments and restaurants and an lH-based bag designer fill out the business buzz column. launch 18 Flower power
the guy who makes Dallas bloom. 20 Driven by tragedy
On the cOver: Photo by Jeanine Michna Bales
neighborhood business
lived a mother’s worst nightmare, and
to stop it from
24 Politics and religion in a small town
new novel
lake Highlands’
she aims
goes there.
Get a sneak peek inside a mid-century modern masterpiece before it premieres on the lake Highlands Area Early Childhood pTA home tour.
32 Volume 21 Number 4 | LHApril 2013 | Contents
Photo by Jeanine Michna Bales
April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 7 in every issue department columns opening remarks 8 launch 14 events 26 food 28 live local 48 worship 50 news&notes 51 scene&heard 52 crime 58 advertising the goods 27 dining spotlight 29 health resources 44 education guide 46 worship listings 50 bulletin board 52 home services 54 Jurassic discovery This retired University of Texas at Dallas professor was on the team that unearthed Alamosaurus’ bones. Photo courtesy of National Park Service 14 Lakehigh L ands.advocatemag.com for more news visit us online “These things make me feel my family’s — the ones who are gone and the ones who are still here — presence in my life every day.” Sid Snively, homeowner page 40 Search collector chic on lakehighlands.advocatemag.com Be LocaL IN Lake highLands april 2013 advocatemag.com InsIde story Showcasing stellar home design in our neighborhood Go digital this month local news digital edition newsletters stellar home in InsIde story Showcasing stellar home design in neighborhood stellar home InsIde story Showcasing stellar home design in neighborhood lakehighlands.advocatemag.com

Wheels of misfortune

Are a few fender benders a sign of a jinxed Jetta?

I’m not a person who believes much in luck. Yes, oddball stuff happens that’s hard to explain, and some people just seem to live under a lucky star, if you know what I mean.

But we generally make our own luck, I’ve told my sons, so what happens to us likely isn’t happenstance most of the time.

But that’s talking about luck in life. What about luck in terms of a car? Is it possible to have an unlucky car?

My wife insists my current car is unlucky, and I’m starting to wonder.

My black VW Jetta is a monster at the pump, with its clean diesel engine delivering more than 30 mpg in city driving and topping 45 mpg on the highway.

It rides pretty well for a small car, and its self-identified “leatherette” (aka vinyl) seats repel whatever hits them, so the interior remains showroom-clean, particularly since I force my wife to ditch her ubiquitous soda before entering.

The Jetta also has plenty of trunk room, so if I summoned the energy to tackle some big project, it wouldn’t be the car’s fault when I didn’t finish the job.

So when I wonder about the car’s “luck” factor, I’m talking about its magnetic attraction to the front bumpers of other cars.

Shortly after I bought the car four years ago, while preparing to turn right at a light, I found myself being assisted by the pickup truck behind me. No personal injuries, luckily, but my rear bumper took a beating.

That repair lasted about six months, until I was rear-ended again at another stoplight, also while in the right turn lane.

The car repair people patched the plastic so it once again looked new. And again, luckily, there were no injuries, except for my pride: My wife began suggesting that somehow my driving was responsible for the trouble. I figured she was just circling back on the soda issue.

But still, what about the car and its luck, or lack thereof? Two bumper whacks, along with myriad paint nicks from the doors of negligent neighboring parkers, made me wonder, out loud, whether I should be looking for an alternative.

Before I could do anything, though, my wife and I were returning from San Antonio along a particularly scary two-lane stretch of I-35 north of Waco, where it’s difficult to keep much distance between other cars because of incessant speeding and tailgating.

Sure enough, a few cars ahead I saw an instantaneous collection of rear stop lights amid a cloud of burning rubber as two lanes jammed with vehicles braked suddenly. I pounded the Jetta’s brakes and steered first right and then left in my lane to avoid the car in front of mine.

We came to a stop without incident, followed quickly by a “pow” as the BMW behind us came to a stop.

Once again, my rear bumper was smacked, and this time the body shop won’t be able to repair it.

So is the car unlucky? Or is the car neutral and the bumper lucky, considering I didn’t wind up with actionable whiplash in any of the three accidents?

I guess we’ll find out, since that bumper is headed to the great plastic recycling bin in the sky.

Maybe the Jetta is lucky — it has taken its licks even as everyone involved has walked away without a scratch.

At the end of the day, isn’t that the luckiest thing of all?

8 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
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Tap into Lake Highlands.

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April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 9 be local be local most used logo black and white used for small horizontal used for small vertical and social media
WeAreLakeHighlands.com 618 Bondstone $299,768 3/2/2 Dani Hanna 214.293.2104 realtor® Dani Hanna 404 Classen $239,999 3/2/2 Dani Hanna 214.293.2104 realtor® Brandon Travelstead 469.223.0711 brandon@dallascitycenter.com realtor® Micah Weaks 5930 Richmond $290,000 2/2 Micah Weaks 214.202.1234 434 Edgelake Ben Fluno 469.878.2235 SOLD! Buyer Sale 214.736.3921 | bHomeTexas.com bess@bHomeDallas.com Realtor® Bess Dickson Dallas City Center Realtors ® realtor® Anthony Eddington, Sr. 972.365.8745 aeddingtonsr@dallascitycenter.com Lake Highlands 2-3rd Page April.indd 1 3/11/2013 4:50:59 PM
10 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013 TICKETS ARE $32. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO PURCHASE ONLINE VISIT www.biddingforgood.com/ecpta Explore Lake Highland’s beautiful neighborhoods, unique mix of homes, and meet the people that make Lake Highlands one of Dallas’best kept secrets! sail away with us bon voyage! 9th ANNUAL LAKE HIGHLANDS AREA EARLY CHILDHOOD PTA home tour, luncheon & auction SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2013 {Complimentary Valet and Cash Bar} ROYAL OAKS COUNTRY CLUB 7915 Greenville Avenue 9:00 AM-11:00 AM HOME TOURS 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM LUNCHEON & AUCTION advocate page horizontal final-4.pdf 3/12/2013 10:34:32 AM Proceeds will be used to place beautiful, child-friendly art in the Lake Highlands Town Center. REGISTER TODAY www.LHJWL.org Join the 1 Mile Family Walk or 5K Run through our Highlands Start Times: 1 Mile Walk: 8 AM 5K Run: 8:45 AM Carnival: 8:30 AM Sponsored By: Southern Renovations
Highlands North HOA
Paint and Body Shops
Highlands Today
Racing Systems Advocate Magazine
Dorsey Construction Company, Inc Landscape Lighting Supply Mathnasium of Lake Highlands Nathan Grace Real Estate Trophy Nissan Baker Triangle Christy/Norcross/Thomas Real Estate - Nathan Grace The Donald Wright Group Malooley/Barrera Group Lake
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Raise ‘em Right. Grow Your Own!

Warm Season transplants and seeds in stock!

Loving White Rock Lake



Excellent article [“What a wonderful White Rock Lake world,” Lake Highlands Advocate February, 2013]. White Rock is a treasure. Each story unique. Dave is THE man. He ran me through my first marathon and several others and I am truly thankful for that! His accomplishments in the running world — Boston marathon, ultramarathons are amazing. Thanks.

My son used to row for Jesuit and seeing others out rowing in the early hours is a magical site. As to Dave, you can’t help but love him. He’s a true inspiration to all.

I grew up going to White Rock with my dad Robert Renfro, a fixture at Sunset Bay. I believe he named Wilbur the goose when he met him almost 20 years ago there. I know Charles and Annette too. —Bobbi

Explosive issue

Years ago I had the same problem [“Gas leak causes explosion and fire on Mapleridge,” Advocate daily blog, March 6, 2013]. Luckily, a neighbor smelled the gas]. When I had it repaired, the gas company came out, tested the line and there was another leak ... After the fourth time of repairing leaks, I had the meter taken and switched everything over to electric. In the Dallas area, where the ground shifts so often, all lines should be tested.


12 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Email EDiTOR ChRiSTiNa chughes@advocatemag.com
Advocate April
8 Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 • 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com FRI Apr 5th 4pm-7pm Garden Happy Hour Enjoy complimentary wine, beer, refreshments & appetizers while you shop. Meet creative cooks from Edible DFW’s new cookbook! Books available for purchase and signing. Join us for the release of Brooklyn Brewery’s seasonal brew!
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lakehighlands.advocatemag.com What’s online

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Q&A: Fred Fifer

Before its winter 2012 opening, the perot Museum of Nature and Science garnered tremendous buzz for its state-of-the-art design and unique exhibits. Most brag-worthy, perhaps, was the museum’s debut of a full-scale model Alamosaurus, one of the largest dinosaurs ever to roam North America, accompanied by a display comprising several of the dinosaur’s real-life bones. in 1997, a group of science-education students from University of Texas at Dallas discovered the bones — the first-ever from an Alamosaurus cervical vertebrae (neck) — while on a field trip to Big Bend National park in West Texas. lake Highlands resident Fred Fifer, who worked as a professor at UTD from the late 1960s until 2001, was part of the crew that made the enormous discovery and undertook the painstaking excavation.

14 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
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Let’s start with the day you and the students discovered that first Alamosaurus bone. How did it go down?

I had been at UTD for 30-plus years. Started when it was a research center, before it was even a university. My job involved starting and running a science education program, for students aiming to become science teachers. So I am not a paleontologist. But in the ’70s I started doing summer science-related field trips for the students — we went to Yellowstone, Hawaii, Cozumel … researching various disciplines. We took one trip across the country to Canada to study energy creation — coal mines, wind energy, that sort of thing. And we made great use of Big Bend National Park. Big Bend is a mecca for dinosaur fossils. On one of these trips, it was one of [UTD geology professor] Dr. Homer Montgomery’s students, Dana Biasatti, who spotted the bone. She has said it was just poking out above the surface.

How do you know it is a dinosaur bone and not, say, a rock or a petrified stick?

