2014 May Preston Hollow

Page 27



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4 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014 features 7 A new kind of learning Good Shepherd Episcopal School launches an innovative community science lab and makerspace. 14 Treat yo’ self Prime spots for fine dining in Preston Hollow Volume 16 Number 5 | PH May 2014 | CONTENTS cover 18 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 5 launch 7 events 12 food 14 live local 27 news&notes 29 crime 29 worship 30 scene&heard 31 ADVERTISING the goods 24 marketplace 25 education guide 26 worship listings 30 bulletin board 31 home services 33 PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more NEWS visit us online
These youngsters haven’t let life’s challenges get in the way of their education.
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Stand-out students
Alexis Kerman: Photo by Danny Fulgencio


You’ll probably enjoy this month’s cover story about high school students who have beaten the odds and come out on the “right” side of difficult situations.

It has all the elements of a compelling story: Bad things happening to good people. Neighbors taking an interest in those whom others have ignored. Heroes who have overcome the odds.

And that is the point of each high school senior’s story: Each student has turned lemons into lemonade pretty much on his or her own terms.

We’ve written stories similar to these for the past few years; most people can’t resist reading about those who can’t and won’t be kept down by bad luck, people who have the will and the determination to turn something bad into something better.

The true test of this kind of story, though, is how you and I relate to the hero. We’ve seen what the hero does with his or her life, how things have been turned around against all odds. We’ve read about the causes, the betrayals, the strategies, the hard work and the ultimate victory, of a sort, over what seemed to be a foregone failure.

So the question we then ask ourselves, or at least the question we should be asking ourselves, is: Could we have done as well, given the same circumstances?

Or maybe not “could” we have done as well, but whether “would” we have done as well.

Because reading a story about incredible intestinal fortitude is easy. Reshaping your life while facing down impending failure is a more difficult task and, dare I say, most of us simply couldn’t do it ourselves.

We like to think we could pull the rabbit out of the hat, but the magician who does so has spent literally hundreds of hours learning the trick.

We like to think we could sink the tournament-winning putt or drain the gamewinning shot, but these athletes have given up their lives to practice and plan and prepare to achieve this ultimate goal.

Mostly what you and I do is dream. We don’t put in the time. We don’t do the work. We haven’t faced the situation because, for whatever reason, we haven’t been called to do so.

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And those mental gymnastics support a good measure of baseless confidence, leading us to believe that when the bell rings and it’s time to step up, we can be heroes, too. We’ve seen it done thousands of times. We’ve read about and watched plenty of others do it. Who’s to say we couldn’t overcome the odds, too?

It’s something to think about, though. Put ourselves in the shoes of any of the students we wrote about this month, and then ask ourselves that question: Could we have done what they did?

Be honest, now. Could we really have done what they’ve done and accomplished what they’ve accomplished?

I like to think so. But I’m not 100 percent sure.

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each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.

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Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com. OPENING Remarks
We like to think that we would doggedly conquer calamity, but many of us have yet to be tested
be local be local most used logo black and white used for small horizontal used for small vertical and social media Advocate Media 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2013, is published monthly by East Dallas Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications
Mostly what you and I do is dream. We don’t put in the time. We don’t do the work. We haven’t faced the situation because, for whatever reason, we haven’t been called to do so.
6 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014 TOP 5 MOST-READ STORIES WANT MORE? Sign up for the Advocate’s weekly news digest advocatemag.com/newsletter FOLLOW US. Preston Hollow Advocate @Advocate_ph TALK TO US. Email editor Emily etoman@advocatemag.com DIGITAL DIGEST ON PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM 24-story residential tower proposed in Preston Center W.T. White racks up awards at annual One Act Play Competition 12-story senior living high-rise coming to NorthPark area LYFE Kitchen coming to Preston Center Man arrested over dress code violation at NorthPark COME SEE OUR NEW LOCATION IN MAY 2014 all about kids DENTISTRY 12300 inwood rd suite 220 dallas, texas 75244 972-233-4439 j diane colter, d.d.s. pediatric specialist Infants, Children, Teenagers and Special Needs allaboutkidsdentist.com www.1800lawncaredallas.com Free Estimate!

