A guide to goodies made by our talented neighbors

A guide to goodies made by our talented neighbors
During the holidays, it’s every man for himself
There must be hundreds of thousands of parking spaces in Dallas. They’re literally everywhere, covered and uncovered, wide and narrow, brightly striped and barely visible.
There are so many parking spaces that, for the most part, I take them for granted.
But for some reason, that changes during the holiday season, doesn’t it?
The spaces don’t change, of course. They’re still doing what they do best: collecting oil droppings and cigarette butts.
But the perceived value of a parking space in December, as compared with the value of that same space in January, rises exponentially and sometimes catastrophically.
I’ve never understood exactly why that is, even as I confess to participating in the value-inflating process.
The rest of the year, I’m pretty indifferent about one parking space versus another, maybe because they seem so plentiful and welcoming in February and March. But for those few weeks in November and December, the value of a close-in parking space becomes almost unaffordable in terms of the mental anguish required to snag one.
Maybe it’s the endless spooling around and around that helps develop the nasty attitude so prevalent among parking-space scouts during the holidays. To find a space close to a store’s door, you have to be more than lucky and living right: You have to be aggressive and opportunistic and maybe even a little unreasonable.
People who might wave someone else into a space the rest of the year aren’t likely to do that if the next-best alternative is hundreds of feet or several stories away. Fac-
ing that choice, the kill-or-be-killed instincts encouraged in video games too often seem to kick in.
I’ve been involved in more than a few parking space stare-downs over the years, my hands fidgeting on the wheel as I lock eyes with another driver eyeing the same spot as we both wait for the current occupant to back out, generally at a snail’s pace. Whether I’m the first to have my blinker on or not, there are those people who will try to beat me into the space, even if they morally (in as much as there is morality in hunting for a parking space) have no right to do so.
And if beaten to the spot by a more aggressive competitor, what can you do?
if beaten to the parking spot by a more aggressive competitor, what can you do?
Keying a door or leaning on the horn are possibilities.
Keying a door or leaning on the horn are possibilities, although I suppose those actions don’t really reflect the holiday spirit.
The temptation is always there to hop out of the car and offer the other guy some friendly advice about life, but that type of confrontation generally isn’t going to change the fact that he or she now has a parking space and I don’t.
I’ve even heard of people, particularly selfish people I might add, who send a person to stand in an empty spot and hold it until the car arrives — another idea guaranteed to raise tempers and blood pressures.
There really is no answer to the holiday parking space battle other than common courtesy, but that doesn’t make a parking space thief any easier to forgive or forget.
After all, during a season known for peace and good will, what could be more important than getting into a store five minutes faster?
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Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
When Austin-based Hopdoddy Burger Bar opened its first Dallas location in Preston Center, Advocate publisher Rick Wamre wrote about his experience at the restaurant:
“It’s organized a bit differently than any other place I’ve been in Dallas. First, you line up to order. While you’re in line (assuming there’s a line, which there was the night we visited), a hostess assigns a seat for you; no worrying about standing there with a tray of food and no place to sit.
The ordering process is pretty basic, although the menu is limited primarily to burgers. But no worries — the burger is good enough that you’ll be thinking about it even after you’ve finished.
In short, you can get in and out of there with two burgers, an order of fries and two soft drinks for a bit more than $20, pretty standard for Dallas upper-end burger places. But if you like burgers, I think you’ll like this place.”
“We found that the shakes are as excellent as the burgers and fries.”
—Don via prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
“Good food, but it’s a full service restaurant masquerading as a fast casual diner on the corner. Expensive, fussy, and no take out allowed. Doesn’t work for my 21st century needs.”
—n icholas Schell via facebook.com/ prestonhollowadvocateRead Wamre’s full review and view more photos at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
Jenene Justice is an active community volunteer, most recently working with with Take me Home Pet rescue, an animal rescue nonprofit in richardson. Justice grew up in Preston Hollow and attended George b. Dealey montessori, Franklin middle School and Hillcrest High School. She later worked for oil and gas consulting firm DeGoyler and macNaughton before “retiring.” We caught up with Justice in her eclectic home to talk about her past and the present.
You’ve lived in Preston Hollow for 62 years. Are your parents from here, too? Yes, they are. When I was born, they took me home to their house on Azalea Lane. I don’t mind thinking I’m 62. I still think I’m 25 [bats eyelashes].
How long did you work at DeGolyer and MacNaughton?
I was a secretary to the senior vice president. I worked for 15 men for 23 years. When I left there, I took a fat stack of money with me. They had a profit sharing trust where they would match money. You’d get bonuses, and they’d just fund your retirement. It was the best company in the land. I mean, I did love the guys I worked for, the friends I made and the company. But who wants to work?
