Complex conditions of the brain and spine receive the brightest care at Methodist Dallas Medical Center. Sophisticated treatments — including stealth-guided imaging, endovascular surgery, and minimally invasive procedures for neck and back pain, aneurysms, and tumors help patients recover more fully, faster, and with less pain. It’s a shining example of the exceptional care you can expect at Methodist.
My son is looking for a job now; he’s a college senior hoping to snag something before he graduates in May.
There are a lot of people he could talk with to figure out what employers look for in new hires.
One of them isn’t going to be me.
I understand. I’m his father. How much can I really know?
Let’s not forget I’ve held this job for nearly 23 years, which these days seems like a real career buzz-kill. How much can I really know about finding employment when my entire career encompasses three jobs?
So he’s not asking for my advice. But as a parent, that’s not going to keep me from doling it out.
For example, I recently suggested it’s a good idea to leave for interviews at least 15 minutes, maybe even 30 minutes, earlier than you expect it will take to get there, just in case traffic is bad or something unexpected slows you down.
“Why do I need to leave that early?” he asked, speaking as someone who thrives (and always delivers) on lastminute heroics.
“Because no employer likes to be kept waiting by someone who wants a job,” I told him, speaking from experience.
Over the years, it seems as if half of the people who showed up for interviews here were late and, making matters worse, many were unapologetic. Presumably, they’re working somewhere else now.
And then there are the gum-chewers
who smack away while talking about themselves during the interview. Hey, why not pull out a bag of potato chips and a couple of beers to share while talking about your education and experience?
Be prepared for each interview, I’ve told my son. Research the person and the company before you show up. Have some intelligent questions to ask. Know something about the business.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve opened an interview with this initial statement “What questions do you have for me?” — and been greeted with a blank look and absolutely no response. None.
Sometimes, I’ve responded the same way — silence, just waiting to see what would happen — and the result has been more than a few five-minute interviews.
Don’t forget to ask about money, I’ve suggested to my son.
“Isn’t that kind of pushy?” he said.
“Don’t you want to know how much you might be paid?” I told him. “And don’t you want to make sure you don’t get excited about an opportunity you can’t afford to accept?”
“Yes, Dad,” he says, clearly indicating he’ll do no such thing.
And then there’s the most important element of a job interview, the one thing every potential employee needs to do, and yet most don’t: You have to ask for the job if you want it.
Employers want to hire people who are enthusiastic about working with them. It’s that plain and simple, or so I’ve told my son.
“Yes, Dad. I know all of this,” he told me while informing me he had just sewn up the internship he has been trying to line up.
“I know. I know.”
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3 neighborhood streets slated for reconstruction
New grant means changes for Frontiers of Flight Museum Sweet E’s Express and Hail Merry’s diet-friendly desserts
Miss Chi Vietnamese opens in Preston Center (see page 12)
Construction on 7-story Preston Center building moving forward
The moment crystallized in Brooke Schmidt’s memory: the lights blackened, the music thumped, and the announcer called the names of the Dallas Mavericks lineup. But for a young Schmidt, whose family attended the games to watch her babysitter perform as a Mavericks cheerleader, it wasn’t the players who left the biggest impact.
At one such game, she turned to her dad and declared that she wanted to be a Mavericks cheerleader, too.
“My dad said, ‘Heck no!’” Schmidt says with a laugh, “but once he saw how dedicated I was in my dance classes, he supported me.”
By the time she was 18 years old, that dedication landed her on the Dallas Mav-
ericks cheer roster for the 20122013 season.
“It was so surreal it didn’t hit me until I was actually performing the Mavericks dance intro [the same intro that she had watched her babysitter perform years earlier] that I was a professional cheerleader,” Schmidt says.
This season, Schmidt is taking time off from the Mavericks to study business management so she can open a dance studio someday. In the meantime, she brings her passion and experience to neighborhood children as Town North YMCA’s new jazz, ballet and hip-hop dance instructor. Schmidt discovered her love for teaching while helping at Mavericks cheerleading camps.
“I remember looking up to my dance teachers as a little girl like they held the world,” Schmidt says.
In her late teens, she attended Dance FX Studio, an awardwinning dance school in Garland that offered workshops, including one by the choreographer Shane Sparks from the popular reality TV competition, “So You Think You Can Dance.” Schmidt also trained in contemporary, ballet, jazz and hip-hop techniques at the studio, earning numerous awards at national dance competitions.
Schmidt wants to teach her students at the Y to focus on the fun side of performing. She says that from her experiences as a professional cheerleader she has learned that it’s important to not lose sight of that.
