2015 May Lake Highlands

Page 38



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Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, but it can be detected in the early stages through screenings when it is most curable. The major risk factors for the disease include a family or personal history of skin cancer, family history of atypical moles, high number of moles (more than 20), and history of excessive sun exposure. Drive | Dallas,
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“The Dallas Fire and Police Associations are proud to be jointly endorsing Paul Reyes for Dallas City Council in District 10. Paul will be an advocate for the citizens and taxpayers in his district while promoting quality economic development, first-rate public safety, and an environment where our families and schools can thrive.”


cover They are all that

Graduating high school seniors who have been to hell and back share their stories.

History channel

A local professor made a documentary about Moss Farm and Town Creek, two Lake Highlands neighborhoods with a fascinating past. 18

The road District 10 Dallas City Council candidates discuss what the Trinity Parkway project means to our neighborhood.


No bare bums

Lake Highlands philanthropist Caren Bright is working hard so struggling single mothers can have diapers for their babies.



Dedicated Lake Highlands High School parents and alums are funding academic tools through the Wild for Cats program.


Remembering Melinda

The stories behind some of Lake Highlands’ memorial scholarships

6 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
in this issue 16
Volume 23 Number 5 | LH May 2015 | CONTENTS
Richard Thawng: Photo by Dany Fulgencio
ON THE COVER Diana Monyancha: Photo by Danny Fulgencio
MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 7 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 8 launch 16 events 24 food 26 live local 49 worship 50 news&notes 51 scene&heard 54 crime 59 ADVERTISING dining spotlight 27 the goods 33 marketplace 46 education guide 50 worship listings 52 bulletin board 54 home services 56 health + wellness 59 Lucky strike Bowl & Barrel is a fun hangout that happens to have an amazing menu. Chicken apple club sandwich at Bowl & Barrel: Photo by Rasy Ran 26 LAKEHIGHLANDS.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more NEWS visit us online “[Mom] suffered from clinical anxiety, depression and psychosis. At that time, her cancer took a backseat to her mental illness.” LAKE HIGHLANDS’ SEMIEN HAGOS, ON GROWING UP WITHOUT PARENTS PAGE 37 MISS A LOT. SUBSCRIBE TODAY advocatemag.com/newsletter Miss a week, Advocate’s FREE Weekly Newsletters.


Success is even tougher in an age of rampant, continuously chronicled idiocy

Justin Bieber is one sad dude: rich, talented and famous but seemingly not too happy.

He had a rich, talented and famous girlfriend at one time; maybe he still does. It’s hard to follow all of the plot twists in their lives.

Neither is much more than a kid. But that hasn’t stopped us from hearing about them and reading about them and watching them and criticizing them from the get-go.

They make pretty easy targets, too, always saying and doing cringe-worthy things, despite their wealth and fame.

They’re good examples of how difficult it is to be young these days. Wealth can’t protect anyone from exposure, or overexposure, when we all carry cameras in our pockets. Thanks to new technology, any of us can shoot and broadcast video to the internet simultaneously.

That’s right: Before we even have a chance to think about the implications of what we’re doing, we’re done.

A college buddy and I had lunch recently, and we started talking about our first years out of school and on the job. It wasn’t uncommon for us or our friends to do some pretty dumb things.

Had any of us back then had the capability to constantly video people’s every step or misstep, instantly slap it on the internet where it would still be visible today, lives would have been permanently altered and history (with a small “h”) would be different.

Back then, we were protected from ourselves by the luck of the times — there was no easy way to forever record what was happening around us or what mistakes we made. For that, I and plenty of

others are eternally grateful.

Flashing forward to this month’s cover story about high school seniors who have turned tough situations to their advantage, the state of the world makes me admire them even more. They are succeeding in a time where it’s more and more difficult to avoid temptation or walk the straight and narrow. They are successful without the support and benefits so many of us have enjoyed in our lives.

Growing up has never truly been easy for a lot of folks, but I can’t imagine growing up in a more difficult time than today. Any mistake can be recorded forever, and there are more than a few people out there willing to cast stones.

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And as for Justin Bieber, I felt sorry for him recently during a “roast” of his career by fellow tabloid luminaries. After sitting through a pretty brutal dissertation about everything he had done wrong in his life, he stood up to have the last word.

“There was really no preparing me for this life. I was thrown into this at 12 years old and I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into,” he said. “There’s been moments I’m really proud of and a lot of moments I look back, and I’m pretty disappointed in myself for.

“But the things I’ve done really don’t define who I am.”

Sadly, Justin, the things you’ve done really do define who you are. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.

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the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.

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be local be local most used logo black and white used for small horizontal used for small vertical and social media Advocate Media 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2015, is published monthly by East Dallas – Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of
Back then, we were protected from ourselves by the luck of the times — there was no easy way to forever record what was happening around us or what mistakes we made. For that, I and plenty of others are eternally grateful.

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community | events | food

Lake Highlands history 101

Ted A. Campbell teaches church history at SMU Perkins School of Theology and does prestigious things such as write books about Methodist doctrine and spend time in Oxford editing John Wesley’s letters. For recreation, he obsesses over the history of Lake Highlands, specifically Forest Meadow, where he lives, Moss Farm and Town Creek, which he has incorporated into two brief, yet illuminating, YouTube videos. Thanks, Professor.

When did you first start digging into the history of Lake Highlands?

Starting on a Saturday morning in June 2010. I told my wife, ‘You know, I don’t know anything about the history of this area.’ So I got on one of the apps that show you where the historical markers are located. It was a hot-as-fire June day, and we went around Dallas and Richardson. I just started piecing things together. That’s what historians do, putting all the chronology down. Within a year, I was able to piece together where our house was and who owned the farm there.

I came out with [the videos] in May 2011. It has become a great interest of mine since then. Councilman Jerry Allen named me to the Landmark Commission in 2011, and I served on that for two years. That was interesting because it introduced me to a range of stuff that I’d never encountered before. We don’t have any historical landmark districts in the Lake Highlands area, and we should. There are some things we need to work on. The McCree Cemetery and the Fields Cemetery on Skillman probably should be protected. I think there should be some kind of historical marker for the neighborhood Hamilton Park. That’s very historically significant.

How is it historically significant?

In the year I was born, 1953, Dallas held a bond election that expanded Love Field. They expanded it in such a way that they had to bulldoze a black neighborhood that was down near there. It left professional, middle-class African-American people in Dallas without housing. They had nowhere to live. It was very unfortunate. So black leaders got together and started pressuring the city, and they worked very fast because by October they established Hamilton Park as a neighborhood that was geared toward black professionals. It ended up being right next to Texas Instruments when TI moved out there four years later in 1957, so a lot of people went to work at TI. It was immensely successful. It was

16 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
Historian Ted Campbell: Photo by Andrew Williams

a civil rights issue that became very economically viable. I think that’s a significant part of our history. I don’t think it needs to be a historic district necessarily, but it needs to have a marker of some kind.

How was working on this project similar to or different from your professional work?

It’s a little different. I’ve worked in England, and I’ve done American church history as well, but going to the Dallas Records office and looking up who sold what property and photographic records, that’s all new to me — and interesting.

I’m also an amateur photographer, which is what comes out in the video. There’s almost no real video. You know Ken Burns right? He uses so many historic photos, and I love that. We’ve got tons of them for Dallas. But I think viewing a historic photograph lets viewers say, ‘That’s not me; that’s long ago.’ So what

I want to do is a photographic thing — a visual history, is what I call it — where you don’t let the viewer get away with thinking it’s only in the past.

Did you find anything interesting about your own home?

The one thing I found is that the very space where our house is, was originally owned by a family named Houx. There was a woman whose maiden name was Houx who sold the property in 1964. So 50 years ago this property was still in the name of the original family. She sold it to a guy who owns nurseries. You know where the Kroger is on Forest, near Forest and Greenville? That lot used to be a nursery, but then he sold it to the developers.

