4 minute read
Living and thinking in a whole new way in 2016
Sometimes more than others, we need a new year. We need a new start and a new direction. We need a light to shine in the darkness.
That’s how I was feeling as the last days passed of 2015, which will long be remembered for the fear they left on our collective psyche.
On Nov. 14, terrorists killed 130 in Paris, injuring hundreds more. The day before, a double-suicide in Beirut killed 43 and wounded 239 others. Just a few days before that, the Egyptian affiliate of ISIS claimed responsibility for the Russian plane crash that killed 217. And last month, a suburban couple in San Bernardino, Calif. entered a holiday party and murdered 14 and wounded 21, having pledged their loyalty to ISIS.
The news has instilled fear in the hearts of many who cannot fathom such brutality. It’s left people wondering if they are safe in shopping malls, theaters and sporting events. It’s as if our eyes have been opened, and we see things in a new way.
So I find myself longing to see some light and hope in 2016.
The gospel writer Matthew tells of wise men from foreign lands who followed a star in search of a king. The Christian church celebrates their arrival at the Bethlehem stable on Jan. 6, a day we call “Epiphany.” It represents the realization that Jesus was born not just for the Jews, but for all peoples of the world.
Epiphany is more than a festival day. Webster’s defines epiphany as a “sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.” James Joyce wrote that epiphanies are “the most delicate and evanescent of moments.” Maya Angelou described them as “the occurrence when the mind, the body, the heart, and the soul focus together and see an old thing in a new way.”
The world of the wise men was full of fear. En route to see Jesus, they stopped by the king’s palace and were asked to return and give the baby’s location, so Herod too could worship. But his heart intended murder. The wise men were warned in a dream to not go back, so they traveled home by another way. Herod in turn killed all males under 2 years old to finish the child-king, but Jesus escaped with his parents to Egypt.
CLIFF TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH / 125 Sunset Ave. / 214.942.8601
Serving Oak Cliff since 1899 / CliffTemple.org / English and Spanish
9:30 am Sunday School / 10:45 am & 5:00 pm Sunday Worship
Sunday Worship: English Service 9:30 am / Spanish Service 11:00 am
831 W. Tenth St. / 214.948.7587 / gracetempledallas.org
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2016 / Sponsored by Catholic Diocese of Dallas
Sessions on Faith, Scripture, & Ministry / Exhibitors / Music / Mass
Disciples Of Christ
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 am - Chapel
10:50 am - Sanctuary / Rev. Deborah Morgan-Stokes / edcc.org
OAK CLIFF CHRISTIAN CHURCH / Celebrating 125 Years
Fellowship 9:30 am / Sunday School 9:45 am / Worship 11:00 am
660 S. Zang / occch.org / 214.376.4375
KESSLER COMMUNITY CHURCH / 2100 Leander Dr. at Hampton Rd.
“Your Hometown Church Near the Heart of the City.”
10:30 am Contemporary Service / kesslercommunitychurch.com
Sunday Worship at 9:30 am & 11:05 am 214-339-2211 / www.ocpres.com
I couldn’t help but think of ISIS when I read again this year about Herod and the baby boys, as ISIS has killed so many children in Iraq and other states.
In the face of such fear, still the wise men bowed. Still they followed the light, attracted to the center of a divine plan. Still they offered gifts to recognize the child’s identity, love incarnate.
Epiphany is more than revelation. It means taking a different path, because the old paths are insufficient. I believe that a greater epiphany exists than the wake-up call of 2015. We can walk in light and take a different path. 2016 can be different.
Volunteer opportunities
The Vickery Meadow Learning Center seeks volunteers to teach English as a second language at its West Dallas location, 1018 Gallagher. No teaching experience or foreign language knowledge is necessary. All classes are co-taught; curriculum and training are provided. Volunteers teach one two-hour class per week, and morning, afternoon and evening sessions are available. Contact Liz Harling at lharling@vmlc.org or 214.265.5057, ext. 102, to sign up for an orientation session.
Girls Inc. needs volunteers to tutor girls ages 6-12 once a week from 4-5:30 p.m., MondayThursday. The nonprofit, whose mission is to inspire girls to be strong, smart and bold, also has several other volunteer opportunities at its campuses in Oak Cliff and West Dallas as well as South Dallas and the Love Field area. Fill out an application at girlsincdallas.org or call Jean Jones at 214.654.4506.
The Dallas Public Library is collecting formal wear to be given to high school prom-goers who otherwise could not afford a dress. Drop off formal dresses, shoes, handbags accessories and other formal wear to any Dallas Public Library branch this winter and items will be given away in the spring prom season.
Balanced Oak Massage & Wellness moved recently to 504 W. 10th Street at Adams. All hours are by appointment only: Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.–7 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
James S. Hogg Elementary School won a $10,000 technology grant from code.org in December. Principal Jairo Casco plans to spend on the purchase of 30 new computers. Code. org, a nonprofit whose mission is to expand access to computer science, gives one $10,000 grant to a Texas school every year.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.