2010 June Lake Highlands

Page 54



These neighborhood restaurants go easy on your wallet

LIVING LOCAL IN L A ke H IGHLAN ds bLOG s, p Od CA sts ANd mOre At JUN e 2010
©2010.Equal Housing Opportunity. 214-341-0330 / 214-826-0316 10233 East Northwest Highway, Suite 438 6441 East Mockingbird For all your mortgage needs. Tammie Mitchell 214-349-7836 License #13272 11037 Fernald Ave. 3/2/2/3 LA/Updated/Lochwood $247,500 / Rene Barrera 214-497-2035 9668 Timberleaf Dr. 3/2.1/2/Study/Professionally Remodeled $219,375 / Linda Brundage 214-926-2411 9434 Estate Ln. 4/2.1/2/2 LA/Hdwds/Granite/White Rock Elem. $277,000 / Jan Stell 972-733-9566 10030 Newcombe Dr. 3/2/Renovated/Wood Deck $189,000 / Edwina Dye 214-674-3937 10817 Colbert Way 3/2/2/2 LA/Updated/Move-in Ready $227,500 / Rene Barrera 214-497-2035 9210 Clearhurst Dr. 3/2/2/White Rock Elementary $219,950 / Linda Brundage 214-926-2411 9481 Gatetrail Dr. 5/2.1/2/2 LA/Hardwoods/Pool $420,000 / Jan Stell 972-733-9566 9839 Windledge Dr. 4/2.5/2/Corner Lot $299,500 / Bobby Stephens 214-395-4579 8871 Liptonshire Dr. 3/2/2/Hardwoods/Beautiful Lot $219,900 / Rene Barrera 214-497-2035 9223 Whitehurst Dr. 3/2.1/1/2 LA/Circle Drive/Pool $289,450 / Khris Macho 214-729-6332 25 Vanguard Way Modern 2/2.1/2 LA/Great Views $579,000 / Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 11607 Saxon St. 3/2/2/2 LA/Hdwds/In Lochwood $222,900 / Jeraldine Wooldridge 214-773-9312 9426 Crestedge 4/2.1/2/2 LA/White Rock Elem. $349,000 / Jan Stell 972-733-9566 10846 Fernald Ave. 4/2.5/3LA/SPECTACULAR Lot $379,000 / Meg Skinner 214-924-5393 Lakewood Top Producers Top Group Hickman+Weber Group 214-355-3122 Top Income Kelly Nolan 214-728-7301 Top Volume CJ Prince 972-978-8986 Lake Highlands Top Producers Top Volume Bobby Stephens 214-395-4579 Top Group Christy/Norcross/Thomas 214-520-4499 Top Income Jan Stell 972-733-9566 CONTRACT PENDING CONTRACT PENDING

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9516 Overwood Rd. 3/2/2/Priced for Updating/WR Elem! $315,000 / Mary Rinne 214-552-6735 9212 Moss Haven Dr. 5/5.1/3 Car/3 LA + Study/Pool $749,000 / Cindy Gore 214-728-6058 8311 Northmeadow Circle 1-Story 2/2/2 Townhome $185,000 / Mary Pat Coco 214-215-2734 3709 Stanford Ave. University Park 3/2.5/Updates $750,000 / Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 10107 Lanshire Dr. 3/2/2/2 LA/Hardwoods/Nice! $222,900 / Debbie Kelley 214-202-1163 8906 Eustis Ave. 3/2/2 LA/Study/Great Updates! $259,900 / Cary Norton 214-704-2705 2404 Honeysuckle 4/2.5/2/Pool/Soft Contemporary $212,500 / Mary Pat Coco 214-215-2734 10548 Le Mans Dr. 3/2/2/2 LA/Remodeled $250,000 / Amy Malooley 214-773-5570 9111 Dusti Dr. 4/3/2/2 LA/Updated/RISD $349,900 / Kelly Nolan 214-728-7301 7 Robledo Dr. 4/5.1/3/4 LA/Pvt Pond/.97 Acre/Gated $2,975,000 / Dick Phelps 214-669-6255 Gene Garramone 214-536-9501 10018 San Lorenzo Ave. 3/2/1 Car + Workshop/Amazing Renovation! $209,500 / Edwina Dye 214-674-3937 9312 Moss Trail 5/4/3 Car/3 LA + Study/Pool $625,000 / Jan Stell 972-733-9566 1635 McCosh Dr. 2/1/2 LA/1 Car/Refinished Hdwds $179,000 / Amy Malooley 214-773-5570 8706 Echo Valley Dr. 4/2.5/2/3 LA/Moss
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6 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands 34 lake lovers White rock lake would be nothing without its friends. 40 cops and robbers a new Fox show, “The Good Guys”, premieres June 7, and a lake Highlands lady is on the scene. 42 sH e’s a ramblin’ W oman caryn carson flies so frequently that she won a contest for it. in every issue department columns opening remarks8 / comments 10 / grab-bag15 / happenings21 / food + wine22 / worship46 / scene + heard47 / news + notes54 / crime54 / last word55 advertising the goods10 / dining guide23 / education guide39 / health resources45 / bulletin board47 / home services49 6301 Gaston Ave., Ste. 820, Dallas, TX 75214 p: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com FeaT ures chow on the Cheap Get your grub on without breaking the bank pHoTo by can Türkyilmaz 27 In thIs Issue

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More about what’s happening on p. 12

7 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands June 2010 LAUNCH 15 She’ S all that Now that she has led the lhhS gymnastics team to victory, Sarie Morrison is headed for collegiate competition. 18 Pa iN tiNg the tow N a rtist’s diner mural features familiar places. 21 laughiNg M atter giggle, giggle, Quack is at the Dallas Children’s theater this month. this month in 22 15 18 21 IN tHIs IssUe volume 18 number 6_LH JuNe/2010 on
“Never underestimate the power of a PtA mom/ dad. they can get more stuff done and organized than most CeOs.”
—Isc search: s cholarshIp lhhs on

LIFE 101

If at first you don’t succeed, just be yourself

It’s high school and college graduation time again and, as has been the case for as long as I can remember, my invitation to speak at anyone’s commencement must have been caught in my SPAM filter.

But, hey: You’re a captive audience, or at least have been up to this point in the column, so perhaps you would be willing to hear my advice to the younger generation, if only they had asked.

Naturally, I would have enjoyed putting on a graduation robe and balancing one of those goofy mortarboard hats on my head while dispensing wisdom, but instead you’ll have to conjure a picture of me sitting in a recliner, feet up, watching a Texas Rangers baseball game while typing this instead.

And here’s what would have been my premise: When it’s all said and done, are you better off blending in and following the crowd, or are you better off following yourself?

I ask this because of something I read the other day concerning the failed Times Square bomber in New York City. An adviser at the bomber’s college was contacted by the media, and his comments about the bomber were both sad and instructive:

“He was personable, a nice guy, but unremarkable,” the adviser said. “If this didn’t happen, I probably would have forgotten him. He didn’t stand out.”

From birth, we’re told we’re special, and we can make a difference. We’re told that if we follow the plan, if we go to the right preschools, attend the right high schools and colleges, get the right jobs and hang with the right friends, we’ll live life to the fullest. We believe that if we can run with the crowd, and keep running beyond the capabilities of the others in the race, eventually we’ll wind up making our mark.

But speaking as someone who has been running for quite a while, that’s really not how life works. Look at people like Lady Gaga or Bill Gates or Bob Dylan or Alex Rodriguez or Steve Jobs or any number of other people, famous and otherwise, who are icons in their own right — not only didn’t they run with the crowd, they practically ran away from it on the way to becoming rich, famous and successful.

The real lesson to be taken from their lives and applied to ours — particularly those who are just beginning their lives as opposed to those of us who have already found our ruts is that they’re living life the way they want to live it, and it seems to be working for them.

Instead of worrying about what everyone

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else thinks, these people are succeeding because they like themselves, and they like themselves because they’re doing what they want to do, the way they want to do it.

My commencement conclusion: Running with the crowd won’t get you where you want to go. To be happy, be yourself. You’ll find out soon enough that’s a lot harder than it sounds.

Time to throw those mortarboards in the air now ...

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6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214

Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or email to rwamre@advocatemag.com.

RICK WAMRE | president TOM ZIELINSKI | vice-president Advocate, © 2010, is published monthly by East Dallas –Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
P: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com OPENINGREMARKS

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For a physician referral or for more information about transplantation services at Baylor Dallas, call 1.800.4BAYLOR or visit us online at BaylorHealth.com/Transplant.

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9 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands June 2010
Baylor Regional Transplant Institute is an oversight board that integrates the transplant services at Baylor University Medical Center and Baylor All Saints Medical Center. Physicians are members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Health Care System’s subsidiary,community or affiliated medical centers and are neither employees nor agents of those medical centers,Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas or Baylor Health Care System.. ©2009 Baylor Health Care System BUMC CE 10.09


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I recently attended the White Rock Local Market after seeing it mentioned on Advocatemag.com. I wanted to attend after reading your article about the “Texas Worm Rancher” who was a vendor (lovely and interesting woman!). What a lovely market — it reminded me of the local markets in Europe. I also met representatives of the White Rock Local Market that had a petition asking for support of local markets. They reminded me that local markets “strengthen our community, create a new venue for local farmers and artisan producers, and bring healthy, fresh alternatives to East Dallas residents.”

Thank you for mentioning the White Rock Local Market. I only wish that more people knew about it. When I returned home, I read the Dallas Morning News article aboutthe status of localmarkets like the White Rock Local Market.Is it possible that the Advocate can do an article orblog post concerning regulations that the Dallas City council is getting ready to make, and how the public can voice their opinion? I don’t want the Dallas City Council to increase the vendor fees to be the same as Dallas Farmer’s Market because it would drive the small vendor away to the suburbs.If they put too many regulations on vendors, they will cease to buy exhibit space. Surely a city with 1.2 million people can support more than just a single downtown farmers market.

Editor’s note: In the March Advocate story “It’s a Farmer’s Market Out There”, we tackle the topic of local market regulations. Check the Back Talk blog for updates.

BELL WHA ... ?


Coming soon, new gifts and home accents under $50. Look for a new pet bed line from Isabella Collection it will definitely be something to bark about!

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As a younger resident, new to Lake Highlands, what are the “Bell Boys”? [Advocate Back Talk blog, Bell Boys for 2010-11 announced”, April 26].


Bell Boys are a group of four senior guys voted into the position by the student body at the end of their junior year. Their job is basically to spread school spirit for Lake Highlands everywhere they go. That includes being on the field during football games ringing the bell, hence the name Bell Boys. They also run the flag across the Boneyard, our home stadium, after Lake Highlands scores. Bell Boys have to be crowd pleasers and must be able to spread school spirit in a humorous way. They also perform at pep rallies. The Bell Boys were around when my mother was in school, and may go back about 40 years.


Maybe I just don’t know what I’m missing, but with McDonald’s, Sonic, Burger King, Braums, Wendy’s, Whataburger, Dairy Queen, and the dozens of other greasy-spoon fast food joints, is another one really something to get excited about? [Advocate Back Talk blog, “In-N-Out: Six Dallas-area sites said to be under contract”, April 25].


I’ve heard amazing things from West Coast friends. I can’t wait to try the fresh fries.


My wife and I moved to Texas back in 2002 due to job relocation from California. We’ve only been back to Cali twice, and each time we’ve made it a point to not eat anything on the last leg of our road trip just so we make In-N-Out or first stop to get us back in the California groove.

Yeah, it will be a little different having a hot double animal fries and shake here in Texas, but if we just close our eyes on that first initial bite, I’m sure we’ll snap back to the California state of mind. Dude!


WE LOVE YOUR BACK TALK. Visit advocatemag.com to read and comment on this month’s stories and daily Back Talk blog updates. Comments may be printed in the magazine.

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands


I was surprised to find myself in agreement with the mayor on a major issue [Advocate Back Talk blog, “Ethics, no-bid contracts and the city council”, April 29]. I heard much of the debate on WRR Radio. Some of the comments missed the mark entirely. The fact that Assistant City Manager [A.C.] Gonzalez had worked “hard” and three years on the contract is irrelevant to its merits. And [State Rep. Helen] Giddings’s civic endeavors? No relation. The vendors went through 9/11? So did vendors at airports all across the country. I sent an email, through the city’s website, to each member of the council. I said I thought vendors at the farmers market might be asking for the same favorable treatment that those at Love Field received. As to the claim of “millions” of dollars brought to the city by Ms. Johnson, that’s what she was elected to do.


Oh, who cares if the city is broke, can’t fix its streets, will probably have to make drastic cuts to libraries, parks, police, fire, EMS and on and on? As long as some of these elected folks get their cut right now, there can’t be a problem. Right?


CORRECTIONS: In “Modern Family”, May Advocate, the Myers-Beikmann family’s portrait photographer is Andie Hamilton, who has a studio in Lakewood.