Why did you retire early?
I had to retire at 53 because I basically was not born to work. I always had this thing that I wanted to do something for someone else. And I didn’t know what it was. I have a good husband. He said, “I wonder why you waited this long to ask me if you could quit your job?”
You said you raised money for “Santa Cops” each year you were at DeGolyer.
My brother is a retired police lieutenant, and my nephew is in the police academy right now. I called the police department one day and asked if they could use donations. I just printed up fliers and put them in the lunchroom at DeGolyer and put out a donation jar. If I didn’t like how the jar was looking, I would go to everybody’s office and say, “Are you going donate something?” We’d get $4,000-$5,000, and three or four of my buddies at work would go shopping and get toys for the Santa Cops to come and take. They loved me. The coolest part was one year I got to go on a ride with the police and see the look on those children’s faces when they got the toys. It was awesome.
When did you start volunteering?
Santa Cops. It was the first time I realized I was good at asking people for money for someone else [laughs].
Where do you spend your time volunteering now?
Take Me Home Pet Rescue in Richardson. They rescue dogs and cats and pull them from kill shelters when their time is up. They work in conjunction with another group that pulls dogs off the streets in South Oak Cliff. They pay for all the vetting and put them in temporary foster homes where they learn to live with kids and other animals. Recently, 50 Maltese dogs were dumped out off the beaten track and they were puppy mill dogs, their fur was matted to their skin. They had never been out on grass, and Take Me Home has five of them. Their teeth were in terrible condition. They are particularly tough rescues because they have to be taught how to be a dog and housetrained and socialized with other humans.
What prompted you to start volunteering with Take Me Home?
I knew the founders for two or three years, two housewives that started the group. I don’t work and I don’t “do lunch,” and it’s not like I sit on the couch and eat bonbons. I think we are all meant to help others if we are able, and if we don’t we are going to regret it someday.
What’s next for you?
I’m heading up a silent auction fundraiser on Dec. 8 for the group. It’s the big fundraiser because it brings in the money so they can hopefully sustain.
What do you like most about fundraising?
Knowing that no matter how much work there is to do, and no matter how long it takes, at the end of the event, when I see the dollar amount, I know it was all worth it.
—Monica S. NagyVISIT TAKEMEHOMEPETRESUCE.COM to find information about the silent auction and where to buy tickets.
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As a busy mother of two young children, Royeni Tjoa, a special-education teacher at T.C. Marsh Middle School, needed some help organizing her home. While online a few months ago, she stumbled upon a Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity contest and saw an opportunity to improve her modest-sized house in Far North Dallas. She submitted an application to be a part of Habitat’s Design Duel and was selected from a group of 25, which narrowed down to five and then, ultimately, just her and another mom from southeast Dallas. “It was a really tight competition,” she says. “I kept checking online to see if I made it.” The duel paired Tjoa with designer Carolina Gentry of Pulp Design Studios and gave Tjoa $3,000 to spend at Dallas Habitat ReStores with the goal of making better use of her space. “Working with an actual designer is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that we couldn’t have afforded otherwise,” she says. Her family helped by painting and transforming her common area in a couple of days. Living room walls that were once white are now gray, and the avocado-colored dining room was repainted white to provide a more modern, open look. Tjoa and Gentry spent the $3,000 on blinds, a sturdy coffee table, an abstract wall painting, and other odds and ends at the ReStore on Marsh and Forest. The stores sell everything from coffee cups to couches at discounted prices, with all proceeds going toward building and renovating homes in the community. The new furniture and accessories give Tjoa a space that’s more suitable to her lifestyle, and that’s all she could ask for, although the bragging rights that came along with the Nov. 13 announcement that she won the contest didn’t hurt. Tjoa’s excited to come home to the same place but with a little extra pizzazz — and space. Her next big project is to repaint one of her boys’ rooms, which is currently covered with Winnie The Pooh characters she painted on the walls while pregnant. “You know teachers need to have something to do during the summer,” she laughs.
There are less than 100 Lucas Terriers in the U.S. and Winston was the first one to come to Dallas. This 3-year-old cutie lives an urban lifestyle on the 21st floor of his high rise with his person, Tatiana Frierson
Stock up on the cutest hats for winter! Whether a gift or for your mini me, it’s sure to be a hit!