I kind of got interested in that family. They’re buried in the Mount Calvary Cemetery near High Five, north of LBJ. What I found was a very sad story. One of the graves in the cemetery is Amanda

L. Houx. Her death date is June 30, 1847. She and her husband had come down the Shawnee Trail from Missouri, and they had just arrived. Then you go down the row and find her son’s grave, and you see he was born June 30, 1847. So she died during childbirth, and she was pregnant when she came down the trail. Just imagine. And she was 18. Then the husband died just three years later and left the son as an orphan. He was adopted by John Thomas, who was one of the first judges in Dallas. So the kid ends up in a kind of fortunate position, and the judge was able to secure this property for him. But it’s a sad story. —Brittany Nunn


To watch Campbell’s videos, go to lakehighlands. advocatemag.com and search “Ted Campbell.”

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 17
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 8–12 • 9:00 AM–NOON Ages 3 (by June 1) through Grade 6 (completed) Interactive High-energy Hands-on expedition prestonwood.org/VBS 12123 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, T X 75230 972-820-5000 • prestonwood.org

Trinity toll road: Why should we care?

As the local election approaches, the most heatedly discussed topic is the Trinity Toll Road. But how much does the Trinity Toll Road issue impact our neighborhood?

The current version of the toll road plan has been a headline mainstay since the first public vote in 1998. In this Dallas City Council election, 17 years after the electorate first approved the concept, where does it sit in the collective minds of the voters of District 10 and the

candidates vying to represent them?

“The transportation issues for Lake Highlands voters are 635 East improvements and the Skillman gateway, not the Trinity Toll road,” candidate Adam McGough says, adding that he understands that some Lake Highlands residents “are not close to the toll road but will be affected by it.” He supports the Balanced Vision Plan and Mayor Mike

18 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
If 635 East will cost $650 million and the Skillman work will be $50 million and the Trinity Toll Road sucks resources from there, it’s definitely a neighborhood issue.

Rawlings — no surprise given his most recent position as the mayor’s chief of staff.

Please proofread carefully: pay attention to spelling, grammar, phone numbers and design. Color proofs: because of the difference in equipment and conditions between the color proofing and the pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute an acceptable delivery.

Paul Reyes, also running in District 10, is a previous chief of staff as well (for former state Senator John Corona) and also supports the Balanced Vision plan.

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Reyes believes that it’s not only a Lake Highlands issue but an issue “for all communities” as funding and resource commitments from the city will be affected by a toll road between the levees.

The third candidate for District 10, James White, says, “ I f 635 East will cost $ 6 50 mil li on and t he Sk i ll ma n work will be $50 million and the Trinity Toll Road sucks resources from there, it’s definitely a neighborhood issue.”

White is a vocal opponent of the toll road, a position that distinguishes him from opponents McGough and Reyes.


This game-changing city council election has three men vying for Lake Highlands’ District 10 seat. But how would they actually govern? In a series of quick-hit videos, we’ve cornered the candidates with questions that go beneath the surface. We test their knowledge of the neighborhood, gain insight into their personalities, and find out just what kind of leaders they are.


Visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com and click on “2015 Election” at the top of the page to see the videos along with our full coverage ahead of the May 9 election — and stay tuned for a possible run-off.

Trinity Trails: Photo by Danny Fulgencio
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-The James Family
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Pamper Lake Highlands nonprofit founder Caren Bright: Photo by Jennifer Shertzer

Bright light

She helps moms cover their babies’ bases Diapers. You probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about them unless, like Lake Highlands neighbor Caren Bright, you didn’t have them when you desperately needed them.

“There are no government funded programs for diapers and wipes,” Bright explains. “That’s at least $20 a week. If you are homeless and you are on a strict budget, you’re choosing between food, gas and diapers for your baby.”

Bright grew up in extreme poverty with an abusive mother. She ran away from home at 17, a broken young woman with no self-worth. At 20 she became pregnant, and by the time her son was 11 months old, they were in a homeless shelter.

“My mom’s favorite line for me was, ‘Who do you think you are?’ And I had to respond, ‘I’m nobody, mom. I’m nobody,’ ” Bright recalls. “My son took his first steps

in a homeless shelter, and that’s when I realized, ‘I am somebody. I’m a mom. I don’t know how I’m going to do this, but it can only go up from here.’ ”

She managed to pull herself up by her bootstraps — Texas style. She earned her GED, took classes at a community college, spent eight years in therapy, took addiction recovery classes to curb an ongoing eating disorder, learned how to be a better parent to her children, and spent a year and a half fixing her broken spiritual life.

In early 2014, she felt God tell her to use her past experiences to help other people, so she thought back to her life in the homeless shelter.

“When we were at the homeless shelter, we could have three diapers a day,” Bright recalls. “If your child needed more, then you just had to find diapers.”

Bright’s family wouldn’t give her diapers

or money for diapers, but someone in her dad’s office heard she needed them and anonymously donated diapers and $20.

To this day Bright doesn’t know who it was, but it made such an impact on her that she decided to establish Pamper Lake Highlands, which hosts annual diaper drives. Pamper Lake Highlands collected 450 diapers in 2014, and it has rapidly expanded to collecting more than 38,000 in 2015.

Five areas education, counseling, parenting classes, Bible study and addiction recovery — were game-changers for Bright, she says. So she eventually added onto the program by requiring parents to participate in one of these five areas in order to receive diapers.

“We want to walk next to them to help break the cycle of poverty,” Bright says.

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 21


Sky’s the limit

Ellie, a 3-year-old Labrador retriever, loves joining the ducks in the bush on the banks of White Rock Lake, say her owners Larry and Layne Lauck of Lake Highlands. She’s just not quite sure why she can’t flap her ears and follow the waterfowl into the great wide open. For now, she settles for a swim.

22 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
GOT A PET YOU WANT US TO FEATURE? Email your photo to launch@advocatemag.com
CLAWS Launch COMMUNITY Coming in July PRESENTED BY most used logo black and white used for small horizontal used for small vertical and social media Call 214.560.4203 or email sales@advocatemag.com Attention LOCAL Business Women! Outstanding Women in Business

What gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits


for Cats

... is a movement that supports Lake Highlands High School’s academic booster club. Wild for Cats originated in 2008, but enthusiastic parents and neighborhood homeowners have revitalized the campaign because, they explain: as goes our neighborhood high school, so goes Lake Highlands home values and the widespread perception of our community. Prior donors, parents and Lake Highlands graduates should expect solicitation letters by mail, but organizers encourage every resident of Lake Highlands to participate. “High quality neighborhood schools anchor and enrich communities,” notes a promotional flyer. “This is especially true in Lake Highlands, where schools are the cornerstone of this vibrant hometown.” Funds raised will buy a multimedia center for the library, an electronic marquee, finance student and teacher incentive programs, and equip students with technology needed to excel, according to Wild for Cats chairperson Kari Urban. “In previous years, funds were used to create and pay for a college and career counselor position at the school — a counselor who helps students find and apply for college scholarships — but now that valuable position is funded by Richardson ISD, so those funds can be used in other areas,” Urban says. The annual fundraising target is $500,000. Advanced Placement English teacher David Wood notes that the Wild for Cats Academic Booster Club has “mitigated some of the damage to the LHHS infrastructure and human resources caused by recent budget cuts.” Principal Frank Miller adds, “Our progress as a community cannot happen without the academic progress of Lake Highlands High School. And there is no better investment than in the minds of our youth.” To donate and learn more about Wild for Cats, visit wildforcats.com.

—Advocate staff

KNOW OF WAYS that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 23
Launch COMMUNITY JustKidsDental.com Dr. Mona Patel Free Crest Spin Brush for all New Patients! An experience that will have your child to looking forward to their next dental checkup! ·Ever y child’s first visit to the dentist should be at 6 months of age ·Pediatric specialists have an additional two years of advanced training with children ·Kids that see a pediatric specialist have a fun and positive experience, which helps them become life-long patients. Make your child’s appointment, call: 214-238-8541 Did you know?

Out & About

May 2015

May 17

White Rock garden tour

Find inspiration on a self-guided tour of nine creative gardens in Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills and Casa Linda Estates. The White Rock East Garden & Artisans Tour also offers wares from seven neighborhood artisans.