Lighting a spark

New learning center embarks on the future of education

An 8-year-old imagines a dinosaur, designs a sketch, and watches as a Makerbot 3D printer brings his T-Rex to life. On the other side of a frosted glass divider, a group of eighth-graders produces a fictional news broadcast with green-screen technology. No, this isn’t a science museum; it’s a glimpse of what’s possible in the new SPARQ Innovation Center and Makerspace, which Good Shepherd Episcopal

School recently unveiled for its students and the surrounding community. Located in the school’s library, the center facilitates hands-on learning experiences through high-tech tools that utilize and combine elements of science, technology, engineering, math and the arts. SPARQ, which stands for “solving problems, asking realworld questions,” came from collaboration among parents, teachers and Laurie Daum,

the head of school, along with the school’s director of technology, Julie McLeod. One student’s father, Dave Copps, attended the 2013 South by Southwest Interactive Festival and returned with the concept for a new research and design center. Copps imagined a space where a child’s imagination would be the jumping-off point for learning.

“We had so much energy when we talk-

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 7
community | events | food
Photo by Kim Leeson

ed about this. We felt like it wasn’t just a good idea: It was the future of education,” McLeod says.


May 2014

1/2 page, vertical 4 5/8” x 7 3/8”

Materials DUE

April 11

Delivery begins

April 24

As technology evolves, students’ learning environments have adapted. Nearby campuses have recently built STEM labs and makerspaces — communal areas with tools used for creation and design — to better educate students for their future careers. Many colleges are now emphasizing the importance of such an environment, too. MIT, for example, now considers makerspace portfolios in its admissions process. With these factors in mind, effort was made to ensure that every student at Good Shepherd, from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade, could engage with the new learning center.

“Many makerspaces and science labs are for high school students, but all of our students will be able to walk into the SPARQ space and use something,” McLeod says.

That inclusivity applies not only to Good Shepherd students but to children beyond the campus. McLeod has partnered with Eagle Scholars, a college-readiness program organized by the Vickery Meadow Youth Development Foundation, which raises funds and hosts programs for young people living in the densely populated Vickery Meadow apartment communities just east of Preston Hollow. Many residents are children of immigrants and refugees. Through the partnership, Meadow students can visit the SPARQ center once a week during the summer. In June, Good Shepherd will host an additional community-wide science camp.

“We want this space to not just be exclusive, but to be used as an outreach to the community too,” McLeod says.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about SPARQ and the upcoming science camp, call GSES at 214.357.1610.

8 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014 Launch COMMUNITY WATCH A VIDEO of the new high-tech learning center at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
More events, garden info & more at NHG.com Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center! 7700 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 214-363-5316 nhg.com Saturday, May 10th 102: Introduction to Home Veggie Gardening 10am-11:30am Register today! Details at nhg.com NHG School of Gardening Stylish & Tough Plants that are the Perfect Design Solution for the Modern Water Wise Garden SPRINKLER REPAIR SPECIALIST • $100 OFF FOUNDATION SOAKER / DRIP SYSTEMS 972-226-1925 rainmakertx.com We Work On All Systems DO YOU HAVE THESE PROBLEMS? 3 Broken Heads? 3 Leaks or Low Pressure? 3 Valve or Wiring Issues? 3 Heads Need Adjustment? 3 Dry or Wet areas? 3 Controller Problems? AV System Check-Up & Sprinkler Repair $25 OFF RAINMAKER SPRINKLER & REPAIR 29 Years SPRINKLER PROBLEMS? Angie’s List Super Service Award 2008 2010 2011 2012 LI#7732

What gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for nonprofits

Clean out the garage

Donate furniture, clothing and household items to The Family Place Resale Shop (11722 Marsh, Suite 354), which operates under The Family Place organization serving victims of domestic violence. Donations to the shop provide shelter and other basic needs to women and families who are beginning new lives. The shop also accepts volunteers to work with clients and help sort donations. For details, call 214.358.0381 or visit familyplace.org.