The child pictured in “Family Tree”, May Advocate, is 3-year-old Georgia Fairbanks, daughter of Tiffany Fairbanks.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010 ON THE WEB

facebook fan profile // Le SLI e cL ay lives in Lake Highlands with her husband of 26 years, Jeff, and she has two sons, Alex and Will. She’s chief development officer for Hope Cottage Pregnancy & Adoption Center, despite childhood aspirations to be either a TV reporter or orchestral arranger.

what’s a little-known fact about you? A couple of things. I was voted Class Grouch of my high school class (Hobbs High School class of 1975) as was my father (class of 1951) and my brother (class of 1978). My mom says it is a genetic defect from my father’s side of the family. Also, I did an internship in college where I worked on a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor, and interestingly enough, I was named after the character she played in “Giant”, which was filmed on land owned by the family of the girl my cousin would eventually marry. Talk about less than six degrees of separation.

what would your career be if you could do it all over again without consequences? Either an opera singer or a rock star.

what’s the one thing you wish you could do but are reasonably sure you never will? Be a good dancer. what’s your most treasured possession? I drive a black two-seater Pontiac Solstice convertible that I have nicknamed the Batmobile. I am young, thin and blonde in that car. If the sun is shining and it is above 40 degrees, the top is down!

what’s one question you think other Facebook fans could help you answer? What is the appeal of all those games like Mafia and Zoo? If you could only eat at one neighborhood restaurant for the rest of your life, which would it be? ST Café.

what item in your closet is most humiliating? My mother would probably say that the state of my closet should be the most humiliating thing!

what do you love about the age you’re at now? Being over 50 (cough, cough), you get sort of a liberated feeling — the kids are grown, you don’t have to cook supper if you don’t want to, you only have to consider your husband when making plans. Girlfriends — some of whom I have known since I was 3 — are more available for fun.

what’s your favorite guiltypleasure website? Shoes.com, except I don’t feel guilty at all for shoes. A girl’s feet gotta look good! Do you have a favorite quote?

“Always stay sober, you never know who you are going to run into.” who is your hero and why? My parents. They did OK raising my brother and me — and believe me, it wasn’t an easy job.

want to be the Sub Ject oF an aDvocate Fan ProFILe? Go to our Facebook page and post “I want to be a fan profile” —we’ll take it from there.

win free stuff // conteStS & ProMoS:

It’s summer vacation time, and whether you’ll be on a beach or touring the Louvre, you’ll need a magazine (for surf-side reading or shooing off other tourists, see?). Take the Advocate with you, send us a picture of you and it on location, and you’ll receive a newly designed Advocate T-shirt. Mail

to editor@ advocatemag. com.

“indeed bill was fun to read, and to spar with electronically! i never met him in person but i did know him, as we became cyber friends. i will miss chancing upon his commentary.” —RAREPAIR on “BIll KEnnEdy: 1955-2010”

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You said it If your comment is printed in “You said it” we’ll send you a a Free aDvocate t-ShIrt. C AITY COLVArd Call René today for a great real estate or remodeling experience. 214-497-2035 Call René today for a great real estate or remodeling experience. 214-497-2035 The help you need. Advice you can trust.
an expert remodeler as well. So whether you’re looking to turn your house into a dream home, buy new or sell for the best price, René Barrera is the agent for you. Get the Trusted Results® you deserve. The help you need. Advice you can trust. René isn’t your average agent. He has many years of experience in your neighborhood, and he’s an expert remodeler as well. So whether you’re looking to turn your house into a dream home, buy new or sell for the best price, René Barrera is the agent for you. Get the Trusted Results® you deserve. LiveInLakeHighlands.com LiveInLakeHighlands.com ©2010.Equal Housing Opportunity. 214-341-0330 / 214-826-0316 10233 East Northwest Highway, Suite 438 6441 East Mockingbird ® ® Please proofread carefully: pay attention to spelling, grammar, phone numbers and design. Color proofs: because of the difference in equipment and conditions between the color proofing and the pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute an acceptable delivery. ❏ Approved as is ❏ Approved with corrections ❏ Additional proof needed Signed Thank you for your business! 6301 Gaston Avenue Suite 820 • Dallas, Texas 75214 PH: 214.823.5885 FX: 214.823.8866 ReneBarrera_thrdV_06-10_LH
René isn’t your average agent. He has many years of experience in your neighborhood, and he’s
To read the entire Q&A go to advocatemag.com and search “Leslie Clay”.

A Facebook group “I’ll Bet I Can Find 1,000,000 People Who Think Libraries Are Important” had fewer than 100,000 fans. Do you use your neighborhood library? And if yes, which one and how so?

Libraries offer free education and entertainment to the masses. It doesn’t matter what your economic status is, you can come in and have free access to books that can inform and transform you. I hope libraries will always be around in some form or other.

Both my husband and I have been faithful library patrons forever. But my husband has become a power user since he discovered the joy of interlibrary loans. He requests CDs, movies, books via the computer and picks up his requests at our local library branch, Lochwood. So if you look for something in the DPL system and can’t find it, ask about interlibrary loans.


You’ve seen our bylines, our blog posts, our tweets and our Facebook posts. But who are we, really?



JOB TITLE// Babb recently took over as managing editor of all five Advocate magazines and still helms the Lake Highlands publication.

LIVESIN// Lake Highlands

ADVOCATE SERVITUDE// Babb has been here since February 2008.

FAVORITE QUOTE// “Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.” —from the movie “Anchorman”


OBJECT OR ORNAMENT// “Surfing Obama bobblehead, which my parents begrudgingly brought me back from Hawaii.”

HOBBIES// Running

FAVORITE PART OF YOUR JOB// “Putting the finishing touches on a complex, meaningful or difficult story — in a way, it’s like finishing a marathon or giving birth.”




AREA Search: Aggie Akpo

WE LOVE YOUR BACK TALK. Visit advocatemag.com to read and comment on this month’s stories and daily Back Talk blog updates. Comments may be printed in the magazine.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010 ON THE WEB

Remodeling Talk...

Aging in Place (AIP) and Accessibility Changes for Your Home

What you need to know…

Oftentimes, it’s common to experience accessibility and safety challenges in our homes that affect our guests, and even residents. Now is a great time to begin thinking long-term about accommodating the changing needs of the people who live in and visit your home. Creating the right environment requires what’s known as an Aging in Place (AIP) plan.

We’ll help you get started in this month’s issue of Remodeling Talk. You’ll learn about safety and accessibility modifications, and ways to make your home more adaptable as your needs change in the future. We’ll tell you who to talk to, and why only certain remodelers like Bella Vista Company are able to make modifications according to NAHB standards.

Common Modifications for AIP Clients

The possibilities for AIP modifications are infinite. An experienced remodeler can assess your particular needs and offer a variety of solutions to accommodate them. Here are some of the most common AIP modifications:


Depending on the health and physical ability of residents and visitors, you may need to widen doorways for more clearance, eliminate steps for wheelchair accessibility and maneuverability, and possibly install a ramp. Vertical lifts, platform lifts, chair lifts and residential elevators can make two-story homes more accessible. Driveways and garages are another consideration. Slippery surfaces can be changed to textured, non-slip surfaces that are easier to maintain, and the garage can be renovated for better maneuverability.

Bathrooms and Kitchens

To improve maneuverability in the bathroom, space can be expanded, bath and shower grab bars installed, and specially designed

bathing facilities can replace standard units.

In the kitchen, the workflow design can be improved, counter top heights may need to be lowered, and cabinetry can be redesigned to make the area more user-friendly. Entry to the kitchen may need to be widened and ramps can replace single steps for better access.

Other Modifications

Around the house, contrasting colors can be used to show subtle differentiations in level changes, edges, hot, cold, or danger. The HVAC system can be modernized

to make controls easier to use and filters easier to maintain. The electrical system and lighting can be revised to address the new requirements of other AIP renovations around the house.

Who Can Help?

To create the right AIP plan for your home, start talking early on with a remodeler. Look for the (CAPS) Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist designation, which indicates specific training in the needs of aging adults and the disabled, AIP modifications, and solutions to common problems. CAPS professionals have training in the strategies for designing and building aesthetically enriching, barrierfree living environments.

Most CAPS certified remodelers, including Bella Vista Company, would be glad to answer your questions even if you’re just beginning to consider an AIP plan. We’re especially happy to take your calls early on – to ensure you stay in your home and remain our friend and neighbor for many years to come.

Questions about AIP?

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S A rie Morri S on scored an unprecedented six gold medals at this year’s state gymnastics meet, leading the LHHS varsity gymnastics team to victory. w hen we caught up with the 2010 grad (which, with her schedule, isn’t easy to do) she talked about what it takes to be a young elite athlete, her plans for the future, and the people who keep her going.

How did you get started as a gymnast?

My parents put me in classes when I was 3 years old because I was hyper, and they thought it would be a good idea. I liked it so much that a couple years later, when I was just 5 or 6, I joined a team and started taking it seriously. I started practicing more and really just fell in love with the sport. As a kid it was my favorite thing to do.

What about when you got older?

I actually quit before my sophomore year. It stopped being fun. I was training with an elite team and going to Spring Creek Academy, a school for kids who spend more than 30 hours a week practicing a sport. I got burned out. Tired. I wanted to be a normal kid.

So how did you return to the sport?

I started school at LHHS my sophomore year, and I ran into Addi [Ledford], the school gymnastics coach, who asked me if I’d like to join the team. I knew Hannah [Van Meter] from my earlier years of gymnastics, and Hannah was on the team, so I figured it might be fun. When I started practicing with them, I fell in love with it again. Then I got back into club gymnastics, too. I re-focused on my goals, such as going to college and getting a scholarship. I started sending letters out to colleges my sophomore year.

15 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands June 2010 June 2010
Got A L AunCH-wortHy ide A? Let us know about it: Call editor Christina Hughes Babb at 214.560.4204 or email launch@advocatemag.com.
CAn TürkyILMAz



She is amazing. She’s more than a coach; she’s like my best friend. She knows your strengths and weaknesses, and your dream is her dream. She is also a gymnast who competed at Auburn University and then at George Washington University.


LSU. When I started thinking about schools, my dad and brother, huge LSU fans, were going [to Louisiana] for the LSU-Alabama game, and I called to see if I could come for a visit. They were very happy to have me, and said they’d been scouting me since eighth grade. When I toured the campus, I just loved it. I committed to LSU my junior year — they offered me a full scholarship and signed with them this year.


More than I used to. At Spring Creek I was in a class with four other kids. It’s not that way at LHHS! I have way more friends now. I still have to sprint from school to the gym everyday, then go home and do my homework and studying and then go to bed exhausted every weekday, but I don’t have practice on the weekends, so I actually have a social life.


It’s not out of the question, but the first thing I will focus on will be college.


Of course my parents. They have been with me all along the way and have encouraged me to go for my biggest dreams. Beside Addi, my club coaches have also been great. And my teammates at the gym.


It was just the greatest experience. We knew that with me, Hannah and Kristen [DeCosta] we could do it, but the feeling it was great. Just a great accomplishment.

READ MORE about Sarie Morrison (and other LHHS athletes) on the advocatemag.com Lake Highlands Sports Blog, updated daily.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010 PETPAUSE born to be wild Cruising canine SIMON loves wind-in-the-hair scooter rides through Lake Highlands with his people poppa, MARK SHERROD. grab-bagLAUNCH WANT YOUR PET FEATURED? Send a non-returnable photo to: PetPause, 6301 Gaston, Ste. 820, Dallas 75214; or email jpeg to launch@advocatemag.com Kay Wheeler 214-458-3426 Nancy Plotts 214-240-7096 Betsy Troup 214-415-3653 Rucker Hill 214.763.7395 Wendy Lucas 214-384-2050 To work with the winning team to buy or sell your home, call us today! nathan-grace.com Peggy Hill 214-632-6630 From Start to Finish, the Hill Group will keep you on track We have been running Lake Highlands for over 30 years

(214) 670-9989


artist in restaurant

If Burger Spot has a flaw, it’s lack of seating. Since it opened last November, it has attracted droves of carnivorous Lake Highlands dwellers with its tasty burgers, salty fries and those addictive fried jalapeños (those and the black bean burgers have us hooked). But it’s not just the comfortingly familiar foods that make people feel at home here — the ambience (namely, a mural that covers the south wall nearly in its entirety) seals the deal. White Rock area artist Casey Parrot, brother to owner John Harris’s daughter-in-law, painted the piece, which “moves” from Principal Office in Dallas

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands

morning to evening in scenes that include downtown Dallas, Flag Pole Hill and Wildcat-Ram Stadium, to name a few. “I took some photos of the sites and started with sketches, and then it just sort of evolved and became my own,” he says. Harris made a few suggestions concerning what to include in the mural, but Parrot has a good feel for the subject matter. He went to an arts magnet school, not LHHS, but says he spent a week at the football stadium during the Dallas Cup soccer tournament when he was young. “I also spent an afternoon at Flag Pole Hill to get a good feel for that before I painted it ... and I went to high school in downtown Dallas, so I know that area well, too.”


