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To adverTise

Do you experience: frequent and uncontrollable urges to urinate; involuntary loss of urine; sudden, intense urges to urinate; urge to urinate but simply can’t; getting up two or more times a night to urinate students, they’re some of Hillcrest High School’s amateur scientists.

As many as 33 million Americans, both men and women experience one or more of these symptoms. These symptoms may indicate overactive bladder or a type of urinary incontinence. There are several treatment options available to help you regain control of your life.

The Hillcrest Biomedical Group conducts actual, scientific research in the MacDonald Laboratory at UT Southwestern Medical Center, executing graduate-level procedures. Each year, the students attend the annual conference for the American Society for Biochemistry and MolecularBiology, hearing from thousands of scientists from around the globe, including Nobel Prize winners. Last year, Hillcrest students presented their own research on protein modeling.

Kelly Stein, Biomedical Group president and Hillcrest senior, says they were probably the only high school group attending the conference, much less sharing work.

“It was just us and other graduate students,” she says. “You could tell they were impressed.”

Hillcrest science teacher Dr. Ward Coats advises the extracurricular group, recruiting students who commit to work at least two shifts in the lab each month. Several students even spent 40 hours a week in the lab over the summer.

“We’re trying to put young people into the life sciences because there just aren’t enough people doing that,” he says.

InMarch, Coats received a $10,000 grant from Toyota and the National Science Teachers Association for his innovative work in secondary science education. The award helps fund the students’ research.

This year’s project involves the crystallization of proteins, analyzing the transcription factor PTF1 — a key regulator of pancreatic development in the embryonic stage. When students isolate it, they can determine its function and identify where it bonds within the entire genome.Eventually, they could discover where the organ doesn’t develop properly in specific genes.

Lauren Schuller has been in the Biomedical Group since her freshman year, when all the formulas and apparatuses seemed quite complicated — way beyond what’s covered in class. Now, as a senior, she nods her head as Coats helps plan out procedures in the lab, sometimes beating him to the answers.

“We come in as freshmen, and everything is new, the equipment is new,”

Schuller says. “It’s very intimidating, but we work through it. We’ve learned a lot.”

Coats says the students are performingproceduresthathedidn’tknow how to do until graduate school, when he worked in the lab until all hours of the morning.

“Thebestthingyou’lleverexperience is when an experiment that you designed works, and it gives you that ‘aha’ moment,” he tells his students.

Butlikeanysuccessfulschoolprogram, parent involvement is key, Coats says, from making sure the students get to the lab each week to leading important fundraising initiatives such as the pajama sale, which will help send the students to the April ASBMB conference in Washington, D.C., where they plan to present their research again.

“Withouttheparents,thisprogram would not exist,” he says.

AlisannMarshall,whosedaughter, Andrea, has been a long-time participant in the group, says the experience these studentsreceiveeachweekautomatically makes their résumés stand out.

“When you’re 17 years old, to be able to say that your first work experience was at a biomedical lab, that’s pretty good,” Marshall says.

To remaininthegroup,students must maintain passing grades. That’s a cinch for these wiz kids who take all Advanced Placement classes and juggle other extracurricular activities such as cheerleading,volleyballandNational Honor Society.

For Nicholas Osborn, a National Merit Scholarsemifinalist,theBiomedical Group has been invaluable. In fact, he transferred to Hillcrest from a private school in Mesquite for the program — something he’d never seen at the high school level.

“This is practically unprecedented,” Osborn says. “At the end of sophomore year, I was simply sold. Biology is my passion. This just resonates with me.”


Support Hillcrest Biomedical Group

The group is selling pajamas, three pair for $25, through mid-December. The fundraiser will help send the students to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology conference in Washington, D.C. Email Jan Osborn at janosborn@ sbcglobal.com. The students also will have a booth Nov. 19-21at the Lovers Lane United Methodist Church marketplace, 9200 Inwood.

St. John’s Episcopal School


KIDVILLE is scheduled to open in Preston Royal Village in early 2011, taking over the former Roy’s Natural Market space. It will be the first Kidville in the Southwest, offering a range of early childhood programs and activities.


THE PRESTON HOLLOW EARLY CHILDHOOD PTA will host a program at 9 a.m. Nov. 22 at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, 9800 Preston. Pediatrician Dr. Karen McClard will explain how to be prepared for a child emergency. For details, visit phecpta.org.

THE NORTH DALLASEARLY CHILDHOOD PTA will host a program, ‘Tis the Season for Stress-free Holidays, at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 4 in Meaders Hall at Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, 9027 Midway. For details, visit ndecpta.org.


NICHOLAS OSBORN, a senior at Hillcrest High School, is one of only five Dallas ISD students who qualified as a semifinalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program. There were more than 22,000 entries for the program, which recognizes outstanding academic achievement.

ANTONINO ABUNDES, KELLY ALBRIGHT ANDYIFEI HOU at W.T. White High School qualified for AP Scholar with Distinction, earning an average score of 3.5 on all Advanced Placement exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.

PETER BROOKE, GREERGARDNER, NANCY LOPEZ, CASEY RADICEANDLUKESTROTHER of W.T. White qualified for AP Scholar with Honor, earning an average score of 3.25 on all AP exams and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

OLIVER VOWELL AND MANNY CANTU of W.T. White earned places in DISD’s All-City Orchestra. Vowell earned 14th chair in first violins, and Cantu earned fourth chair in basses. JEREMY MARTINEZ, a W.T. White freshman, won a secondplace red ribbon at the State Fair for his art exhibit in the Creative Arts Craftsman Division.

ANTONIO ABUNDES AND NATASHA MOUSHEGIAN at W.T. White were selected as National Hispanic Recognition Scholars based on their PSAT scores. Only 5,000 students out of 200,000 received the honor.

ALEX WARD, GREERGARDNER AND ANTONIO ABUNDES are among the 34,000 Commended Students in the nation for the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program, placing in the top 5 percent of more than 1.5 million students who took the PSAT.

Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

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