6719 Snider Plaza minimedallas.com 214.346.5401
The Artist of Texas - 4th Annual Show. Artwork on display November - December 2012. We are your fine art and custom framing location. 10233 E. NW Hwy. Ste. 420 @ Ferndale 214.348.7350 dutchartusa.com
Cake, Candy and Cookie supplies! Take a class to learn how to decorate your seasonal treats. Home of the famous make your own Peppermint Bark. 1002 N. Central Expwy. Ste.501 @ Arapaho 972.690.4628 cakecarousel.com
Come in now to see our best collection of Christmas creations from South of the Border ever! 2813 N. Henderson Ave. 214.826.0069 lamariposaimports.com
Meditation pillows are available in a large variety of prints. Jewelry, ceramics and many more gift ideas. And yoga supplies as well. 6039 Oram (at Skillman) 214.534.4469 yogamartusa.com
Unique gifts and decor from 200 artisan studios. Glass, jewelry, pottery, turned wood, and more! All handmade in the U.S.A. Like us on Facebook. 6725 Snider Plaza 469.759.6501 eclecticgalleries.com
Soaps, Lotions,Glass Soap Dishes and Candles in Fleur De Noel make the perfect hostess gift. The rich Winter Floral fragrance is the perfect subtle addition to your home for the holidays.
7989 Belt Line Rd., Ste. 154, Dallas 972.991.3689 pollydupont.com
Scarf by Ken’s: 100% reversible cashmere, $95. Gloves by Wilts Hillard, $140. Both available in various colors. Located NE corner Preston Royal kensmansshop.com 214.369.5367
Wackym’s Kitchen bakes delicious cookies from original recipes using fresh, natural ingredients like real butter and cane sugar. Visit our website to order or find a retail location. wackymskitchen.com
Deck your Halls with beautiful Magnolia, Boxwood, and Noble wreaths and garland, as well as unique lacquered magnolia wreaths. Come see the best Christmas tree selection in Dallas! 8652 Garland Rd. 214.321.2387 waltonsgarden.com
Come by Beaucoup for fabulous fashions, unique jewelry, and charming home decor! 2815 Henderson Ave. Dallas 214.823.7906 635 W. Campbell Rd. Richardson 972.235.7906 facebook.com/beaucouphome
Equinox will host Justin & Amanda
Leonard’s first annual Charity Spinclassic 2-4 p.m. Dec. 1. The event features a one-hour cycling class, a live auction with the championship PGA golfer from Dallas, and 40 bikes each available for a $350 donation. Other live auctions take place to benefit Camp Mati, a camp in Colorado for children with cancer. The event takes place at Equinox’s Highland Park club, 4023 Oak Lawn Ave. For more information and to register or donate, visit justinleonard.com.
Matthew Trent Jewelry Naturally Stackable 214.871.9170 matthewtrent.com
Sweet treats are the perfect party favor for your holiday gathering! Open at the London Café inside Timothy Oulton at Potter Square. 4500 N. Central Expressway. 214.534.2241 thehospitalitysweet.com
The Biomedical Research Group at Hillcrest is raising money to send its students to present at the American Society for Biomedical Molecular Biology in Boston. To defray costs they are selling pajamas for $28. Visit pajamafundraiser. com to find the selection and order by sending your order form and a check made out to HHS Biomedical Research to Pat Montoux at 3752 Northaven, Dallas, Texas, 75229. The deadline to order is Dec. 5.
Drop off new books or toys at Ken’s Man’s Shop through Dec. 24 to benefit the children at Scottish Rite Hospital. The shop has a large table where items can be dropped off, and hospital employees pick them up before Christmas. Ken’s is located in the Preston Royal Shopping Center, 6025 Royal Lane.
Know of ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@ advocatemag.com.
Customize Your Wine Party featuring 3 Dreams Wine! Tues., Dec. 4, 7-9pm. Create custom labels & meet the local winemaker! 15615 Quorum Dr - Addison Circle 972.387.CAKE polkadotbakery.co
Discover the beauty and style of our elegant casual clothing, perfect for holiday entertaining! 2813 N. Henderson Ave. 214.826.0069 lamarposaimports.com
December 2012
Dec. 22
Take a break from shopping to stock up on baked goods at the 10 a.m.-7 p.m. sale on the center’s first level near Macy’s and on the second level near NorthPark Cafés. Local premier chefs and caterers will offer gourmet cakes, cookies, pies and other sweet treats. Proceeds benefit the North Texas Food Bank’s Cooking Matters and Share Our Strength, a campaign to ensure all kids receive nutritious, affordable foods.
NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441, northparkcenter.com, free
DEC. 1, 8, 15
Meet Comet and Cupid, live reindeer, and take a picture with Santa from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Photos are free but donations benefit the North Texas Food Bank. The Plaza at Preston Center, 8311 Preston Center Plaza, 469.232.0000, theplazaatprestoncenter.com, free
DEC. 1
The holiday concert at 8 p.m. features German Baroque and J.S. Bach music performed by the Dallas Bach Society. Purchase tickets online.