You tap it. When you tap a bone, it makes a different sound then when you tap a rock. Once you know from the sound that it is a bone, you don’t dig with heavy tools you pull out the paintbrush [to dust away the dirt], and you must work gently to excavate the bones without damaging them.

So then you just got to work delicately digging?

Oh, no! We had to get permission from the federal government to dig in a national park.

And how long did that take?

About a year.


Yes, and then we brought in the slave labor, meaning grad students, to help with the excavation. All told it took four years working summers to get it all. Eventually, the team unearthed bones from both adult and juvenile Alamosauruses ... including 10 vertebrae weighing up to 1,000 pounds each. Based on the bones, it’s es-

Local Home Prices are Rising — and Will Continue

If you’re considering new construction, or a remodeling project, now is the time to secure your costs.

According to Trulia.com, home prices in Dallas rose 3.4% compared to the same period last year. Usually, this would be a modest increase. Coming out of a national housing recession, it’s slightly more impressive, but not shocking. After all, DFW is booming due to state policies that are business-friendly.

In Lakewood and the surrounding areas, we’re right in the epicenter of the growth, with some of the best real estate and prettiest communities in all of Dallas. We’re near the cultural heart of the city, by the finest restaurants, and minutes from sporting venues and museums. We don’t rely on toll roads here, and (in case you haven’t noticed), we avoid the hellish commutes that the suburbanites endure.

Yet, even with the rationale for why our real estate is booming, we’re really startled by the increases we’ve seen in local home prices over the past few months, and even weeks. We’re talking about average sale price jumps of over $10,000 in a matter of weeks – and supply is dwindling.

Local experts are predicting home and lot prices will continue to rise for the forseeable future.

David Bush, one of the area’s most experienced realtors, offered his assessment:

“The North Texas real estate market has not seen the inventory shortages we are currently experiencing in over a decade; the market is so unbalanced on the supply side that we will inevitably see home prices rise, and in the close in urban markets like Lakewood and East Dallas even more so. With that said if you are considering buying an existing home or building a new one waiting even a short amount of time will cost you every day you wait”.

If you’re considering new construction or a remodeling project and want to keep within a certain budget, it’s also important to keep an eye on material costs. We’re seeing price hikes on everything from paint and drywall to bricks and sod. We’ve been in the business for 18 years, and when these inflationary periods happen, they happen in waves. We believe this is only the beginning.

If you’ve got new home ownership or a remodeling project on your horizon, talk to us today about your plans and let’s work together to keep your dreams within your budget.

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timated the adult was 100 feet long and weighed 50 tons. And it was hard work. We would start our days at about 4 a.m. and dig until the afternoon and spend the rest of the day looking for shade. We had to camp about three miles from the site and were not allowed to use vehicles, bikes, or horses or anything that would disturb the land to get there.

That would make relocating 1,000-pound dinosaur bones rather difficult, yes?

Yes. First, in order to preserve the bones, you put them in plaster, so we had to haul about 1,500 pounds of plaster mix at a time to the site, and water, and mix it there. The students cut long strips of burlap, which you dip in plaster and wrap around the bone — just like a cast. Throughout the project we had hundreds of people come help. Teachers and students from the local school district and even as far as Dallas and Richardson schools showed up.

16 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Please visit our secure website to schedule an appointment, pay a bill or email your nurse. Walnut Hill Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 8305 Walnut Hill Ln. Ste. 100 • Dallas, TX 75231 214-363-7801 • www.walnuthillobgyn.com Enjoy a treatment at our Medical Spa. Microdermabrasaion Chemical Peel Laser Skin Rejuvenation Titan Laser Vein Therapy Laser Hair Removal Accent Tightening/Body Shaping Botox/Juvederm Novalash Extensions Give us a call today to book your appointment! 214-987-2828 We welcome you to join our practice where we specialize in families. Celebrating over 40 years of Skilled, Compassionate and Experienced Care. Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D David M. Bookout, M.D. Julie M. Hagood, M.D. James K. Richards, M.D. (center row) Jennifer Muller, M.D. John D. Bertrand, M.D. (front row) Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D. Hampton B. Richards, M.D.

In order to remove the vertebrae bones, we made a stretcher of wire and electrical conduit and managed to get two of the small ones out on it. Those each weighed about 300-400 pounds or more.

So how did you get the big ones out?

Dr. Montgomery worked out a deal with Bell Helicopter. The so-called “Dinosaur Airlift” carried the larger bones to our transportation vehicle, which we filled up. One of them didn’t fit on the trailer, so I hauled it back to Dallas in the bed of my pickup. I stopped by Hamilton Park Elementary, where my grandson’s secondgrade class got to come out and see the bone. It was all wrapped up, but still, the size was impressive. I think they will remember that.

And you did what with them after that?

Since UTD didn’t have a paleontology department, we turned all the fossils over to the paleontology laboratory at the Dallas Museum of Natural History.

I imagine many a paleontologist’s life’s dream is to uncover something like this, so was there much jealousy about UTD making such a colossal discovery?

Some of the folks from University of Texas Austin were adamant in their disgust (chuckles). UT Dallas has always been the unloved stepchild of the system. But, you know, a number of our UTD graduates have gone on to get doctorates and do important things.

The Alamosaurus exhibit at the Perot Museum is breathtaking. So, thanks for your part in making it happen. Have you seen it?

I have. Now, when I first heard about it, I was told that we were not given credit at all for the discovery, which I was ready to accept, but, in fact, near the display of bones, there is a small information board indicating that the bones were discovered by UT Dallas students in 1997, so that’s OK.


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Elle Realty sponsors home in the White Rock Home Tour

Elle Realty has been a participating sponsor of the White Rock Home Tour since 2008, when we served as the Presenting Sponsor for the tour. This year is no exception. Our commitment to Hexter Elementary School and the entire community that surrounds it is simply part of what we do—as professional Realtors, as members of the community and as parents of children who attend and benefit from the proceeds of this much-anticipated annual event. This year, courtesy of Elle Agent Donnell Toler, we are sponsoring the home located at 9840 Coldwater Circle. Please, make plans to attend the White Rock Home Tour April 20-21. You can learn more about the home tour, see our listings, search for homes and download our new search-for-homes i-phone app or by visiting our website at www.ElleRealty.com.

Landscape art

Jimmy Turner says everyone thinks his job as senior director of gardens at the Dallas Arboretum is pastoral, peaceful and fun all the time. And it is fun. Gardening is his work and his hobby, but it’s not all flowers and sunshine, he says. The weather in North Texas in March is unpredictable. “Wind, tornadoes, hailstorms, freezing rain, snow, flooding, heat,” he says. “These are things that keep me up at night.” Turner has been directing the arboretum’s gardens for 10 years. He designs Dallas Blooms, the annual springtime show. He also masterminded the fall pumpkin village, which drew a slew of visitors. The arboretum used to focus on chrysanthemums in the fall, but that didn’t draw big crowds, Turner says. So about five years ago, he decided to focus on West Texas-grown pumpkins. The first year, they ordered about 1,500 pumpkins and built one house, impaling the gourds with stakes to form the house. It lasted barely two weeks because the pumpkins rotted. But since then, Turner and his staff have refined the building process, using fabricated metal bases to support the pumpkins. “We build a whole village now,” Turner says. Last year they ordered 55,000 gourds, semi trucks full. Dallas Blooms still is what the arboretum is famous for worldwide, Turner says. Even tulip growers in Holland know about it, he says. Last November, the arboretum’s horticulturists planted 500,000 tulip bulbs. The spring celebration also includes about 100,000 bedding plants, plus cherry

18 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013 Launch COMMUNITY
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Elle Realty, LLC is independently owned and operated.
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trees, azaleas and flowering shrubs. Turner says he thinks of designing Dallas Blooms as designing a set. Everything has to look wonderful from every angle. “It’s a production,” he says. “It changes on a daily basis.” He plans the color schemes meticulously, even though the results won’t be seen for months afterward. “It’s like painting with invisible paint and then waiting to see what it’s going to look like once its visible,” he says. That is something he frets about too, but really, there are no bad color combinations, he says. One year, Southern Living featured Dallas Blooms, and the writer’s favorite color combination was found in a patch of garden planted with extra bulbs, “we mixed them up in a bucket and put them in the ground, and that was their favorite color combination,” Turner says. Turner is a home gardener who first started digging in the dirt as a kid at his parents’ side in East Texas. He says he plants tulips at home, but when asked for tips on planting tulips, he says, “Don’t plant tulips. They’re ethereal. They only last a couple of weeks at most, and they don’t come back. If you want to plant a bulb in the fall, plant daffodils. They’re very hearty and they will keep coming back long after you’re gone.” Tulips are a lot of work. They don’t do well in our climate, but at Dallas Blooms, they last into May thanks to the rich soil and daily babying they receive from professional horticulturists. “The best thing to do is come here and enjoy them at Dallas Blooms or buy a cut bouquet,” he says.