Financing for whatever moves you.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
From cars to trucks and motorcycles to RVs, let State Farm Bank® finance or refinance all your vehicles. Call one of us today for more information on our competitive rates. State Farm Bank Home Office: Bloomington, IL P096011 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 4.14 APR* % AS LOW AS *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as of 02/24/10. Subject to credit approval and other requirements. The rate you receive may be higher. Advertised rates are subject to change at the Bank’s discretion. Some products and services may not be available in all service areas. Jim Collins CLU 11807 Preston Road Bus: 214-349-7455 www.jimcollinsclu.com Reginald W. Johnson 6333 E Mockingbird Ste. 275 www.reginaldwjohnson.com Bus: 214-821-4242 Jennifer Wilcox 10233 E Northwest Hwy Ste. 516 Bus: 214-348-0480 www.jenniferwilcox.com Rob Braun 9601 White Rock Trail Ste. 214 Bus: 214-343-1515 www.robbraun.net Dirk Hilkmann 9090 Skillman St Ste. 287A Bus: 214-343-2500 www.dirk4u.com John M. Hamman CPCU 8330 Abrams Road Ste.104 Bus: 214-341-3050 www.johnhamman.com


Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits


at the Vickery Meadow Learning Center, 6329 Ridgecrest. You could volunteer as an adult classroom teacher, activity club teacher or pre-school assistant at the center, which is dedicated to improving English literacy levels among non-English speaking adults and their young children by providing programs in communication and life skills. They believe that the ability to understand, read, write and speak English contributes to independence, productivity and the overall well-being of the students, their families and the greater community. Contact Amy Glover, adult program director, aglover@vmlc. org or 214.265.5057 ext. 12.


... at the Meets Casino Night benefiting Dress For Success Dallas, an organization that aims to improve women’s lives by providing them professional clothing and tools to empower them in their careers. The event, presented by Kathydid Collection, is Friday, June 11 from 6:3011:30 p.m. The festivities will include casino games, drinks, appetizers and a silent auction. Individual tickets are $35 advance purchase and $40 at the door of the Deux Lounge, 5321 Mockingbird. Visit dfsdallas.org to RSVP and purchase your ticket.

KNOW OF WAYS that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands LAUNCHgrab-bag


$14-$25 It’s no surprise that “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” is the sequel to “Clack, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type”, which was a hit for the Dallas Children’s Theater last summer. One is about literary cows, and the other is about a duck that writes notes. The musical plays are based on books written by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Betsy Lewin. In “Giggle, Giggle, Quack”, Farmer Brown takes a vacation and leaves his city-slicker brother, Bob, in charge with instructions for care of the animals. But Duck rewrites the instructions, demanding “pizza for the hen”, “bubble baths for the pig” and “movie night for the cow”. What a sneaky mallard. Cronin will attend performances on June 19 and sign copies of her books. Baker Theater, Rosewood Center for Family Arts, 5938 Skillman. 214.740.0051 or dct.org.


$15 The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Texas presents this film festival, which includes documentaries, music videos and comedies. The short films feature local pets in starring roles. Ticket sales will benefit homeless animals in the area. The festival begins at 6 p.m. inside Studio Movie Grill, 11170 N. Central. spca.org or petflix.org.

GOLF TOURNAMENT $125-$600 The Lake Highlands Wildcat Club’s ninth annual Cat Classic golf tournament starts with a lunch at noon. The 1:30 p.m. tournament is followed by dinner and an awards ceremony. Individual golfers can choose from $125 and $300 sponsorship packages, and a $600 sponsorship receives four playing spots. Canyon Creek Country Club, 625 West Lookout Dr., Richardson. 214.503.7869 or lhwildcatclub.org.


$7-$10 Do it dad’s way with a Frank Sinatra tribute from 1-3 p.m. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Road. 214.515.6500 or dallasarboretum.org.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
happeningsLAUNCH GOONLINE Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.

Delicious. &


WHEN YOU COME TO CENTRAL 214, leave your diet at the door. This is, after all, the place you come to indulge in delightfully sinful dishes like chicken-fried Kobe steak and mac-and-cheese made with smoked gouda and Serrano ham, all masterminded by Blythe Beck, the self-proclaimed “naughty chef” because she never skimps on flavor, or the calories. She’s lightening it up a bit this summer with options like fresh diver scallops, but don’t worry, she’s still keeping it naughty with a side of corn-bacon succotash and crispy fried barbecue onions. You can pamper that palate out on the recently refurbished patio, which includes a new fireplace all just in time for the Sunday night outdoor movie series, which fires up in June.



Three more spots to splurge

If the 14 oz prime strip isn’t enough, finish with the “Bailey’s Boozie”: a brownie topped with Irish cream liqueur ice cream, homemade hot fudge, roasted almonds, brandied cherries, whipped cream and Heath bar chunks.

PARK LANE & CENTRAL 214.750.8100


Get your seafood fix here with original dishes like the citrus-ceviche martini or lobster ravioli topped with blue jumbo lump crabmeat.



Consider it the ultimate carnivore indulgence: The burger bar in the NorthPark Center store lets you choose from five types of patties (including Kobe beef), four types of buns, six kinds of cheese, and dozens of sauces and toppings.

PARK LANE & CENTRAL 214.363.8311


FOOD ANDWINE ONLINE. Visit our website at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/dining

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Pictured: Diver scallops with corn-bacon succotash and crispy barbecue onions



The BEST BE E E AT S in our neighborhood

ANOTHER BROKEN EGG $FB Another Broken Egg just celebrated its one year anniversary serving the most unique breakfast, brunch, and lunch in Dallas. Come try our updated menu serving oscar benedict, eggs sardou, and the first ever lobster omelette in Dallas. Every Tuesday is Seniors’ Tuesdays, 50 % off your bill. We also do private parties and banquets at night. Enjoy the unique ability to host your private function with the entire restaurant at your disposal. Locally owned by Chris Harwood and Michael Obrien. 1152 N Buckner Blvd (across from Doctors Hospital) 214.954.7182.

BACK COUNTRY BBQ $WB Over 30 years of Texas-style BBQ. Family dining - 8 different meats, variety of homemade vegetables. Complete catering & custom cooking. Beer, wine, margaritas. 6940 Greenville Ave. 214.696.6940.

CHUBBY’S $ When looking for a restaurant to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, we all want a place that serves up variety, hearty helpings and even bigger portions of friendliness. The Touris family has developed a recipe that

delivers all of the above at a good price. With four locations in the Metroplex, Chubby’s Family Restaurant provides a rustic setting with down home cooking. Catering available.

Locations: 11331 E. NW Hwy. 214-348-6065 and 7474 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. 972-298-1270..


Since 1980, we have offered the finest Chinese food in Dallas. Choose from our gourmet

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010 For more information call 214-560-4203 or email jliles @advocatemag.com
214.560.4203 to advertise in this section. D I N I N G SPOTLIGHT BURGERS & SALADS 9090 Skillman St. (Between Royal & Audelia) 214.221.9206 6750 Abrams Rd. @ Skillman, Ste 105 Dallas, TX 75231 214.342.9200 stoneelephant.com
@ Burger Spot everything is made fresh right when you order. We proudly handcraft our gourmet burgers and fresh cut potatoes every morning. Featuring freshly ground All-Natural Black Angus beef and farm fresh produce from local growers.
$5 lunches daily, Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-8pm and all day Sunday. Kitchen is
open until 2am. FAMILY DINING
PATIO SEASON IS HERE! Come enjoy great food and beverages, arcade games, a pool table, and plenty of room for your group or private party.
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CHINESE & MANDARIN CUISINE 1152 Buckner Blvd. 214.321.7599 szechwanpavilion.com 11331 E. N. W. Hwy. (at Jupiter) 214.348.6065 OPEN 7 Days Hours: 6am - 10pm 4 Locations to Serve You! Lunch & Dinner specials starting at $ 5 99 7 Days a Week Family Owned & Operated Since 1987 www.eatatchubbys.com
convenient buffet.

We not only import some of the best wines from around the world, but we also search our own backyard.



Welcome to the eighth annual Advocate rosé column, where motto is: If it’s summer and you have $10, you can buy a pretty good rosé — and sometimes even get change back.

The quality of rosé has improved dramatically since I started the annual rosé column. I don’t know that I have actually tasted poorly made rosé in the past couple of years. Some of them have been too expensive, but that’s another story.

The most important thing to know about rosé is that it isn’t white zinfandel (or white merlot or whatever); rosés are pink wines made with red grapes, and they aren’t sweet. Why are they pink? Because the red grape skins are left in the fermenting grape juice just long enough to color the wine. That’s how all wine gets its color, in fact. White wine is white because the skins aren’t used to color the wine.

Rosés’ fruit flavors are mostly red berries (think strawberry or cranberry). They should be served chilled, and they pair with pretty much any food, including beef and barbecue. Rosé was made for Sunday afternoon, sitting on the back porch, rosé in hand, and burgers on the grill.

A note on vintages: Look for 2009, and be wary of anything dated much earlier than 2008. Rosés are not made to age, and they should be fresh and flavorful. The color in older vintages starts to fade, like paper that yellows.

Rosé styles vary by country. Spanish wines are going to be bone dry with less fruit flavor. French and South American rosés are a little more fruity, while U.S. rosés are the most fruity of all. Some U.S. wines are so full of strawberry flavor that they might even seem sweet. Any of the following (and this is far from a complete list) are well worth trying; you can find them all at Central Market:

Yes, the name is silly, but the quality of the wine makes up for it. This is the rosé for people who want to try something other than white zinfandel. It’s not sweet, but as noted above, it’s so fruity that there is a suggestion of sweetness.


isn’t much known for rosés, but this wine shows that it should be. The Yalumba is more like a Spanish rosé, with very little fruit and lots of minerality. Plus, using sangiovese gives it an interesting little something that many other rosés don’t have. Highly recommended.

Also made with sangiovese, but with more fruit (cranberry?) and not quite as much minerality as the Yalumba. This is a style of rosé for people who say they don’t like rosé because it’s too fruity.

JEFF SIEGEL’SWEEKLYWINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on the Advocate Back Talk blog, advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/blog.

DALLAS 5750 E. LOVERS LANE | 214-234-7000 PLANO 320 COIT ROAD | 469-241-8300
25 - July 4 for Big
as we celebrate great taste from the Lone Star State.

Hummus for people who don’t like hummus

Hummus is one of those things that scares people. What is it? How do you eat it? In fact, though most of the time it’s served as a dip, it actually makes a fine side dish for a summer vegetarian-style dinner. Try it with marinated vegetables, corn on the cob, and pitas or crusty bread. It’s the kind of dinner rosé was made for. And use canned chickpeas — boiling dried chickpeas is one of the least rewarding pursuits in the annals of cooking.

Serves four, takes about 15 minutes (adapted from Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything”)

2 c canned chickpeas, drained (reserve liquid)

1/2 c sesame paste (tahini)

1/4 c olive oil plus 1 teaspoon

1 garlic clove, peeled

1 Tbsp ground cumin

Juice of 1 lemon

Salt and pepper to taste

1. Put everything except one teaspoon of olive oil in a food processor and blend. You want a fine puree. Add the reserved chickpea liquid if the mixture is too thick.

2. Taste. Adjust seasonings, garlic and lemon juice if necessary. Serve in a bowl, drizzled with the remaining olive oil and sprinkled with cumin.

ask the WINE GUY?


Rosé is made to be dry; that is, all the sugar in the grapes is converted into alcohol. White zinfandel (or white merlot) is made to be sweet. Either sugar is added during the winemaking process, or some of the sugar in the grapes isn’t converted into alcohol. Those wines will have lower alcohol content.

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010 ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com food&wineLAUNCH
GROCERY LIST 6316 Gaston Avenue Dallas, Texas 75214 On the corner of Gaston & La Vista, across from Starbucks 214.823.LAKE (5253) dentalcenteroflakewood.com dentalcenteroflakewood Travis Spillman, DDS Now that’s something to smile about!



Free lunch? No such thing. $5 lunch? We have just the thing.

From burgers to bratwurst, there’s a nearby eatery that keeps both your wallet and stomach full at lunchtime.

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands

Stone e lephant

$5 » Quesadillas or chicken tenders

the vibe: easily transforms from family restaurant to party place/sports bar during karaoke or livemusic evenings, or during a big game.

Why it’s a bang for your buck: The aforementioned quesadillas and tenders are but two of several specials on the $5 lunch menu. Vienna hot dogs, salads and a BLTA (bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado) also are among the offerings.

for a fe W dollars more: Add house fries, pasta salad, slaw or elephant Chips for $1.95, or a drink for $2.50.

tip: Lunch specials are offered every day, even Sundays, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., and the bar stays open ’til 2 a.m. daily.


t aque RI a l o S a lto S

$4.99 » taco lunch special

the vibe: Tucked behind a billiards bar and protected by burglar bars, the clean, roomy and authentic taqueria offers friendly table service.