“These days, little girls have so much weighing on them in society,” Schmidt says. “I want to remind them that dancing is about having fun and not worrying about what everybody else thinks.”
—Whitney Thompson VISIT ymcadallas.org to learn more.
The Museum of Biblical Art plans new sculpture garden, featuring renowned bronze artist
Tucked behind one of the busiest shopping malls in the region, the Museum of Biblical Art keeps a relatively low profile, save for the raised, golden atrium seen from Park Lane. But with its 11 galleries and 47-year establishment, the building is full of stories.
“We’re like a little treasure chest,” says Scott Peck, MBA co-director and curator. “We’ve had to work harder than other museums; we’re the little kid on the block.”
That may be about to change with the new Via Dolorosa Sculpture Garden that will adorn the front of the museum later this year, featuring life-size bronze sculptures that represent the 14 Stations of the Cross.
“The idea is to create a new landmark for Dallas,” Peck says.
He acquired the pieces from renowned sculptor Gib Singleton, whose works include the bronze crucifix that sits atop the Pope’s crosier. While working at the Vati-
can, he also helped restore Michelangelo’s Renaissance masterpiece “The Pieta.”
Singleton’s sculptures have an earthy, almost muddy look that provides a more visceral depiction of the last hours of Christ’s life.
“He calls it emotional expressionism,” Peck says. “I think he’s a very important artist for our generation.”
Only one other set of Singleton’s 14 Stations of the Cross exists. It’s in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, N.M., and is a top tourist attraction.
Peck says he hopes to garner the same result for the MBA, but it also should be a neighborhood amenity.
“It’s a meditation garden,” he says. “People have things go on in their lives whether they lost a loved one or didn’t get a job they wanted — and this is a place for them to go and meditate.”
The Via Dolorosa which literally
means “way of pain” or “way of grief” costs $1.2 million in donations, not including the sculptures, which were provided by an anonymous donor. There is no specific timeline for completion as the museum still is in the permitting phase with the city.
Inspired by the Villa Lante in Italy, the garden also will feature a pond, pathways, shade trees and plants native to the Holy Land.
While “walking the Gospel” via the 14 Stations of the Cross is central to the Catholic and Episcopalian teachings, a visitor’s experience doesn’t have to be a religious one, Peck says.
The MBA is an art museum that specializes in Biblical themes; it is not a religious organization.
“They can have an art experience, or if they want to have a spiritual experience, they can do that, too.”
—Emily TomanCake, Candy and Cookie supplies! Take a class to learn how to decorate cakes, cookies, push pops, cake pops, candy and more. Register now for spring classes. Call today. 1002 N. Central Expwy. Ste. 501 @ Arapaho 972.690.4628 cakecarousel.com
New arrivals for the new year! Come check out our newest furniture collections at babybliss. 6721 Snider Plaza 469.232.9420 shopbabybliss.com
The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 email foundation@advocatemag.com
January 2014
Jan. 10
American songwriter Ellis Paul performs his folk-pop music, which critics say has helped bridge the gap between modern folk and the traditional Woody Guthriestyle sound. The Stray Birds will open the show. Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, 9555 N Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $18-$22
more LOCAL EVENTS or submit your own
The Nasher Sculpture Center presents its first exhibition to explore ceramics by avant-garde artists, featuring Lucio Fontana, Fausto Melotti, Joan Miró, Isamu Noguchi and Pablo Picasso. The exhibit includes more than 70 pieces in a range of sizes.
Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001Flora, 214.242.5100, nashersculpturecenter.org, $5-$10 (free on first Saturdays)
JAN. 5
The Jewish Community Center will help raise money for the Genesis Women’s Shelter by inviting gymnasts of all levels to perform as many cartwheels as they can in four different 20-minute time slots.
Register by Jan. 2.
Jewish Community Center, 7900 Northaven, 214.739.2737, jccdallas.org, $10
JAN. 5
The Greater North Texas Orchid Society meets on the first Sunday of each month. The group is dedicated to the culture, protection and appreciation of orchids all over the world.
Northaven Gardens, 770 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com, free
JAN. 7, 14, 21 & 28
Participants can learn a technique that explores interpersonal relationships among the mind, body and spirit during this weekly class. Unity Church of Dallas, 6525 Forest, 972.233.7106, unitydallas. org, donations accepted
Through Jan. 18
Melissa Klotz, Faith Jessup and Rachel Gardner have their artwork on display at the show, which features small pieces suitable for gifting. The exhibit includes paintings, drawings, sculptures and lithographs.