Collect food

Leave a bag of nonperishable food items next to your mailbox on May 10, and your letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to the North Texas Food Bank. It’s part of the National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive to help feed hungry people in the community. For more details, visit ntfb.org.

Buy a birdhouse

The Richardson Adult Literacy Center hosts a birdhouse raffle at NorthPark Center, featuring designs by local artists and businesses. Participants can buy $5 raffle tickets or five for $20 beginning May 2 at the ticket table on Level One between Dillard’s and Macy’s. Drawings will be May 20. Visit ralc.org/birdhouses.


that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 9
Launch COMMUNITY Area’s largest Organic Garden Center Fireman-Owned Family-Operated A 15-minute Drive • 1820 S. Belt Line in Mesquite • 972-329-4769 Give Your May Flowers Super Natural Powers
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Neighbor profile:

Preston Hollow resident Rick Salewske is preaching the gospel of good health because his life depends on it

When you weigh 538 pounds, traveling can be exhausting and embarrassing, recalls Preston Hollow resident Rick Salewske, who weighed just that at age 38.

“When I visited my family in Michigan, my sisters would be dating, having kids, and moving on. Meanwhile, I was growing more depressed and packing on the

pounds,” he says.

One year, because the airplane safety belt wouldn’t fit around his body, Salewske had to drive from Dallas to Michigan. By the time he arrived, the friction of the steering wheel against his rotund torso had worn a hole in his pants.

Now at 51, he is 300 pounds lighter,

10 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014
Photo by Danny Fulgencio Brad Thurman 469.964.1554 Broker Jason Bennett 214.680.9311 Kristin Brown 214.228.3416
Thurman Real Estate Partners Office: 214.987.0100 thurmanpartners.com 5646 Milton St., Suite 307 Dallas, TX 75206 3969 Lively Lane 2976 sq. ft. $615,000 3926 Rochelle 3037 sq. ft. $624,000
Stephonie Denniston 214.533.0700

married, and a proud father of three. He plays basketball, he hits the treadmill daily, and last November, he celebrated 10 years at a healthy weight by finishing the New York City Marathon in five hours and 27 minutes.

That could be a tidy end to a weightloss success story, but for Salewske, depression and other factors that can prompt bingeing are still a daily battle. He thinks it is important to share his story with others suffering from obesity who might feel hopeless.

Years ago Salewske’s concerned boss at Clark Dietrich Building Systems paid for the Cooper Lean Program at the Cooper Aerobics Center, which was a turning point.

“I knew there was no quick diet, that I had to exercise and eat right over time,” Salewske says, “but once I felt the endorphins kick in after I got my heart rate up at the gym, I was hooked.”

Because of his success, Cooper dubbed Salewske “man of the year.” In 2003 he appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s show. A few years later, he graced the pages of People Magazine.

Dallas Morning News writer Debbie Fetterman covered Salewske’s marathon training last year. This year she’s collaborating with him and local literary agent David Hale Smith to publish his story in book form.

“I’m working on the book because I want to connect my story to other people’s stories. If a regular guy like me can conquer a lack of confidence and get healthy, they can, too.”

Salewske represents his company as a guest speaker at national conferences. He’s frequently told that his passion when lecturing on “true life” and how to tap into it by rejecting unhealthy habits mirrors that of a charismatic Baptist evangelist. Salewske takes the comparison as a compliment.

“I just want to keep preaching my story and helping people,” he says.

To keep himself motivated, Salewske set a 2014 fitness goal: run the December Dallas marathon in under four hours.

Whitney Thompson

TO LEARN MORE about Rick Salewske, visit lost300.com

Faith Inclusion Network of Dallas

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MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 11 Launch COMMUNITY
Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas An open door to all in need IN PARTNERSHIP WITH
Does your congregation have a heart for weaving?

Out & About

May 2014

May 9 Flyin’ A’s

At 8 p.m. husband-and-wife duo the Flyin’ A’s perform at Uncle Calvin’s. The Flyin’ A’s perform a powerful mix of original Americana, country, Southern blues and “Texifide jazz.” Also slated to perform is Grant Peeples, who John Conquest of 3rd Coast Music has named songwriter of the year multiple times.

Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15-$18


Presidential paintings

Visit the George W. Bush Presidential Center to view the 43rd President’s highly anticipated exhibit, “The Art of Leadership: A President’s Personal Diplomacy.” Featuring more than two-dozen portraits of world leaders, the exhibit provides a personal perspective on Bush’s relationships with the leaders. Museum hours are 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon-5 p.m. on Sunday. George W. Bush Presidential Center, 2943 SMU Blvd., 214.346.1650, bushcenter.org, $16

MAY 1-2

Dance showcase

Southern Methodist University dance students will showcase original choreography for this twice-a-year concert. Featured will be 10-15 innovative works ranging from modern to ballet to hip-hop to jazz. Shows start at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday and noon on Friday. Bob Hope Lobby of the Owen Arts Center, 6101 Bishop, 214.768.2718, smu.edu, free


‘Spring Swing’

At 5 p.m. the Lovers Lane UMC Jazz ensemble, led by Bill Sleeper, will perform festive swing music. Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, 9200 Inwood, 214.691.4721, llumc.org, free

MAY 11

JCC Bagel Run

The annual 5k and 10k event continues at the Jewish Community Center, beginning with the kids’ race at 8 a.m. and the main race at 8:15 a.m., followed by the post-race party and awards ceremony at 9 a.m. Advanced registration runs through April 30. All levels of runners can participate. Jewish Community Center, 7900 Northaven, getmeregistered.com/ bagelrun, $18-$25

May 21

Mr. Parker’s Opus

W.T. White High School choir director Michael Parker retires after 41 years with Dallas ISD — but not before conducting his final concert at 7 p.m. at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center, featuring the W.T. White Showstoppers Choir and the W.T. White Alumni Choir. Dubbed “Mr. Parker’s Opus,” it will be the first time the Showstoppers have performed at a world-class venue.

Meyerson Symphony Center, 2301 Flora, 972.502.6200, $5-$7

12 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014
Send events to editor@advocatemag.com PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM/EVENTS more LOCAL EVENTS or submit your own

MAY 14

60th annual chamber meeting

From noon-1:30 p.m. join a premier gathering of North Dallas Chamber of Commerce members and leaders to celebrate 60 years of making Dallas a better place to live, work, raise a family and build a business. Featuring Blake Nordstrom, president of Nordstrom Inc., as the keynote speaker. Hilton Anatole Hotel, 2201 N. Stemmons, 214.368.6485, ndcc.org, $50/members-$100/non-members

MAY 21

Meet Nolan Ryan

The baseball Hall of Famer and cattle rancher will sign his new recipe book, “Nolan Ryan Beef and Barbecue Cookbook: Recipes from a Texas Kitchen,” at 7 p.m. Present your Barnes & Noble book receipt beginning at 9 a.m. to receive your wristband and save your place in line. Lincoln Park Barnes & Noble, 7700 W. Northwest Hwy., Suite 300, 214.739.1124, barnesandnoble.com, free

Through May 24 ‘Scope’

MAY 28

Avid readers unite

Join the Preston Royal Library book club for a discussion on the novel, “The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History,” by Robert M. Edsel, from 6:30-8 p.m. Preston Royal Library, 5626 Royal Lane, 214.670.7128, dallaslibrary2.org, free

Award-winning photographer Claudia Coker (her photo of San Francisco’s Chinatown is pictured on the left) possesses a unique eye and timing that transforms the ordinary to extraordinary. Her latest efforts have focused on the young adult spirit, capturing her subjects at a time when possibilities are endless. The talented Jack Smith, recognized for his heavy body acrylic canvases, is just 13 years old. View works from both artists from 3-6 p.m. Monday-Friday, or by appointment.

Zhen Music and Art Institute, 4901 W. Lovers, 214.696.4842, zmaai.com, free

Storm damage to your roof? June 13th is the deadline to replace it.

A couple weeks ago, the Dallas area hunkered down while baseball-sized hail and high winds took us by storm. Downtown was spared, but that wasn’t the case in 2012. Many people remember that terrible Texas storm a few years ago. Davette Cheney with Metal Roofs of Texas will never forget.