Various locations, whiterockgardentour.org

MAY 1-17

‘Jackie and Me’

Travel back in time to 1947 Brooklyn and the harsh realities of Jackie Robinson breaking baseball’s color barrier. The Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman, 214.740.0051, dct.org, $22-$26


Native plants and prairies

Learn how to incorporate disease- and drought-resistant Texas native plants into your garden plans at the North Texas Master Naturalists’ third-annual native plants and prairies day from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The event includes activities for children, demonstrations, and wildflower and prairie walks.

Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, ntmn.org, free


White Rock-n-Roll

The Dallas Running Club’s White Rockn-Roll 5-mile and 10-mile races start at 8 a.m. and are expected to draw more than 1,000 athletes. The races include live entertainment and an after party with snacks and local craft beer.

Winfrey Point, White Rock Lake Trail, whiterocknroll.com, $30-$70

MAY 6-23


One Thirty Productions presents this 2005 comedy by French playwright Gerald Sibleyras, set in 1959 in a home for World War I veterans.

Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther, 214.670.8751, dallasculture.org, $12-$16

MAY 7, 14, 21 AND 28

Cool Thursdays

Tribute bands take the Dallas Arboretum stage this month with outdoor concerts for the whole family. On tap are the music of Billy Joel, Journey, Bon Jovi, the Eagles and Motown. Bring a picnic and a blanket or beach chair.

The Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Road, 214.515.6615, dallasarboretum.org, $10-$27


Grace Pettis

Singer/songwriter Grace Pettis, from Lookout Mountain, Ala., has songwriting in her blood. She brings her straightforward style to Uncle Calvin’s for an 8 p.m. show.

Uncle Calvin’s Coffee House, 9555 N. Central Expressway, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15-$18

MAY 9 AND 23

Good Local Market

The White Rock Local Market is now Good Local Market, but it still has the same great local vendors. The original White Rock market is from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. The new Lakeside market, at 9150 Garland Road, is on the first and third Saturdays of the month. The Vickery Meadow market is from 10 a.m.3 p.m. every Sunday at Half Price Books, 5803 Northwest Highway.

Good Local Market White Rock, 702 N. Buckner, goodlocalmarket.org, free

MAY 13

Hello Giggles

Meet author Sophia Rivka Rossi, cofounder of HelloGiggles, starting at 7 p.m. The event includes HelloGigglesthemed activity stations followed by a discussion of Rossi’s new book, “A Tale of Two Besties.” Also expected are two yet-to-be-announced special guests — will they be some of Rossi’s Hollywood-elite besties? Numbered passes for the event will be given out starting at 9 a.m.

Half Price Books, 5803 E. Northwest Highway, 214.379.8000, hpb.com, free

24 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
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MAY 14


This third-annual conference from the Dallas Parks Foundation offers a day of speakers on parks, trails, bike infrastructure and urban planning. Dallas City Performance Hall, 2520 Flora, 972.803.1555, dallasparksfoundation.org, $13

MAY 22-JUNE 20

‘Always a Bridesmaid’

This comedy portrays four high-school friends who keep their promises, more than 30 years later, to be in each other’s weddings.

Pocket Sandwich Theater, 5400 E. Mockingbird, 214.821.1860, pocketsandwich.com, $12-$25

MAY 25

Art and play festival

The Lake Highlands Art and Play Festival, on Memorial Day, includes 5k and 1k races starting at 9:30 a.m. Proceeds benefit Camp Sweeny, which serves children with diabetes.

Lake Highlands Town Center, 7100 Wildcat Way, campsweeny.org, $35

May 17

St. Vincent

Lake Highlands High School alumna

Annie Clark is the Grammy-winning musician St. Vincent. She performs with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra at 8:30 p.m.

AT&T Performing Arts Center

Strauss Square, 2389 Flora, attpac.org, $35

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 25 Launch EVENTS


8084 Park Ln #145 214.363.2695





FOOD: $5-$30


SUN-THURS 11 A.M.-12 A.M.; FRI-SAT 11 A.M.-2 A.M.


Thefirst thing you’ll notice about Bowl & Barrel in Shops at Park Lane is that it doesn’t look like your typical bowling alley. There’s no sticky black carpet and flashing neon lights. Instead, Bowl & Barrel, from the creators of The Rustic and Mutts in Dallas, features slick wood floors, faded whitewashed brick walls, reclaimed wood ceilings, large industrial windows, chandeliers with Edison bulbs and black leather seating. “It has the feeling that it was something before. Like we found this old warehouse,” says director of operations Eric Salzer. “Everything in Shops at Park Lane was new and shiny. We wanted to kind of turn it down and do something different.” Bowl & Barrel also doesn’t serve food you’d expect to find at a bowling alley. “One of the things we’re really proud of is the quality of food,” Salzer says. “We’re restaurant guys first and foremost.” They brought on James Beardnominated chef Sharon Hage, who worked with them on the menu and created all the recipes. The menu is primarily upscale American food with a little extra mixed in. Bestsellers include the plate-sized pretzel, the veggie plate served with green goddess dipping sauce, the jumbo lump crab cakes and the chicken apple club sandwich. And the cocktails are a musttry with vodka, rum, gin, tequila and whiskey options. Don’t miss the 3-6 p.m. happy hour.

26 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
Bowl & Barrel’s Green Board includes assorted vegetables, black pepper, tarragon, chives and green dip, aside the Astoria cocktail made with London Dry, lime, mint, violet and ginger ale: Photo by Rasy Ran

1 Tukta Thai

The menu showcases spicy soups, salads and hearty platters featuring noodles or rice, fresh veggies, tangy Thai sauces, savory seafood and meats. The festive atmosphere includes a putting green in the back.

9625 Plano



2 Go 4 It Grill

Watch the game on one of many big screen TVs while enjoying cocktails, beer, burgers and golden fried tots.

10677 E. Northwest Highway 214.221.9440


3 Ibex

This Ethiopian-cuisine staple offers traditional African fare as well as a DJ and dancing until 2 a.m. on the weekends.

12255 Greenville



Dugg Burger

Now Open at Casa Linda Plaza! A whole new way to do burgers.

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Fancy dessert recipes tend to scare us out of the kitchen, but with only a few ingredients, no oven and no water bath, stovetop crème brulee makes it easy to recreate a favorite restaurant dessert at home. With its rich and silky texture and crunchy caramelized sugar topping, this will be your go-to dessert.


1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream

1 vanilla bean, split

4 large egg yolks

½ cup granulated sugar

2 Tablespoons corn starch

Turbinado sugar or granulated sugar (to brulee)


In a medium saucepan, combine cream and vanilla bean (scrape seeds out of pod) and bring to a simmer.

While cream is heating, whisk egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch in a bowl. Slowly add hot cream to the egg mixture and continue whisking until fully combined.

Pour mixture back into the saucepan and cook until it starts to thicken (do not bring it to a boil).

Once the custard is thick, remove the pan from the heat and transfer to a bowl. Continue whisking for 2-3 minutes to make the custard extra silky

Spoon custard into individual glass ramekins and refrigerate for 1 hour. When ready to serve, sprinkle the top of the custard with sugar and torch until sugar is caramelized. Serve immediately.