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 7611 Park, 214.320.8700, dallasbach.org, $20-$50
DEC. 1
Learn the basics of Microsoft Word and Excel from 11 a.m.-noon. This course is geared toward seniors and will provide a “nurturing small-group atmosphere.” Park Forest Branch Library, 3421 Forest, 214.670.6333, dallaslibrary2.org, free
DEC. 3
Author Karen Berg explores the relationship between Kabbalah and reincarnation at 7:30 p.m. Attendees will receive a copy of Berg’s new book on the topic, “To Be Continued,” which was released in September.
Museum of Biblical Art, 7500 Park, 214.368.4622, kabbalah.com/tbctour, $36
Nov. 29, Dec. 1-2
Join Cruella De Vil, Pongo, Perdita and the rest of the adorable pups at the JCC’s Youtheatre production. The show begins at 7 p.m. each night, and a matinee showing takes place Sunday, Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. Buy tickets online at a discounted price or at the door.
Jewish Community Center of Dallas, 7900 Northaven, 214.739.2737, jccdallas.org, $12-$16
more local events or submit your own
From 4-7 p.m. take advantage of complimentary wine, beer and appetizers while shopping the garden for holiday gifts. Drop by a class on planting terrariums at 5:30 p.m. or a class on planting tulips and pansies in containers at 6 p.m. North Haven Gardens, 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com, free
The Texas Voices sing in a “celebration of hope and mystery” about the nativity at 7:30 p.m. The concert includes the traditional pieces “Magnificat” and “Ave Maria,” and new arrangement “Mary Had a Baby.”
Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, 9200 Inwood, 214.537.3049, thetexasvoices.org, $10-$22
This month, Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse hosts only two shows but they’re good ones. Seth Glier brings a powerful falsetto and Allie Farris returns to Texas on Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. On Dec. 28 at 8 p.m., Guthrie Kennard performs his “dusky and raw” music to open for Ray Wylie Hubbard, who recently released a new album, “The Grifter’s Hymnal.”
Northpark Presbyterian Church, 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15-$25
Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D
David M. Bookout, M.D.
Julie M. Hagood, M.D.
James K. Richards, M.D. (center row)
Jennifer Muller, M.D.
John D. Bertrand, M.D. (front row)
Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D.
Hampton B. Richards, M.D.
—Monica S. NagyBistro isn’t one of those restaurants that claim to make authentic food from cities and countries the chefs aren’t even from. Didier Viriot, owner and chef de cuisine, is from Paris, but he has worked in the kitchen at his seafood restaurant since it opened in 2009. Viriot comes from a family of seven chefs, and his brother-in-law owns a similar restaurant in Paris called “Citrus Etoile.” The way the restaurant is situated in a shopping strip makes it look cramped from the outside, but on the inside are two dining areas, two chef’s tables in the kitchen, a special reservation room and sliding glass doors that open up to a patio on the side of the bistro. The light hues and whimsical art mesh well with the restaurant’s staples: citrus and fresh herbs. Diners love the crab cakes because they are full of crab, not bread crumbs, says Viriot’s wife, Nanou. “I like to eat, as you can tell,” says Viriot while pointing to his stomach. “And I like to serve what I like to eat.”
5930 Royal Lane 214.750.6282 citrusbistro.com
AMbiANce: breezy
Price rANge: $28.95-$62.95 for diNNer
cAll Three dAyS iN AdvANce To reServe
A chef’S TAble iN The kiTcheN. The ATMoSPhere iS SoPhiSTicATed like The reST of The reSTAurANT, ANd There’S No AddiTioNAl chArge.
Stop by TJ’s for fresh stone crabs in large and colossal sizes through May 15. “It’s cheaper than a plane ticket to Key West,” owner Jon Alexis jokes. Don’t want to do the work? TJ’s steams and cracks the crabs for free and carries traditional mustard sauce for dipping.
11661 Preston Road, Suite 149
This fairly priced joint cooks up more than sizzling steaks. Try out the fresh crab and tuna tartar served with a port wine reduction, or the sample of three ceviches with crab, salmon and tuna.
5944 Royal Lane
Stop by for the Shack’s boiling pot of crab and shrimp that comes with one pound of crab legs. Want smaller bites of crab? Try the jalapeños stuffed with crab, shrimp, cheese and wrapped with crispy bacon.
11625 Webb Chapel Road
Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/dining
The Gattini family invites you to our new location! After a quarter of a century, Momo has moved to a new and better spot. We are still in the neighborhood and we are as committed as ever to offering our guests lovingly prepared homemade Italian food — made in the traditional ways.