Norwood Flynn Gallery, 3318
Shorecrest, 214.351.3318, norwoodflynngallery.com, free
JAN. 11
Big Thought presents Library Live! Winter Family Fun Fest with Nadine Burke. Enjoy a story about three foxes that seek out Old Man Winter. From 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., children can discover how they find him and create their own take-home tree. Park Forest Branch Library, 3421 Forest, 214.670.6333, dallaslibrary2.org, free
JAN. 11
A 2:30 p.m. the Poetry Society of Texas meets at the Preston Royal Library with a featured speaker. The group, one of the largest of its kind in the state, meets monthly.
Preston Royal Library, 5626 Royal, 214.670.7128, dallaslibrary2.org, free
JAN. 16
Make mosaics, fused glass or silver jewelry during Ladies Night from 6-9 p.m. at Smashing Times. Food and beverages are welcome. Reserve a spot in advance.
Smashing Times, 308 Preston Royal Shopping Center, 214.363.2088, smashingtimes.com, free
JAN. 18
Join veteran golf instructor Ron Samples from 10:30-11:15 a.m. for a putting session on Klyde Warren Park’s green. Space is limited, so reserve a spot in advance. Participants must be 13 or older.
Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, 214.239.7178, klydewarrenpark.org, free
J Diane Colter, DDSDr. Colter specializes in comprehensive dental care for infants, children, teens and children with special needs.
“ We recognize every child is unique and we strive to make sure his or her dental visit feels like it’s tailored just for them.”
Dr. Colter and her staff want children and their parents to feel comfortable about their visit to the dentist in the warm, caring and inviting office of All About Kids Dentistry.
Wife, business partner and restaurant namesake Chi Le and her husband Joey Le are on a mission to spice up Preston Center. “There isn’t a lot of authentic Vietnamese food in this neighborhood,” Joey says, “which is why we thought this location would be unique.” Vietnamese noodle soups have grown to be quite popular and at Miss Chi Vietnamese, the Les are dishing up family recipes passed down through several generations. Customers can watch chefs prepare their spring rolls made-to order. The menu includes chicken, shrimp or tofu choices, but guests can customize the rolls any way they want, Chi says. She also notes that her pickiest customers are her two young children, who often eat at the restaurant and are “always ordering something off the menu.” Several menu options are family-style, which Chi says is common in Vietnamese culture. “You order a protein, vegetable, rice and soup to share with your family,” she says. Ordering this way, three to four people can eat, she adds. The spicy beef soup is a traditional recipe flavored with Vietnamese spices such as coriander, basil and star anise. Miss Chi’s drink menu is almost as varied and flavorful as the food menu — from Thai iced tea to craft cocktails and Texas beer on tap. “Lots of students come in to get the boba teas and Thai iced tea after school,” Joey says. The green tea has strawberry- and mango-flavored popping pearls, which Chi describes as “bursting with juice,” as opposed to the tapioca pearls in regular bubble tea — but don’t worry, the restaurant offers those too.
6030 Luther, Suite 130 214.692.1000 misschivietnamese.com
Try Vietnamese with an Asian-fusion twist and some of the best pad thai in town. 11617 N. Central, Suite 135 214.363.6655 asianmint.com
Sip the bubble tea or BYOB. The Mi Bo Kho — beef stew — is tasty, too, and can be ordered with egg noodles or a side of French bread.
7927 Forest, Suite B 972.392.2272 iluvpho.com
The pork bun, along with other Americanized menu options, makes this a good option for those trying Vietnamese flavors for the first time.
8611 Hillcrest, Suite 190 214.987.1468 phoenvy.com
The three people he’d have dinner with are Jesus, Pope Francis and Rudy Ruettiger. Would rather be sleeping.
Thinks Jerry Jones the owner should fire Jerry Jones the general manager.
Ran the Boston Marathon.
Can’t find his girlfriend, who is the only reason he subjects himself to this running stuff.
a late start on the
More about the people, locations and situations in our pictures
Every year, Advocate photographers capture thousands of neighborhoodrelated scenarios. We publish the images in this magazine or on our website, advocatemag.com, and most inevitably land on the cutting-room floor. This month, we dug through piles of pics, mining them for interest-piquing peripheral details about the subjects, places and events depicted.
