1 minute read
Sophie the medicalone-eyed wonder dog
Afungal infection so rare that her veterinarian had to call around to colleagues, and no one had heard of it.
Kristie Thornton, a teacher who lives in Wynnewood, noticed her dog Sophie was afraid of the dark and figured out that she’d gone blind.
One of Sophie’s eyes later ruptured, and a veterinarian ophthalmologist found it was caused by a common fungus that rarely infects the body.
“The eye doctor told me there are several vets who are following Sophie’s case just because it’s so rare,” Thornton says.
The prognosis was bad. They expected her to decline quickly and only live a few months longer. That was two years ago.
When Sophie does go, Thornton has agreed to let her vet do an autopsy so they can investigate why she’s managed to survive this long.
“I’ve gotten so much extra time with her, and I’m not ready yet. I’ll be devastated when it is time,” she says. “She’s my sidekick. I’ve had her for nine years.”