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Never has one kind of wine been so confusing to so many people. Once, all sparkling was called champagne, even if it didn’t come from the Champagne region of France. Today, for a variety of reasons, only bubbly that comes from Champagne can be called Champagne — which, as it turns out, is perfectly fine with producers in Spain, where it’s called cava; in Italy, where it’s called Prosecco; and in the rest of the France, where it’s called cremant.
Those wines, which cost a fraction of the price of Champagne, are markedly improved in quality and deliver value far above their price. Yes, there is nothing like Champagne, but if you want to spend $20 or less, there are literally hundreds of great wines to choose from.
These wines are just a glimpse of what’s available:
• Miguel Pons Cava Brut Nature ($16): This cava is soft and generous, with sweet lemon fruit and bubbles that won’t quit. It doesn’t have the edge that many other cavas have, but that’s not a problem.
• Gloria Ferrer Sonoma Brut ($15): A California sparkler that never disappoints. Look for a bit of spice, minerals, apple fruit and even a certain yeastiness, which is usually found only in more expensive wines.
• Francois Labet Cremant Brut ($15): Outstanding chardonnay-based effort from Burgundy region of France that has some apple, wonderful bubbles and even a bit of caramel in the back. Not as fruity as cava, but more austere than real Champagne.
—Jeff Siegel
Jeff Siegel’S weekly wine reviewS appear every Wednesday on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Why does sparkling wine have bubbles?
It’s from carbonation, just like soft drinks — though the process is much more complicated with champagne-style wines and involves two rounds of fermentation, as opposed to one for still wine. The second round produces the bubbles.
ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com
Pecans, though popular in Texas and the South, aren’t as well-known in the rest of the world. This knockoff of a Spanishstyle almond cake shows just how versatile pecans can be.
2 eggs
1 c sugar
1/3 c oil
1/2 c milk
3/4 c flour
1/4 c ground pecans
3/4 tsp baking powder
3 Tbsp pecan pieces powdered sugar for garnishing
1. Beat eggs in a large bowl. Stir in sugar and oil, and then add milk, flour, ground pecans, and baking powder. Mix well.
2. Pour the batter into a greased and floured 9-inch pie plate. Sprinkle pecan pieces on top. Bake in preheated 350-degree oven for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Garnish with powdered sugar.
Makes one 9-inch cake; takes 45 minutes to an hour.
THE HOLIDAYS ARE A TIME of mass-manufactured items and stores galore. In Preston Hollow, we have more than enough places to shop, but is it worth the traffic and trudging through checkout lines at the mall? Gifts for friends and loved ones might be even closer — and better yet, made locally. We found a few crafty neighbors who are hard at work this holiday season.
That’s what you’ll hear when you give one of these unique made-right-here-in-the-neighborhood giftsJ Diane Colter, DDS J Diane Colter, DDS
Dr. Colter specializes in comprehensive dental care for infants, children, teens and children with special needs.
“ We recognize every child is unique and we strive to make sure his or her dental visit feels like it’s tailored just for them.”
Dr. Colter and her staff want children and their parents to feel comfortable about their visit to the dentist in the warm, caring and inviting office of All About Kids Dentistry.
please visit
All About Kids Dentist .com
please visit
All About Kids Dentist .com
Price range: $10–$35
Where to find it: PK’s Wine and Spirits, 9221 Midway, 214.350.4344 or 8611 Hillcrest, 214.234.0383
bottle are the beginning of Glenda Sorensen’s craft. Sorensen takes empty wine bottles to Camille Murphey of Camille’s Creations, who uses her kiln to transform them into di erent shapes. Wine bottles are sentimental for some, and can be flattened by the kiln’s flame to later be used as wall decorations, or molded to form bowllike shapes to serve dips and chips.
All kinds of customers, from wine enthusiasts to people saving champagne bottles from their wedding, bring their bottles to Sorensen to be turned into keepsakes.
The biggest catch of the craft is removing the delicate wine labels from the bottles before they are slumped and molded.
“I have to use everything from water to Goo Gone and the blow dryer. [Francis Ford] Coppola, his labels are almost impossible to get o ,” she says of the iconic film director and wine impresario.
Sorensen designs custom labels, too, from the humorous to the elaborate. Her non-individualized creations can be purchased at PK’s Wine and Spirits, the familyrun business her husband owns.
In fact, PK’s business manager Judy Rose inspired Sorensen to re-use the bottles in the first place.