Dallas Blooms runs through April 7

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 19
Delivering experience that assures and reassures. COMFORT: What defines your dentist? Rick Beadle D D S Reid Slaughter D D S LAKEWOODFAMILYDENTAL.COM 6329 ORAM ST. DALLAS TX 75214 214.823.1638
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20 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Fresh, new contact lenses every day means no day-to-day allergen build-up on lenses. Ask Dr. Meyer if DAILIES® AQUAComfort Plus® contact lenses are right for you. Dr. Clint Meyer is an East Dallas resident and has practiced optometry for over 20 years. “At Dallas Eyeworks we pride ourselves on making peoples’ lives better through improved vision and eye health.” Keep it fresh Ask your eye care professional for complete wear, care and safety information. © 2012 Novartis 08/12 DAL12355JAD Dallas Eyeworks HalfH_04-13 Clint Meyer, OD Dallas Eyeworks 9255 Garland Road, Suite 2120 • Dallas, TX 75218 214-660-9830 www.dallaseyeworks.com
Danny Fulgencio

Securing a future for young drivers

After Terri Hoover’s 18-year-old son was killed, she felt like she was living through hell, but instead of sinking into bitter despair, she took action that she hopes will save others. Hoover, who has owned Artistik Edge salon in Lake Highlands for the past 24 years, lost her son Jake in 2005 when he crashed his truck in East Texas. Jake was speeding and not wearing a seatbelt. Five years ago, about what would have been her son’s 20th birthday, Hoover had a dream in which she saw Jake’s face on a billboard. “When a mother loses a child, she has to choose either to get bitter or get busy,” Hoover says, “and I chose to get busy.” Hoover met with friends and community contacts that helped turn her dream into a reality with the Clickit4life foundation. The foundation, which survives through charitable donations, pays for billboards promoting seatbelt safety to be displayed around the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The jarring signage displays a picture of Jake at age 18 with his birth and death date below it. Hoover runs the billboards specifically during the winter holidays and the summer, during school breaks, when more teenagers are driving on the roads. Although there is no way to quantify how many teenagers have started to wear seatbelts in response to the billboards, Hoover believes that a large photo of her son with his death date below it can shake teenagers up into changing their ways. “If I can prevent one mother from living through this hell then it’s worth it,” she says. Last December, the Lake Highlands Exchange Club honored Hoover with the “Unsung Hero” award for her efforts. In response to learning about Hoover’s program through the Exchange Club, Texas State Representative Jason Villalba has invited her to be honored on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives. Hoover says she hopes that clickit4life can partner with the Texas Department of Transportation’s “Click it or ticket” campaign in May to have greater impact. She envisions displaying new billboards that address the broader issue of distracted driving and include pictures of her son’s friends, asking teenagers the question, “Who would you leave behind?”

For more inFormation about the billboard campaign and how to donate, visit the website at www. clickit4life.net.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 21 Launch COMMUNITY
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paws & claws

Got a pet you want us to feature? Email your photo to launch@advocatemag.com

Spoiled sweet

Baily the 6-year-old maltipoo is pampered silly with weekly trips to the doggy spa, swimming in the people pool and even his own annual Halloween parties, his human momma Sandra Standefer says. But he doesn’t let it go to his head. When dropped off at The pooch patio, where he attends daily doggie daycare, he romps off with his pals. He’s such a sweet and well-behaved dog that they’ve appointed him assistant manager there, Standefer quips. He loves long walks through the neighborhood or sitting by the window, “reporting on” the happenings outside. He’s also a total UT longhorn fan.

22 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013

What gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits

Lose the tie, don the go-go boots ... and attend the 1960s-themed No Tie Dinner and Dessert benefitting AIDS services of Dallas, featuring sweets from Frosted Art Bakery, Cheesecake Royale and Kessler Cookie Company, to name a few. The party gets underway April 6 at the Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon, at 7 p.m. A $50 donation garners guests access to unforgettable food, and, according to organizers, “the hippest event of 2013.” Visit aidsdallas.org for more information.

Thank a police officer

by participating in the White Rock 5K to benefit families of Dallas Police Officers on April 18. The 5K course winds along the shores of White Rock Lake. Park at the Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther. Event organizers ask attendees to carpool, if possible. Registration begins at 5 p.m. at West Tower of Doctors Hospital at 9330 Poppy Drive, and the race starts at 7 p.m. Online registration is $30 through Sunday, April 7. After that, registration will be $35 though Tuesday, April 16 at midnight. Race day fee is $40. Visit the whiterock5K.com.

Pull on your gardening gloves … volunteer at the Dallas Arboretum. What’s a better way to enjoy the spring than among the tulips? If you have a green thumb, become a garden and greenhouse worker to help plant, trim, weed and many other tasks. If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t worry; there’s opportunities for everyone. Volunteer in the gift shop, office or visitor services. For more, visit dallasarboretum.org or contact Sue McCombs at 214.515.6561 or smccombs@dallasarboretum.org.

Know of ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.

want more? Sign up for the weekly newsletter and know what’s happening in our neighborhood. Visit advocatemag.com/newsletter/lh to sign up.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 23 Launch
Area’s largest Organic Garden Center Fireman-Owned Family-Operated A 15-minute Drive • 1820 S. Belt Line in Mesquite • 972-329-4769
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Writer in residence

Donna Gormly

After teaching English and creative writing at Eastfield College for almost three decades, Donna Gormly wanted to write a novel based on community college in the 1970s. But this other story — one about religion, politics and social dynamics in a rural Missouri town — was living inside her. So she penned her first novel, “The Tysen Hotel,” about a woman who challenges a small town’s influential Baptist preacher in an effort to protect her loved ones. The characters, who she says “sat on her shoulders as she wrote,” are largely based on people Gormly grew up around, though she has changed the names. Her father was a “fire and brimstone” Baptist preacher. Changing the names was tough, she says, because “they had such fabulous names in real life.” But she captures the nomenclatural essence with fictional characters such as Sample Forney and Ray Redeem. The plot — which capably carries themes of love, power, lust, abandonment and resilience tempered with a rich sense of humor — is full of fiction. The frightening and unflinch-

24 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013 Launch COMMUNITY

ing Baptist preacher, she insists, is not necessarily her father. But most of the strange little anecdotes in the novel are real. “Those parts that seem too crazy to be true, such as the story about a fast-moving three-legged dog,

The frightening and unflinching Baptist preacher, she insists, is not necessarily her father. But most of the strange little anecdotes in the novel are real.

and about the character known around town for having an enormous sexual organ, are the true parts,” she says. Gormly has been in discussions about selling a screenplay version of “The Tysen Hotel.” Meanwhile, the 79-yearold, who lives in Lake Highlands with her husband, Paul, plans to begin work on a second project — the one about college.

Order “The Tysen hOTel” via amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com or donnagormly.net.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 25
“ “ Jan Stell’s experience speak volumes!!! 29 years with Ebby Halliday Realtors Best Realtor in the State 11 times Best Dallas Realtor Company Wide Honor Roll 2012 – Top 40 Agents 35 year resident of Lake Highlands Call me for all your real estate needs. janstellrealtor@gmail.com 214.355.3118

Out & About

April 2013

April 19-20

Fashion! Head to Toe Highlandette Revue

The high-kickin’ Highlandettes will take the stage Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. The 2013 show promises feats of remarkable agility, electrifying choreography, special guests and more costume changes than a Lady Gaga concert.

Lake Highlands High School auditorium, 9449 Church, highlandetterevue.ticketleap.com, $8$10

more local events or submit your own

Lake Hi GHL a ND s.a D vocaT ema G.com/eveNT s

April 4

National Geographic lecture

National Geographic explorer Boyd Matson will speak at the Dallas Arboretum from 7 to 8:30 p.m. His lecture, “The Adventure Begins When Things Go Wrong,” will take you on a virtual trip around the world and share a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to get the in-depth stories from the far corners of the world. A reception for Matson will be held 6-6:45 p.m. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland, dallasarboretum.org, reception $30 or $27 for members, lecture $40 or $36 for members

April 6

Tour Dallas bike ride

No need to stress about who’s in the lead with the Tour Dallas bike ride. Grab your friends and your gear and cycle routes of 8, 20 and 30 miles to benefit the Promise House. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. Routes start at 8 a.m. Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla, tourdallas.org, $40 at the event, $20 for children 12 and younger

Through April 7

Dallas Blooms

During Dallas Blooms, the Dallas Arboretum brims with 500,000 spring-blooming bulbs including tulips, daffodils, Dutch iris and hyacinths, in addition to 100,000 pansies, violas, poppies and thousands of other annuals and perennials. First, more than 100 cherry blossom trees bloom over a 10day period, and during the second month of the festival, the park’s 6,000 azaleas flourish.

Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland, 214.515.6500, dallasarboretum.org, $9-$20

Through April 7


Watch as this Brothers Grimm show comes to life with the puppetry of Kathy Burks & Co. at Dallas Children’s Theater. The play was adapted by B. Wolf for children ages 5 and older.

Studio Theater at Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.978.0110, $16-$25

April 20-April 21

White Rock Home Tour

The 8th annual White Rock Home Tour will showcase mid-century modern, new modern and sustainable homes. Proceeds from the White Rock Home Tour benefit Hexter Elementary, supporting campus technology and the literacy library. White Rock Lake area, whiterockhometour.org, $15 in advance, $20 during show

26 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Launch Ev E nts
Send events to ediTor@AdvocATemAg.com

dutch art Gallery

come on out to the rites of spring art show from april 6 - may 11, 2013. an artist reception will be held saturday, april 6th from 11am to 4pm. 10233 e. nw hwy. #420 @ Ferndale 214.348.7350 dutchartusa.com

April 27

Run the Highlands

Double-knot those Nikes. Fire up the “Rocky” theme song and hit the road in the Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League’s 9th annual Run the Highlands 1-mile fun run at 8 a.m. and 5k at 8:45 a.m. Stick around after the run for a carnival complete with bounce house and pony rides. The league plans to put proceeds from this year’s and next year’s event toward a Lake Highlands Town Center play-sculpture project.

Lake Highlands North Recreation Center, 9940 White Rock Trail, lhjwl.org, $25 or $60 for family of four

April 13

LHAECPTA Home Tour and Auction

Tour four Lake Highlands homes, lunch with neighbors and bid on one-of-akind packages during this event, which benefits our neighborhood’s early childhood PTA.

See p. 39 for more details.

city View antique mall

come celebrate spring at city View antique mall! our new location is now open. save the date april 27, for our Grand opening storewide sale and Flea market! 6830 walling lane 214.824.4136 cityviewantiques@homestead.com

brumley Gardens

add movement to your garden with our whimsical garden art using kinetic energy. Various shapes & sizes. won’t last long! brumley Gardens - lake highlands: 10540 church rd. 214.343.4900 & bishop arts: 700 w. davis 214.942.0794 brumleygardens.com.

once upon a child

your one stop for spring savings on children’s clothes arriving daily: name brands and gently used apparel as well as new belts, socks, tights and bows. 9am - 7pm m-F, 10am - 7pm sat and 1pm - 6pm sun 6300 skillman st #150 214.503.6010 onceuponachildlakehighlands.com

the store in lake hiGhlands

Vera bradley - new colors and styles. Great gifts for mother’s day and graduation. come see our incredible selections.

