1 minute read

TRUE Crime

The Victim: Peter Brown

The Crime: Investigation of debit card abuse

Date: Tuesday, Dec. 17

Time: Between midnight (Dec. 17) and midnight (Dec. 18)

Location: unknown


Peter Brown was trying to be financially responsible. He went online to his bank account to check his funds and make sure everything was OK.

Keeping tabs on one’s funds makes perfect sense. Especially since identity theft has been a major issue in recent weeks, with the Target department-store chain revealing the thefts of millions of Americans’ credit and debit card numbers in December. Brown’s inquiry paid off. Someone had charged a $200 purchase on a car-racing company website using his card.

Brown quickly notified his bank and canceled his card before any other purchases were made. He has no idea how someone could have gotten his bank card information.

“If I had to guess, it was from an online purchase,” he says.

Brown says his bank has reimbursed him for the money and is investigating the debit card abuse.

Sgt. Kay Hughbanks with the Dallas Police Southwest Patrol Division says those who think they have been victimized this way should immediately cancel their card and contest the charge with the card’s issuing financial institution.

“If the card was used online, change passwords to websites where the card was used. Consumers can also contact credit reporting agencies like Experian and follow up with them on ensuring there has been no other activity involving credit purchases or attempting to get credit using the consumer’s information,” she says.

Victims should also ask the credit bureau about ways to lock their credit or to monitor activity that is reported to their agency.

Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@ advocatemag.com.

AttoRNeY SINCe 2003, CoMMeRCIAl ANd ReSIdeNtIAl lANdloRd SINCe 1995.

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