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JUnIoR LEAgUE of dALLA s volunteers will offer activities and share program information during JLD’s Community Volunteer Fair Feb. 12 at NorthPark Center. For more details, call visit jld.net. noRTh dALLA s E ARLy ChILdhood PTA hosts a program “Hot Issues in Nutrition and Wellness” at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 3 in Meaders Hall at Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, 9027 Midway. todd whitthorne, director and CEO of Cooper Concepts at the Cooper Aerobic Center, will speak about issues, including childhood obesity. For details, visit ndecpta.com or email northdallasecpta@yahoo.com.

PREsTon hoLLow E ARLy ChILdhood PTA hosts a meeting at 9 a.m. Feb. 28 at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, 9800 Preston. With more than 100 families, the group welcomes those who are new to the neighborhood or parenthood, and offers regular activities for moms and their kids, ages 0-6. For details, visit phecpta.org or email info@phecpta.org.

sUMMER fUn LIVE offers families an overview of local summer programs, sports and specialty camps 1-4 p.m. Feb. 20 at Greenhill School, 4141 Spring Valley in Addison. For more details, call 972.628.5400.

VIRgInIA R. CVETko PATIEnT EdUCATIon CEnTER hosts a breast cancer support group 6:30-7:30 p.m. Feb. 1 at Baylor Health Center, 9101 N. Central near NorthPark Center. Registration is required; call 214.820.2608.


PREsTon hoLLow ELEMEnTARy raised $11,000 for the school through its annual poinsettia sale. Students sold more than 1,000 plants this year. To learn more, visit the PTA website, phes.txpta.org.


dAVE PERRy-MILLER, a real estate specialist and Preston Hollow resident, has been named 2011 board president of the USA Film Festival, a Dallas nonprofit organization that promotes excellence in film and video. Dave Perry-Miller & Associates is part of Ebby Halliday Real Estate.

AMAndA AshMEAd, English and economics teacher at Hillcrest High School, received a Texas Exes Award for Outstanding Teachers. The award recognizes University of Texas alumni for their achievement in teaching and administration.

hAVE An ITEM To bE fEATUREd? p lease submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag. com. our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

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