5 minute read


Parsons GrouP has announced Victoria Hernandez as the new executive director of Parsons House Preston Hollow, an assisted living community. Hernandez has worked in a succession of roles at the Preston Hollow community since 2003, including positions as caregiver, activities director and assisted living director.


W.T. WhiTe senior Deidre Thornell has won the Texas round of the Colgate Country Showdown, a singing competition that showcases the nation’s most promising country music talent. Thornell will now advance to the next round of regional competitions in New Mexico. If she wins there, she will go to Tennessee for the televised national competitions and a shot at $100,000.

The 2009-2010 hillcresT hiGh school naTional honor socieT y has been announced. This year’s members are: Jorge Alvarez, Catherine Asay, Stephen Ashworth, Blake Atwell, Cimajie Best, Joey Blatt, Marlene Brioso, Luz Cobos, Patrick Crowling, Neal Daulton, Donielle Demus, Molly Fisher, Sarah Fisher, Stephanie Gore, Emily Gray, Alejandro Hernandez, Taylor Hinojosa, Carlos Jimenez, Spencer Klein, Surata Kloss, Alix Kohrs, McKenna Lelah, Marco Lopez, Andrea Marshall, Victoria McKay, Crystal Meraz, Aleni Mostarac, Paul Peters, Nancy Ramirez, Ruben Rodriguez, Michael Rubin, Yameni Sarabia, Katherine Sartain, Lauren Schuller, Madeleine Sherrington, Kelly Stein, Naghmeh Taeffi, Brooke Tomlin, Rigoberto Velasquez, and Maya Warnock neW york-based arTisT collecTive Creative Time and Grammy-winning new music ensemble eighth blackbird are the inaugural recipients of the 2009-2010 Meadows Prize at Southern Methodist University. The prize includes housing for a one-to-three-month residency in Dallas, transportation expenses, studio/office space and project costs, in addition to a $25,000 stipend. In return, recipients are expected to interact in a substantive way with students at the Meadows School of Arts and collaborating arts organizations, and to leave a lasting legacy in Dallas, such as a work of art that remains in the community, a composition or piece of dramatic writing that would be performed locally, or a new way of teaching in a particular discipline.


PresTon holloW neiGhbor bishop lynch high school 9750 Ferguson Rd. Dallas 75228/ 214.324.3607 www.bishoplynch.org. Recognized for student achievement, leadership, and innovation, Bishop Lynch High School continues to build on a rich heritage that prepares graduates for a lifetime of success. The mission of Bishop Lynch High School is to teach students “to strive for academic excellence, to seek truth, and to work for justice in the world.” To see that each student emerges with a well-rounded experience, Bishop Lynch offers first-rate academics, including the largest dual enrollment program of any private school in the state of Texas, extensive guidance as students prepare to enter higher education, and a widevariety of extracurricular and service activities. the chilDRen’s centeR

Nora Hubach was recently sworn in as a volunteer for Dallas CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). She will now serve as a voice in court for abused and neglected children who need someone to speak out for their best interests. To find out how to become a CASA volunteer, call 214.827.9603 ext. 228, or visit dallascasa.org.

1423 san saba Drive, Dallas/214.823.2119/ Fax 214.321.4666 / contactus@thechildrenscenterdallas.org / www.thechildrenscenterdallas. org Established in 1951, the Children’s Center provides a way to introduce children to the arts, the joy of learning and the beauty and wonders of our world. Educating the total child, we place emphasis on developing the child’s social skills and independence. Licensed developmental school for children ages 2 1/2 - 5. We have 2, 3 and 5-day programs, depending on the child’s age. Our school day is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Extended day on Tues. or Wed. until 2 p.m. We maintain a waiting list and schedule visits to the school in the spring as space becomes available. For more information call us at 214.823.2119


pRepaRatoRy school leading to success. 2720 hillside Drive, Dallas, 75214 / 214.826.2931, www.lakehillprep.org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.

school oF contempoRaRy ballet Dallas

214.821.2066, 1902 abrams pkwy., Dallas, www.schoolofcbd.com. Register for January Classes. Toddlers/ Youths/ Teens/ ADULT classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip-hop, & ContemporaryMorning, Afternoon, & Evening classes available. Register NOW! ADULTS, Get in the best shape with Dance Workout, Nia Movement, Zumba, and Samba fitness classes! All levels of Ballet, Tap, Jazz, & Contemporary/ Modern. Professional Instructors in a positive environment! Schedule on-line! REGISTER TODAY-space is limited!

st. beRnaRD oF claiRvaux school

1420 old gate lane / Dallas / 214-321-2897

St. Bernard of Clairvaux School has educated children in Forest Hills, Casa Linda and White Rock neighborhoods since 1948. The experienced teaching staff is dedicated to academic excellence with a challenging curriculum and individual attention. We offer affordable tuition, PK through 8th grade, wireless slate technology, extracurricular activities, and after-school care. Please call to schedule a tour. www.stbernardofclairvaux.org

st. john’s episcopal school

848 harter Rd. Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 www.stjohnsschool.org / Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.

white Rock noRth school

9727 white Rock trail Dallas / 214.348.7410. 2 Years through 6th Grade. 44 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-theart technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around funfilled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus. www.WhiteRockNorthSchool.com.

Zion lutheRan school

6121 e. lovers ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 57 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.



1902 Abrams Pkwy. 214.821.2066

• Contemporary

9750 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, Texas 75228 (214) 324-3607 www.bishoplynch.org

Bishop Lynch High School brothers

B a P t IS t

GaStON OaKS BaPtISt / Greenville Ave & Royal Lane

Sunday Worship 10:45 am / Bible Study 9:30 am www.gastonoaks.org / 214.348.0958

WIlSHIRe BaPtISt / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

dIS c IPle S Of cHRIS t

eaSt dallaS cHRIStIaN cHuRcH / 629 n Peak Street

Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am 214.824.8185 / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org

ePIS c OPal

cHuRcH Of tHe INcaRNatION / 3966 McKinney Ave / 214.521.5101

Sunday: Traditional 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 am and 5:00 pm

Contemporary 9:00, 11:15 am and 6:00 pm / incarnation.org

e va NGelIcal

tRINIty HIllcReSt cHuRcH (ePIScOPal) / 12727 Hillcrest Road

Sunday: Worship 10:30 am Blended / 12:00 pm Kenyan / 7:00 pm Contemporary / 972.991.3601 / www.trinity-hillcrest.org

l ut H e R a N

ZION lutHeRaN cHuRcH & ScHOOl / 6121 E Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org

P R e SB yte RI a N

NORtHPaRK PReSByteRIaN cHuRcH / 214.363.5457

9555 n Central Expy. / www.northparkpres.org new Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services

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