Why it’s a bang for your buck: The taco lunch special includes three tacos with a choice of meat (chicken, pork or beef) plus rice and beans. Free chips with a selection of mild to hot salsas make the meal a steal.

for a fe W dollars more: Add a soda or a beer for a buck or two.

tip: Open weekdays from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. only; they’re not open for dinner. Saturday hours are extended until 4 p.m.

a BR a MS & no R th W e S t h IG h W a Y 214.361.6769

27 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands June 2010
SKI ll M an & a BR a MS

your search starts here

Bistro B $4.99 » Grilled chicken vermicelli

The vibe: Consider yourself warned — bright, erratic décor and a half-dozen television sets surrounding a buzzing dining area might initially shock the senses. A counter up front is backed by digital, ever-shifting menus and several (usually) busy staffers. More TVs, a computer and an impressive aquarium entertain if you’re waiting on takeout.

Why iT ’s a bang for your buck: Portions are large, as is the menu and selection, and the fish sauce is to die for.

for a fe W dollars more: Grab deli delights such as fresh spring rolls, candies, gelatin-like desserts, coffees and cappuccinos.

Tip: Fresh egg rolls are four for $1 when you buy them at the counter. Politely make your presence known when you arrive, or you risk being overlooked.

28 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
AUDEL i A & WALNU t str EE t 214.575.9885 4 3


THE VIBE: Not much to look at and hardly any seating, but these dogs are worth standing for.

WHY IT’S A BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: “No frills” applies (and boy, does it) only to the atmosphere, because the Chicago hot dog is overflowing with toppings — yellow mustard, diced onions, bright green relish, tomato slices, kosher pickle wedges, sport peppers and celery salt for starters.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE: A bag of chips and a can of soda (no fountain soda and no refills) will run you about $2.

TIP: Eddie’s is closed Sundays. Hours of operation are 11a.m.-8 p.m., officially, but they usually will take orders until 9 p.m. Mon.-Sat.



advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
ALL THE FUN OF SUMMER with none of the bugs or chemicals Fireman-Owned Family-Operated Area’s Largest Organic Garden Center organicdynamics.com
All natural mosquito sold at Ron’s

Keller’s $4.95 » No. 5 double-meat special with fries a N d a lemoN ade

The vibe: Waitresses serve you at your car, and you might find yourself parked between a gang of middle-aged bikers and a soccer mom steering a kid-filled SuV.

Why iT ’s a bang for your buck: Reliably good, cheap burgers since the 1960s. Plus, the place is a piece of Dallas history.

for a fe W dollars more: Add cheese to your fries or tots for $1.50. A six-pack of beer is $5.25.

Tip: Be sweet to your carhop. At least one of them has been there all 40-some years.

aB ra M s & NO r THW es T 214.368.1209

7 5



THE VIBE: The bright yellow-and-red double drive-thru, which includes limited picnic-table seating, serves up savorysweet combos. What was once a very niche-y biz seems to have developed a cult following.

WHY IT’S A BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: All the chicken baskets are served with fries, pickles, a hot pepper and bread, and you can substitute any of those for a waffle or coleslaw.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE: Add another leg or thigh for $1.75 or a breast for $3.

TIP: Bring cash because Mama doesn’t do plastic.






THE VIBE: Italian bistro that’s usually bustling. You’re likely to see one of your neighbors on any given lunch hour. There’s a banquet room in back, but it’s not always open. Service generally is swift and friendly. Once you’ve been in a time or two, you’ll know the staff, and they’ll know you.

WHY IT’S A BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: The artichoke salad — with mounds of mozzarella, Canadian bacon and artichoke hearts — could feed two.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE: Start with an order of fried calamari for $3.95.

TIP: Feel free to bring your own bottle of wine (if you have the afternoon off, that is).




advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
6 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS LOCATED AT CAMPBELL CENTRE “Our business is protecting yours.” Real Estate Entity Formation Contracts Arbitration Business Law Civil Litigation Employment Family Law PROVIDING COST-CONSCIOUS REPRESENTATION IN: 8150 N. Central Expressway Suite M1150, Dallas, TX 75206 info@stoddardnortham.com (214) 884-4900 stoddardnortham.com Sandia 36 Colors, Stainmaster, Tactesse Was $4.69 sq.ft., Now $4.11 sq.ft. Hemingway 41 Colors, Stainmaster, Textured Cut and Loop. Perfect for Master Suites and Family Rooms. Was 4.50sq.ft., Now 3.93 sq.ft. Sheffield Luxurious Cut Pile with Unsurpassed Softness, Durability and Stain Resistance. Was $4.88sq.ft., Now $4.21 sq.ft. Cameron 40 Colors, Stainmaster Luxerell BCF Nylon, Deep Pile, Lasting Durability and Style. Was $5.65 sq.ft., Now $4.88 sq.ft. Lake Highlands 8426 Abrams Rd. Ste. 310 214-503-1324 Frisco 2595 Preston Rd. Ste. 200 972-712-2341 W. Plano/N. Dallas 17194 Preston Rd. Ste. 151 972-248-0991 Park Cities 4354 Lovers Lane 214-528-4808













THE VIBE: Old-school burger joint where it’s OK to spill a little ketchup on the beat-up red leather seats.

WHY IT’S A BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: 1/3pound burgers come topped with the freshest veggies.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE: Add a bowl of chili, stuffed jalapeños or an apple turnover for $2.99, $2.15 and 99 cents, respectively.

TIP: Rick’s also has a Mexican food menu with items priced just above the $5 mark — a soft-taco plate or a chili taco salad for $5.25, for example — and it has also recently added salmon burgers to the menu.








JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands



THE VIBE: It’s set inside a tired strip center that recently lost a popular restaurant (Flavor), but comfy seating, bright colors, free wireless internet and an ever-spinning music mix are attracting ambiance- and deal-seeking diners.

WHY IT’S A BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: Choose from about 20 different hot or cold sandwiches served up on old-school hoagie buns.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE: A side of soup or a slice of red velvet cake will set you back about $1.75 and $2.75, respectively.

TIP: Return during evening hours for the same cheap-eats lineup, plus live music, poetry and comedy.







THE VIBE: Family-owned restaurant, after only about a year in business, has become popular with the neighborhood crowd.

WHY IT’S A BANG FOR YOUR BUCK: Soft tortillas, juicy meat and extras such as chips and salsa at the tables.

FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE: Sticky sweet sopapillas are $2.99.

TIP: Lunch specials offered MondayFriday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.



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advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
9 10

A lot of help from its friends

White Rock Lake gets lots of love, but could its advocates do more by combining efforts?

Denver has the Rockies, San Diego has breathtaking beaches and Dallas has White Rock Lake. It might be a stretch to compare our 1,100-acre manmade lake — even with its bountiful blooms, wildlife reserves, surrounding park space and 9.3-mile trail — to such wonders, but the urban gem is special to us because we made it.

To clarify, people who love the lake take care of it — they clean its shores, monitor its water, restore its historic buildings, care for its trees and celebrate its uniqueness. Over the years, lake lovers have formed groups to help pool their hard work, but might the organizations be more effective if they compressed their efforts? Before addressing that, a brief overview of the Rock’s best friends:

White Rock Lake Foundation

Jeannie terilli, a Dallas businesswoman, formed Friends of White Rock Lake in 1989. i n the mid-1990s it became the White Rock Lake Foundation. its mission is “to bring together and maxi-

mize the resources of the entire community into a coordinated effort for the benefit of White Rock Lake Park.”

s usan Falvo, a longtime board member and past president, says the organization serves as a steward for the implementa-

34 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
stoRy by chRistina hughes babb // Photos by RobeRt bunch Mariner sails Wind and Water sports lends kayaks to For the Love of the Lake volunteers who clean the water and shoreline.

tion of the Dallas Parks and Recreation board’s master plan for White Rock Lake. One of the foundation’s earliest accomplishments was gaining popular support for a $9 million lake-dredging project, which voters supported in the 1995 bond election.

“For a long time we were in the background, working with the city, and that sort of thing,” Falvo says. “One of the reasons I joined was because I had fundraising experience. We started holding a golf tournament, but we wanted to do a fundraiser that was at the lake.”

That’s when the White Rock Lake Festival, of which Flavo was the first chairperson, took shape. The festival, held early each May, usually attracts 10,000 to 15,000 guests, and helps fund projects that are part of the city’s master plan for White Rock Lake.

GET INVOLVED: If you’d like to join the foundation, email info@whiterocklakefoundation.org. “Jeannie [Terilli] or I answer all the emails,” Flavo promises.


FTLOTL formed in 1995 to tackle handson projects at the lake. Most notably, its Second Saturday Shoreline Spruce-Ups — where volunteers pick up litter and recyclables began in 1996 and has been growing in popularity ever since. For the last few years the spruce-ups have been held every Saturday, though the Second Saturday is still the best attended. FTLOTL president Susan Hello says she’s amazed at the dedication of the volunteers.

“One Saturday when it wasn’t more than 11 degrees outside, a young man who regularly helps out came back to the office with squishy wet pant legs,” she says.

Turns out he slipped into the lake when he first went out, but he worked like that for a couple hours.

“That’s why I call them our intrepid volunteers,” Hello says. “I cannot say enough about them.”

Since its inception, the organization has grown in size and in purpose, Hello says. “We have learned to do so much more.” FTLOTL has raised more than $1 million, renovated buildings such as the historic Big Thicket, and assembled a gargantuan army of loyal volunteers.

Along with the Dallas Park and Recreation Department, a few years ago FTLOTL created Celebration Tree Grove, an ongoing reforestation project.

“Last year we spent $53,000 on tree trim-

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
Concerts in the Garden PETER RABBIT’s Flower Village Cool Thursdays May Line-Up ummer at the Arboretum

ming and tree maintenance,” Hello says. For the Love of the Lake members also regularly monitor lake water quality.

GET INVOLVED: Visit the FTLOTL offices any Saturday morning between 8 and 10, grab some gloves and a trash bag, and head for the lakeshore. They’ll welcome you with open arms (plus Starbucks coffee and goodies from local eateries). whiterocklake.org


The burning of the Dreyfuss Club in 2006 was a catalyst for the formation of the White Rock Conservancy. Councilman Sheffie Kadane said at the time that it worried him that no funds were available to replace a building as significant to our neighborhood as the Dreyfuss Club. It was soon after the fire that he, former councilman Gary Griffith and others started organizing the new fundraising conglomerate.

After two years in existence, the group hired Rachel Fitzgerald as its executive director. Her primary job is to write grant proposals and garner private donations. The conservancy is working along with other group members and the city on next year’s centennial celebration.

The conservancy has been working with a City of Dallas architect over the past few months on a design for the new Dreyfuss building, which will occupy about the same space as the former club, and may be a little bigger. They estimate the project will cost about $3 million, and they aim to raise the funds for it. Other items on the conservancy’s fundraising agenda include trail improvements, lighting designated areas of the lake, dog park renovation and fishing pier reconstruction, to name a few.

Also, the conservancy is working closely with the city and others to plan a centennial celebration for White Rock Lake next year. “We are in the strategic planning process for the centennial. It’s going to be a [months-long] celebration based on the completion of the White Rock Lake spillway in 1911,” Fitzgerald says.

GET INVOLVED: Become a member at any level by mailing a check or donating online through The Dallas Foundation website, dallasfoundation.org, and entering White Rock Lake Conservancy in the “fund name”. Visit whiterockdallas.org for more information, or give Rachel Fitzgerald a call at 214.293.8996.

So, is three a crowd?

The Dallas Park Board, which ultimately oversees progress at White Rock Lake Park, works closely with each of these groups.

“It takes more staff time to deal with three different groups,” says Willis Winters, assistant director of the Park and Recreation Department.

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
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The Bath House Cutural Center showcases the work of White Rock area artists.



A group of White Rock area neighbors formed this group to lessen losses felt at the Bath House Cultural Center at White Rock Lake following the city’s budget balancing.

“City cuts severed funding for the director position at the Bath House, plus about $25,000 from the cultural center’s administrative budget,” says Mel Cyrak, the group’s vice president.

The group raised $50,000 to keep the director, Marty Van Kleeck (who has a wide range of responsibilities at the center) in her position.

“The city cut the position, but then reinstated it without funding” after the public complained, Cyrak explains.

District 9 Councilman Sheffie Kadane and District 10 Councilman Jerry Allen each contributed a portion of their discretionary funds toward the cultural center, he says, and profits from cultural events such as the Bath House Cultural Center Art Mart also help.

Cyrak and others hope to model the Friends of the Bath House after groups such as Friends of the Katy Trail.

That said, he would not necessarily advocate a combination of the groups.

“Each group has its own distinct character and combination of grassroots support. Each has its own niche, and the lake greatly benefits from all of them,” Winters says. “If they ever decided to coordinate, that impetus would come from within those groups, not the Park Board. It is working well as it is, and we enjoy a great relationship with members of each group.”