28 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015 Launch FOOD
Kristen Massad writes a monthly column about sweets and baked goods. The professional pastry chef graduated from the French Culinary Institute in New York City and owned Tart Bakery on Lovers Lane for eight years. She blogs about food and lifestyles at inkfoods.com.
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Do you know all things digital? WORK LOCAL. Now accepting applications for our growing digital sales team. Email your resume to humanresources@advocatemag.com



And the winner is Mi Cocina

The staff at Mi Cocina in Lake Highlands hooted and hollered when they heard that Lake Highlands Advocate readers voted their patio No. 1. But they weren’t terribly surprised. On any given spring day, Mi Cocina’s patio, overlooking Skillman near Walnut Hill, is packed with a cross section of the Lake Highlands population — moms,

dads, babies, students, seniors, hipsters, jocks, nerds, singles, daters, drinkers, teetotalers, omnivores, vegetarians and various combinations thereof. No, the patio is nothing physically profound. But it is pleasant, featuring plenty of plants and a trickling waterfall, plus the perfect amount of sunshine and fresh air to complement a tangy Mambo Taxi cocktail, fresh guacamole and chips, and a robust bowl of greens, if you’re going light, or a hearty brisket taco platter if you’re not. Diners — insiders and outsiders alike — should know about the special secret menu items. The Señor Chico, for example, is a grilled chicken breast with chili guajillo sautéed in garlic and olive oil, with mushrooms, green rice and avocado salad. “It is delicious,” Lake Highlands’ Mi Cocina store director Juan “Billy” Aguirre assures. The chile relleno, despite its absence from the menu, also is requested frequently, he says. “It’s a poblano pepper, deep fried and filled with Monterrey cheese and your choice of shredded chicken or ground beef

(if you want to upgrade to fajita it’s possible, too) topped off with ranchero sauce. It also comes with green rice and beans and our famous Mexican coleslaw.”

Runner up: Neighbors Casual Kitchen

Third: Lake House Bar and Grill

NEXT UP FOR ADVOCATE’S 2015 BEST OF CONTEST: Best bar. Vote for your favorite at lakehighlands.advocatemag.com/bestof2015

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 29 Launch FOOD
Chile Relleno at Mi Cocina

An Education

Sometimes the toughest lessons are learned outside the classroom

High school and our experiences there often leave lifelong memories. Or scars. Imagine navigating those formative and frequently frustrating years while bearing an extraordinary burden — illness, disability, poverty, homelessness, parental abandonment or death, for example. The graduating seniors featured herein have endured a lifetime’s worth of adversity in their 18 years. In spite of, or possibly partly because of these challenges, they have managed to shine.



He was sitting in class when he heard the announcement. “Tennis team tryouts will be held this week …”

At the time, Richard Thawng was not overly concerned about having never held a racket. He had studied the game on TV. He envisioned himself, small frame darting across the court — lunging, swinging, smashing — his spiky jet-black hair restrained by one of those cool terrycloth headbands.

“And, I thought it might help me get into college one day,” he says.

He had endured so many hardships in his young life — fleeing his birthplace, years of poverty and oppression, and culture shock among them — that tennis seemed a cinch. He convinced a friend to join him. They did not have rackets, so they watched videos.

On tryout day, Coach Bob Williams stuck the boys on the farthest court to minimize “the risk of sprayed balls.”

Williams recalls them “banging, swatting, generally running around the court.”

But what grabbed Coach’s attention most was their “abundance of energy.”

It was summer, Williams recalls, “and as the veterans began to lumber in for water and shade, Richard and his partner doggedly continued hitting balls in the general direction of each other. They seemed to be swift on their feet, and they certainly had the drive.”

Richard laughs at the memory of the day. “I lied and told Coach I had played before because I wanted him to give me a chance. Everything I hit just flew, crazily.”

Williams remembers that the boys struggled with English.

“I peppered them with questions and learned they were Burmese refugees. Then Richard turned a question on me

‘What must I do to have a spot on the team?’ My heart swelled …”

Williams knew what he had to do — Cutting the unskilled was part of the job. But he found himself giving them another week to practice.

“What was I thinking? I knew I was

32 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
An Education
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only postponing the inevitable. But I just couldn’t let the axe fall. There was something different about these two ... They had earned the right to a little more time to prove themselves.”

So each day Richard and his friend walked to the courts by their apartment and played, with rackets on loan, until the lights went off at 10 or 11 p.m.

After dark, they analyzed YouTube clips of Roger Federer and Andre Agassi.

They returned the next week with “remarkably improved mechanics,” Williams says. Amazed, he and the assistant coach agreed — the boys had earned a spot on the team.

Four years later, Richard is ranked second on the Wildcat varsity tennis team and is team captain — the squad earned a place in the all-region tournament last year and is on track to do the same again. One night, after Richard won a particularly tough match, his teammates lifted him to their shoulders and carried him around the court while shouting, “Richard! Richard! Richard!”

When Richard was a child in Myanmar, then Burma, his father fled to America, assisted by a smuggler.

“He nearly died — several of his traveling companions did,” Richard says.

Richard and his mother moved in with an aunt in the city’s capital, but Richard says the woman took advantage of their inability to speak the country’s official language and pocketed the money Richard’s father sent for schooling.

So, during his formative adolescent years, Richard went three years without school. He used the time to self-learn the official Burmese language, and he and his mom moved away from his officious relative, Richard says.

“It was the best feeling we ever had,” says Richard of the day he and his mom finally gained entry to the United States, via a refugee program and a helpful uncle, a pastor at Dallas’ Chin Revival Church. They did not know any English, but Richard studied the dictionary furiously and became fluent within a year.

34 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
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He still felt awkward speaking English and found it hard to make friends noting his brilliant smile and infectious affability, it is difficult to imagine.

Today there is a large population of Burmese refugees in the Wallace Elementary School zone, but his family was among the first, so it was lonely.

Because Richard remembers what it felt like to feel completely lost, he is determined to help others in the same predicament.

“I will help people fill out job applications, insurance papers, go with them

to their bank …” He says he thinks it especially important to help immigrants figure out finances, so they can become independent and not a victim to those who would take advantage.

Thus, his plan after graduation is to study finance at one of several universities to which he has already been accepted, including University of Texas at Arlington and Texas A&M Commerce.

His parents’ sacrifices drive him. “My dad risked his life. He came to America so I would have a chance at an education. In my country there is no way for a poor person to go to high school, college. My parents were unable to finish school, but it is all they want for me,” he says. “I have applied for every scholarship. I know I have been given this great opportunity and I will do everything I can to meet the challenge.”

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 35
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“My parents were unable to finish school, but it is all they want for me. I have applied for every scholarship. I know I have been given this great opportunity and I will do everything I can to meet the challenge.”

LESS IS MORE An Education

Her father dying on the living room floor broke her heart, but did not shock her. Her mother wielding a knife while screaming and darting around the apartment was frustrating, but not extraordinary. Child Protective Services showing up at Lake Highlands Junior High after learning that she and her sister had been home alone more than a week was scary, but inevitable.

That cancer took both of her parents’ lives is devastating but, ultimately, galvanizing.

Everyone has a story, everyone has pain, says Semien Hagos, and she takes a Nietzschean approach to hers — “to overcome it, embrace it.”

“I don’t regret the life I’ve lived or wish things would have gone differently,” she says. “My life required that I grow up fast or wallow in sadness. It’s strengthened me.”

Semien is the type with whom one might sit and chat for hours. She enjoys a kaleidoscope of pals plucked from an array of social cliques, teams and organizations.

Her voice and easy laughter are a soothing cascade — her beaming smile almost always present, even just after she confides one of innumerable adversities.

The father she knew was gregarious and playful, even when working hard, she recalls.

“He would let me sit in his lap while he was on business calls, always smiling at me,” she remembers. But his hands were wracked by tremors. He was nervous in public situations. Shortly before her birth, a mugger had pummeled him, inflicting permanent nerve and neurological damage.

Only after his death did she learn of her father’s elite status in Ethiopian politics and church, that he was a brilliant academic who absconded during his education in Russia, that he spoke half a dozen languages. She didn’t know that his and her mother’s was an arranged marriage or that Mom was more than 30 years Dad’s junior.

“He was 80 years old when he died. I just assumed he was about the same age as my mom. He just seemed it.”

When she found him on the floor that day, he begged her not to call the ambulance because, they both knew, once she did he would never return home.

That same year, Semien’s mother was los-

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 37
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THANK YOU Lake Highlands!

Proceeds will go towards ‘Light Up Lake Highlands’ an effort to bring holiday lights and décor to LH during the 2015 Holiday Season. Learn more about the LH Junior Women’s League at www.LHJWL.org

Thanks to our Presenting Sponsors: And Co-Presenting Sponsors:

Thanks to our Wildcat Sponsors:

An Education

ing her mind and also had been diagnosed with cancer.

