6 minute read
Lynne J. Roberts, m.d.
Internationally Known Laser Surgeon
Dr. Roberts offers a fullyequipped in-office laser suite , with all lasers on site, where she performs laser surgery daily. In addition to laser surgery for adults and children, she also specializes in cosmetic Dermatology, including skin rejuvenation, Botox, and “fillers”.
Pixel fractional resurfacing provides firming of the skin and improves skin texture and tone, sun damage, wrinkles and acne scars with minimal downtime.
We are excited to offer our HigH sPeeD ligHtsHeer Duet laser Hair removal system! This advanced technology with a new vacuum assisted, high speed handpiece eliminates the need for topical anesthetics and provides improved comfort, treatment speed and effectiveness. Treatment times for large areas such as legs, back or chest are reduced up to 75%. It is now possible to treat several different areas of the body in one session.
• Pixel Fractional Resurfacing
• Harmony Skin Tightening
• Traditional Laser Resurfacing for wrinkles, expression lines, sun damage, scars
• High Speed LightSheer Duet Laser Hair Removal
• VersaPulse & Dye Laser Surgery for port wine stains, hemangiomas, spider veins
• Ruby Laser Surgery for freckles, “liver spots”, tattoos
• Botox Injections
• Mega Peel Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels
• Juvéderm, Restylane
New Horizons in Technology
From the moment you wake up and check your e-mail and texts, one thing is certain – this is not your mom’s career. In fact, anyone who was in business even ten years ago knows that technological advances have accelerated every nook and cranny, from phones to clones.
The upside is increased functionality with many products that we sell and tools we use. These advances have opened new horizons in every field.
Dr. Debbie Schirico at Total Hearing Care is excited about breakthroughs in her field that improve the functionality of hearing devices, at the same time that they have become smaller and nearly invisible to friends and family. “Technology is constantly changing to improve the quality of hearing, especially in noise,” Dr. Schirico says. “And we pride ourselves in providing the patient with the opportunity to listen to two or more products and select what works best for them. Each manufacturer has its own niche. We have a range of multiple products to meet each person’s individual needs. Most of our competition doesn’t provide this option.”
Dr. Ashly Cothern describes one of the latest advances in dentistry. “We use the iTero machine, which is a digital impression machine. Where we used to put the goop in a patient’s mouth to take an impression, now we take a digital impression.” Dr. Cothern says the level of detail the digital camera picks up is far superior to the old goop. “So ultimately the patient gets a better fitting crown,
their mouth is healthier, and they keep it longer.”
Laser surgeon Dr. Lynne Roberts’s business is built on a foundation of high-tech lasers, and that is one reason why she is cautious before rushing into new procedures before they have been proven to work. “The newest thing that actually works is fractional resurfacing,” she says. “The ‘hottest’ thing that’s coming in the future, but isn’t quite there yet, is body contouring.” Practitioners would like to be able to reduce cellulite and fat deposits without surgery like liposuction. “There’s a big demand for non-invasive body-contouring,” Dr. Roberts says. “But the results haven’t been consistent yet.”
What about natural settings outdoors, where many of us go for a few moments of freedom from our keyboards? Johnette Taylor of Roundtree Landscaping has news for you. “In the area of water and new plants, technology is changing our industry,” she says. “Water, because of how important it is to all of us, is my passion right now.”
New attitudes, combined with new hardware, can help us all conserve precious (and expensive) water. “Using new water saving irrigation heads, nozzles, and controllers, we can all easily save 10% on our water.” Even our botanical choices make a difference. “Great new plant choices are new and exciting,” Taylor says. “These plants have new color choices, grow better in our climate, and are more disease resistant.”
Kevin Caskey at Dallas City Center Realtors says, “Probably the biggest change we’ve seen over the past few years is social me- dia.” Facebook and Twitter are today’s most prominent examples, but no doubt that will expand. “All of our agents use social media to stay in contact with their clients, and to promote their businesses and their product, which is homes, to the public and to the people that they’re friends with on social media.”