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
Join us for a special After Hours event benefitting the Dallas County Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. A $10 cash donation benefitting Susan G. Komen for the Cure® gets you in the event featuring music, wine, organic eats, FREE Garden Coach sessions, special pricing & more! The first 50 people in the door will receive goody bags filled with local savings & products. NHG will also donate 5% of all sales from the event. Full event details at www.nhg.com. Enter our Salsa Contest June 26th Fresh herbs, veggies and even fruit combine to make prize winning salsas! Prize details & an entry form at nhg.com

Those who regularly use the lake’s ammenities are often the same volunteers who help keep it pristine.

Group leaders seem to share the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy.

“I think it’s great that we have so many groups,” says White Rock Lake Foundation board member Susan Falvo. “A few years ago we heard it would take $70 million to see the White Rock Lake Master plan through, so if we have a million groups, great!”

Rachel Fitzgerald says the White Rock Lake Conservancy is committed to helping other groups meet their goals.

When asked about tension among members from various groups, FTLOTL’s Susan Hello acknowledges there has been some, though she doesn’t quite understand it.

“I don’t know the thought process there, but I am happy when good things happen for the lake. I think that’s how most feel.”

In that spirit, Hello and other FTLOTL members attended the White Rock Lake Festival last month.

“I was beaming at [the foundation’s] success,” Hello says. “How could you not be happy about that?”

JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Sponsored by: JAN STELL 972.733.9566 April MLS home sale statistics*, plus annual totals *Statistics are com piled by Ebby Halliday Realtors, and are de rived from Dallas Mul ti ple List ing Service (MLS). Numbers are believed to be re li able, but are not guar an teed. The Ad vo cate and Ebby Halliday Realtors are not re spon si ble for the ac cu ra cy of the in for ma tion. Walnut Hill FairOaks Whitehurst Church W e s t Fo r k J a c k s o n B r a n c h www.beautystoreandsalon.com Registerwithus onlinefor monthlyspecials, birthdays,anniversaries!GiftCertificatesAvailable! Notjusta beautystore, butalsoa giftboutiquejustforyou! $100 Gift Card Drawing at Each Location Every Month. Just Sign Up and Join Our Email List. *Gives You Bonus Coupons, Monthly Specials, Birthday and Anniversary Specials, and Special Promotions Emailed to You. The largest selection of professional beauty products in the metroplex at surprising low prices...plus AWESOME DEALS... “tobringoutthebeautyinyou.” $10 Any Purchase of $30 or more (Expires 6/30/10) Minimum of $30 purchase required. With coupon only. One coupon per customer. May not be combined with any other coupon or offer. No cash value. OFF 19 Years Locally Owned & Operated
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Good cop, Good cop

New Fox series ‘The Good Guys’ spotlights our neighborhood

Two cops burst into a back street and give chase to the bad guy who just robbed a pharmacy. A director yells “Cut!” and they do it again and again for the cameras.

This is not a Hollywood soundstage; it’s an exposition Park alley. All around Dallas, streets and homes, restaurants and bars are becoming film sets. And our neighbors are getting into the act.

Matt nix, creator of the television show “Burn notice”, chose Dallas as the backdrop for his new Fox series, “The Good Guys”, which premieres June 7 at 8 p.m.

In an unusual move, Fox bought a 13-episode season of the action comedy without seeing a pilot. Since television revenues are declining, nix is bringing the low-budget cable model to network television. Filming the show in Dallas — and making our city the setting — saves millions of dollars.

“We’re definitely cheaper than either coast,” says Janis Burklund, director of the Dallas Film Commission. “But we have D/FW airport, so you can get here

within four hours from new York or L.A. We’re the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the united States, and we’ve had the industry here for a long time.”

The film commission estimates that the show will, in its first season of filming, spend $16 million here on everything from catering and hotels to location rentals and talent.

The commission spent several months working up a case for why nix should film the show in Dallas and set it here.

The original pilot script was set in Los Angeles, but Burklund and her staff convinced nix to set it in Dallas because it’s cheaper — the crew doesn’t have to worry about making it look like L.A.

“We can’t put a value on the marketing value of having Dallas basically as a character in the show,” Burklund says. “It’s definitely more than we would ever have the ability to purchase.”

And of course, “The Good Guys” gives Dallas actors and film crew workers new opportunities.

It allowed Melissa Adami of Lake Highlands to fulfill her new Year’s reso-

lution “to be on a TV show.” Adami is a certified public accountant who works in real estate development. But she has acted since high school.

She enrolled in an email list for Dallas casting calls, and when an agency asked her to show up for a 6 a.m. call at Fair Park, she decided to take a day off and check that resolution off her list.

She was in the scene with the pharmacy robbery at expo Park as a passerby on the street. Then she donned a cop uniform and was “background” at the police station.

“That was fun,” she says. “I just walked around and talked to the other extras.”

Later, she put on some business clothes and was in the background of a legal office.

“I worked from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., I think,” she says. “It was rugged.”

Adami, who has acted in independent films, says she was impressed with the scope of the operation. The agency asked her back, but now that she has crossed off that resolution, she’s already onto the next one.

Fair Park takes center stage in the show. It’s the location for the police headquarters where the main characters, Dan Stark and Jack Bailey — played by Bradley Whitford and Colin Hanks, respectively — check in with

40 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
All around Dallas, streets and homes, restaurants and bars are becoming film sets. PhoTo by c AN TurkyilmAz

the boss, Ana Ruiz, who is played by Diana Maria Riva.

East Dallas businesses Times Ten Cellars, Faulkner Dry Cleaning, Corner Market and many others also have been tapped as locations.

“It was amazing how many people and how much equipment they sent for a segment that’s supposed to be about two minutes long,” says Rob Wilson, Times Ten co-owner. “We didn’t realize the number of people it takes to do something like that. But it worked out great.”

The crew showed up at 6 a.m. and finished at about 1 p.m., he says.

Corner Market on Lower Greenville has been a location for a national Ford commercial and a Texas Lottery commercial. And owner Chuck Cole added to the building’s showbiz resume when he rented it to “The Good Guys” for a night in April.

The size of the show’s operation was a surprise to him, too.

“They have a huge production crew that took up two streets,” Cole says. “They rented our parking lot, and that was just for part of them.”

But it was fun to be inside a film set, he says. Actor Bradley Whitford had his dog on set, and he bought some goodies from the new pet store, Avenue Barket, which is on the same block.

Film commissioner Burklund says she has seen snippets of the show so far, and she’s “extremely optimistic” that Fox will pick it up for a second season.

“We encourage everyone to watch,” she says. “Particularly if you’re a Nielsen family.” —RACHEL STONE

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
Lake Highlands resident Melissa Adami fullfilled her New Year’s resolution to be on a TV show.
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For her European travels, she invented her own language Springlish, an amalgamation of English, French, Spanish and Italian. She has a favorite seat on 763, 777 and MD80 airplanes, and if it’s not available, she sometimes changes her flight. And she once packed for a weeklong business trip in seven minutes. That’s why Lake Highlands’ Caryn Carson is American Airlines’ American Way magazine’s 2010 Road Warrior. Just making it into the final five was a thrill, the Tenet Healthcare

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JUNE 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Caryn Carson is a flying ace of sorts. She travels so much that she won a contest for it. PHOTO BY CAN TÜRKYILMAZ
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attorney says. (Entrants had to write reasons why they are “Road Warriors”, as well as a rock-album based travel essay). “It is a pretty well-publicized contest, so there was a lot of competition,” she says.

When American Way let her know she was a finalist, they told her to get her campaign together. They weren’t kidding. In order to win the grand prize 2 million Hilton HHonors bonus points, 1 million AAdvantage bonus miles, a BlackBerry Storm smartphone and a $100 Verizon Wireless gift card — she would have to procure more online votes than the other four finalists.

“I thought about past successful political campaigns when determining my strategy,” she says.

Local director David Blood helped her shoot and edit clever You Tube commercials — one a political campaign parody and the other a contest headquarters break-in farce to attract votes. “I basically had two ideas, and those were the two ideas we used for the videos,” she says. “I would not have known how to do any of this. I couldn’t have done it without [David’s] help.”

Blood says it was a team effort. “I was super psyched when I found out she’d won,” he says. “I hope the videos helped, but I think word of mouth helped as much.”

For the photo shoot, American Way dressed Carson as Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, based on the theme of her travel essay. “It was a little embarrassing, but I thought to myself, ‘Caryn, you did all this work. Who cares if it’s embarrassing?’ ”

Carson donated a portion of her winnings, 200,000 airlines miles, to the Stewpot, a Dallas-based resource center for the homeless, and though she ran an incredibly successful campaign, she says she doesn’t have much in the way of political aspirations. The experience did cause her to consider new possibilities.

“The contest awoke a few things in me. I tapped into different parts of myself. It made me think about other things I might enjoy doing in my life,” she says.

She not exactly sure how she’ll make sense of it all, but the sky’s the limit.


advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010
Monday 9:00am-3:00pm Tuesday-Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm Closed Sundays Creative Water Gardens creativewatergardens.net 2125 W. Kinglsey Garland, Texas 75041 One mile North of 635, on Garland Rd. and Kingsley 972.271.1411 10% off your next in store purchase with a copy of this ad. Dallas 214.748.5611 masterco@masterconstruction.com Fort Worth 877.748.5611 Hardscapers for the urban jungle. Full service paving contractor, new construction & repairs. 201 West Commerce, Dallas Texas 75208. Asphalt and concrete specialists. ( ) BE A SOCIAL BUTTERFLY FOLLOW, FAN AND FIND US EVERYWHERE ONLINE — ADVOCATEMAG.COM/NEWMEDIA MORE THAN A MAGAZINE

Ken Black 214-341-1600

For over 30 years, Lake Highlands has been my home. Let me help you protect your piece of Lake Highlands!

Live LoCAL


David Nicolato has been making rain barrels for friends, family and charity for the past couple of years after attending a seminar on eco-friendly ideas for your home. This thrifty LH resident was inspired to create his own rain barrel in an attempt to save his family some money. After “lots of tweaks on design, styles and functionality to the rain barrels, our business, Rain Barrel Guys, 1 became an official business a few months ago,” Nicolato says, adding that the response to his rain barrels has been great so far. (FYI, the other “guy” of Rain Barrel Guys is 2-year-old Jacob Nicolato. David and his wife, Cortney, are expecting their next child at the end of June — actually, another “guy” to add to the family biz.) Nicolato is offering Advocate readers 10 percent off the purchase of a rain barrel or 15 percent off the purchase of two or more barrels. Call 214.341.6369 or e-mail rainbarrelguys@gmail.com for pricing and information.

Aggie’s African Restaurant will soon open at Skillman just north of LBJ in the spot where Boston Burgers lived for a few months. Owner Aggie Akpo says she will schedule a grand opening and has plans to promote the new restaurant all over town in the upcoming months. The eatery will be open 11 a.m.-10 p.m. daily for lunch and dinner, dine-in or takeout.

Matt 972 639 8187

Warren 214 810 1050

Lake Highlands residents Dave Anderson and Scott Clouse started up Redo Guys (redoguys. com) two years ago. Often, you can find their truck in the L Streets redoing bathrooms, kitchens and what-not. Anderson was in the construction biz prior to starting Redo Guys. He got the bug after re-doing his own L Streets home, neighbors liked what he did, and the rest is history. “We mostly remodel kitchens, bathrooms and do whole house updates,” Anderson says, “but we will also cater to Realtor needs, which entail some foundation repair, electrical panel updates, general painting and flooring services.” Kitchen and bath redos are pretty popular in LH (seriously, was there a major surplus of “Golden Girl” pink and seafoam green porcelain tile in the ’50s or what?). And here’s a fun fact: After 40-plus years of bachelorhood, Clouse was married just last month.

A Jackson Hewitt tax service office has

opened up in the spot that was formerly Earl’s Postal Center (which was formerly Mary’s Postal Center) on Walnut Hill near Audelia.

Patti Muzingo has lived in Lake Highlands since the mid-’90s. After a stint as the assistant coach for the KC Sharks swim team in 2003, Muzingo realized she wanted to start her own business teaching little ones to find their swimmin’ fins. In April 2004, Muzingo launched School of Fish, 2 and 115 swimmers enrolled for swim lessons that summer. Now, she has 250-plus students each summer. School of Fish offers small classes with a maximum of four swimmers in each class, and sessions are 30 minutes over a two-week period (Monday through Thursday) for $150. Swimmers must be three or older and are grouped by like ability. With a passion for the water herself, Muzingo has been swimming competitively since she was six and still competes for Dallas Aquatic Masters. Contact Muzingo about School of Fish class times and availability at patti_monzingo@ yahoo.com or 214.342.8733.

By the time Lindsay Baronoskie moved to Lake Highlands a few years ago with her husband and three children, she had made a name for herself in the Dallas area, not only as an active participant in several community organizations (such as board member for the Lake Highlands Area Early Childhood PTA), but also as an accomplished photographer. She started her photog biz, Cherished Lens Photography 3 (cherishedlens.com), six years ago and offers

and marketing consultant whose monthly “Live Local” column features the latest scoop on neighborhood businesses. Send Moyer ideas and feedback at livelocal@advocatemag.com.