“She suffered from clinical anxiety and depression and psychosis. The cancer took a backseat to the mental illness in those days,” Semien explains.

When she had them around, Semien never understood her parents’ profoundness, she says. Now her life is dedicated to making sure their sacrifices meant something.

Due to their parents’ illnesses, Semien and her older sister Rama, even as middle schoolers, were forced to tackle responsibilities such as filling out medical insurance paperwork, paying bills, buying groceries and working part-time jobs.

Members of the Ethiopian community and other family friends helped during the toughest times, Semien says.

One week when Semien was 9 and her sister 13, both parents were hospitalized and the girls were left unsupervised. It had happened before, but this time it drew attention.

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“When CPS pulled me out of class and told me they were going to put us in foster care, I said, ‘no, no’ and stopped answering their questions,” Semien recalls. “I was mad.”

That is when Laurie Garousi, a Lake Highlands parent and friend of Semien’s mom, accepted legal guardianship of the Hagos sisters.

“We were grateful, but it was tense back then,” Semien recalls. “Laurie wanted to take us in, but her husband wasn’t as happy with it. There was a lot of fighting and it was because of us being there. We tried as hard as we could, but it was like walking on eggshells.”

Entering high school, Semien was, in general, brokenhearted and ill at ease. She coped by making herself extraordinarily busy.

“Both to occupy my mind and for a reason to stay away from the house,” she explains.

She joined choir, cross country, track, student council, Girls Service League, Young Democrats, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Young Life and Habesha Collegiate Student Networking, to name a few. She started a Lake Highlands High School Disaster Action Team and organized Red Cross blood drives.

Garland Road



She did not just participate — she excelled, winning endless awards and earning supervisory roles in clubs and teams. She has worked as a babysitter, retailer and, now, a file clerk at a law firm.

Her high school counselor Shamika Brak-

38 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
Nursery • Landscaping • Construction • Gift Shop

ens, momentarily contemplating the right word, describes Semien as “amazing.”

“She lost both parents at a young age, one of them quite recently, she has been under an incredible amount of stress — what it takes to keep pushing herself to succeed despite all of it is something I cannot even imagine.”

Much of Semien’s drive is altruistic rather than selfish, Brackens continues.

“She is also a very giving person. She is always in the community trying to help others, rather than focusing on the unfortunate hand she was dealt.”

In track, Semien specializes in the 800-meter event. It is painful, exhausting and strategic — she hated it at first, but became good by embracing the agony.

She keeps an abundant stash of journals in which she has been writing since childhood. They amass in her trunk — they are safest there, she thinks. She doesn’t want to chance someone finding them. They contain confessions — of both self and peers.

“For some reason people feel comfortable sharing their secrets with me. I share mine with the journals. My friends know it and they joke that those journals better never become public.”

The ease with which she counsels her friends and acquaintances, the empathy she feels, plus her familiarity with mental illness, attracts her to the study of psychiatry, she says.

“Even as a very young kid, when my mom was acting crazy — she would run around with a knife or hallucinate that she hadn’t slept in days, when in fact she had slept for a long while — I was able to react calmly.” At age 7, for example, Semien recorded her mom sleeping to prove to Mom that she had slept. “I still have those videos. I see how well I dealt with that as a kid.”

She thinks psychiatry might be her calling, but she also is interested in law.

Her choice university is Haverford College in Pennsylvania. But finances are a concern. She has applied for every scholarship imaginable, she says.

She assures that no matter where she goes, she will adapt.

“For a lot of people, they form their personalities in college, so they have to be careful about what environment they enter. Me? I can go anywhere,” she says, half teasing. “I am formed.”

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 39
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An Education

She has a mind for numbers. Especially dates. Dec. 23, 2005: Grandmother died; Nov. 18, 2011: Uncle died; Nov. 14, 2014: tore ACL; June 7, 2015 at 4:30 p.m.: Will graduate from high school.

Since early childhood, growing up on the harshest streets of southern Oak Cliff, meticulous organization — of drawers, closet, calendar — was how Leona Michael-Makelfa coped with chaos. At age 5, she developed a rare salivary gland cancer. Surgery saved her life, but left a scar on her neck. Due to a skin condition, the scar grew into a massive, protruding keloid. Her classmates teased her.

“Kids at school said I had worms in my neck,” she recalls.

Today Leona is beautiful with deep wide eyes, long eyelashes and an athletic physique. Aside from the discoloration on her neck — noticeable when she points it out — her skin is clear.

But self-consciousness and timidity about her looks has plagued her. She lived with her grandmother because her mom drove a taxi and worked long hours. “My grandmother was my rock. She was the one who helped me when going through the surgeries, when I felt hideous.”

Her father left when she was 2. “He has his own family, haven’t seen him in years,” she says.

But her grandmother died suddenly, shockingly at age 50. “It broke me and my family, and I had to start my life all over. She kept the family together. When she died, everything went wrong.”

Leona ate her pain and weighed 156 pounds by the time she was in fifth grade. She moved in with her mother, who had adopted the child of a former boyfriend and worked 12-hour shifts most days.

At Forest Meadow Junior High, Leona acted out. “Got in fights with boys, that kind of thing.” Leona’s mom lost her job and married a man who had twin sons.

“So it went from me, my mom and a little sister to having a stepfather and two brothers,” Leona says. “This made my struggle worse.”

Drugs were always around, she says. It was part of life in her circles. She dabbled in such things herself, she says. “For a little while, it became my coping mechanism.”

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of relatives, used heroin. He died in 2011 of an overdose.

Leona loves her family, but she wants a different life. Things started to change when she picked up basketball.

“I wasn’t the best player, but I loved it. I started to lose weight and become more confident.”

She endured radiation and regular steroid injections to treat the scar tissue — a grueling regimen, but it worked. During her freshman and sophomore years she flip-flopped between being the ostensibly ideal student — a member of AVID (a college preparation program) and starter on the basketball team — and slipping back into depression and self-medication.

She had always maintained good grades, but during the last two years her efforts sharpened. In the basketball team and AVID, she found a family. Razor focus on sports and academics kept her mind off the pain and anarchy that was her personal life. She tutored other kids in her spare time, and she worked as a teacher’s aide for AVID teacher Pamela Gayden.

“I love that girl,” Gayden says. “I didn’t want any student but her for the job. She is organized and hardworking, but more importantly, I can trust her she understands integrity, honesty and character. She is invaluable to me, and she is a men-

tor and role model for all of my students.”

Leona was excelling on the court this year, preparing for a tournament in Orlando, Fla., when she suffered a serious knee injury, a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) that knocked her out for the remainder of the season. It is a hard blow after all, basketball and training had become a healthy way of coping with trouble but she is taking the setback in stride. She still travels with the team and tries to be a positive influence from the bench. Schoolwork and her job at Fiesta grocery keep her busy. Her calendar is full, detailed and color-coded.

“I am a little what some people call obsessive compulsive,” she says.

Every element is planned — after high school, she will attend Lamar University where she will study American Sign Language. She does not know anyone who is deaf. She says a family friend who knew sign language sparked her interest. Specifically, she wants to be able to communicate with deaf teenagers in her possible future job as a juvenile probation officer.

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This American life “Fancy.”

That is how Diana Monyancha describes her first American home, a small apartment near Abrams and I-635. To Diana, electricity and running water equaled luxury.

“You flush the toilet and see it fill back up with water — that’s a sense of hope.”

She had seen a shower before, but never one that worked. And flowing hot water? It was a miracle. Her gratitude is immeasurable. She appreciates how close she came to not receiving an education, not having a teacher who would, for free, work with her after school on math, her toughest subject.

To this day, she eyes with wonder and skepticism freely offered bottles of spring water.

She is determined to take advantage of this unlikely opportunity — a life in America.

As a child, Diana lived in Kibera, a sprawling slum in Nairobi, Kenya where clean water, electricity, education and general safety — not to mention opportunity and hope — were scarce. “When it got dark, you needed to be inside,” Diana says. “If you had a job, you made sure no one knew your salary day.”