10233 e nw hwy @ Ferndale (near albertsons) 214.553.8850 mon-sat 9:30-5:30 thestoreinlh.com

eclectic Galleries

unique gifts and decor from 200 artisan studios. Glass, jewelry, pottery, turned wood, and more! all handmade in the u.s.a. like us on facebook. 6725 snider plaza 469.759.6501 eclecticgalleries.com

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 27
Launch Ev E nts
5 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com August 2011
speciAl Advertising section to advertise call 214.560.4203


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DiD you know?

LoCAL ArTisT rAnDy sTArk PAinTeD “reBeCCA Buns” (rigHT)

Wehave nothing against a dive diner. There is much to be said for the greasy grub placed on wobbly tables inside many a hole-in-the-wall. But sometimes you want to indulge in chef-driven dishes in wide-open aesthetically pleasing surroundings. And for those times, there is Crossroads Diner. Chefs Tom Fleming and Carl Strelecki, along with Fleming’s wife Karen, remodeled the restaurant before opening in 2011. Artwork on the west exterior wall features a curvy brunette sitting on a barrel of maple syrup inviting passersby to “Get your hot sticky buns up front.” That’s Rebecca Buns, Fleming says. OK, it’s not the French Room, but it is comfortably hip, and buckets more affordable. Inside, find more art and funky fixtures such as a dining-room-ceiling-suspended whisk chandelier. And Crossroads is more than just a pretty face. Folks travel from around town to taste those buns. And brunch items such as the three-egg frittata with Kalamata olives and feta cheese, possess both beauty and substance.

28 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Photos by Mark Davis
Beauty and substance
Launch food

| more pretty tasty restaurants |

1 Lake House

The newly remodeled hotspot looks like your favorite beachside tourist trap, in the best possible way. The Kitchen Sink burger and a signature cocktail make a pretty cool duo.

7510 e. northwest 214.484.8624

Half Horizontal

2 Nazca

The light, airy, modern and glass-encased space is home to fresh South American fare. in preparing ceviche or sides such as squash medley, staffers seem to get it: presentation is king. 8041 Walnut Hill 214.696.2922 nazakitchen.com

3 Kazy’s

in no way is this tiny market fancy, but it did recently undergo a remodel that makes dining-in more attractive than before. But Kazy’s sushi is so good, you’d eat it on the floor, if necessary.

9256 markville



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Torchy’s Tacos

This hot spot is complete with a grand patio for a Torchy’s-inspired picnic. Have a taco (or four!), then wash it down with a specialty cocktail from our Firewater Menu.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 29 Launch food
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Alternative blanc

Dry Creek Dry Chenin Blanc ($10)

I recently found a newspaper article about wine from 1977, which noted that wine was so confusing that most people just gave up trying to figure it out and always drank the same thing. Which helps explain the American fascination with chardonnay, which has been the most popular white wine for as long as I have been writing about it.

This is not a knock on chardonnay; it accounts for some of the world’s best wine, and I drink a lot of it myself. But it’s not the only white wine that’s versatile, goes well with food, and is widely available. The next time you want to drink the same old thing, consider these alternatives:

• Dry Creek Dry Chenin Blanc ($10): If chenin blanc is known in the U.S., it’s as an indifferently made sweet wine. The Dry Creek, on the other hand, is well made and not sweet. Look for lots of white fruit aromas, a little lemon peel fruit, and a sort of slate-like, fruit-pit finish.

• Château Magence Blanc ($9): This French white blend includes semillon, a grape used in Bordeaux to blend in white wines but little used in the U.S. This wine is crisp and lemony, with an interesting, almost salty flavor in the back.

• Yalumba Riesling ($10): Australia hasn’t always been known for massive, manly red wines. It was once famous for riesling, and the Yalumba shows why. Look for pleasant petrol aromas, some lime zest, not much sweetness, and an almost spicy finish.

30 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013 Launch food
2012–2013 SeaSon 214.443.1000 dallasopera.org/advocate TurandoT GIACOMO PUCCINI APR. 5 – APR. 21 TICkeTs sTArT AT JUsT $19 SaVe 20% adVocate20 USe PRoMo code:

Ask the wine guy

I found an old bottle of wine in the house. How can I tell how much it’s worth?

with your wine

Lentil soup

Lentils are the easiest dried beans to use – they usually cook in 30 minutes or less and don’t require soaking before use. You can use any lentil here, but the French du puy lentils are the best and worth the extra cost. Add some Tabasco, and this will pair with the chenin blanc or riesling.

Grocery List

1 cup lentils

6 cups stock or water

1 onion, diced

2 carrots, peeled and diced

1 stalk celery, diced salt and pepper to taste

The easy answer is that it’s probably not worth anything. Being old doesn’t make a wine valuable; rather, it needs to be a high-end wine that benefits from aging, and those are rare. Also, it should have been stored properly, away from from heat and light. If it meets those conditions, you can check on a site like winesearcher.com.

ASK The Wine Guy taste@advocatemag.com


1. Put everything in a soup pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the lentils are tender, 20 to 30 minutes.

Serves 4, Takes 30-45 minutes

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 31 Launch food
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Modern fa M ily ho Me

32 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Over the breakfast nook, designed by Katie Allen Interiors, hangs a painting by Krispen Spencer.

The house with the aquamarine door, snug among the old oaks and hills on Brentwood Drive, could stand as a backdrop for a family sitcom set in the 1960s —inviting and simple, yet sleek and swish enough to meet the aesthetic needs of our hypothetical Hollywood-contrived family.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 33
Visit this mid-century contemporary remodel on two April home tours
Story by Chri S tina h ughe S Ba BB | Photos by Jeanine Mi C hna Bale S Top: A great room features a ventless fireplace and a breakfast nook not far from the kitchen. Above: A pop of color out front creates drive-up appeal.

The starburst pattern in the kitchen tile (top left) inspired some of the other design, including cabinet hardware choices (middle top). The seainspired color palette in the tile is echoed in the upstairs bathrooms (bottom left and middle).

The actual occupants are the Anagnostises, a two-parent, three-child family who moved into the two-story dwelling following a major remodel by Lake Highlands resident Scott Powell’s NewLeaf Construction.

NewLeaf has a reputation for building contemporary homes that complement the character of the neighborhood. In this case, Powell purchased an existing habitation

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 35
36 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
NewLeaf Construction built a new stair rail and installed frostedglass windows that face the front yard.

from owners who had lived there since its mid-century inception.

Number 9440 is modestly nestled into its grassy and tree-populated property and its façade doesn’t look so different, save a cosmetic touch-up here and there, than it did 40 years ago, Powell says. Even the so-mod globe lamp has dangled, glowing subtle ecru, above the door, since the first draft.

But behind the pale earth-toned brick and siding, the architects have added more than 1,200 square feet of stylish and comfortable living space for the young family.

Like most homes in Lake Highlands, Powell says, the ground floor originally was walled-off into small areas — living room, formal dining room, kitchen, etcetera.

“We cleared the walls and gutted the whole downstairs,” he says, “in order to create an up-to-date floorplan.” The result is an expansive modern kitchen that shares space with a periodically sunbathed breakfast nook (in a spot that used to be an outdoor covered patio) outfitted with a built-in bench and turquoise cushions. A colorful canvas by Texas artist Krispen Spencer hovers above a streamlined chestnut table.

Katie Allen of Katie Allen Interiors is responsible for the placement of artwork, breakfast-area appointments, bathrooms and much of the finer decorative details. Throughout the home, Allen used seascape colors — blues, greens, teals — extracting from the front door and the starburst pattern in the kitchen’s Ann Sacks mosaic tile. Silver hardware on cabinet doors throughout the downstairs also echoes the starburst shape — in fact, the amazing tile, says Allen, was the inspiration for a significant portion of the design.

The dining areas open up to a posh living space containing an ultra-contemporary ventless fireplace, which runs on ethanol (it appears conducive to roasting marshmallows). The first floor hardwoods are buffed, shiny versions of the originals slick enough to send the Anagnostises’ two burly Bassett Hounds sliding when they scuttle through the den.

A matching hardwood staircase zigzags


April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 37
Residential Specialists Family Owned & Operated Since 1980 214.349.9132 - www.northlakefence.com “It’s Not Just A Fence. It Is Your Home.” Ask about our written warranty Free Estimates - Licensed and Insured - Custom Designs - Predip treatment - Professional Carpenters

up, past vertical frosted-glass windows, to a sprawling second floor complete with four carpeted bedrooms and a vast game room. Powell and his team added two bedrooms, bathrooms and a big entertainment room to the existing top floor. They first added to the downstairs garage, and built on top of that, Powell explains.

Allen designed three upstairs bathrooms. A master features huge closets, a deep tub and repeats the blue-green pallettes from downstairs. The children’s and guests’ bathrooms are compact, but simple angles, relaxing tones, and clear glass and mirrors make them feel spacious.

This Lake Highlands abode — with all of its open space, large light-permitting windows and reoccurring pops of smart decor — is such as model of deliberate design and well-thought-out architecture by both the original builders and the remodeler that it is a highlight on two area home tours — the Lake Highlands Area Early Childhood PTA home tour and the White Rock Home tour benefitting Hexter Elementary.


See more photos.

Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com to see a slideshow of home photos Search Brentwood

About the White Rock Home Tour

This all-modern home tour, showcasing five architecturally inspired homes in the Lake Highlands and White Rock areas runs Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21 from noon until 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit Hexter Elementary School. Tickets are $15 in advance at White Rock Coffee (10105 E. Northwest), Green Spot (702 N. Buckner), Tom Thumb (6770 Abrams) or Hypnotic Donuts (9007 Garland). At the door of any home on the tour, tickets are $20. Children 11 and under are free and the first 300 attendees receive a goody bag.