44 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
Live LoCAL Join tHe diSCuSSion visit advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/blog Dan neal 214-660-3733 stykidan@sbcglobal.net Computer troubleshooting Hardware & Software InStallatIon, repaIr & traInIng no problem too Small or too large neighborhood resident $60/hr. minimum one hour Don’t paniC. Call me, 10990 Switzer Ave. Dallas, Texas 75238 auto • home • business • life Call for a free quote
Erin Moyer is a Lake Highlands entrepreneur (progenyinc.com)

a range of services for families, couples, pets, weddings and parties; you name it, she’ll shoot it. Two of Baronoskie’s most famous subjects are Anthony Hopkins and Smokey Robinson, whom she photographed when they performed with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. “While photographing Anthony Hopkins, I couldn’t stop thinking about Hannibal Lecter,” she says. Mention that you read about Baronoskie in the Advocate, and you’ll receive a free CD of your pics with your package.

Got specs? A couple of local businesses are drop spots for oneSight, 4 a family of charitable vision-care programs dedicated to improving vision through outreach, research and education. OneSight collects gently used prescription eyewear and non-prescription sunglasses to recycle and hand-deliver to clinics in developing countries. So if you’ve recently had Lasik or just happen to have lots of old prescription eyeglasses lying around, take them to Target Optical Center (in the Skillman and Abrams Super Target) or Pearle Vision, 8989 Skillman.


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B a P t IS t

FOReSt MeadOW / 9150 Church Rd. / Welcoming the mosaic of cultures living in our neighborhoods / www.fmbcdallas.org

Worship 10:50 / Bible Study 9:30 / Tim Ahlen, Pastor / 214.341.9555

Ga StON OakS BaPtISt / Greenville Ave & Royal Lane

Sunday Worship 10:45 am / Bible Study 9:30 am

www.gastonoaks.org / 214.348.0958

WIlSHIRe BaPtISt / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.d / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

BIBle c HUR c H e S

NORtH HIGHlaNdS BIBle cHURcH / www.nhbc.net

Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697

cHUR c H OF c HRIS t

SkIllMaN cHURcH OF cHRISt / 3014 Skillman St.

Sunday School 9:30 am / Sunday Worship 10:30 am

Grace Café & Bible Study Wed. 6:00 pm / 214.823.2179

dIS c IPle S OF cHRIS t

e a St dalla S cHRIStIaN cHURcH / 629 n Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org

ePIS c OPal

cHURcH OF tHe INcaRNatION / 3966 McKinney Ave / 214.521.5101

Sunday: Traditional 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 am and 5:00 pm

Contemporary 9:00, 11:15 am and 6:00 pm / incarnation.org

St. JOHN’S ePIScOPal cHURcH / 848 Harter Road, 75218

Sunday Worship: 8:00 & 10:30 am / Christian Ed. 9:00 am 214.321.6451 / www.stjohnsepiscopal.org

IN te R- de NOMIN at ION al

GRaceHIll cOMMUNIt Y / www.gracehill.cc

10:00 am @ dallas Children’s Theater / Skillman & nW Hwy.

Awesome Kid’s Ministry / Use Entrance Facing Home depot

lU t H e R a N

FIRSt UNIted lUtHeRaN cHURcH / 6202 E Mockingbird Ln.

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am / Call for class schedule. 214.821.5929 / www.dallaslutheran.org

ZION lUtHeRaN cHURcH & ScHOOl / 6121 E Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am,

10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org

M et HOdIS t

l ake HIGHlaNdS UMc / 9015 Plano Rd. (at McCree)

214.348.6600 / www.lhumc.com / Sun. School 9:45 am

Sun. Worship 8:30 & 11:00 Traditional / 11:00 Contemporary

NON- de NOMIN at ION al

l ake HIGHlaNdS cHURcH / 9919 McCree

Sun. Classes 9:30 am, Assembly 11:00 am / 214.348.0460

Home groups meet on weeknights. / lakehighlandschurch.org

WHIte ROck cOMMUNIt Y cHURcH / 9353 Garland Rd /214.320.0043

Sun. Bible Study 9:30 am, Worship 10:45 am / Wed. Bible Studies

10:00 am & 7:30 pm / event facilities for rent / whiterockchurch.org

P R e SBY te RI a N

l ake HIGHlaNdS PReSBY teRIaN cHURcH / 214.348.2133

8525 Audelia Road at nW Hwy. / www.lhpres.org

Christian Ed. 9:45 am, 9:00 am Contemporary, 11:00 am Traditional

Ne W St. PeteR’S PReSBY teRIaN cHURcH / 214.438.0120

Meet at dallas Children’s Theater – Skillman at nW Hwy

Worship: 9:30 am / www.newstpeters.org

NORtHPaRk PReSBY teRIaN cHURcH / 214.363.5457

9555 n Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

new Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services


I need longer mornings.

Seems like everything important that should be done should be done first thing in the morning. But there’s only so much morning.

The late and legendary pastor of First Baptist Church, W.A. Criswell, used to advise young preachers to “give your morning to God and your afternoon to the people.” So the first thing in the morning, I know I ought to begin my day with some devotional time of Bible reading and prayer. And then I should get straight to reading and study for the Sunday sermon or the Wednesday Bible study. There’s not enough morning for all that.

If you want to maintain good health and fitness, you really need to do it first thing in the morning. Fitness trainers agree that you can do your workouts any time during the day, but if you put them off until later, the demands of work and family tend to get in the way and squeeze out your run or swim or bike or whatever. Maybe if I do that before sunup

I have undertaken to write a book, and I am finding that life and work keep getting in the way of my attempts to write. The best advice I have gotten so far is — you guessed it — to get up a little earlier and give your first hour each and every day to writing. You can accomplish more than you know by just disciplining yourself to write for an hour a day before the telephone starts ringing or some emergency strikes.

A few years ago someone who knows my secret loves gave me a book of daily selections from great literature, and then another with a daily snippet of American history. You can learn a lot about a lot if you just dedicate a little time first thing each morning to nurturing the mind.

They say that if you start your day with a math problem of some sort, it’s really good for brain health. Journaling is good for your soul. Those art books on my shelf keep telling me that the visual arts shouldn’t be neglected, that just looking at pictures of great art (or listening to great music) for a little time first thing in the morning

A good breakfast is crucial for a good day.

Breakfast is, they say, the most important meal of the day. You ought to sit down and eat it slowly. I like to do that with coffee and the morning paper — right after all the other things I should have done but slept too long to do first.

Oh yes, that reminds me, getting enough sleep is also very important. You can even lose weight just by getting eight to nine hours. That’s my excuse.

We all suffer from unfulfilled good intentions. We make promises to ourselves we can’t keep, and then we carry around selfcontempt on account of our laziness.

Here’s the thing: when you die, there will still be things to do on your to-do list. People we call great are often incredibly accomplished at what they do because they do almost nothing but that. They lack the kind of balance that allows for love and friendship, for recreation and renewal.

We can only make a start at it all in this life. But thanks be to God for the faith that eternity picks up where time leaves off. The poet Robert Browning said, “Man’s reach must exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”

Maybe heaven really is an everlasting morning when we can get to all those things we ought to have done first thing.

46 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands HEALTH RESOURCEWORSHIP t O adve R t IS e call 214.560.4203 W
George Mason is pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church. The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and by the neighborhood business people and churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
We all suffer from unfulfilled good intentions. We make promises to ourselves we can’t keep, and then we carry around self-contempt on account of our laziness.


Stults Road Elementary celebrated reading by inviting parents and neighbors to visit classes throughout the day for storytimes. During the community read-athon, students and teachers dressed up as their favorite literary characters. Fourth-grader Portia Boyd, for example, dressed up as detective Nancy Drew. “She’s a good problem solver and I am, too.”


Lake Highlands resident Tanya c ox recently was sworn in as a Dallas Court Appointed Special Advocate, or CASA, by Juvenile District Court Judge William Mazur CASA is a nonprofit organization of volunteers appointed by judges to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the foster care system. As a CASA volunteer, Cox will serve as a voice for children who have no one else to speak for them. To learn more about CASA, call 214.827.8961 or visit dallascasa.org.

TO ad VERTISE ca LL 214.560.4203

TuToring & Lessons

A+ PIANO TEACHER WADE COTTINGHAM Super Refs. LWood Res. wadewademusic.com 214-564-6456

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. L. Highlands North Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829, Linda 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www. artisticgatherings.com

DALLAS COLLEGE & TEST PREP Tutoring: SAT, ACT, THEA, TExES, Math, English. www.dallastestprep.com, 214-341-0076

DANCE-MOVEMENT-SOUND is Dance, Gymnastics & Instruments for boys & girls, 2 1/2 & up. Ballet for 3 & up. 20 yrs exp. Plano Rd./ NW Hwy. near Kroger. Anette Brown 214-893-3715

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS All Ages/All Styles. Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill 972-203-1573

GUITAR, PIANO, YOUR HOME Fun/Easy. 9-Adult. UNT Music Degree. Larry 469-358-8784

VOICE TEACHER with 37 years experience. MM, NATS, MTNA www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-324-5625

Spanish Immersion Classes in East Dallas

Private and Small Group Classes for Adults & Children Spanish Immersion Preschool Mon. - Fri. 5740 Prospect Ave. #1000

DallasSpanishHouse.com 214-826-4410


CUDDLY KIDS Now Enrolling All Ages. Hourly/weekly Care. Fri-Sat. Till 11:30pm. cuddlykidscare.com 214-368.KIDS (5437)

EXPERIENCED OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER FOR INFANTS including multiples. References. Kendell 214-346-9220


Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.




ALL CASH VENDING Do you earn $800/day? Local Vending Routes. 25 machines+candy. $9,995 800-807-6485

TEACHER - East Dallas Developmental Center (eddc.net) now hiring for infants class. eddcad@gmail.com or 214-821-7766

serviCes for you

AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services Include Digital Photo Help.Sharon 214-679-9688

BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING Yearly Tax Prep, Monthly Service or Quickbooks Set-Up Robyn Young, CFP 214-564-8171

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

DONATE YOUR CAR Free Towing. “Cars For Kids” Any Condition. Tax Deductible. Outreach Center. 1-800-597-9411

NEED A VACATION? Great Customer Service For Cruises, Family vacations, Honeymoons & More. Worldwide Cruises and Tours mariannewoody.wwtravel@yahoo.com 214-929-2069

WE FINANCE COMPUTERS You’re approved. guaranteed. Bad credit Ok. Checking account required. 877-609-7845

YOUR COMPUTER GEEK Let Me Solve Your Computer Problems. 25 Yrs. Exp. Hardware/Software Issues/Install. Network Setup, Home & Small Business. $50 per Hr. Mike. 214-552-1323. mikecomputergeek@gmail.com

Pearl... A “Precious” find in Quality Dry cleaning! Now Offering FREE

47 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands June 2010
ScENE & hEaRd
Because there's every in world learn another language Spanish & English Language School
Dry Cleaning Pick-Up & Delivery in Your Area! p y PEARL DRY CLEANING & LAUNDRY Mon-Fri 7a-6p Sat 8a-3p 1332 S. Plano Road Suite 100, Richardson,TX, 75081 972.690.1171 pearldrycleaning@sbcglobal.net (214) 342-bone www.tigerbonepc.com tame your computer We Make House Calls! New Systems Repairs & Upgrades Wireless Networks Data Recovery organizing A DESIGNERS TOUCH FOR ORGANIZATION Declutter & Organize. Sue Benson 214-349-9064 ORGANIZE & REJUVENATE Enhance Your Home And Life. Linda 972-816-8004 JULY DEADLINE JUNE 9 • TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203




profeSSional ServiceS

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S Accounting Solutions. Cindy 214-821-6903

CUSTOM RESUMES Any Level or Field. Invest in your career. Katie. 214-499-4289, katie_shahan@yahoo.com

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

UMAX MORTGAGE 20 yrs exp. 1st time buyers/Refi rates low. Stephanie Glazer. 214-579-1493 sglazer@umaxmortgage.com

profeSSional ServiceS

Licensed Insurance Provider PROTECT YOUR FAMILY Flexible major medical, HSA’s, dental, life, critical care. Specializing in individuals, families and small businesses. Call your local agent Lori Hu at 214-738-4783

Website Design

Flash Demos Graphic Design

RibbitMultimedia .com 214.560.4207

Mind, Body & Spirit

ANNE PENMAN Stop smoking, lose weight, reduce stress with laser therapy. 214-503-7955 www.annepenman.com

FOR WOMEN ONLY In Home Fitness Training. Cooper Certified Personal Trainer. 214-802-8932

HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS Motivational, Compassionate & Confidential Sessions Offered To Those Wanting To Lose Weight & Gain A Healthier Lifestyle. Dr. Nicole Mangum, Health Psychologist. 214-692-6666 ext. 311

W.O.W. WE ONLY WAX www.weonlywax.com Full body waxing for men and women. 214-739-2929

WWW.TRAINWITHJEAN.COM On -Line Personal Training Or At Lakewood Gym. email@trainwithjean.com 214-886-1459


BIRDDOGCATFISH Caring For Pets In Their Own Home With Familiar Sights, Smells & Routines. Dog Walks, Vacations, Overnights. Beth. 469-235-3374

K9 POOP PICK UP Love your dog, but hate the mess? Let us pick it up for you. You’ll love it. Call 214-341-1557 today!

