1 minute read

What’s the benefit of a smart meter’s ‘intelligence’?

3 million smart meters Oncor has installed since March 1, 2009, replacing 50-year-old technology with meters that show electricity use in real time (view your usage at smartmetertexas.com)

7 million service orders Oncor has completed remotely, such as meter re-reads, service disconnects or reconnects, because smart meters automatically alert utilities to service disruptions

35 million

Driving miles Oncor employees have consequently avoided, saving 2.9 million gallons of fuel and preventing more than 28,500 tons of CO2 from being released into the environment

14 million

Annual reduction in driving miles Oncor expects


Percentage of power outages Oncor has restored during non-storm periods since March 2012 without a customer ever reporting the outage Source: Oncor

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