Visit whiterockhometour.org for addresses.

38 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
Credit Union of Texas (NMLS#576560) provides mortgage loans by partnership with CU Members Mortgage, a division of Colonial Savings, F.A. NMLS# 401285. This is not an offer to extend consumer credit as defined by Section 226.2 of Regulation Z. Rates and terms are subject to change. Federally insured by NCUA. You should be as comfortable with your Mortgage Lender as you are in your home. Get a comfortable and easy home loan with CREDIT UNION OF TEXAS
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About the 9th Annual LHAECPTA Home Tour & Auction

The 9th annual Lake Highlands Early Childhood PTA Home Tour and auction is Saturday, April 13. This marks a big change for the tour, which in years past has been held on a weekday. Sarah Branum and Kami Gantt, who helped promote and organize the tour, say they hope the change will make the affair, the club’s biggest fundraiser, more accessible to working moms and dads. (Also new: participants can now peruse auction items online). Houses on the LHAECPTA tour are selected based on recommendations from PTA members and other Lake Highlands residents, organizers say. This year’s tour de digs features a striking mix of old and new homes, says Julianne Cary, the event chairperson. Attendees have from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to hit all four homes, which are scattered around the White Rock Valley and Town Creek sections of Lake Highlands:

9440 Brentgate (featured)

9022 Meadowknoll

9210 Royalpine

9522 Timberleaf

All tour-related events are open to the public. An auction and luncheon at the Royal Oaks Country Club begins at 12:15 p.m. Auction points-of-interest include a trip to Disneyland and a Pat Green-autographed guitar. The club also will raffle off a custom-designed playhouse at 12:30 p.m. Buy home tour ($32) and raffle tickets ($5 or five for $20) and pick your auction items early at biddingforgood.com/ecpta. Get a sneak peek at the prize playhouse and procure a cup of tart liquid at one of the following pre-tour lemonade sales, to take place at Goforth and White Rock Trail:

Tuesday, April 2 at 4 p.m.

Saturday, April 6 at 10:30 a.m.

All proceeds benefit the LHAECPTA, a nonprofit organization comprising more than 250 Lake Highlands families, and its parent-education, school and community improvement efforts, and activities for young children.

WheRe boRing becoMeS beAutiFul!

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 39
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Clockwise from above: A straight stairwell houses old wartime posters on one side and meaningful mementos on the other. An antique pocket watch and opera binoculars belonged to Sid Snively’s ancestors. The alligator purse and gloves belonged to her grandmother. The home is filled with remnants of the past, such as a rotary telephone.

Collector Chic

Making ‘a lot of stuff’ look good

Buzzwords such as “minimal,” “stark” and “contemporary” clutter the pages of home design magazines, but Lake Highlands resident Sid Snively is resisting the interior-decorating rule makers and filling her 3,300-square-foot two-story home with things that make her feel good.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 41

Each piece of furniture has a story. Every keepsake holds a memory.

“Am I nostalgic?” Sid asks her husband, Brad, passing off a question just posed to her. He pauses and answers, “We both enjoy history and have a respect for the past.”

The couple commissioned Henry Walker to build the pine china cabinet in the breakfast area. The artisan once owned a Dallas store called Henry Walker Old English Pine, they explain. “Years ago, we bought bedroom furniture from him. When I was looking for a piece for this space, I found that people don’t do pine anymore,” Sid says. When you do find it, on eBay, for example, it is outrageously expensive, she adds. So they tracked down Walker, who lives near White Rock Lake and had retired, and he built the piece.

The cabinet is specifically intended to store a collection of 1940s-era French trays hand-painted in fruit and floral designs.

“My mother started collecting these — they are called Tole trays — and I finished the collection after she died,” Sid says.

To the left, a wall-mounted antique medicine cabinet holds a great-uncle’s Civil War buttons, Sid’s dad’s high school class ring, her grandmother’s watch, a five-cent stamp, mom’s good scissors (“you know, the ones she always told you you couldn’t touch,” Sid says with a smile), and a carved statuette of a lederhosen-clad boy, a souvenir from her Lake Highlands High School senior trip to Germany (“It was the first time I rode in an airplane or even left Lake Highlands,” she recalls).

Geometric-patterned stained-glass windows, when the light is right, project Sid’s preferred colors—red, yellow, green—onto the living room.

The living room art consists of pieces collected from travels — a map from Paris, for example, and an oil painting of a path Brad and Sid walked on their Pebble Beach honeymoon.

The wall over the staircase showcases framed war posters — it creates a cool antique-y feel that is echoed in woven red-andrust-colored rugs, rich upholstery and showstopping vintage-chic chandeliers. Dona Rosene, the Lake Highlands-based owner of Dona Rosene Interiors, is responsible for tying things together with most of the aforementioned accouterments. Rustic flower arrangements by Kathy McCabe are repeated around the ground floor.

Beside the formal dining table, which is under one magnificent chandelier, is another display case containing more memo-

42 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
then and now! For sponsorship information and tickets, call 214.515.1342 fowlerhomes.org A L uncheon h
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April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 43
Henry Walker custom made this pine china cabinet, which Sid Snively uses to showcase her sentimental Tole tray collection. An old medicine cabinet, hanging on the wall, contains Civil War buttons from a great-uncle, among other keepsakes.
K–12 TH GRADES • HOMEWORK HELP • SUMMER CAMPS • SUMMER PROGRAMS Summer Sessions And Camps Enrolling Now! 214-341-4646 Mathnasium of Lake Highlands 8510 Abrams Road, Suite 520 Dallas, TX 75243 mathnasium.com/lakehighlands Abrams Rd. Royal Ln. Whitehurst Dr. N >

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ADvErtisE in this sEction For more information call 214.560.4203 or email jliles@advocatemag.com

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This upstairs bedroom, outfitted for her college-aged daughter, is Sid Snively’s favorite room, she says.

rabilia — a silver dollar from 1881 (grandfather’s first dollar), grandmother’s dice, a Limoges collection. The other walls in this room bear paintings — one, a deep woodscape that feels like something you could step inside — by Sid’s mom, who, like Sid’s grandmother before her, was an artist (and a talented one).

A piano-room bookshelf displays an antique alligator purse and an old camera. Alongside it, an oil painting of Sid and Brad’s daughter Caroline dries. It must dry for weeks, Sid explains. Caroline and her sister, Grace, both attend the University of Texas in Austin.

The girls’ rooms upstairs are cozy, with high, pillow-packed canopy beds, custommade lamps — a cute ivory fabric one crafted by McCabe stands out — and soft limes and pastels on the walls.

The family moved to this Lanshire home in 2009, a year after it was built. Sid says she had trouble letting her parents go after they died, and Caroline told her she needed this house to keep her busy. It would be a good project to work on, the girl told her mother. Sid laughs about it now.

The keepsakes on display bring Sid’s good memories to life, she says. “These things make me feel my family’s — the ones who are gone and the ones who are still here — presence in my life every day.”

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 45
Bring Your Indoors Out! 8652 Garland Road 214-321-2387 waltonsgarden.com (across from the Dallas Arboretum) Walton’s Indoors Garden Center
slideshow See more photos. Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com to see a slideshow of home photos Search collector chic “BestOutdoorConcertVenue” DMagazine Tuesday | www.dallasarboretum.org | 8525 Garland Rd, 75218 Concerts at the Arboretum Tuesdays & Thursdays, April 9 - July 4 | Thursdays, September 5 - October 31 Buy Now! All NEw Ticket Packages & Premium Exchange policy –your guarantee not to miss the best outdoor concert series in the city! Enjoy amazing views of white Rock Lake, free parking and some of DFw’s best bands. The 2013 line-up includes Emerald City, Asleep at the wheel, A Hard Night’s Day, The Spazmatics and many more. Visit the website for a full line-up and pricing. Presented by
The red convertable is Brad Snively’s contribution to this shelf’s show.

Lakehill Summer Camps

Spanish Immersion PK & Kindergarten

950 Tiffany Way, Dallas 75218 / 214.324.1481 / dallas-academy.com

Founded in 1965, Dallas Academy’s mission is to restore the promise of full academic enrichment to students with learning differences in grades 1-12. A meaningful connection with each student is established to overcome barriers to success. Dallas Academy offers students an effective program and strategies to meet the special educational needs of bright students with learning differences, while including the activities of a larger, more traditional school. Classes are small, with a student-teacher ratio of 6 to 1 where students are encouraged, praised, and guided toward achieving their goals. Diagnostic testing is available to students throughout the community.

Dallas luTheran school

8494 stults rd Dallas / 214.349.8912 /dallaslutheranschool.com PREVIEW DAY on April 4 at 8:30 AM. Come learn more about DLS, a school that serves families and their students from 7th through 12th grade. DLS strives to be a Community of Grace that develops young people to be Christian leaders. A full complement of athletics, drama, music, and clubs allow students to develop outside the classroom as well. Over 97% of our seniors attend the college of their choice. DLS is a one-to-one school where each student and faculty member uses an iPad. Financial aid is available. Contact Betsy Bronkhorst with questions. Enrollment is now open for 2013-14.