Diana and her brother Timothy attended Kenyan school, but logistics were debilitating. “We had to use public transportation, and a lot of the time the bus drivers didn’t want to pick up kids, because we could not pay. Sometimes they would just pick us up on their last route, so we would get to school late.” The teachers often chastised them for their tardiness, Diana recalls.

After-school tutoring was for paying clients. Diana went to extraordinary lengths in her quest for a decent education, and she recalls promising teachers that her parents would pay for math tutoring, knowing they could not. “Then when I could not pay, it was so embarrassing, and I felt guilty.” Homework also was problematic. “We had to get it done before the sun went down, because we had no lights.”

Recounting the day she found out that her family had been selected for the United States government’s Diversity Immigrant Visa Program chokes her up. She looks at the ceiling and a tear trickles down her cheek. “I was so happy, so scared something would go wrong.” After 14 years of abject poverty, relentless fear and strife, she would have a new life.

42 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
An Education
S AT ARE A WHOL E FOOD S MARKETS, TALULA H & HES S IN LAKEWOOD AND AT SAHD.ORG $2 0 IN ADVANCE , $2 5 WEEKEND OF TOUR , KID S 12 & UNDE R FREE . FOR DETAIL S AND T O BU Y TICKET S ONLINE , VISI T SAHD.ORG sponsore d by Sponsored by: are a hom e values March ML S home sale statistics*, plus annual totals REAL ESTATE REPOR T *Statistics ar e com piled by Ebby Halliday Realtors, and ar e de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers ar e believed to be r e li able but ar e not guar an teed. The Ad vo cat e and Ebby Halliday Realtors ar e not re spo n s i bl e fo r th e a c c u ra c y o f th e i n fo r m a tion Northwest Hwy Walnut 635- LBJ Forest Royal Park Walnut Hill 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 9 12 8 11 13 14 15 Audelia Ferndale Plano Rd Jupiter Abrams FairOaks Whitehurst Church 75Central Expressway W e s t Fo r k J a c k s o n B r a n c h Greenville10 Skillman KING CLAYTON GROUP (214)683-3655 AREA SOLD SOLD Year-To-Date Year-To-Date Avg Days on Avg. Sales Avg. Sales MAR. 15 MAR. 14 Sales ‘15 Sales ‘14 Market YTD Price YTD ‘15 Price YTD ‘14 1 5 4 18 12 96 $275,937.00 $120,492.00 2 6 5 13 18 51 $193,908.00 $208,053.00 3 5 13 16 24 62 $146,628.00 $106,106.00 4 14 21 42 47 83 $108,520.00 $141,348.00 5 6 4 18 11 35 $213,610.00 $222,093.00 6 11 4 14 6 54 $381,607.00 $343,858.00 7 9 9 18 19 65 $381,167.00 $331,047.00 8 0 3 2 5 52 $350,000.00 $378,680.00 9 4 10 15 14 106 $298,930.00 $261,050.00 10 8 4 24 17 62 $186,346.00 $147,521.00 11 3 3 5 6 71 $459,100.00 $477,083.00 12 1 2 2 5 49 $533,350.00 $300,180.00 13 13 9 24 25 49 $389,728.00 $359,126.00 14 1 4 7 6 36 $314,657.00 $303,667.00 15 6 10 13 21 48 $248,262.00 $267,079.00 AVG 6.13 7.00 15.4 15.73 61.27 $298,783.33 $264,492.20
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An Education

“We thought of America as a magical place,” Diana says. “At first I didn’t even believe it, and I told very few people.” She recalls sitting at the embassy, studying the other families, imagining their stories, praying nothing would go wrong for any of them.

Today, instead of waiting around for a bus, Diana drives a car she and her mother share. Over one shoulder she carries an oversized tote, laden with manuals and paperwork related to college scholarships. She hauls it everywhere, and people wonder: “ ‘Why are you carrying that thing around?’ they ask me all the time.” But in a way she is proud of her bag. She says she sees it as a sort of metaphor for the weight she’s carried all her life. Something good will spring from it, she knows.

America has not been perfect. In those early days, the friendless freshman spent numerous lunches hiding away in the library. But she used her time there to write, a lifelong passion and outlet. She also discovered the internet and social media, which, considering she had never owned a

cell phone, blew her mind.

She scored a 38 on one of her freshman math exams. But pursuant to her mantra — “try, try again, try again” — she strived.

She did not learn the fundamentals of math when she was in Kenya, which made the transition to high school math exceedingly difficult. But Diana came in every day after school, formed study groups, and rose to the top of her advanced algebra class, math teacher Katie Williams says. “Diana is without a doubt the hardest working student I have ever had,” Williams says, adding that she is “clearly a respected leader among her peers.”

Diana joined groups such as AVID, which prepares students for college, and gained friends (“her disposition is one that attracts many,” Williams notes). She earned accolades and appointments — the Exchange Club’s Youth of the Month Award and Texas Leadership Forum among them.

Now a member of Mu Alpha Theta, an honors math society, she tutors struggling students

“because I was once in their shoes,” she says.

To date, she has been accepted to University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Tech, Stephen F. Austin and Baylor universities. She’d prefer Baylor, she says, but cannot afford it. Applying for scholarships (and she thinks she’s found all of them) often requires attending interviews, which make her “a little bit nervous,” she says. “You tell your story and the memories hit you in the head, but the people are nice, and I know they want the scholarships to go to the right person. If I don’t get one, try, try again and try again.”

Adversity has given Diana an advantage over many young people—perspective. “The thing is, a bad day here is nothing compared to life there. So it is easy to stay optimistic.”

She anticipates setbacks and knows how to handle them.

“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back,” she says, quoting motivational speaker Les Brown. “Because if you can look up, you can get up.”

44 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
CARE FOR YOUR TREES. Trust the real professionals Certified Professional Arborist Local, Family-Owned Since 1937 214-394-2414 www.parkertreeservice.biz Tree pruning, thinning, removal and stump grinding 2015 Coldwell Banker CBDFW.COM So happy to call Lake Highlands my home! LET ME HELP MAKE IT YOURS, TOO! April Keeton Cope 214.755.2063 april@aprilcopeismyrealtor.com

In memory of

Parents cope with grief by creating scholarship funds

It is easy to picture Melinda Lee — 20 years old with a gentle smile, porcelain complexion, blonde curls — chatting with her sorority sisters as she drove away from the club that October night in 1994, unaware of what fate loomed on the road.

Wayland Leroy Lamb, 32, was drunk and distraught following a fight with his wife, according to court documents, when he barreled past the red light into their car.

All three girls were injured, Melinda beyond repair.

The next 54 days, Melinda lay in a Lubbock hospital, and her parents watched her die.

“She was on a ventilator, so she was unable to eat, drink, speak or breathe on her own the entire time,” her father Don Lee says. “Yet, she was conscious and alert most of the time. Just stop and imagine if you think you could exist in this type of condition for 54 days.”

It is painful to talk about the details, Lee says, but he and his wife, Patsy, never want people to forget the lasting and farreaching agony that can result from one decision to drive while intoxicated.

The Lees describe their daughter’s killer, who served 20 prison years, as “lost,” and someone they are now trying to forget.

They intend to keep Melinda’s memory alive. A plaque near the front door of their Lake Highlands home reads, “In Memory of Melinda Ann Lee.” Family photos — many including a young Melinda — cover living room tables, walls and shelves; Melinda, Patsy and her other daughter, Jennifer, all share the same golden locks and fair skin.

For years after Melinda’s death, until health issues began holding them back, the Lees worked tirelessly to help reduce drunk driving by speaking at Mothers Against Drunk Driving events around the country and writing letters to the media.

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 45
A drunk driver killed Patsy and Don Lee’s daughter Melinda in 1994.
“Amazing how many there are out there who can’t control their drinking but who still get behind the wheel of a car.”

who can’t control their drinking but who still get behind the wheel of a car.”

The Melinda Lee Scholarship, which has helped 37 students and counting afford college, is perhaps their late daughter’s most-enduring legacy.