Email: humanresources@advocatemag.com
Subject line: resume
By: Jennifer ShertzerSrijaa Kannan has been learning the classical dance of India, Bharata Natyam, for 11 years at the Arathi School of Dance. She was one of several performers at NorthPark Center’s ArtsPark event in April, put on by Business Council for the Arts. In 2013 she also was awarded the Arathi School of Dance scholarship, instituted through the Dance Council of North Texas, and danced at its honors banquet in October. She performed with the Indian Cultural Heritage Foundation through the Community Arts Program at the city’s Office of Cultural Affairs.
handful, but what a precious handful. Make time, Make a will.
Wearing prison stripes and giant papier-mâché bobble heads, two men portraying George W. Bush and Dick Cheney deliberately got themselves arrested at the opening of the Bush Presidential Library in April 2013. Police arrested Dennis Trainor (Cheney) of Massachusetts and Gary Egelston (Bush) of Fort Worth and charged them with misdemeanors.
Egelston served in the Air Force and is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Trainor is an activist and filmmaker who makes short documentaries for Acronym TV.
Interestingly, the arresting officer pictured here, Officer S. Egglston, shares almost the same name as his George W. Bush-playing perpetrator. —Larra Keel
While the subject of our March 2013 Q&A, Ellen Porter, wrangled her four kids, Laura Anderson sat in for a test shot, so our photographer could adjust his settings.
Anderson is the Director of Operations of BraveLove, the nonprofit Porter founded to change our culture’s perception of birth mothers who give their children up for adoption.
“These women motivate me to work hard,” Anderson says. “I make sure this adoption movement is moving. I never tire of their stories.”
Anderson originally started with BraveLove in 2012 as an event planner, but was thrilled to stay on as the organization’s only full-time employee.
“I wear lots of hats,” she says. “This day it included going to a photo shoot.” —Larra Keel
April 2013
By: Danny FulgencioCelebration Restaurant owner Ed Lowe calls Jon Radke an “overeducated bartender.”
Twenty-seven years ago, Radke responded to a newspaper ad for a job at Celebration and never left. He has an anthropology degree from the University of Chicago, “which is fitting,” Radke says.
“I am unearthing the active culture that is Dallas and the people who come into Celebration. I could write a book.”
A girl who waited tables in those early days became Radke’s wife, and at the baby shower for their twin boys, several Celebration regulars were present. When Radke’s father died, another regular didn’t hesitate to donate his airline miles.
“Things like this happen, and you start to realize, this is not me serving you some food and you tip me and that’s it,” Radke says. “We’ve gotten to know each other.” —Keri Mitchell
Enter our romantic photo contest. Advocate editors want your favorite photo of your spouse, significant other and/ or one true love. It’s part of our latest project, “my favorite picture of you.” Send a digital copy of the photo to editor@advocatemag.com. Please place “picture of you” in the subject line, and the name of the person in the photo, where you (and the subject, if applicable) live now and about 200 words telling us why you love the photo. Be sentimental, heart wrenching or hilarious. Selected entries will appear in the Valentine’s edition of the Advocate.
Prestonwood Baptist Church egg drop
March 2013
By: Danny FulgencioOn an overcast Saturday morning before Easter, some 10,000 sugarinfused plastic eggs rained down on Lake Highlands North Park.
Thousands of children had gathered — looking like small, welldressed ruffians ready to rumble, if necessary — to collect.
Even more surreal than the colorful plunging ovoids was the sight of the vehicle from which they fell — a helicopter co-piloted by the Easter Bunny.
Prestonwood Baptist Church in Preston Hollow was responsible for the helicopter egg drop, which was free for all children ages 2 to third grade.
Pastor Chris Kouba called on Brian Dunaway and his Fort Worthbased company Epic Helicopters. Dunaway was happy to help.
He, EB and pilot Jason Miles offered services pro bono.
Prestonwood provided the eggs and candy.
After several drops, one executed for each age group, the helicopter landed across the street from Lake Highlands High School and EB posed for at least 100 photos with attending families.
Over the years Dunaway has donated helicopter rides to young natural-disaster survivors and children living with incurable illness, to name a couple of charitable examples.
For profit, he has been known to provide traffic-free trips from Meacham Airport to Texas Motor Speedway for NASCAR fans who can afford the $350 fare. —Christina Hughes Babb
Send livelocal@advocatemag.com
Seven-story built story, building forward, reports. oper site, don ous to
Since say that Chief Oil & Gas Co. will be the lead tenant.
The fast-casual Indian and Asian restaurant Masala Wok opened a location on Luther Lane at Preston and Northwest Highway. The restaurant serves traditional fare such as curried meats and breads cooked in a clay oven and stir-fried meats and vegetables. There are vegan and gluten-free options, too. The word “Masala” means a spice mixture. The chain has locations in Richardson, Plano and Irving.
