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n The Oct. 20 tornado was a factor for Match Group chief executive Mandy Ginsberg leaving the company. She’s also dealing with a recent cancerrelated surgery. “Thankfully no one was killed, but the tornado hit my home, making it unlivable,” she wrote in a memo to employees. “This has definitely impacted my family.” n Pipeline executive Kelcy Warren made headlines for having one of the happiest places to work among Fortune 100 companies. Energy Transfer scored No. 5 on the “happiness index,” according to UpSlide. Warren got a 97% CEO approval rating. His $29 million, 27,200-square-foot home in Preston Hollow features a hidden door in a walk-in closet that leads to a secret room filled with guitars.

MAJOR SHARISE HADNOT, North Central Division commander, and Mark Lutz, a police o cer assigned to the neighborhood unit for the West Patrol Bureau, say:

• If there’s a burglary, call 911 to report it so police can record the data and investigate. If you talk about it on Nextdoor or call the City Council without alerting the police, this will delay the police response. “I don’t know if you need help, if you don’t tell the Dallas Police Department,” Hadnot says.

• You can report a theft (property removed without a break-in) online at dallaspolice.net.

• Check crime patterns in your neighborhood at dallasareawatch.com.

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