5-15 issue

In 1996 the Lees launched the scholarship fund, from which they provide two yearly scholarships — one through the Lake Highlands Exchange Club and the other through Texas Tech University — to LHHS students who want to attend Tech.

shares a letter from 2009 recipient Josh Evans.

Evans notes that he graduated with honors from the Texas Tech School of Engineering and was going to work for Exxon Mobil. Because of the Lees’ scholarship, along with other scholarships, he was the first person in his family to complete college.

“I have spoken to offenders, talked to a lot of people with DWI charges who admitted a drinking problem,” Don says. “Amazing how many there are out there

Half + half pdf spread 2 pages

“We make payments to an endowment fund every year and our goal is to have it reach the point that it will be able to provide a scholarship of about $10,000 each year forever,” Don says.

“It gives us a good feeling,” Patsy adds. “And it gives people a way to remember Melinda.”

The Exchange Club and Tech select the respective awardees. “We have been pleased with the recipients and we try to keep up with their progress,” Don says. He

THE market


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“He will never know how much that letter meant to us,” Don says. Every year, organizations such as the Lake Highlands Exchange Club, Lake Highlands Women’s League and The Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Club work with individuals and foundations to provide hard-earned college scholarship dollars to dozens of students.

Scholarship presentations which take place each May in school auditorium ceremonies or celebratory breakfasts — are filled with smiles, expressions of gratitude and tears of joy.

Several of those scholarships are “me-


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46 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
Jack Stewart
SPECIAL MARKETPLACE SECTION | to be added call 214.560.4203

morial scholarships.” It is a bittersweet realization: for each student embarking on a new chapter thanks to a memorial scholarship, there is typically a story of a life cut short.

The North Texas-based Lone Star Wind Orchestra, in collaboration with Ann and Pat Stewart, for example, will award its first Jack Stewart Memorial Scholarship this May.

Jack Stewart was an accomplished musician and the 2013 salutatorian at LHHS. Last year, Stewart was one of two Baylor students killed in a midday crash while en route to an International Clarinet Association meeting in Baton Rouge.

Jack’s parents choose the scholarship recipients.

“The scholarship honors Jack’s enduring love of music, dedication, talent and artistry,” they wrote in an announcement of the scholarship. “And it is a tribute to his selflessness and pays homage to his compassion for others and the assistance he so eagerly provided to countless people in his short life.”

More memorial scholarships:

Half + half pdf spread 2 pages

During his senior year at LHHS, Stewart won the inaugural Lone Star Youth Winds concerto and played two years with the youth orchestra. In his honor, the nonprofit orchestra created the Jack Stewart Music Changing Lives Endowment Fund, from which the scholarships will come.

Kelsey Kidd was a 2001 LHHS graduate and a Texas Tech student who studied journalism and loved Aerosmith, Steel Magnolias and horseback riding. In the summer of 2005 she died in a car crash. Ten years later, her friends still leave notes on the wall of a memorial website. (“Kelsey, I miss you so much. Our reunion was not the same without you!” “Kelsey, I watched Steel Magnolias today and thought about you!” Kelsey, they remade Steel Magnolias. The Horror!”) She also

THE market

is immortalized through the Kelsey Kidd Memorial Scholarship for LHHS students entering Tech.

John Stallings was an outstanding choir member, track athlete and scholar at Lake Highlands High School in the 1980s. The Texas A&M student died in a 1986 car accident. His parents established a memorial scholarship that to date has paid $65,000 to LHHS students who demonstrate musical talent and leadership abilities.

In 1996, a speeding police car crashed into and killed LHHS students Katie Finley and Megan Jones Accident reports

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 47
Kelsey Kidd
SPECIAL MARKETPLACE SECTION | to be added call 214.560.4203 LH
5-15 issue
MY OFFICE Shipping and Office Supplies 9660 Audelia Road, Suite 123 214-221-0011 myofficelh.com My Office is locally owned and operated. We offer mailing, shipping, copying services. promotional items, office supplies and school supplies and much more. We’re more than just your shipping store! TWINBOWS EMBROIDERY Embroidery 10139 Shoreview Road (NW Hwy @ Ferndale) 214.340.9744 We offer quick turnaround, quality embroidery at competitive prices! We are located in Shoreview Shopping Center across the street from Kaycee Pool. REMINGTON ESTATE SALES Remington Estate Sales Dallas, Texas 972-835-2404 www.remingtonestatesales.com “Our goal is to maximize your proceeds from the sale and reduce your stress.” Schedule your free consultation today... R NORTH HAVEN GARDENS Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com Your gardening partner since 1951, specializing in garden education, the best quality plant selection and the most knowledgeable staff committed to your gardening success!

Look First

showed Katie was at fault, information that made nothing easier for the devastated family and friends of the popular and active teens. Through the Lake Highlands Wildcat Club, the Katie Finley Scholarship offers thousands of dollars toward college tuition each year to one LHHS student.

Mike Oglesby was a longtime member and past president of the Lake Highlands Exchange Club. He and wife Jeanenne started a scholarship in memory of their son, Jason, who accidentally drowned in a swimming pool. After Mike died in 2013 from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Jeanenne added a scholarship to commemorate her husband.

The 1st Lt. Jeffrey Titus Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of LHHS graduate Jeffrey Johnson who was killed in a car wreck.

Susan Kane provides an award in memory of her husband Jeff Kane, former principal of Forest Meadow Junior High.

Joan and Alan Walne donate a generous annual scholarship in memory of Alan’s parents Frances and Herb Walne.

Bob Potts, longtime Exchange Club member and proprietor of Potts and Associates and The Store Decor Company, donates thousands of dollars worth of scholarships each year in memory of his first wife Data Jo Potts, who died in 1995 of lung cancer.

Other notable scholarship contributors include Sally and Jim Nation, Cheri and Eric Luck and Wade Smith, an LHHS graduate who became a successful professional football player.

LAKE HIGHLANDS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS should talk to an academic counselor about available scholarships — it is impossible to list them all here. Lake Highlands Exchange Club member Don Lee notes that there is an abundance of college money available for students and that “the biggest challenge is getting them to apply.” The Exchange Club and the Lake Highlands Women’s League raise funds throughout the year and give away hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to LHHS graduates, in addition to overseeing several memorial scholarships. In 2014, the Women’s League presented 33 scholarships, and the Exchange Club awarded 50. Learn more at lhwl.org and lhexchangeclub. org. For information about 2015 awardees, visit lakehighlands.advocatemag.com and search “scholarships.”

48 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
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The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to livelocal@ advocatemag.com

New restaurants, fancy Starbucks

New retail tenants are beginning to roll into the expansion of the Shops at Park Lane. The fast-casual Mediterranean restaurant Zoës Kitchen opened last month. Crisp Salad Co., which arrived last year on Lowest Greenville, soon will join the mix as well. A “flagship” Starbucks, which also opened in April, is the company’s first location in North Texas to serve beer and wine in the evenings. Other retailers on the way include discount stores for Forever 21 (yes, there’s an even cheaper version, called F12 red) and J. Crew Factory. They’ll join the Nordstrom and Bloomingdale’s outlets that already exist in the shopping center. Construction began last year on the three new buildings, adding 160,000 square feet of new retail, and a five-story office building, with a park plaza at the center.

REI now open

The new REI store on Northwest Highway at Shady Brook opened in March. REI serves as the anchor to a soon-to-be shopping center, which is a part of Half Price Books’ plans to

develop the six acres across the street from its flagship store. The new shopping center will have an additional 13,000 square feet of space available for other shops or restaurants.

The Bomb Factory lives

Husband-and-wife entrepreneurs Clint and Whitney Barlow of Lake Highlands are behind the revitalization of Deep Ellum music venue the Bomb Factory. The Barlows also reopened Trees back in 2011.

Chicken is coming

Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken will open at Skillman near Royal Lane, near Tom Thumb. The California-based company “licenses the trademark and recipes to independent operators,” according to the company website, and there are locations nationwide. The menu features golden fried chicken parts — wings, breasts, legs, thighs — fries and other sides.

Nearby: Health food on the run

The old Pearle Vision at the corner of Mockingbird and Skillman will become Snap Kitchen. The first Snap opened at Fitzhugh and Central last November. The quick, healthy eatery is expected to open in mid to late May.