POOP SCOOP PROFESSIONALS Trust The Experts. 214-826-5009

RED ROVER PET SITTING rates from $14/visit. Overnights and daily rates available redroverdallas.com 214-914-3863

THEPETNANNYDALLAS.COM In-home TLC for cats, dogs & birds. Bonded & insured. Ask for The Pet Nanny. 214-244-4330

Dallas’ First Doggie Daycare

Featuring “Open Play” Boarding

• 8,000+ sq. ft. Play Area Inside

• 5,000+ sq. ft.


TEXAS RANGERS BASEBALL SUITE Share this prime suite on a single-game basis for select games during the 2010 season. Our suite is located directly behind home plate, and each game includes 16 tickets, three parking passes, game day programs, private bathroom, air-conditioned seating, three televisions with cable channels, and a great view of the game and the Ballpark. Great for birthday parties, anniversaries, family reunions and client appreciation events. Email rangerssuite@gmail.com or call 214-560-4212 for more information.

eState/GaraGe SaleS


Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece Or A Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com

real eState

EXECUTIVE SUITE Need a single office for your growing business? Check out the Lakewood Tower Suites on the top floor of the Wells Fargo Bank Building, 6301 Gaston. We have a 10-by-14-foot office available for $475 monthly and a 14-by15-foot office for $675 monthly; included are all utilities and a free T-1 internet connection. You’ll have access to a kitchen with icemaker, dishwasher and refrigerator, a shared conference room, covered parking and a secure building environment. We also have a 1,800-square-foot sublease available in the building. Call 214-560-4212 for information.

48 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands
TO AD v ERTI s E c ALL 214.560.4203
scENE & hEARD sUBmIT yOUR phOTO. Go to advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/multimedia/photo or email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.
Coaches Thomas h ocker , m att m oran and Bill Brokaw (not pictured) led kindergartners Reid h ocker , Will Brokaw , Kyle m oran and h udson Osborne (not pictured) to a victory in the first-grade division at the annual Hoops in the Highlands tournament.
Play Area Outside • 5 Lux Suites w/ Webcams • Grooming All Breeds • Training & Obedience Classes Mon-Fri 7am-7pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 12pm-6pm 6444 E. Mockingbird at Abrams www.deesdoggieden.com • 214-823-1441 Park Cities Pet Sitter “BEST OF DALLAS” D Magazine, Observer, Dallas Voice, WFAA 214.828.0192 pcpsi.com BONDED & INSURED DAILY WALKS, VISITS, OVERNIGHTS SERVING DFW SINCE 1992 petS In-Home Professional Care Customized to maintain your pet’s routine In-Home Pet Visits & Daily Walks “Best of Dallas” D Magazine Serving the Dallas area since 1994 Bonded & Insured www.societypetsitter.com 214-821-3900
PET SERVICES All pet services available. Dog Walks and Home Visits. Reasonable rates. References. 214-732-4721 www.taddyspetservices.com
making your spaces successful! Home Organization • Declutter Rooms • Filing • Home O ce Set-up • Unpack For rates, photos and testimonials, visit www.neatnellie.com or call

AC TUNE UP Cleaning, Charging, Repairs. Buy/Sell 214-321-5943

CHAMNESS SERVICES A/C & Heat Sales & Service. Res/Com. Serving Dallas 21 yrs. 214-328-0938 TACL003800C


LAKEWOOD HEAT & AIR Servicing Dallas 20+ years. MC/Visa 214-682-3822 TACLA28061E



Repair, Sales. 214-321-4228


TACLB13304C All Makes/Models. 214-660-8898



Specializing in Small Remodels & Repairs. Baths, Kitchens, Doors, Cabinets, Etc. Plenty of Refs. Paul, 214-893-3648

BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

CARPENTER Custom Cabinets, & Trim, Reorganize Closets, Repair Rotten Wood, Set Doors, Kitchen & Baths, Refs. Return Calls By End Of Business Day. Dave. 214-684-4800

DAVIS Custom Carpentry & Home Repair/Remodel davis.charles94@yahoo.com 214-608-9171

G&G DEMOLITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right! www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628


HardiPlank 50 Yr. Cement Siding, Energy Star Windows. Kitchens-Baths-Additions & More. 214-348-3836. See Photo Gallery at: www.previewconstruction.com

REMODEL FOR LESS 972-822-7501 www.CuttingEdgeRenovationsLLC.com

SQUARE NAIL WOODWORKING Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398 www.squarenailwoodworking.com TACLA28514E

$10 OFF 1ST CLEAN A CLEAN SWEEP We Do It All. Pet Sit Also. 469-951-2948 214-938-4284

$20 OFF - MAID 4 YOU Bonded & Insured. Park Cities/M Street Refs. Joyce. 214-232-9629

CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 972-213-8614

CLEAN FREAKS Since 2005. Free Estimates. DallasCleanFreaks.com Call Today! 214-821-8888

KDR SERVICES Residential and Vacant Property Cleaning. 214-349-0914


Cleaning Service. 15 Yrs Exp. Residential. MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91

THE MAIDS 4 Person Teams. Bonded & Insured. www.maids.com Free Estimates. 800-843-6243

WANTED Houses To Clean & Windows to Wash 20 Years Exp. Reliable, Efficient, Excellent Refs., Sunni 214-724-2555

WINDOW MAN WINDOW CLEANING.COM Residential Specialists. BBB. 214-718-3134

advocatemag.com/lake-highlands JUNE 2010 TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 HOME SERVICES H NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT RON HOUSTON RENOVATIONS Specializing In Residential Remodeling. 214-729-1472 214.348.4200 www.remodeldallas.com The Vaughan Group Remodel Experts Kitchens - Baths - Additions Design - Build Services 20 years experience General Contractor 972-342-7232 ADDITIONS BATHROOMS KITCHEN REMODELING BARRY O’BRIEN www.ccrbarry.com CREATIVE Construction & REMODELING See our excellent work at: Whole Home Renovations Kitchen & Bath Services Conservation & Historic Renovations Plan Drafting & Design 214.823.0033 www.BellaVistaCompany.com 214-341-1155 www.bobmcdonaldco.com Business Renovations Kitchens/Baths Bob McDonald Company, Inc. BUILDERS/REMODELERS NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT 214.827.3747 C b C on stru c ti on C o.com Design Build Remodel Your Professional Remodeling Solution AC & HEAT
Heat & Air
Up to $1000 Savings on High Efficiency Equipment Callnowfordetails. BEAT THE HEAT! BLUE RIBBON Heating & Air Conditioning 214-823-8888 LIC.# TACLB28522E Best Service Best Prices $25 Service Call or AC check with this ad. First time customers only.Regular business hours only, restrictions apply. Expires 8/31/2010 LIC#TACLA017970C 5% OFF OFFER APPLIES TO FIRST TIME SERVICE CUSTOMERS Service, Repair, Replace on all makes and models 214-828-COOL
TACL-B01349OE www.SherrellAir.com
American GENERAL CONTRACTOR ONE SOURCE — ALL YOUR NEEDS 214-350-0800 Building Services BRIAN GREAM RENOVATIONS LLC 214.542.6214 WWW.BGRONTHEWEB.COM BRIANGREAM@YAHOO.COM PayPal ® Darter Custom RemodelingCraftsmanship and Integrity –214 - 202 - 6450 –Custom Cabinets Built-in Furniture Entertainment Centers Architectural Carpentry Customized Pull-out Shelves by ShelfGenie Full Service Remodeling Kitchens & Baths Interior & Exterior Painting Fences & Decks Hardwood Flooring Windows & Doors 214.803.4774 www.redoguys.com CARPENTRY & REMODELING Licensed Insursed New Creation GROUP Remodel Design Renovation 214-766-2677 www.newcreationgroup.com 214.341.1448 WWW.OBRIENGROUPINC.COM PROFESSIONAL HOME REMODEL LICENSED,

Computers & eleCtroniCs

214-321-1110 I.T. ROADMAP Tech Support

Home or Business computers repaired. Virus, Internet, wireless, slow, All fixed! Brad or Amy


Business/Home. Repair, Data & Networks

Call a PC Pro: Rusty 214-912-0885


Virus Removal, Data Recovery. Home /Biz. Network Install. All Upgrades & Repairs. PC Instruction, No Trip Fee. 214-348-2566


OMGFixit.com. Operating Systems, hardware, security & game consoles. 214-926-7144


Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training, $60/hr. 1 Hr. Min. Dan 214-660-3733 Or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

ConCrete/ masonry/paving

CAZARES CONCRETE Concrete retaining walls, Patios, Driveways, Removal, Sidewalks. 214-202-8958 Free estimates.

CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable.

Chris 214-770-5001

EDMOND’S PAVING Asphalt & Concrete

•Driveways •Sidewalks •Patios •Repairs 214-957-3216 • www.edmondspaving.com

FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001

MASONRY Brick/Stone Repairs. Don 214-704-1722

eleCtriCal serviCes

ALL ELECTRICAL SERVICES 972-877-4183 Res/Com E19347 McCarter Electrical Service, Inc. $50 Off Service Calls in June.

AMPLE AMPS for home/business. TECL 19031

MHK Electrical Contractors, Inc. 214-675-1375

ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Family Owned/Operated. Insd.19 Yrs Exp.TECL24948 214-328-1333

EXPERIENCED LICENSED ELECTRICIAN All Jobs. Free Est. Insd. Steve. TECL24978. Fritz Electric. 214-718-9648

FRITZ ELECTRIC Lic. Electrician TECL 24978 30 yrs exp. 214-629-0391

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. handy-dan.com Fans, etc 214-252-1628

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Res/Commercial 20 yrs exp. Free est. 972-489-1597 Brian

MASTER ELECTRICIAN Lic #TECL 55703. Resd/Comcl. Bonded. Contr Lic# TECL23423. Trinity Electrical Services. David 214-802-0436

TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639

Schedule your service call late evenings/weekends with no overtime charges. TECL 24668

TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658

WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891

eleCtriCal serviCes


Making Homes Safer One Call at a Time



Phones Answered 24/7

FenCing & DeCks

#1 COWBOY FENCE & IRON CO. Est. ‘91. 214-692-1991 www.cowboyfenceandiron.com


Specializing in Wood, New or Repair. Free Estimates. Call Mike 214-507-9322.

A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Wood Fences, Automatic Gates & Decks Call Haven Edwards 214-327-0560


New/Repair Wood Fences. 214-732-0139

AMBASSADOR FENCE INC. Automatic Gates, All Fences. Decks. Since 1996. 214-621-3217

AUTOMATIC DRIVEWAY GATES Installation, Repair, Maintenance, Residential, Commercial. Lone Star Access Control. 214-532-9608

KIRKWOOD FENCE & DECK New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699

LAKE HIGHLANDS FENCE & DECKS Free Est. Unbeatable Price. 214-674-3858.