“I have the most fun when someone wants a special order,” Sorensen says. “I have a great desire to be creative and am constantly thinking of ‘the next great idea.’ ”
“I have the most fun when someone wants a special order. I have a great desire to be creative and am constantly thinking of ‘the next great idea.’ ”
Women started shoWing up at Liz Morgan’s home in 1992 shortly after a story about her outfitting Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders for photo shoots appeared in Dallas Cowboys Weekly.
Morgan opened her own store, Liz Morgan Apparels, at Village on the Parkway in 1997 and ran it for several years before deciding to sell it to one of her clients.
The timing was right because her grandson, now 13, was coming to live with her. But Morgan’s clients still wanted her one-of-a-kind ensembles, so she opened her home again to sell signature pieces under the same name.
Morgan orders clothes from 30 different vendors that she uses to style and dress the likes of teenagers to 80-year-olds. She also designs some of her own clothes based on her and her clients’ tastes.
Women come to her house and shop out of rooms lined with racks of pantsuits, jeans, furs, leather, trousers, dresses, coats and more.
“I stay busy, and it’s hard work, but it doesn’t seem that hard,” Morgan says. “It’s kind of like having a lot of friends come over.”
Her elegant jewelry glimmers as she turns her head toward racks of clothes, explaining that she handpicks all the fabrics used and works only by appointment. Morgan also coordinates numerous fashion shows for different organizations and uses their members as models. She even helped the late Mary Kay Ash put together glamorous outfits.
The best part for Morgan is that she is back doing what she loves to do — working with women and making them feel good about themselves.
“I love to see people blossom,” Morgan says. “It’s like big girls playing dress up.”
Liz Morgan Liz Morgan Apparelsprize range: $60-$795
Contact: 972.458.7947 or lizmorganapparel@live.com
d“i stay busy, and it’s hard work, but it doesn’t seem that hard. it’s kind of like having a lot of friends come over.”
Price range: $15-$32
Website: camillescreationsinc.com
When nancy Zally started making bread dough ornaments, she didn’t know the miniature people she was fashioning needed extra pieces for their necks, so what resulted were little blobs of figures, she says with a smirk.
“I first sold them for really cheap,” she says.
Now, Zally, who sells her ornaments out of Camille’s Creations on West Lovers Lane, makes a variety of figures, from Hockaday cheerleaders to cowboy Santas, with wispy handwriting and elaborate detail — and they all have necks (except for the snowmen).
Zally first began crafting ornaments in 1979 when she had her second child.
“I needed to make some money and didn’t want to get a job,” she says.
While at a shopping center, she saw the traditional craft and told herself, “I can do that,” so she went home, found a recipe, and the forming began.
Zally made the ornaments at home, something she still does to this day, with a little help from her daughter, Gretchen Crichton. Zally molds and bakes the tiny figures, and her daughter paints on the bright colors. When that’s done, she dunks the little people in a “polyurethane-type” glaze in her laundry room and blow-dries them to remove any bubbles.
“I can do it whenever I feel like it — at the crack of dawn or late at night.”
Though she makes 20 to 30 ornaments a day, Zally still finds it relaxing, with the exception of the holidays when the orders pile up from her biggest clients — housewives, she says.
Most ornaments run $17.50 each. She can also use family photos to customize ornaments, and those cost more, she says. Zally works Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Camille’s, where her ornaments are exclusively sold.
“I know I’ll work until at least 70 — I like money,” she says with a chuckle.
d“I know I’ll work until at least 70 — I like money.”
Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM
The Plaza at Preston Center landed two more top-notch tenants to the fivestory mixed-use development, which is under construction, with the signing of Cambridge Holdings, Inc. and Morgan Stanley. Cambridge leased about 19,000 square feet of office space comprising the entire top floor of the building and half of the third floor, which the company will occupy upon the building’s spring 2013 completion. The building will be known as The Cambridge Building, named for the national developer, owner and manager of healthcare facilities. “The vibrancy of the neighborhood and the walkable surroundings of the plaza are complementary with our business activities,” Cambridge CEO Jean-Claude Saada says via a press release. Morgan Stanley leased 14,317 square feet of office space, the entire fourth floor of the building,
and is scheduled to move in late summer 2013. Retail tenants including True Food Kitchen and Matthew Trent will occupy the ground floor, and the second floor will be home to the University Park public library.
