4 minute read
all’s still QUiet on the Real estate FRont
There’s more bad news for housing prices in Preston Hollow. The final six months of 2009 were no better than the first six months, as measured by the fifth Advocate Home Price Snapshot, compiled with the help of Ron Burch at Coldwell Banker.
Home prices declined in Preston Hollow in 2009 in four of the five zip codes where we deliver magazines, compared to three of five zip codes through the first six months of this year. Two areas declined in 2008, and none did in 2007. The biggest decline this time came in 75229, where home prices home_price_snapshot.) Overall, it looks as if the least expensive neighborhoods did the best.
Elsewhere in the neighborhoods where we do magazines:
• In East Dallas and Lakewood, home prices increased 16 percent in 75223. Prices declined in the remaining four zip codes, but
Robin baldock, a nonprofit executive with 23 years of experience, has been hired as the new executive director for the Friends of the Katy Trial. That position has been vacant since Eric Van Steenburg left in September to pursue his doctorate degree. Most recently, Baldock was director of branch capital campaigns for the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas. She has also served as director of operations for the Downtown YMCA, and managed the annual Turkey Trot.
loveRs l ane United Methodist chURch has expanded its campus with several new buildings: The Tom Shipp Chapel, which will be used for weddings, funerals and worship; Aldersgate Hall, Watson Hall and Heritage Hall, which will provide new areas for receptions, dinners, meetings and worship; and the Administrative Hall, which will also house the Twenty-One: Twenty-Five book store. llumc.org.
MaRsh Middle school recently had several students named to the 2009 All-City Band. Out of approximately 20 middle schools, Marsh had the second highest number of band students who received the honor. Marsh was also the second in the district for the number of first chair players who earned a spot in the band. Marsh students who made the All-City Band include: Alvaro Michael (first chair-bassoon), Jorge Barrera (first chair-french horn), Cristian Martinez (first chair tuba), Erik Aviles (euphonium) and Cody Reedy (trumpet).
most percentage drops were in the low single digits and not at the rates that showed up in the June numbers. The number of days a home spent on the market increased in all five East Dallas zip codes.
dropped 22 percent from their 2008 level and are near the 2005 average.
Meanwhile, the average sale price declined in 15 of the 22 zip codes where we publish magazines. That compares to 17 declines in the first six months of the year, and 14 declines in the 2008 numbers. (For this snapshot, we used sales figures through Nov. 30 reported to the North Texas Real Estate Information System. We compile the snapshot every six months. A chart with complete figures for all 22 zip codes is on our website at advocatemag.com/ s ee a co MPR ehensive cha R t at advocatemag.com/home_price_ snapshot.
• Lake Highlands continued to be a bright spot, with sales prices increasing in three of the four zip codes. The hikes weren’t much, but this is the third consecutive snapshot where Lake Highlands has done better than the norm.
• Far North Dallas was hit even harder than Preston Hollow, with prices declining in all seven zip codes.
• Oak Cliff rallied in the second part of the year, with prices increasing in three of the four areas where we deliver magazines. They had declined in three of four through the middle of the year.
W.t. White senioR Julie Negussie has been elected vice president of the Dallas ISD Teen School Board. Teen Board is comprised of two class officers from each Dallas ISD high school. The board meets monthly to discuss issues affecting DISD students, and they will have an opportunity to offer advice about their concerns to superintendent Hinojosa.
W.t White stUdents Chizitere Anaghara and Selina Rodriguez were named as participants in the 2009 Texas Leadership Forum, a program that focuses on civic involvement while educating students about government. The girls were chosen based on their academic performance and community involvement. Throughout the school year, they and 10 other selected DISD students will attend local leadership forums and participate in community outreach programs. They will also travel to Washington D.C. for a weeklong conference that will give students an inside view of national government operations and public policy debates.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com or online at advocate.com/submit_ph_news. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
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GaStOn OakS BaPtISt / Greenville Ave & Royal Lane
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dIS cIPle S Of cHRISt
eaSt dallaS cHRIStIan cHuRcH / 629 N. Peak Street
Sunday School 9:30 am / Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am 214.824.8185 / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
ePIS cOPal
cHuRcH Of tHe IncaRnatIOn / 3966 McKinney Ave / 214.521.5101
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9555 N. Central Expy. / www.northparkpres.org
New Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services