11884 Greenville Avenue, Suite 120 / 972.669.0000 / bohs.com Bending Oaks is a limited-enrollment private high school located in Dallas, Texas. For over 29 years Bending Oaks High School has provided a supportive learning environment that can rebuild a student’s confidence in their abilities, get them on track to graduate from high school, and off to college. Visit bohs.com to learn more, late enrollment is available.
8202 Boedeker Dr., / (214) 368-4047 / clairesdayschool.com At CCDS, we encourage a child’s sense of exploration and discovery in a loving, nurturing, and safe environment. We offer a parent’s day out program with a play-based curriculum fostering socialization, motor skill development, and an introduction to academics for children aged 4mo – 3yrs. Our preschool for children aged 3-5 further develops these skills, along with a more focused approach to pre-math and pre-reading. At CCDS, we have developed our own science, math, and reading enrichment classes to ensure kindergarten preparedness for every child. We make learning fun!
Monday-Saturday, with an interim menu until the grand reopening. The interim menu makes good use of the restaurant’s wood-fire oven, with offerings such as flatbread pizza and aged rib-eye.
Make 1 pdf of p 1-3“spread”
High res no bleed
Plaza at Preston Center 8311 PRESTON CENTER PLAZA 469.232.0000
Peak Grille 6135 LUTHER 214.361.6984
Morgan Stanley 8383 PRESTON CENTER PLAZA, SUITE 400 214.368.8555
972-502-4400 l woodrowwildcats.org
Bowen’s Cafe Expresso, the Italian cafe at the corner of Luther and Preston in the Preston Center, has new ownership and is slated for a grand reopening this month. CultureMap reports that former owner Valerie Plaster (who bought the restaurant in 2011) sold the restaurant to Park Cities locals and McSwiggan Pub owners Mike and Jessie Lo Johnson. The Johnsons have renamed the cafe Peak Grille. During renovations the restaurant will be open for lunch and dinner
11110 Midway Rd, Dallas TX 75229 gsesdallas.org / 214.357.1610 Located on the corner of Midway and Northaven, GSES provides each student the kind of dynamic, vigorous school experience parents should expect in Dallas. GSES is the preeminent Prek-8th grade Dallas school where 98% of our graduates get into their top two high school choices! Inquire and imagine the infinite possibilities!
Financial advisory firm Morgan Stanley recently held a grand opening party for its new location in The Plaza at Preston Center. Morgan Stanley previously held office space for nearly 20 years at The Berkshire at Preston Center. At the grand opening party, more than 250 local clients and industry professionals toured the new 14,317-square-foot fourth-floor office space in the Cambridge Building.
—Whitney Thompsonmore BUSINESS BUZZ
Hair Bar 6025 ROYAL, SUITE 109 214.369.4247
Purple Cow 6025 ROYAL, SUITE 110 214.373.0037
every week on
9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / www.highlanderschool.com Founded in 1966, Highlander School offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christian-based environment. Small class sizes help teachers understand the individual learning styles of each student. Give us a call for more information.
Smocked Auctions
Masala Wok 6106 LUTHER 469.232.9390
3 NorthPark Center has two new retailers: Nespresso and See’s Candies.
1 Rare Restaurant and Lounge, which opened last July in The Shops at Park Lane, has closed. 2 Blow-dry salon Hair Bar celebrated its one-year anniversary in December.
4 The popular burger restaurant Purple Cow recently closed its locations in Fairview and Plano but plans to keep the Preston-Royal location open. 5 Smocked Auctions, owned by Preston Hollow residents Nicole Brewer and Amy Laws, is at the pop-up shop Hadleigh’s Baby through Jan. 4 in Highland Park Village.
NorthPark Center 8687 N. CENTRAL 214.363.7441
Pre K – 6th Grade / 1215 Turner Ave, Dallas TX 75208 / 214-942-2220 / www. thekesserschool.com The Kessler School offers an innovative academic environment that gives students a solid foundation, confidence, and a love of learning. Located just minutes from downtown Dallas; The Kessler School’s mission is to “educate the whole child,” and provides an individualized approach to teaching – meeting the student where their needs are. Students are educated socially through community time, physically through daily PE, academically through a well-rounded curriculum, and spiritually through a fostering of awareness and individual growth.