Golf pro and Preston Hollow resident Nick Griffin decided to open golf store Pebble and Pine because he had a hard time finding golf supplies not made in China. Pebble and Pine, which opened in the Bishop Arts District in October, specializes in made-in-the-U.S.A. items, including shirts from Austin-based Criquet, pants from New York City-based Grown & Sewn, balls from Titleist, Scotty Cameron putters and toiletries from Baxter of California. “There are a lot of good golf courses down here, but no golf stores,” Griffin says. Griffin and his wife, Jennifer, live near Preston and Royal, but they chose to open their shop in Bishop Arts because it’s a place they like to spend their leisure time, they say. The store will have a putting green and TVs, and Griffin says he hopes Pebble and Pine becomes a social space where golf fans can watch tournaments on TV and hang out. The shop will have free beer for customers every day.
1 The popular food truck Gandolfo’s added a second truck to reach a broader community and participated in a Monday Night Foodball event with food trucks and football. Gandolfo’s is famous for its New York pastrami sandwiches and recently revamped its menu.
2 Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse celebrated its 30th anniversary in November with concerts by its favorite local and touring artists. The acoustic listening room, named after Protestant reformer John Calvin, started as a smoke- and booze-free space where people could catch some original and favorite tunes in folk, bluegrass, world and more. Previous performers have included David Wilcox, Janis Ian and the Dixie Chicks. The not-for-profit, volunteer-run coffeehouse operates
“The vibrancy of the neighborhood and the walkable surroundings of the plaza are complementary with our business activities.”
The Plaza at Preston Center 8311 PRESTON CENTER PLAZA 469.232.0000
True Food Kitchen FOXRC.COM
Matthew Trent 8300 PRESTON, SUITE 400 214.871.9170
Pebble and Pine 408 N. BISHOP 214.942.4653
Gandolfo’s New York Delicatessen Dallas 972.800.7972
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse 9555 N. CENTRAL 214.363.0044
Dallas Heritage Village is aglow with Candlelight!
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First Baptist Academy serves students PK-12th grade, and has provided a rigorous academic program and Christcentered environment for 40 years. A platform for education and building a relationship with Jesus starts with the youngest students. During Interim Week, Middle School students attend a spiritual emphasis retreat and participate in mission projects, and Upper School students choose from mission and educational trips, both local and abroad. Competitive sports and fine arts programs allow students to excel athletically and creatively. Call today to schedule your tour!
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1420 Old gate ln. Dallas / 214.321.2897 / stbernardccs.org St. Bernard of Clairvaux School has educated children in Forest Hills, Casa Linda and White Rock neighborhoods since 1948. We encourage each student to develop an inquisitive mind, strong moral character and a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. The experienced teaching staff is dedicated to academic excellence with a challenging curriculum and individual attention. We offer affordable tuition, PK through 8th grade, wireless slate technology, extracurricular activities, and after-school care. Please call to schedule a tour.
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whiTE ROck nORTh SchOOl
9727 white Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / whiteRocknorthSchool. com. 2 Years through 5th Grade. 45 years of successful students! Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.
ZiOn luThERAn SchOOl
6121 E. lovers ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
Philanthropic Preston Hollow residents were honored as a part of the 27th Annual National Philanthropy Awards Luncheon Nov. 30. Sally Smith Mashburn, who runs the Dr. Bob and Jean Smith Foundation, founded by her parents, accepted the award for “Outstanding Foundation.” Mashburn is president of the Turtle Creek foundation, which was nominated for its numerous contributions to local organizations. Sarah Losinger accepted an award for “Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser” for more than 20 years of work with nonprofit organizations. The Greater Dallas Chapter of Association of Fundraising Professionals and KERA honored the recipients.
W.T. White alumnus Bryan Holaday was on the 40-man roster for the Detroit Tigers in the World Series. The Tigers selected Holaday in the sixth round of the draft in 2010. Holaday made his major-league debut this summer and played in six games at catcher during the regular season. Holaday graduated from W.T. White in 2006 and attended TCU, helping his team reach the College World Series in 2010. His mother, Laura, also is an alumna of the high school and currently the principal’s clerk.
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),
Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500
WIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
“Are you going home for Christmas?”
GRACE BIBlE CHURCH / www. gracebiblechurch.org
Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 am; Contemporary 10:30 am
Adult Bible Classes both hours /11306 Inwood Rd./214.368.0779
Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697
CENTRAl CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291
Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am
Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome
E AST DAllAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
lAKE HIGHlANDS UmC/ 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time
10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship
SHORElINE DAllAS CHURCH / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane
ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan
Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry
kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am
Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303
9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org
Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
UNIT y Of DAllAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
What question has been more frequent in this December season? It’s not uncommon for someone to ask it of me, then I remind them that I am a minister with four Christmas Eve candlelight services, and they say, “Oh yes — I guess you’re staying in Dallas.”
Thankfully, Dallas has long been my home, so I can say honestly that I am going home for Christmas!
“Are you going home for Christmas?”