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New Location opening in 2013! 4411 Skillman 75206 Also Spanish Classes available for Adults & Children DallasSpanishHouse.com 2 14-826-4410 Current Location: 5740 Prospect Ave. #1000 Dallas, TX 75206
OBSERVATION March 20 & 21, April 17 & 18 Highlander School 9120 Plano Road, Dallas, TX 75238 214-348-3220 www.highlanderschool.com Since 1966 The Tradition Continues… •Classic education •Dedicated to the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development of children •3 years through 6th grade •Half-day and full day Kindergarten options Come for a visit! Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational stjohnsschool.org/openhouse 214-328-9131 x103 SJES admits qualified students of any race, color, religion, gender, and national or ethnic origin. Accepting 2013-14 applications for select grades Come for a visit. stjohnsschool.org 214-328-9131 x103 Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational
Kindergarten through High School June 10 - August 9 Kindergarten through 12th grade Co-educational Leading to success. lakehillprep.org 2720 Hillside Drive • Dallas, Texas 75214 Phone: (214) 826-2931 Advocate Ad 10 - Lake Hilla.pdf 1 1/8/10 12:39 PM Kindergarten through 12th grade Co-educational Leading to success. lakehillprep.org 2720 Hillside Drive • Dallas, Texas 75214 Phone: (214) 826-2931 Advocate Ad 10 - Lake Hilla.pdf 1 1/8/10 12:39 PM Online Summer Camps Guide: www.lakehillprep.org/parents_summer_camps.html Academic Readiness * Cooking * Crafting and Building LEGO * Outdoor Adventure * Photography and Film Making Science and Discovery * Arts * Sports Morning, afternoon, and full-day teacher-led camps are available, as well as free before- and after-care. Half-day camps (8:00 am - 1:00 pm or 1:00 - 6:00 pm) are offered for $220 per week, while full-day camps (8:00 am - 6:00 pm) are priced at just $295 per week. June 3 – August 2 Application Deadline April 30 214-363-1630 6121 E. Lovers Ln. (@ Skillman) Dallas, TX 75214 www.ziondallas.org

to advertise call 214.560.4203

education guide

firsT bapTisT acaDemy

1606 patterson st. Dallas / 214.969.7861 / fbacademy.com All School Open House –April 18th at 9:30am. RSVP to admissions@ firstdallas.org! First Baptist Academy serves students PK-12th grade, and has provided a rigorous academic program and Christcentered environment for 40 years. A platform for education and building a relationship with Jesus starts with the youngest students. During Interim Week, Middle School students attend a spiritual emphasis retreat and participate in mission projects, and Upper School students choose from mission and educational trips, both local and abroad. Competitive sports and fine arts programs allow students to excel athletically and creatively.

The highlanDer school

9120 plano rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / www.highlanderschool.com Founded in 1966, Highlander School offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christian-based environment. Small class sizes help teachers understand the individual learning styles of each student. Give us a call for more information.

lakehill preparaTory school

leading to success. 2720 hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.

school of

conTemporary balleT Dallas

5400 e. mockingbird ln. Dallas / 214.821.2066 / schoolofcbd.com We’ve relocated to 5400 E Mockingbird Ln. 75206. Five new beautiful studios across from Mockingbird Station, servicing Lakewood, M Streets, Park Cities, Uptown, Downtown, SMU, and more! Adults and Children’s programs ages 2+ in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop & Contemporary. Morning, Afternoon & Evening classes available, Beginner thru Advanced levels! Adults get in shape with one of our Dance Fitness classes: Dance Workout, Just Barre, Zumba, Samba, Pilates Mat, Ballet Boot Camp, Ballroom, Let Your Yoga Dance & MORE!

Private lessons and Studio Rental available! Professional Rates & SMU student discounts! Professional instructors in a positive environment! Schedule is online. Enroll Now!

spanish house

5740 prospect ave. Dallas / 214.826.4410 / Dallasspanishhouse.com New location at 4411 Skillman opening in 2013! Spanish House is a Spanish immersion preschool for children ages 2 – 5. We offer half-day and full-day programs with extended day care available from 7:30am – 6:00pm. We offer a traditional preschool curriculum delivered 100% in Spanish. New Kindergarten program to begin August 2013. We also offer after-school and Saturday classes for PK and elementary-aged students, both onand off-site. Additionally, we have an adult Spanish program for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.

sT. chrisTopher’s monTessori school

7900 lovers ln. / 214.363.9391 stchristophersmontessori.com St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attractive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.

sT. john’s episcopal school

848 harter rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131

/ stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency

WhiTe rock norTh school

9727 White rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / Whiterocknorthschool. com 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and

nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.

Zion luTheran school

6121 e. lovers ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.


of our readers say they want to know more about private schools.

to advertise call 214.560.4203

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 47

Tax Tip


Is a pass on filing the return, however if you owe the IRS then payment is due on April 15, 2013!

Business Buzz

The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com

Is it here yet? Is it here yet?

Jack F. Lewis Jr., cpa


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The Dallas Arboretum is preparing for the grand opening of its $56 million children’s science garden, which will occupy eight acres of the arboretum’s north end near the amphitheater overlooking White Rock Lake. “Nowhere in the world is there anything like this. There are lots of children’s gardens, but we took it so many steps further,” says Dallas Arboretum vice president of education Maria Conroy. The Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden is in its final stages, according to a letter from head of construction John Armstrong. “Once construction is complete, the Arboretum’s horticultural staff will begin a period of additional horticultural embellishment.” He says 1,150 new trees have been planted in the children’s garden alone. Arboretum officials say they hope the garden will be complete by May, but uncooperative weather could push the date back until June, or possibly as late as September.

White Rock area readies for new transit-oriented development

Businesses are moving around at West Lawther and Northwest Highway, where plans are in the works to build a 350-unit apartment and/or condo development alongside the DART White Rock Station. North of Northwest Highway, Duncan’s liquor and beverage stores have closed, but, according to signage in the window, will take the business across the street and rename it Liquor Depot Express. The new liquor store will inhabit a building between Dallas Bike Works and Lake House restaurant. Casey’s, the lawn equipment store, also has vacated the property, but, as a spray painted board on the fence reads, they have relocated to 11426 E. Northwest.

Lawyer plans White Rock-area wine bistro

It didn’t take long for someone to snatch up the White Rock-area restaurant space following the February closing of Café Lago, after its owner Gabriela Kovacic announced her retirement from the dining business. Jennifer Rodriguez, an attorney with longtime aspirations to open a wine garden, signed a lease the following weekend. She plans to open Urban Vines Wine Bistro in the Garland Road venue. “I love the wine-bar concept. I enjoy going to [wine bars], and I’ve always thought, ‘one day I’d like to do that.’ This was the ideal location,” she says. “After hearing about the opportunity, I thought, ‘it’s now or never’. It all happened very fast.” As for food, Rodriguez plans to sublease the kitchen to two women who run a successful catering business.

Easier access to nearby beer and burgers

The Lot, a new bar-and-grill concept south of White Rock Lake, which replaces the Backyard Beach Bar, opened in February. The place, which features a menu by local-celebrity chef Sharon Hage, will soon be accessible from the Santa Fe Trail, owner John McBride says, meaning one could ride a bike from Lake Highlands to The Lot via the White Rock Trail to Santa Fe Trail.

Looks like success is in the bag

Lake Highlands-based designer Nikki Duong Koenig is the chick in Cykochik, her custom-made, socially and environmentally responsible handbagand-accessory business that recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. But the SMU alumna doesn’t always think up her bizarre and brilliant designs solo. She employs the collaboration of local artists as well as social media interaction, bringing in a team of ubercreative contributors to submit samples and allowing Cykochik Facebook fans to vote for their favorites. For her next line — Artist Series 3 — Koenig is running a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of taking her business to the next level.

48 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013 Live Local
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April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 49 Get in ContaCt Dallas Arboretum 8525 Garland 214.515.6500 dallasarboretum.orG Liquor Depot Express 4881 W. laWther Urban Vines Wine Bistro 9219 Garland road The Lot 7530 east Grand 214.321.1990 thelotdallas.com Cykochik custom-handbaGs.com Kickstarter KicKstarter.com Lakehi GhL ands.advo C atema G.C om/biz more business buzz every week on 6500 East Mockingbird #100 Dallas, TX 75214 Over 30 products to help fit your needs auTo • hoME • businEss • lifE Serving Lake HigHLandS For THe PaST decade Kelly Harris Agency 214.821.9687 Find Your Spring Color At Lake Highlands 10540 Church Road 214.343.4900 Bishop Arts District 700 West Davis 214.942.0794 GARDen CenteR • LAnDsCApinG seRviCes www.BrumleyGardens.com Mon-Sat 9am-6pm • Sun 9am-5pm BoB McDonalD CoMpany, InC. BUIlDERS/REMoDElERS 214.341.1155 bobmcdonaldcompany.com Major Additions Complete Renovations Kitchens & Baths Exceptional Service For Over 30 Years Creative Water Gardens 10% off your next in-store purchase with this ad. One mile north of 635, on Kingsley Ave. @ Garland Rd. 2125 W. Kingsley Ave. Garland, TX 75041 Spring Hours: Mon. 9am to 3pm; Tues. - Sat. 9am to 6pm; Closed Sun. 972.271.1411 creativewatergardens.net It’s gone to her head! rebecca Crosby is now a partner in the Artistik Edge hair studio and her first move?? saLe! Mother’s Day is coming soon! Buy a $50 card, get a $10 card free Buy a $100 card, get a $20 card free 8420 Abrams Rd., Suite 208


ForeST Me Adow / 9150 Church Rd. / Welcoming the mosaic of cultures living in our neighborhoods / www.fmbcdallas.org

Worship 10:50 / Bible Study 9:30 / Tim Ahlen, Pastor / 214.341.9555

LAKeSIde BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425

Worship — 8:30 am Classic & 11:00 am Contemporary

Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com

PArK CITIeS BAPTIST CHUrCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org

All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),

Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500

wILSHIre BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org


GrACe BIBLe CHUrCH / www. gracebiblechurch.org

Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 am; Contemporary 10:30 am

Adult Bible Classes both hours /11306 Inwood Rd./214.368.0779

NorTH HIGHLANdS BIBLe CHUrCH / www.nhbc.net / 9626 Church Rd.