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep.org
Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
5740 Prospect Ave. & 4411 Skillman / 214-826-4410 / DallasSpanishHouse.com
Spanish House is a Spanish immersion school with two Lakewood locations for children ages 3 months - Kindergarten. We offer half-day and full-day programs, with extended care available from 7:30am - 6:00pm. We also offer after-school and Saturday classes for PK and elementary-aged students, both on- and off-site. Additionally, we have an adult Spanish program for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.
1420 Old Gate Ln. Dallas / 214.321.2897 / stbernardccs.org St. Bernard of Clairvaux School has educated children in Forest Hills, Casa Linda and White Rock neighborhoods since 1948. We encourage each student to develop an inquisitive mind, strong moral character and a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. The experienced teaching staff is dedicated to academic excellence with a challenging curriculum and individual attention. We offer affordable tuition, PK through 8th grade, wireless slate technology, extracurricular activities, and after-school care. Please call to schedule a tour.
7900 Lovers Ln. / 214.363.9391 stchristophersmontessori.com St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attractive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service.St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 / WhiteRockNorthSchool.com
6 Weeks through 6th Grade. Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
100 S. Glasgow Dallas 75214 / 972-502-4400 / woodrowwildcats.org A proven college preparation program and a true high school experience. Woodrow graduates attend, year after year, our state’s and country’s finest colleges including Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor, TCU, Tech, West Point, Georgetown, Duke, North Carolina, Princeton and Yale, often with meaningful scholarships. With academic programs equaling the best private and magnet schools, Woodrow’s diverse student body also enjoys a traditional high school offering arts, music, dance, theater, math and science clubs, debate and writing competitions and a broad, inclusive and successful sports program, with cheerleaders and drill team. “It’s all at Woodrow and it works”.
of our 200,000+ readers with average income of $146,750 want more info about private schools.
11884 Greenville Avenue, Suite 120 / 972.669.0000 / bohs.com Bending Oaks is a limited-enrollment private high school located in Dallas, Texas. For over 29 years Bending Oaks High School has provided a supportive learning environment that can rebuild a student’s confidence in their abilities, get them on track to graduate from high school, and off to college. Visit bohs.com to learn more, late enrollment is available.
8202 Boedeker Dr., / (214) 368-4047 / clairesdayschool.com At CCDS, we encourage a child’s sense of exploration and discovery in a loving, nurturing, and safe environment. We offer a parent’s day out program with a play-based curriculum fostering socialization, motor skill development, and an introduction to academics for children aged 4mo – 3yrs. Our preschool for children aged 3-5 further develops these skills, along with a more focused approach to pre-math and pre-reading. At CCDS, we have developed our own science, math, and reading enrichment classes to ensure kindergarten preparedness for every child. We make learning fun!
11110 Midway Rd, Dallas TX 75229 gsesdallas.org / 214.357.1610 Located on the corner of Midway and Northaven, GSES provides each student the kind of dynamic, vigorous school experience parents should expect in Dallas. GSES is the preeminent Prek-8th grade Dallas school where 98% of our graduates get into their top two high school choices! Inquire and imagine the infinite possibilities!
9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / www.highlanderschool.com Founded in 1966, Highlander School offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christian-based environment. Small class sizes help teachers understand the individual learning styles of each student. Give us a call for more information.
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John Beritan of Hillcrest High School was awarded first place in his grade-level category at the Dallas ISD Veterans Day art contest. The district-wide contest awarded students who created artwork honoring the veterans and POWs who served during the Vietnam War. Student winners were recognized at Dallas City Hall. St. Monica Catholic School cheerleaders performed at Bishop Lynch High School for the “Spreading Good Cheer” peanut butter drive, collecting 1,200 jars of peanut butter to donate to Catholic Charities of Dallas.
Students from W.T. White High School and Hillcrest High School advanced to regional competition after their performance in the Dallas ISD Academic Decathlon Nov. 16. The event highlighted students from 16 DISD high schools. Regionals will take place Jan. 24-25.
The DISD Board of Trustees is working to establish an International Baccalaureate (IB) program at Preston Hollow Elementary School The school’s IB application is due in April, and there’s a three-year implementation process. Neighborhood information sessions about the Preston Hollow Elementary IB program are being held at the school 9-10:30 a.m Jan. 11 and 6-7:30 p.m. Jan. 23.
