1 minute read
Ski mask mugger hits Oak Cliff
E-bike store to open in Oak Cliff Mercantile building
Eight vintage photos of Oak Cliff
Trail updates: Coombs Creek and more
Advocate photos: Oak Cliff Mardi Gras parade, renegade style
The Dialogue
To Protect And Preserve
The leadership and residents of conservation districts who enjoy the protections CD zoning provides their neighborhoods should be screaming mad about these proposed changes! Every couple of years, city staff takes another stab at crippling historic preservation tools, and this is the latest attempt. If this passes, I don’t think you’ll ever see another CD in Dallas, and the existing CDs are at risk.
—Melissa Kingston on “City considering changes to conservation districts”
I see too many restaurants and not enough supporting retail or residential planned. The park on Continental will be a great complementary public space to this, but without the neighborhood component, this project is just a destination. And Dallas has a history of getting tired of destinations, moving on to the next hot location. —downtown worker on “$3.5 million in TIF money for Trinity Groves’ next phase”
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