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Luck ILy, on Ly T he porch wa S burned.
Martha Lara and her daughter had called it a night, and curled into bed on a chilly mid-October evening. What they woke up to would be quite shocking and unnerving.
“I don’t know what happened,” Lara says, describing the events of the next morning.
Part of her front porch was charred from a fire that someone had set during the night.
Police believe someone removed a plastic plant from Lara’s front patio, moved it next to her house, and then intentionally set it on fire.
“My daughter and I were sleeping. The next morning we opened the door, and the corner of the porch was burned,” she says. “I was very scared when I saw it.”
Police found additional scorch marks on her home’s bricks, and also identified a branch that had been set on fire near a door to one of the home’s bedrooms, and a broom that had been on fire adjacent to the patio, which caused scorch marks. Police say that the smell of some type of accelerant was apparent.
The incident could have been
The Victim: Martha Lara
The crime: arson date: Friday, oct. 15
Time: between 9:30 p.m. and 8 a.m.
Location: 2400 block of emmett worse, but luckily Lara and her family were unharmed.
“I don’t know why someone would do this,” Lara says.
She estimates the damage may cost several hundred dollars for repairs.
Dallas Police Lt. Santos Cadena of the Southwest Patrol Division says this type of crime is rare in the area, and very little arson has been reported this year.
“Arson is not a common crime,” he says. “The Southwest Division has only eight reported arsons since July 1. We have not seen any trend of random arsons.”
Cadena says that no arrest has been made, and no suspect information was available in the crime. However, the case is still an open investigation, and anyone with information is asked to call the Dallas Police Department.
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January DEaDLInE DEC. 8
The Oak Cliff Chamber Of COmmerCe will host its annual membership luncheon at noon Dec. 7 in the Orion Ballroom of the Oak Cliff Tower, 400 S. Zang. The ceremony will spotlight the “best of” Oak Cliff in areas such as business, events, community advocates, public servants and new developments. For details, visit oakcliffchamber.org.
arT COnspiraCy raised $30,000 for Today Marks the Beginning, a nonprofit organization that brings awareness to social justice issues. Since 2005, Art Conspiracy has raised more than $110,000 for local nonprofits.
Dallas COwbOys player Andre Gurode donated $12,000 to the Oak Cliff-based nonprofit, Promise House, which provides housing, meals, counseling education and life-skills training to homeless or at-risk teens.
neighbOrhOOD nOnprOfiT VeCinOs UniDOs is looking for vendors for the Dec. 4 Oak Cliff Trade Fair Day at Nova, 1417 W. Davis. For a $25 tax-deductible donation to Vecinos Unidos, get a 10-foot by 7-foot space to sell garage sale items, crafts, art and more, and keep the proceeds. For more information, call 214.761.1086, ext. 102.
malCOlm hOrnsby of the Rosie M. Collins Sorrels School of Education and Social Services at the Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center co-hosts DISD’s 2010-11 “School Zone Dallas” television program, which airs at 7 p.m. Wednesdays on local cable Channel 98. Reporters include Jessica Nguyen of the School of Health Professions at Townview Center.
Erika Ipiña of the School of Business and Management at Townview Center co-hosts the Spanish language version, “Zona Escolar de Dallas”. Reporters include Yarixa Ramirez of W. H. Adamson High School.
eleanOr graham, English teacher at Bishop Dunne High School, received a Work of Heart Award in October from the Catholic Foundation for her commitment and leadership in the classroom. The award, which is given monthly to Dallas Catholic schoolteachers, includes a $500 grant. Over the past five years, the Catholic Foundation has awarded $450,000 in grant money.
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