Real estate, perhaps more than many other fields, currently spans the technology of the ‘90s, which includes fax and e-mail, through up to the minute texting, depending on the individual preference of the client and/or agent.
Jo Sutton of Elle Realty says even the telephone is not used the same way it was in the past. “There have been times when I’ve negotiated entire contracts by text message,” she says. “With some agents, you may never have an actual conversation.” It’s true with clients as well. “I don’t normally get phone calls off my yard signs any more. I get text messages that say, ‘hey, is this house still available?’ I don’t know who it is, but we start a text conversation—then I may end up at their house talking about listing their house and helping find another one.”
And last but not least – there’s an app for that.
Jan Stell of Ebby Halliday says “We have a new Ebby app. You can switch on your iphone wherever you are and all the houses will pop up with the price. You can tap that price and it will show you the house, and pictures. You can tape it again, and it’ll show you if it’ll be open on Sunday.”
The lesson for us all: if you’re not tapping your phone, you may be missing something important. ■
In 1992, Amy Adams brought her Masters degree and her love of children to White Rock North School. Her parents, Mary and John Adams, founded the school in 1964 and Amy attended this unique school, just as her own four children did, through the 6th grade. Amy, a 1987 Lake Highlands High School graduate returned from Baylor and brought with her a unique philosophy of education that values the importance of being a child. “I believe kids should work hard and play hard, but our students are definitely embracing a progressive education environment. All students, Kindergarten and older have tablets they use daily, blog with their teachers and definitely love their BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) time! On the flip side, the students work and harvest food from the school’s Outdoor Learning Center that the school chef then prepares for their meals!
“At White Rock North, we believe it is possible to balance working hard for an education with time to breathe.”
Classes/TuToring/ lessons
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.
Casa Linda Plaza. Art Classes & Drop In Pottery Painting For All Ages. 214-821-8383. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads, Betty & Bill. View BucherMusicSchool.com or call 214-484-5360
GUITAR OR PIANO Fun/Easy. Your Home. 9 to Adult. Prof Musician. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784
JEWELRY Making Parties at Art Gallery. BYOB & creativity. All else included! jewelrymakingparty.com or 1-855-254-6625
LOCAL TEACHER WHO TUTORS Algebra 2, Pre Cal, Calculus. Your Home/Mine. Melissa-MS. 817-988-0202
TECH-THERAPY.COM Patient & understanding help w/Mac, iPad, iPhone, apps, e-mail, photos, etc. On-site. 214-306-9492
VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560
LOVING, CHRIST-CENTERED CARE SINCE 1982 Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
professional serviCes
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances? No Job Too Small or Big. Call C.A.S. Bookkeeping Services. Cindy 214-821-6903
ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768
CREATE INCOME From The Internet. One On One Coaching & Group Support. www.MonthlyResidual.net
HANDYMAN MATTERS hiring 10yrs+ experienced craftsmen. Background check & drug testing required. 972-308-6035
PET SITTERS, DOG WALKERS Email Recruiting@pcpsi.com
serviCes for you
AT ODDS WITH YOUR COMPUTER? Easily Learn Essential Skills. Services include Digital Photo Help. Sharon 214-679-9688
CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $50/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net
HOLLOWAY BENEFIT CONCEPTS Benefit strategy for area businesses. www.hollowaybenefitconcepts.com 214-329-0097
So long! Farewell!
The Lake Highlands High School Choir Booster Club bid bye bye to two longtime leaders at a recent reception. (Top) Retiring director Michael O’Hern says his goodbyes to Becky and Corey Ford.
(Bottom) Retiring associate director Terry Berrier thanks Jim and Kathy Adams for the melodies.
Paint on a happy face
A Memorial Day run and festival at the Lake Highlands Town Center raised funds for children with diabetes to attend the three-week, specialized Camp Sweeney.
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