Hillcrest High School Panaders Sara Cagle, Meredith Flabiano, Elizabeth Chung, Lexi Prager, Erica Buehler, Zakura Favors, Emily Koch and Olivia Sherrington traveled to New York City, along with director Jamie Parrish, to perform in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Frontiers of Flight Museum featured a scaled-down version of Air Force One on which Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in after JFK’s death. The exhibit also featured the white 1963 Lincoln Continental that the president and first lady rode in while touring Fort Worth just hours before the assassination in Dallas.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
ALL SAINTS DALLAS / 2733 Oak Lawn / 972.755.3505
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9:00 & 11:00 am Sunday Services. www.allsaintschurchdallas.org
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary), Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500
Sundays: Bible Fellowship (all ages) 9:15 am /Service Time 11:00 am
12123 Hillcrest Road / 972.820.5000 / prestonwood.org
WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697
EAST DALLAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
Sundays: School for all ages 9:30 am / Worship service 10:50 am 214.352.4841 / www.midwayhills.org
LAKE HIGHLANDS UMC / 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee
Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary
UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday Services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
So it’s 2014. The New Year has come and gone. 2014 — it sounds so futuristic to Baby Boomers like me. I was born three years after the end of World War II; to a lot of people I know, that sounds like the end of the Civil War. But being a child in the 1950s, a student in the ’60s, and off to seminary in the ’70s, all that seems like yesterday. I remember my seminary graduation, and I still treasure the photo of me in my new pulpit robe, flanked by proud and rather astonished parents. This year I’ll retire and begin a new career as a seminary professor (they’d be even more astonished). Where did the time go? If you, my reader, are still young, treasure the time. It passes more swiftly than you imagine.
Quite honestly, life in 2014 isn’t as different as I imagined it would be when I was young. Back then we watched Stanley Kubrick’s movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” (remember Hal, the mutinous computer?), and we considered the 21st century as an unimaginable future. When I was young, I honestly thought that by 2014, we’d be vacationing on Mars and driving cars that fly. Yes, much has changed, but much has stayed the same. The other day I was driving to a church member’s home, guided by the friendly, all-knowing voice of my GPS: “Turn right in three hundred feet …” I thought of my dad, who would have been astonished at such technology. He also never could have imagined that we’d be carrying phones in our pockets — phones that we’d seldom use as phones — or Siri, to whom we can ask the meaning of life and get a smart-aleck answer. Some amazing things have changed. Do you know that the car you drive has more computer power than the lunar lander module that put the first astronauts on the moon?
My parents — or my younger self — could not imagine what I’m doing at this moment, writing a magazine column on my iMac, whose luminescent screen illuminates my study. Nor could they imagine that I’ll send the finished product to my editor using something called email. Some things, indeed, have changed.
I recently saw a T-shirt that had emblazoned on the front, “Change Is Good.” On the back was, “You First.” I suppose that
sums it up. Even though cars don’t yet fly (unless you consider Dallas traffic), the world has changed considerably, and for much of it I am grateful. Medical care is so much better than it used to be, and I’m a great fan of “non-invasive surgery.” My dad had open-heart surgery. Today they would have threaded a tube up an artery, put in a stent, and sent him home the next day. Change is good — most of the time.
The mysterious author of the Hebrew book of Ecclesiastes examined everything “under the sun,” and found nothing new and the changes he found were, in his estimation, “vanity, and a striving after the wind.” I try to avoid his brand of cynicism, but I’m glad the early divines included him in the Bible. I, too, in my seasoned years, have mixed emotions about some changes, but I celebrate many more. And so I’ll embrace this New Year with more hope than fear. Change, after all, is good. You first.
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Quite honestly, life in 2014 isn’t as different as I imagined it would be when I was young.
Does the life of someone you know imitate a TV show, movie or popular book? We are looking for real-life Don Drapers and Magnum PIs. No Walter Whites — profession should be legal. Email a few descriptive lines under the subject line “real-life job”to editor@advocatemag.com. Please include your zip code.
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Doug Jackson had a tough day. He had surgery and was spending the night at a friend’s home while recovering. He was still in some pain — and some added mental anguish would follow the next day. A neighbor came by that morning to inform him about his car in the front of his friend’s home. The car was up on blocks with all four of the rims and tires gone.
“It just seems that those things seem to happen in the Dallas area,” Jackson says. “That’s why you have insurance.”
The Crime: Auto accessory theft
While his insurance indeed covered the loss, Jackson was out a bit of cash because of the deductible hopes he is not victimized again any time soon.
Date when an unknown suspect stole a Tory Burch handbag containing credit cards and a driver’s license from a parked vehicle on the 5900 block of Royal.
Date: Monday, Nov. 11
Time: Between 7 p.m. and 4 a.m.