Fundraiser to benefit Healing Hands


Luncheon benefits Lake Highlands-based nonprofit Healing Hands Ministries. Nationally recognized author of “Miracles From Heaven,” Christy Wilson Beam, has accepted an invitation to be the event’s keynote speaker. Beam, who recently appeared on the “Today Show,” will be on hand to sign and sell her book following her talk. The event is Friday, May 1 from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Wilshire Baptist Church. Tickets are $50 per person and are available at healinghandsdallas.org.

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 49 LIVE Local
Rendering of the new addition to the Shops at Park Lane, which includes a park plaza, flanked by two ground-level restaurant buildings, plus a five-story office building Clint and Whitney Barlow, owners and proprietors of Trees and The Bomb Factory: Photo by Benjamin Hager
Hoops in the Highlands Committee 2015 would like to thank all of our sponsors for another successful event.




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LAKESIDE BAPTIST / 9150 Garland Rd / 214.324.1425

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Pastor Jeff Donnell / www.lbcdallas.com

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NORTH HIGHLANDS BIBLE CHURCH / www.nhbc.net / 9626 Church Rd.

Sunday: LifeQuest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

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EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

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Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am / Worship Service 10:30 am

Pastor Rich Pounds / CentralLutheran.org / 214.327.2222


Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org


LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee

Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary


1450 Oldgate Lane / 214.324.3661

Sunday Worship 10:50 am / Rev. Mitchell Boone


LAKE HIGHLANDS CHURCH / 9919 McCree / 214.348.0460

Sundays: Classes 9:30, Coffee 10:25, Assembly 10:45

Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org



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Showing up may be 80 percent of spiritual success

We can learn some things about producing successful spiritual lives from creative agents in other fields.

The writer/actor/director Woody Allen famously said: “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” That quotation has been repeated often by others and altered slightly for all sorts of purposes. And the reason is that, while such a thing as success is hard to quantify in percentages, the sense of the sentence rings true.

Allen says he first used the line in talking to aspiring young writers. “My observation was that once a person actually completed a play or a novel he was well on his way to getting it produced or published, as opposed to a vast majority of people who tell me their ambition is to write, but who strike out on the very first level and indeed never write the play or book.”

The Southern short story writer Flannery O’Connor similarly talked about the habits of writing that lead to success. Despite suffering from lupus, she maintained a strict writing schedule. “I write only about two hours every day because that’s all the energy I have, but I don’t let anything interfere with those two hours, at the same time and the same place. This doesn’t mean I produce much out of the two hours. Sometimes I work for months and have to throw everything away, but I don’t think any of that was time wasted. Something goes on that makes it easier when it does come well. And the fact is if you don’t sit there every day, the day it would come well, you won’t be sitting there.”

Aspiration needs perspiration for inspiration. If you want to achieve strength and depth of spiritual character, desire is the first thing. We get what we want, not what we say we want.

The achievement of desire’s intent next requires time and attention. Paying attention means making time and minding it. Sitting before a blank sheet with pen in hand, or a canvas with brush at the ready, or with a Bible on your lap and reading glasses poised on your nose: these are postures that allow inspiration to drop in.

Insights come from patient, practiced seeing. You have to see something before you can see into it. Monet painted haystacks and the Rouen Cathedral over and over in all sorts of light and weather. He was looking at the same thing each time he painted, but what he saw each time and showed to us was different because of the time of day and the effect of the elements.

Prayer can be rote until it’s not.

Prayer can be rote until it’s not. You can say the same words of the Shema or The Lord’s Prayer over and over, and then one day it hits you — something new, something fresh. And it wouldn’t have if you hadn’t been saying it again and again.

Hymns in church get in our heads and stay there for when we need them. In fact, we know that people suffering from various forms of dementia can often sing along to beloved hymns long after they have forgotten the names of their beloved spouse and children. But the songs first have to get into our heads to do that.

Not sure about the other 20 percent, but showing up probably is 80 percent of spiritual success.

52 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015
worship LISTINGS SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.


Methodist Health System Foundation appointed Robin Daniels as vice president of development. Daniels, a Lake Highlands High School graduate, will lead key capital campaigns and work with North Texas leaders to further the mission of Methodist Health System. She joined the system in October 2012 as director of community and public relations for Methodist Dallas Medical Center. Daniels was promoted to assistant vice president of external relations in October 2014. Daniels graduated from SMU with a bachelor of fine arts and an MBA. Prior to joining Methodist, Daniels served as president of SONUS, a Dallas-based integrated marketing agency.

Suzanne Dunai, a 2004 graduate of Lake Highlands High School, recently was awarded a Fulbright scholarship. Dunai will continue her doctoral research and dissertation in Spain and attain a PhD from the University of California San Diego. She is a 2008 graduate of Texas A&M University, where she majored in European history and international studies with a minor in Spanish. She also earned masters degrees in modern European history from the University of New Mexico and UC-San Diego. She attributes her success and interest in history to her excellent foundational education at Richardson ISD schools, especially at Lake Highlands High School under the teaching of Carole “Dr. B” Buchanan in the history department.


Lake Highlands High School’s girls soccer team advanced to the third round of playoffs in April. The team has only one senior, Olga Delgadillo. This has been the first season for two sisters sophomore Riley Smith and junior Tanner Smith to play on the same team.

Lake Highlands student Brandon Vaughn committed to run cross country and track for Lincoln Memorial University during an official signing ceremony in April. The Wildcat senior, whose best time in the mile is 4:23, says he hopes to shatter some Railsplitter records.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

MAY 2015 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com 53 NEWS & Notes
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Scholar athlete

The National Football Foundation’s Gridiron Club of Dallas named Lake Highlands High School senior Lane Toungate to an elite list of local scholar athletes. Lane is one of 57 students from schools around North Texas who will be honored at the club’s seventh-annual awards banquet in April.



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54 lakehighlands.advocatemag.com MAY 2015 SCENE & Heard
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.
Local Resources TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203
our website for location and registration info Classes now offered in Dallas


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PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINING To Suit Your Specific Training Needs. Terry 214-206-7823. terryrjacobs@outlook.com

Cookies for cops

Lake Highlands Women’s League members delivered hundreds of cookies to fire fighters and police officers in April, part of their annual commitment to show love for the men and women who protect and serve. Member Carrie Denson, pictured here with officers at the Dallas Police Department’s Northeast Division, says it is one of her favorite activities of the year.



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In January 1984 Marie Jenkins Zickefoose was discovered dead in her bed in her Skillman-Northwest Highway apartment, an open magazine at her side. Investigators guess she was reading when her killer struck.

Her brother Talmadge Willard Jenkins, his bloody and lifeless body nearby, apparently visited at the wrong time, interrupting the crime. Though investigators lifted a good print from the scene, they could not track down the murderer.

The Dallas Police Department has scarce resources dedicated to cold cases like this one.

It’s tough to fault the department for this — there are hundreds of recent and active cases on which to focus. They have

boosted awareness about cold cases via the recently launched blog dpdbeat.com, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The DPD also uses members of the Dallas Police Reserve — a 60-year old organization of professionals (often in fields of law or medicine or retired police officers) who undergo rigorous certification and dedicate at least 16 hours a month to police work — to solve cold cases.

One of the reserve officers working on cold cases is retired police detective and White Rock area resident Ron Pettie.

In his home office, Pettie keeps stacks and stacks of binders stuffed with information on Dallas cold cases. The ones that get his attention are, essentially,

those that someone still cares about. He dedicates about 50-60 hours a month to the job.

“In the Zickefoose case, for example, the retired detective who worked it told me it still weighs on him. He said he got real clear prints. It is the kind of thing you can retest with the latest technology,” Pettie said.

Pettie also is working on the case of Jill Bounds, who was bludgeoned to death in her Lakewood-area home in 1988. And that of Myra Barrett, who in 1991 at age 44 was murdered inside the Uptown-area boutique she was preparing to open — the fulfillment of an entrepreneurial dream. —Advocate staff




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