It’s still a wistful question, since many people will not be home for the holidays. There are those who live too far away, or those who can’t scramble together enough money for plane fares. Of course we remember those serving our country in faraway places like Afghanistan or any one of many lonely posts around the world. Many still remember the song that came out during the dark days of World War II: “I’ll be home for Christmas/ You can count on me/ I’ll be home for Christmas/ If only in my dreams.”
“Are you going home for Christmas?”
Frederick Buechner, who is a minister and author, has written that in mid-December 1953 he was in church one Sunday, listening to a sermon by Dr. George Buttrick at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. Dr. Buttrick had related some comments overheard in the narthex the Sunday before about people’s Christmas travel plans. And when, in his sermon, Buttrick asked, “Are you going home for Christmas?” Buechner says the question was asked with such a sense of longing that tears leapt to his eyes.
Home. What is it really that we mean by that word? Is it a scene from a Norman Rockwell painting, all in soft greens and
reds, crackling fires on the hearth, wideeyed children taking in their first glance of Christmas morning? Is it the “Home Sweet Home” cross-stitched into our dearest family memories, or the ones we wish we could have had? Is it Dorothy in Oz, clicking her heels together and chanting, “There’s no place like home, …”
What is it really that we mean by “home”? Is it the “Home Sweet Home” cross-stitched into our dearest family memories, or the ones we wish we could have had?
The danger of so many of these images is that they will leave us disappointed by the reality of the holidays.
Perhaps there is another way to think of Christmas. Maybe the point is that these are days when we remember that, wherever we are on Dec. 25, God will be there with us. And, according to my Bible, God began that journey toward us by not being home at Christmas. After all, the first Christmas found him far away from home, in a makeshift crib in an animals’ feed trough. It was about as far away from home as one can get.
So if you are not getting home for the season ahead, perhaps it will help just a little to know that wherever the holidays find you, you will not be spending them alone because it’s really all about “God with us” — a God who left home to be with us.
If not, you’ll be in good company
Skye McColl, St. Alcuin Librarian Mary Ann Campbell, Nina Rose and Mikah Finley hold up voter registration cards at the school’s Virtual Voting Initiative Nov. 6. The event taught the eighth-graders about integrated technology and the voting process.
Lamplighter parent Jim Savage visited the school a week prior to elections as a featured guest speaker for fourthgraders. Savage is a former secret service agent and served Presidents Reagan, Clinton and Bush, both senior and junior.
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Parts and Service. Chemicals and Repairs. Jonathan Mossman FREE ESTIMATES 214-729-3311
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Bennett Rofsky, 18, started playing rugby his freshman year at Jesuit High School. It was a good way to stay in shape for football season, and he also loved the
The Victim: Bennett rofsky
The Crime: Burglary of a motor vehicle
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 24
Time: Between 8 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.
Location: 11700 block of High Forest
action, physicality and finesse of the game. Unfortunately, some thief now has his rugby bag, jersey and even his mouthpiece —all taken in a recent break-in of his car.
“I always lock it and I’m pretty sure I locked it this time, too,” he says of returning to his family’s Forest Place home that night.
When his mother pulled in later, all the doors were open and his rugby bag was gone, along with some dress shirts and a
knife. Rofsky says it was a bit weird knowing someone had rummaged through his personal property.
With his family’s Forest Place house located on a dead-end and closed off area, he believes the thief must have been roaming through the neighborhood looking for easy targets.
Dallas Police stress a “Take, Lock, Hide” approach when it comes to protecting a car from a possible break-ins. Take everything of value out of the vehicle, make sure all doors are locked, and hide anything that might have to be left inside.
“Criminals don’t take a holiday or get a day off. You must always remember that you can be the next victim,” says Dallas Police Major Bill Humphrey of the North Central Patrol Division. “Preventing crime is often as simple as realizing that it can happen to you and taking basic precautions to prevent it.”
Girl Scouts need individuals to provide a great leadership experience. You will help them become girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
As a troop leader, you will receive training opportunities and experience to build your confidence, public speaking, problem-solving, and career skills, while also making new friends.
7400 $2,500 2
Block of Baxtershire where, sometime after 9 p.m. Nov. 1, a thief stole two side mirrors from a 2007 Chevrolet
Value of the navigation system stolen sometime after 5 p.m. Nov. 2 on the 6100 block of Prestonshire; the thief also ruined a $400 radio and console in the process
Source: Dallas Police Department crime statistics
Number of side mirrors nabbed from a 2007 Chevrolet sometime after 8:30 p.m. Nov. 4 in the 10700 block of Royal Park
To find out more information on becoming a troop leader, visit www.gsnetx.org/volunteer.