Location: 6700 block of Meadow
Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division provides research on this type of crime in that area of Preston Hollow: from July 1 through Dec. 1 in the area bounded by Royal Lane to Northwest Highway and Inwood Road to North Central, only four offenses were found where the tires and rims were removed from a vehicle.
Value of iPad stolen from an employee at the NorthPark Center AT&T store on Dec. 7 at 1:59 p.m.; The property has not yet been recovered.
“So although these type of offenses are not frequent in this area, they do occur. Of course custom or high-end rims are more attractive than stock rims,” he says. “The majority of these offenses occur during the night, so installing floodlights is a good low-cost preventive measure. In addition, vehicle owners can look into the option of getting a car alarm.”
Dwyer adds that common vehicle accessories that are targeted include tires and rims, tailgates, high-end outside mirrors, catalytic converters and license plates. In the same area, he notes that more outside mirrors were stolen than tires and rims during the same time period.
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.
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block of Sherwood Forest where an unknown suspect broke the glass of a patio door, turned the lock, and entered a residence between 10:30 and 11 a.m. on Dec. 2; two laptops, a computer modem, several DVDs and two televisions were stolen.
SOURCE: Dallas Police Department
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COMMENT. For regular City Hall updates, visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
Each month, Advocate highlights the issues being discussed Downtown and how they affect Preston Hollow.
The next portion extends west from Preston as far as the current funding will take it. City officials project Midway Road. The trail eventually will reach the Walnut Hill/Denton Drive DART Station, as mapped out in the Dallas Trail Network. With the eastern connection across Central Expressway, trail users could go from the Elm Fork sports complex to White Rock Lake.
District 11 Councilman Lee Kleinman during a recent neighborhood meeting at Grace Bible Church. “Sixty to 70 percent of the city’s green space is south of Downtown. We have to use whatever corridors we can.”
The trail is a 2-mile linear park, running mostly along the Oncor easement. The trail is poised to be the city’s primary east-to-west hike-and-bike trail.
Trail users will have to wait about three years before they can continue west on our neighborhood’s Northaven Trail.
Design work for the second phase should be complete in about a year, with construction scheduled to begin in early 2016.
Neighborhood residents get behind Uber
Back in August, when the anti-Uber ordinance sneaked its way onto the city council’s consent agenda at the last minute, a number of Preston Hollow residents made clear their support for the app-based car service.
“My office received an onslaught of calls,” says District 13 Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates. “They like the convenience of it. It makes it easier to meet people across town without taking two cars.”
The Dallas Morning News reported that interim City Manager A.C. Gonzales, at Yellow Cab’s demand, tried to slip in a proposal that would make it much harder for services like Uber to operate — services that have been welcomed with success in other major cities. Cab and limo companies in Dallas, however, argue that because a technology company like Uber is not subject to the same taxes
The city approved funding in the 2012 bond program. The second phase costs about $3 million, through a partnership with the city and Dallas County.
“What we find is really that trails knit communities together. That’s what’s starting to happen in North Dallas,” said
Trails are the best tool for acquiring public green space around Preston Hollow, said District 13 Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates.
“We can’t gain park land any other way.”
More specific questions about crossings (including the Bachman Branch Creek) as well as possible alley reconstructions will be answered during another meeting in spring of 2014.
and fees, it could put traditional services out of business.
The Transportation and Trinity River Project Committee will address the issue in several hearings that will begin Jan. 13 with a public forum 5-7 p.m. Jan. 21 in the council chambers.
Uber allows riders to call one of its signature cabs or SUVs using a smartphone. You also can pay and split fares with a smartphone, so it’s cashless. Similar services include Lyft and UberX. Rumors are circulating that even more of these companies are eying Dallas.
Sometime in the beginning of this year, the city council will decide whether to ban single-use, carryout bags in Dallas. Councilmember Dwaine Caraway presented an updated proposal back in March that would enact a $500 fine to businesses that did not comply while including exemptions for certain
types of bags such as dry-cleaning bags, restaurant take-out bags and charity organizations.
Councilman Lee Kleinman represents parts of Preston Hollow on the city’s Quality of Life Committee and has expressed his support of a ban or fee for single-use bags.
City officials have proposed a comprehensive plan to upgrade traffic signals citywide since most have surpassed their 20-25-year life spans and don’t meet state and federal standards.
The city council and staff will look for funds in each annual budget to begin a 25-year program to replace 60 traffic signals at $10 million a year.
The result should help decrease service requests, accidents, and congestion on the roads, and the new signals will include sensors to detect cyclists as well as motorists. —Emily Toman