Sunday: LifeQuest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Student Ministry: Wednesday & Sunday 7:00 pm / 214.348.9697


CeNTrAL CHrISTIAN CHUrCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291

Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am

Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome

eAST dALLAS CHrISTIAN CHUrCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org

HIGHLANdS CHrISTIAN CHUrCH (Lake Highlands) 9949 McCree Rd. 214-348-2805 / www.highlandschristianchurch.com

Sundays: School 9:45 am / Worship 11:00 am / Rev. Paul Carpenter


CeNTrAL LUTHerAN CHUrCH, eLCA / 1000 Easton Road

Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am

Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222

FIrST UNITed LUTHerAN CHUrCH / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org


L AKe HIGHLANdS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee

Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary

wHITe roCK UNITed MeTHodIST / www.wrumc.org

1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661

Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. George Fisk


L AKe HIGHLANdS CHUrCH / 9919 McCree / 214.348.0460

Sundays: Classes 9:30, Coffee 10:25, Assembly 10:45

Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org

PreSB yT erIAN


kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am

Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303

L AKe HIGHLANdS PreSByTerIAN CHUrCH / 214.348.2133

8525 Audelia Road at NW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org

9:00 am Contemporary, 9:55 am Christian Ed., 11:00 am Traditional

NorTHPArK PreSByTerIAN CHUrCH / 214.363.5457

9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services


UNIT y oF dALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Long Live the king

Richard III and Jesus, juxtaposed

“The king is dead; long live the king.”

Reflection on that statement is timely with Easter just past and an ancient English king’s remains recently recovered.

It’s an odd construction, that phrase. It means that the monarchy lives on even after the monarch dies. Shakespeare’s Hamlet expounds: “The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body. The king is a thing.” The king is an office, in other words. A person embodies the office only as long as he lives. When he dies, kinship transfers to the next living occupant of the office. The reign passes from one body to another according to genetic lineage, unless the dynasty is conquered.

Last month the bones of King Richard III were discovered under a public parking lot in the city of Leicester. The infamous, hunchbacked, shortreigning king was killed on the battlefield in 1485. Some monks hurriedly buried him in a grave on the grounds of Greyfriars Priory. It was later paved over, the bones of the king lying in ignominy for more than 500 years until the excavation.

Now members of the Richard III Society plan to resurrect his image and recast the long-vilified monarch as a champion of the common man. Then they will rebury him with honor, in a burial befitting a king.

Christians observe Good Friday as the day to memorialize the brutal death of Jesus. He was crucified with a sign over his head that read, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. (The acronym INRI in Christian iconography stands for that phrase in Latin.) Jesus was then hurriedly buried in an unmarked grave — the location still disputed. His bones were never found, though not for lack of searching.

Christians believe the witness of the early church that Jesus was raised from the

dead to begin his eternal reign as King of kings. The king is dead, long live the king. Sort of.

Comparison between Richard III and Jesus is noteworthy. Jesus’ enemies accused him of claiming to be a worldly king, but he himself replied that his kingdom was not of this world. He meant that his reign over the world was not limited by the span of his life in the world. He himself embodied the reign of God for a time, and now he em-

bodies the timeless reign of God through all who live and serve the truth.

Jesus was undisputedly a champion of the common man. Blessed are the poor, he said. His reputation needs no makeover. Christians furthermore believe that God vindicated Jesus’ rule of love by raising him from the dead to reign forever.

Identifying Jesus with God in this way lies at the heart of Christian differences with others who worship the one God. Jews and Muslims, each in their own way, revere Jesus; they stop short of worshipping him as King of heaven the way Christians do on the basis of his resurrection. Yet all of our faiths look forward to the resurrection of the righteous at the end of days.

Christians believe the End began with the first one raised, and that his reign of peace with justice never ends. And so we come to praise him, not to bury him.

The old refrain is thus Easter-altered: The king is alive, long live the king.

50 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
It’s an odd construction, that phrase. It means that the monarchy lives on even after the monarch dies.
worship lis T ings spe C ial adver T ising se CTion to advertise call 214.560.4203
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.


Nicole Hodges, a 2003 Lake Highlands High School grad, recently starred in Febreze commercial. The aspiring actress lived for some time in New York and did a couple ads, but this, she says, is her first quirky role. She also has appeared on The Good Wife and All My Children, and she’s acted in numerous stage productions. She recently moved to Los Angeles where she is working on a webbased show called Extravaganza.


The Lake Highlands Exchange Club at it last meeting presented the Lake Highlands YMCA with a gift of $1000. The gift will be used in the YMCA’s Partners Campaign, which enables participants to enjoy a variety of Y programs and activities irrespective of their ability to pay.


District 10 representative Jerry Allen will run uncontested in the May 11 city council election.


The Lake Highlands High School girls’ softball team recently held a game-night fundraiser to benefit the softball team at Conrad High School. Team captain Hannah West says that in one night they brought in $750 to help buy equipment for the Conrad team. Conrad is a DISD school located less than two miles from Lake Highlands. It serves residents of Fair Oaks and Vickery Meadow, which are both areas known for crime and poverty.

summer activity

Lake Highlands resident Darryl Smyers, a freelance journalist and Garland ISD school teacher, offers a summer writer’s workshop for junior high and high school students. The class will concentrate on creative and professional writing, both in print and online. Open to 7th through 12th graders. Call 214.680.4758 for details.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 51 news & Notes
Sponsored by: Dick phelps 214.669.6255 area home values February MLS home sale statistics*, plus annual totals real estate report *Statistics are com piled by Ebby Halliday Realtors, and are de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers are believed to be re li able, but are not guar an teed. The Ad vo cate and Ebby Halliday Realtors are not re spon si ble for the ac cu ra cy of the in for ma tion. Sold Sold Year-To-Date Year-To-Date Average Days Avg. Sales Avg. Sale FEB 13 FEB 12 Sales -’13 Sales -’12 on Market YTD Price YTD ‘13 Price ’12 NorthwestHwy Walnut 635- LBJ Forest Royal Park Walnut Hill 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 9 12 8 11 13 14 15 Audelia Ferndale Plano Rd Jupiter Abrams FairOaks Whitehurst Church 75Central Expressway W e s t Fo r k J a c k s o n B r a n c h Greenville10 Skillman 1 7 2 10 7 56 $221,653.00 $212,399.00 2 1 1 1 3 3 $352,000.00 $244,500.00 3 0 4 1 5 163 $249,500.00 $206,100.00 4 3 3 9 3 131 $236,890.00 $250,500.00 5 3 6 5 7 81 $116,940.00 $125,664.00 6 2 2 3 3 46 $504,166.00 $206,800.00 7 9 1 10 3 94 $263,650.00 $240,333.00 8 0 0 1 2 10 $320,900.00 $502,500.00 9 3 2 4 4 64 $249,358.00 $238,750.00 10 1 0 2 0 63 $394,000.0011 0 2 0 3 0 - $344,166.00 12 0 0 0 1 0 - $150,000.00 13 4 6 8 11 93 $413,048.00 $372,136.00 14 4 5 7 7 49 $241,782.00 $266,484.00 15 8 5 11 7 47 $223,313.00 $188,142.00 AVG 3.00 2.43 4.80 4.40 69.23 $291,323.08 $253,462.43 Extended Outdoor Living Areas • Swimming Pool Remodels • Patios & Driveways 972-727-2727

On the ball

Cambridge middle schooler and Lake Highlands resident Paul Hoppers plays against Oak Hill. Hoppers recently was named to the IAA All-Star Basketball Team.




Not your typical women’s bible study Times Ten Cellars March 25 - May 6 6:45-8:15pm

Register Online: www.TheMarcellaProject.com

ClassEs/tutoring/ lEssons

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads, Betty & Bill. View BucherMusicSchool.com or call 469-831-7012

GUITAR OR PIANO Fun/Easy. Your Home. 9 to Adult. Prof Musician. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

JEWELRY Making Parties at Art Gallery. BYOB & creativity. All else included! jewelrymakingparty.com or 1-855-254-6625

LOCAL TEACHER WHO TUTORS Algebra 2, Pre Cal, Calculus. Your Home/Mine. Melissa-MS. 817-988-0202

Super students

Lake Highlands High School students Adam Stone , Kelly Burroughs , Berkley Johnson and Paul Holdenut recently received awards from the Lake Highlands Exchange Club for exhibiting outstanding character and academic success.

ClassEs/tutoring/ lEssons

MATH TUTORING Elementary through High School Sari Bahl, MS Ed 25+ years exp. 214-357-8680

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560


LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.


AIRLINE CAREERS Begin Here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA Approved. Training. Financial Aid, if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. AIM 866-453-6204

CREATE INCOME From The Internet. One On One Coaching & Group Support. www.MonthlyResidual.net


PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS Email Recruiting@pcpsi.com

BusinEss opportunitiEs

I’M LOOKING FOR A PART-TIME ASSISTANT Must be a Go Getter. Computer Wiz. Call BJ Ellis 214-226-9875

sErviCEs for you

AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

52 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013
to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203
scene & Heard
to editor@advocatemag.com.
photo. Email a jpeg

“Free dress” day was also part of the Valentines festivities at Dallas Lutheran.

Katerina Fuller of Lake Highlands, Anna Champion and Lake Highlands residents Amy Marshall and Rachel Franko wore red.

Lovin’ it

The middle schoolers at Dallas Lutheran celebrated Valentines week with fun activities including a wheel barrel race.

to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203


profeSSional ServiceS

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOkkEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances?

No Job Too Small or Big.

Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

HOLLOWAY BENEFIT CONCEPTS Benefit strategy For Area Businesses. www.hollowaybenefitconcepts.com 214-329-0097

Legal Services for Individuals and Small Businesses Wills & Probate, Real Estate, Contracts

Initial Office Consultation $125 for Advocate Readers (applied to future fees if matter or case accepted)

REAGAN MCLAIN LEE & HATCH, LLP 6060 North Central Expressway, Suite 690 Dallas, Texas 75206


Mind, Body & Spirit

ADULT SWIM TO FIT NOW! All levels, Open 2 public. Learn 2 Swim, Kidswim, Tri, Masters • kcsharks.com • 214-226-5422

pet ServiceS

POOP SCOOP PROFESSIONALS Trust The Experts. 214-826-5009


MAvS/DALLAS STARS TICkETS Neighborhood group needs partners for great Dallas Mavs/Dallas Stars seats — tickets are priced at our cost; 2 seats for each game. Mavs seats are in Platinum Level Section 204, front row; Stars seats are Section 123, Row B (second row from the glass).