LONE STAR DECKS Decks, Arbors, Fences, Patio Covers, TREX Decking & Fencing. www.lonestardecks.com 214-357-3975

STEEL SALVATION Metal Specialist. Welding Repairs, Design, Metal Art, Unique Crosses. Local Resident Over 40 Yrs. 214-283-4673


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2010 specials going on now!! 972-207-4262


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ACCESS GARAGE DOOR New Install. Repair/Replace. 24/7 Emgcy. Free Estimates. 214-585-7663 perfectaccessgaragedoors.com

ROCKET GARAGE DOOR SERVICE -24/7. Repairs/Installs. 214-533-8670. Coupon On Web. www.RocketDoorService.com

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A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Expert Window Cleaning. Storm windows our specialty. Haven Edwards 214-327-0560

CUSTOM STAINED/ LEADED GLASS & Repair. 26 years exp. 214-356-8776

EAST DALLAS WINDOW CLEANING Free Estimates. Dependable. Derek. 214-827-7661


Window And Door Replacement. 469-358-8137

GREEN WINDOW COMPANY 214-295-5405 Specialty In Replacement Windows/Doors

LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR custom mirrors • shower enclosures store fronts • casements 214-349-8160

OAK CLIFF MIRROR & GLASS Custom showers, doors, glass, mirrors. 214-747-3717


Hardwoods • Tile • Carpet Low VOC Wood Refinishing wrfloors@sbcglobal.net


ROCK GLASS CO Complete Glass & Window Service since 1985. Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829


Molding and Cabinets. Pete 214-923-5097


Free Quote 800-660-5811

50 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands HOME SERVICES t O ad VER t ISE C all 214.560.4203 H
2009 TECL20502
Art Deck-O
& DeCks
Call us First! 214.675.0193
Fencing •
Decks • Arbors • Patio Covers
glass, WinDoWs & Doors

Handyman ServiceS


We do it all! Call 469-723-1000


Electrical, Plumbing, & Carpentry

Call Tim Dodson. 214-824-4620, 214-597-4501


Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. Derry 214-505-4830

BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606

HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582

KIRKPATRICK Home Service 214-729-8334

Skilled Carpentry • White Rock area 28 Years

MARK GASKILL All Repairs/Remodels. Int/Ext. Skilled. wWw‘74. 972-333-8884 home/business

NEED HELP? FAST! Repairs/Remodel. Chris, Rick. 214-693-0678, 214-381-9549

NO JOB TOO BIG. NO JOB TOO SMALL. 38 years exp. Ron Payne 214-755-9147

PEREZ HOME REPAIRS All Jobs, Repairs, Renovations. References. 214-489-0635

SERVICE CHIEF Maintenance/Repairs, Honey

Do’s, Power Wash. William 214-324-1280


Repair, Paint, Clean, Install. 26 years experience. Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232

WHITE ROCK HANDYMAN Paint & Remodel References. Mark Reindel 214-321-5280


Molding and Cabinets. Pete 214-923-5097

HouSe Painting

A TEXTURE & FINISH SPECIALIST Since 1977. Int/Ext. Kirk’s Works 972-672-4681

A TONY’S PAINTING SERVICE Interior & Exterior 972-234-0770 mobile 214-755-2700

ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541

BENJAMIN’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768

MANNY’S HOME PAINTING & REPAIR Int./Ext. Sheetrock. Manny 214-554-1327

RAMON’S INT/EXT PAINT Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513

VIP PAINTING & DRYWALL Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 972-613-2585



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FENN CONSTRUCTION Any Tile Anywhere. www.dallastileman.com 214-343-4645

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” Remodel’s Done Right. handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

MIKE ALAN 469-576-1636. 25 Years Experience in the Art of Installing Tile.

STONE AGE Granite, Marble, Tile. Kitchens & Baths. Counter Tops. www.stoneagetexas.com. Dennis 972-276-9943

TOM HOLT TILE Expert In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444

lawnS, gardenS & treeS

4 SEASONS LAWN & LANDSCAPE Maintenance, Design, Stonework Call Aaron 214-636-0143

A BETTER TREE COMPANY • JUST TREES Complete tree services including Tree & Landscape Lighting! Call Mark 214-332-3444

A BETTER TREE MAN Trims, Removals, Insd. 10 Yrs Exp. Roberts Tree Service. 214-808-8925

A&B LANDSCAPING Full Lawn Care, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Fireplaces & Stonework. Lic #0283917- Degreed Horticulturist 214-221-4421 - 214-534-3816

ALTON MARTIN LANDSCAPING Spectacular Curbside Appeal! Excellent refs. 214-893-2420

ARTHUR’S SPRINKLER REPAIR Serving E. Dallas for 20 yrs. LI 3449. 214-660-4860

AYALA’S LANDSCAPING SERVICE Call the Land Expert Today! Insured. 214-773-4781

B.J.’S LANDSCAPING Complete Lawn & Garden Maintenance. Seasonal Color/Perennials. Certified. 16 Yrs. Exp. Res/Com. 214-336-4673

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Repair Specialist
Readers will have a chance to pick the winner. Online Voting will be available week of July 12-17 at advocatemag.com Prizes and Details at advocatemag.com/videocontest 214-683-3655 DebKing@Ebby.com Top Producer January & March 2010 – Lake Highlands/Northeast Dallas Office ©2010.Equal Housing Opportunity.


DAll AS ChIlDREn’S ThEATER’S ShowbIz SUMMER and Teen Conservatory runs June 1-Aug. 13 in one- and two-week sessions. Tuition ranges from $150-$550. Contact Terry Feagin at 214.978.0110, ext. 139 or terry.feagin@dct.org. For more information or to enroll, visit dct.org.


ThE lAkE hIghl AnDS hIgh SChool symphonic and concert bands received high marks in recent competitions. The bands received a high score of 1 for their stage performances at a UIL competition April 8-9. At the Morton H. Meyerson Music Festival April 16, the concert band received an “outstanding” rating and the symphonic band received a “superior” rating. They also won “best in class” in their categories. The bands’ directors are Chris Evetts and Jeff O’Neal.


U.S. REp. pETE SESSIonS, who represents our area, received a Silver Mouse award from the Congressional Management Foundation for having one of the best websites in Congress. The award is given based on five principles: knowing the audience, providing timely and targeted content, making the site easy to use, fostering interaction both on- and offline, and adding value through innovation. View the website at sessions.house.gov.

ThE lAkE hIghl AnDS ExChAngE ClUb has elected new officers. They are president Tommy Bailey, president elect Bryan McCrory, treasurer Gary Swan, secretary Fielder Nims, vice president youth Truitt Matthews, vice president fundraising Evan Luck, vice president programs Robert Sullivan and past president Rhonda Russell. The club also named directors: communications, Bob Potts; Americanism/citizenship, Adam Meirhofer; newsletter, Bryan Trowbridge; scholarships, David Brown; memberships, Stuart Sides; community events, Greg Duval; community service, John York; publicity, Steve White; e-communications, Tate Gorman; and new-member involvement, Jon Alspaw.


ThE VICkERY MEADow lEARnIng CEnTER is seeking volunteers for its June 7-July 1 summer program. The center needs an adult ESL teacher Monday through Thursday from 9-11 a.m., an activity club teacher Monday through Thursday from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., and a preschool assistant Monday through Thursday from 9-11 a.m.. Contact Amy Glover at aglover@vmlc.org or 214.265.5057, ext. 12.

A CAR wAS RA n SAC k ED — A g AI n.

erin Aldrich is back in school. An MBA student at the university of Texas, she returned after an amazing athletic career. The Lake Highlands High School graduate competed in the high jump in the Sydney Olympics and played for the u.S. national Volleyball team, traveling the world before playing professionally in Italy and Japan. unfortunately, a knee injury sidelined her career. Feeling she needed more to fall back on, she made the move to Austin.

Over easter weekend, she drove to her parents’ Lake Highlands home to spend time with family. A thief saw Aldrich’s SuV as a target, and her window was smashed and a campus bag stolen. It was a $50 loss, she estimates, but the window costs $400 to repair.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

The Victim: Erin Aldrich

The Crime: b urglary of a motor vehicle

Date: Sunday, April 4

Time: b etween 11a.m. and 8 a.m. location: 10000 block of Caribou

“It happened in the middle of the night on Sunday, before I was scheduled to drive back to Austin that Monday,” Aldrich says. “This is the second time an SuV has been broken into in front of my parents’ house.”

Aldrich’s uncle’s car also was broken into on a Sunday night while he was in town for Christmas.

“My car was broken into on the driver’s side rear window. There was an empty black computer bag in the back, so they broke the window for the computer, only to find that the bag was empty,” she says. “That window is the most expensive window to replace in an SuV.

“It was just so disappointing to know that there are people running around the night of a holiday like easter or Christmas doing these things. Of course, it’s disheartening to know that they would do it ever, but easter? Christmas?”

The crime angered Aldrich and she has learned a lesson in trying to avoid future car break-ins.

“I just can’t believe there are people out there that don’t have anything better to do in the middle of the night and that have stooped so low as to damage other people’s property. I don’t care how bad the economic times are; it’s never an excuse to steal or damage another person’s property,” she says. “My advice is to not leave anything in your car! If they think they see something, they’ll cause more monetary damage by simply breaking a window for no reason. If there’s no reason to break a window, it’s less likely they’ll do so.”

Sgt. Keitric Jones of the northeast Patrol Division agrees with Aldrich’s advice — avoid leaving items in locked cars.

“Always remember to lock your vehicle, take belongings out, and hide property inside your vehicle,” he says. “It doesn’t matter what city you’re in, it doesn’t take long for a thief to break a window and take your property out of your vehicle.

“unfortunately, all types of crime occur on any given day, holidays or not. However, holidays are a good time for burglars to hit due to families being out of town on vacation.” —SEAN CHAFFIN

54 June 2010 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands Got a crime to report or cop question? e -mail crime@advocatemag.com TRUE CRIME 20 DAYS of SUS p E n SI on h A n DED D own T o A pol ICE off ICER who RE p EATED l Y l E f T wo R k EAR l Y A n D f AI l ED T o RES pon D T o n UMER o US EMER g E n CY CA ll S 11 nUM b ER of YEARS T h E C op, b E nn ETTE h ARRIS of T h E no RT h EAST p ATR ol SU b STATI on, h AS b EE n on T h E fo RCE 2009 f IRST YEAR h ARRIS w AS SUS p E n DED fo R lo A f I ng A n D f AI l I ng T o follow p R o CEDURE So URCE : D A ll AS p ol ICE D E p ARTME n T p RESS RE l EASE
nEwS & noTES

Wild for lHHS


The first decision was to think of a catchy name. It needed to inspire, but in a pithy way (and, no, I don’t have a lisp). Should it suggest a need for English tutors (“Wild for Kats”)? Should it promote math and science (“Wild for Stats”)? Should it jump on the bandwagon of hope and change (“Wild for ’Crats”)? Should it capitalize on the recent Super Bowl winner (“Wild for Dats”)? The guys down at C&M Tires, Walnut Hill and Audelia, suggested “Wild for Flats”.

As you can see, there were many worthy contenders. But in the end, it seemed to make sense to name the fundraising effort for academic programs at Lake Highlands High School after the school’s mascot, and simply name it “Wild for Cats”.

Wild for Cats is the Lake Highlands community’s response to the continuing highway robbery being perpetrated by state government under an arrangement unaffectionately known as “Robin Hood”. Under the Robin Hood law, where so-called “wealthy” school districts have to surrender their local property-tax revenue to so-called “poor” school districts, the Richardson Independent School District has sent away $400 million of our own tax dollars since 1999, including $21 million this year alone. Russell Crowe

or not, that Robin Hood needs to be strung up by his leotards. My guess is that Sherwood Forest probably has a pretty nice football stadium.

As a result of RISD being “robbed” of that much money, Lake Highlands High School also has had to suffer its share of that loss. Rather than simply stand by and watch the “School of Champions” become the “Museum of Yesterday’s Champions”, the Lake Highlands neighborhood hitched up its britches and decided to stand in the gap.

In 2005, led by Jim and Kathy Adams, a group of committed Lake Highlanders formed the Lake Highlands Foundation (aka Wild for Cats) as an academic booster club, whose sole purpose is to raise private funds that go straight to Lake Highlands High School to pay for resources, programs and personnel to improve academic opportunities at the high school.

Between 2005 and 2009, Wild for Cats raised more than $500,000. These funds have paid for items such as: 50 headsets for the computer lab, 32 cameras and projectors for the technology program, a science-lab assistant, an Advanced Placement art history teacher, AP tutoring, a theater auditorium upgrade, classroom sets of novels and dictionaries, and so much more.

And then, at the start of the 200910 school year, Wild for Cats funds created the first and only College and Career Counseling Center at any RISD high school. Dr. Brenda Prine, a Lake Highlands resident and mother of two LHHS alums, has become an incredibly popular and well-utilized resource among LHHS stu-

dents and parents. No one else has anything like her or her position — but LHHS does because of Wild for Cats.

The 2009-10 edition of Wild for Cats fundraising has been particularly challenging because of the difficulties resulting from the recession. Wild for Cats solicitations were competing with limited money that families needed for college tuition, for mortgages, to keep the lights on, and to keep food on the table (even if that table happened to be at Tony’s).

Nevertheless and quite incredibly when all was said and done, Wild for Cats ended up raising more than $115,000. Of that total, more than $100,000 came from 74 major donors who were recognized at a brief reception at LHHS before senior awards night on May 13. A new donor board now hangs in the LHHS foyer, listing the names of these major donors for 2009-10.

Wild for Cats is making a significant difference in the quality of education available to our kids at LHHS. Whether you have kids at LHHS now, sent them there years ago, are an alum yourself, and especially if you plan to send your kids there in the years to come, or you simply want to support the continued success of our high school, there could not be a more effective way to help LHHS continue graduating Wildcat champions.

And it should be a no-brainer to be “Wild for That”.

(Full disclosure: Bill Keffer is the Wild for Cats chairman. Find more information about Wild for Cats at wildforcats.com.)

55 advocatemag.com/lake-highlands June 2010
Bill Keffer, a neighborhood resident and former state representative, writes a bi-monthly opinion column
His opinions are not necessarily those of the Advocate or its management. Send comments and ideas to him at 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas, 75214; fax to 214.823.8866, or email to editor@ advocatemag.com. l a S t Word Join tHe diScuSSion. Visit the Advocate blog at advocatemag.com/lake-highlands/blog

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