E-mail rwamre@advocatemag.com or call 214-560-4212. We have great Rangers seats available, too!

TOP CASH FOR CARS Any Car, Truck. Running or Not. Call for Instant Offer. 1-800-454-6951

eState/GaraGe SaleS


De-Clutter/Organize www.ClutterBlasters.com

Donna@ClutterBlasters.com 972-679-3100


Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece or a Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com

real eState

RRM PROPERTY SOLUTIONS Investor Friendly 214-315-0532 www.rrmpropertysolutions.com


April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 53
scene & Heard
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mcprofessionalcleaning.com 469-951-2948

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FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001



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Restoration Flooring 469.774.3147

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HanDyMan serviCes

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eleCtriCal serviCes


We will be there 4 U. 972-877-4183

ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician. TECL24948 anthonyselectricofdallas.com

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LAKEWOOD ELECTRICAL Local. Insured. Lic. #227509 Call Rylan 214-434-8735

MASTER ELECTRICIAN Lic #TECL 55703. Resd/Comcl. Bonded. Contr Lic# TECL23423. Trinity Electrical Services. David 214-802-0436

MORIN ELECTRIC New/Remodel.Com/Res. Panel Changes/Full Services. All Phases. All Service Work. 469-230-7438. TECL2293

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ALL WALKS OF FLOORS 214-616-7641

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Custom Marble Install. 214-779-3842

25+ Years Experience wrfloors@sbcglobal.net 214-293-7039

A R&G HANDYMAN Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Fencing, Roofing, Light Hauling. Ron or Gary 214-861-7569, 469-878-8044

ALL STAR HOME CARE Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. 25 yrs. exp. References. Derry 214-505-4830

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BO HANDYMAN Specializing In Historic Home Renovations & Pro Remodels. Custom Carpentry, Doors, Kitchens, Baths & more. 214-437-9730

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Residential/ Commercial. Large, small jobs, repair list, renovations. Refs. 214-489-0635

HARGRAVE CONSTRUCTION Kitchen, Bath, Doors, Tile & Handyman Services. 214-215-9266

HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606

HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582


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garage Doors

ROCKET GARAGE DOOR SERVICE -24/7. Repairs/Installs. 214-533-8670. Coupon On Web. www.RocketDoorService.com

UNITED GARAGE DOORS AND GATES Res/Com. Locally Owned.214-826-8096

glass, WinDoWs & Doors

A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Expert Window Cleaning. Haven 214-327-0560


Replacement Windows & Doors Free Estimate 214-274-5864


custom mirrors • shower enclosures store fronts • casements 214-349-8160

ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829


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• many glass & hardware options

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TW SERVICES Home Repairs and Yard Care. Contact 214-531-1897


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1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634 or 972-475-3928


Painting. 85% Referrals. Free Est. 214-348-5070


Since 1977. Kirk Evans. 972-672-4681

A1 TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863

ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541

ALL TYPES Painting & Repairs. A+ BBB rating. Any size jobs welcome. Call Kenny 214-321-7000


Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768


Complete Painting Interior/Exterior, Stain Etc. Custom Finishes, Custom Texture, Custom Trim www.blake-construction.com

Fully Bonded & Insured. 214-563-5035

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 55 to A dvertise c A ll 214.560.4203 HOME SERVICES H
in our work
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WHITE ROCK FLOORS Hardwoods New/Refurbished Ceramic Tile
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May DEaDLINE aprIL 10 214.560.4203 TO aDVErTISE

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Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513

VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 972-613-2585


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FURNITURE PAINTING Tired of old Kitchen or Bathroom Cabinets. Let us make them over in a hot new paint treatment. Jamie or Kay 214-773-7221

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FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645

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lawns, garDens & trees

25% OFF TREE WORK Trim. Dead Tree Removal. Roberts Tree Svc. Insd. 10 yrs exp. 214-808-8925


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Quality Tree Trimming & Removal. 214-455-2095


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BLOUNTS TREE SERVICE Spring Special 20% Off Tree Work. 45 yrs exp. Insured. blountssodinstallation.com 214-275-5727

BRUMLEY GARDENS Visit us on Facebook Landscape Maintenance, Installation & Design 214-343-4900 www.brumleygardens.com

CASTRO TREE SERVICE Quality Work at Great Rates. Free est. Insured. 214-337-7097


Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463

COLE’S LAWN CARE • 214-327-3923 Quality Service with a Personal Touch.

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RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296)

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TAYLOR MADE IRRIGATION Repairs, service, drains. 23 yrs exp. Ll 6295 M-469-853-2326 B-469-726-1381. John

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Glass shattered, then an ear-piercinG alarm.

Steve Overby had been fast asleep in his Highland Meadows home when the crime took place. A criminal had smashed the driver’s side window of his pickup truck, which was parked along the street in front of his home.

“There wasn’t anything of value visible to entice them to break in,” Overby says. “The police think it may have been their intention to steal the truck.”

But in this case, his car alarm probably saved the day. The alarm wailed and woke up two sets of neighbors, who promptly went outside and saw the car with a door open, but no suspects in sight.

A neighbor then came to the Overby house and rang the doorbell to tell him what had happened. The homeowner is grateful for his neighbors for alerting him; otherwise the door, which opened toward the street, might have been hit by a passing motorist in those early-morning hours.

At first, Overby had been hesitant to report the crime, but was convinced by his neighborhood crime watch leader to contact

The Victim: Steve Overby

The Crime: Criminal mischief

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 12

Time: Between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Location: 8500 block of Bacardi

the police and report the incident several days later.

Dallas Police Sgt. Keitric Jones of the Northeast Patrol Division says car alarms increase the likelihood of detection of apprehension of criminals, and even alarm stickers or signs often serve as a deterrent. And as in this case, watchful neighbors also can make a difference.

“Neighborhoods that have a strong sense of community and watch out for each other,” he says, increase “the likelihood of the detection and apprehension of criminals.”

58 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com April 2013 True Crime
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Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.

Wild for cats

Comment.Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com and search David Wood to tell us what you think.

You’ve seen the yard signs, but how much do you really know about Wild for Cats? By the time you finish this column — which includes answers to my questions about the program from those involved — you should be able to pass the quiz.

What is Wild for Cats? Who knows?

(David Wood, AP English Teacher at Lake Highlands High School, answers):

“About ten years ago, when Dr. Bob Iden was principal, I told him, we have a really successful Wildcat Club [athletic boosters], and band boosters, and choir boosters — we need an academic booster club. We talked about it for a year or so, and then we started Wild for Cats.”

So, Wild for Cats raises money for academics. Why does the school need that money?

Wood: “With the vagaries of Robin Hood, we’ve lost about a million dollars every year from this building alone.”

You’re saying that ten years ago, public schools funding was tight. And today it’s even tighter, with the economic downturn. Not to mention the state of Texas’ decision to raid school funds to balance its budget — but don’t get me started.

Okay, back to Wild for Cats. How does the money get allocated?

Wood: “At first, we gave wish lists to the faculty. Some asked for school supplies, which wasn’t exactly our vision. Others thought more globally and asked for conferences or trainings. There was some equipment in the special education department — high-dollar, cutting-edge machines [Kurzweil education systems] for

students who need things transliterated, or if they’re incredibly disgraphic, or students who are mute.

“Everybody who submitted something had to provide the research for it and present it to the Local School Council. The first year, fund raising was very successful, and everything was approved.”

Wow, what a success story. So what has been the latest project?

(Kathy Stewart co-owner of Highlands Café who, along with husband Robb, heads the fund-raising committee for Wild for Cats — answers):

“The primary thrust of our fundraising has been to support the College and Career Center at the high school, located in the library. Basically to pay Dr. Brenda Prine’s salary. That’s been the focus for the past 4 to 5 years.”

But, don’t all RISD high schools have a college and career counselor?

(Tim Clark, Director of Communications at RISD, answers):

“The College and Career Coordinator positions were added to each of our four high schools toward the end of last semester. The decision to add them came as part of the district’s ongoing commitment to college and career readiness for all students.”

Kathy, you want to add something?

Stewart: “We saw that as an affirmation of what we had been doing in Lake Highlands, that was getting more kids into college than ever before. The district finally saw the benefits there, and wanted to

spread that to all the four high schools.”

Is she right, Tim?

Clark: “The situation with LHHS funding a similar position in recent years through Wild for Cats gave the district an opportunity to see how the concept could be successful.”

Okay, so Lake Highlands did it first, and they did it well. Do we get to keep Dr. Prine at LHHS?

Wood: “Wild for Cats will take care of her salary again next year. Beyond that, I hope Dr. Prine will remain here so she can teach a college and career readiness course. Ms. Dillon [LHHS principal Peggy] and I, and many others, see this as on-going, because of a new state law that says this year’s 8th graders – by the time they’re sophomores or juniors – will have to stay in class seven periods. So this means more electives, and we can put in a new class — a semester-long course, for credit.”

It sounds like Wild for Cats is more important than ever. When is their main fund-raising thrust?

Stewart: “Spring.”

Yep, right now. Thanks Kathy. Isn’t it inspiring that our school leaders had a vision, they put forth the vision, and got something done working with the community?

Stewart: “This is why I like to live in Lake Highlands. People are really willing to work together, whatever the issue is.”

For more inFormation and online donations, visit wildforcats.com

April 2013 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 59 EllenRaff, a neighborhoodresident,writes a monthlyopinioncolumnaboutneighborhoodissues. Her opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to her at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or email editor@advocatemag.com. last Word
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