“I had just moved to Dallas from Oklahoma and I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with all the crazy weather anymore.”

What many Dallas residents don’t know is that after a storm, homeowners may only have up to two years to file an insurance claim for any roof damage. For those with damage from 2012, that potential deadline is fast approaching –June 13.

And Cheney’s team is letting residents know that after this date, any damage found to your roof might be considered “wear and tear,” and the insurance companies won’t have to give you a dime.

“We’re trying to remind folks not to let this potential deadline pass,” Cheney says. Metal Roofs of Texas also is letting Dallas residents know that insurance companies are starting to push homeowners into putting a cosmetic endorsement on their policy that would exclude almost all hail damage to roofs.

“They are trying to limit risk as much as possible,” Cheney says, “which puts you at risk more than ever before. It’s important to know your policy, and if you believe you have damage to your roof from a prior storm then we’re here to help. We offer a complimentary damage evaluation to all of our customers.”

Cheney boasts that Metal Roofs’ “Interlock Roofing System” can withstand up to a grapefruit-sized hailstone.

“It will withstand 165-mph winds, increase your curb appeal, is more energy efficient and saves you money on your electric bill.”

Plus, residents will be prepared if or when grapefruits start falling from the Dallas sky.

Metal Roofs of Texas is one of the largest residential metal roofing companies in North America and the exclusive, certified vendor of this type of roof in Texas. The company focuses on high-end homes and tries to eliminate hassles for homeowners.

So don’t wait for the next hailstorm, and certainly don’t wait past June 13 to take advantage of insurance premiums you pay month after month.


MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 13
Special Advertising Partner Content


Fine dining

WithScott Gottlich’s experience working under two highly acclaimed executive chefs at Aubergine and the threeMichelin-starred Le Bernadin, nobody was surprised when his restaurant, Bijoux, was named one of the top 10 hottest restaurants in America by Bon Appetit magazine in its first year of business. Now, eight years later, the contemporary French bistro is still going strong. Scott and his wife, Gina, run Bijoux together, and though they’re busy raising two young boys in Preston Hollow, their passion for creating an impeccable dining experience remains.

“Having the right balance of service is important,” says Gina, who serves as sommelier. “Some guests want to be left alone; others want to chat throughout the meal. When you’re attentive you can give a customized dining experience.”

Another factor contributing to the restaurant’s popularity is the ever-evolving menu, which is printed daily and modified according to what’s fresh and in season and what the chefs feel like preparing. Scott says he is always evolving as a chef by presenting food in new and creative ways, trying new ingredient combinations.

“We shouldn’t be doing the same exact thing we were doing two years ago,” Scott says. On the other hand, he says that Bijoux has always stayed true to its convictions. Using fresh ingredients, mastering cooking techniques, and cooking with integrity are things that will never change. “We don’t just use a technique because we can. If we employ molecular cooking (such as using foam or infusing food with flavor using a syringe), it is because it elevates the dish,” he says. Similar advanced cooking techniques are executed to great success in the red grouper entree, which rests atop asparagus, pea puree, spongy morels, mushroom sauce, and a refreshingly herbal tarragon gel, topped with sliced cucumber.

Red grouper at Bijoux. Photo by Mark Davis


5450 W. Lovers, Suite 225 214.350.6100 bijouxrestaurant.com










1 Spoon

Seafood dishes impress at this nationally recognized restaurant founded by the five-star, James Beard-nominated chef

John Tesar.

8220 Westchester



2 Rise No. 1

The marshmallow soup (tomato bisque with goat cheese,) top-notch souffles, and ambiance at this bistro leave you feeling like you’re in a Parisian cafe.

5360 W. Lovers, Suite 220 214.366.9900


3 Suze

Known for its extensive wine selection, this cozy Bluffview spot is perfect for date night. The pasta, made fresh in-house, is not to be missed.

4345 W. Northwest Hwy. 214.350.6135 suzedallas.com

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 15
enjoy authentic new york and southern style favorites 5 great DFW locations cindisnydeli.com advocat mag 11:31 AM

Tree pruning, thinning, removal and stump grinding


Let’s spoil all the ladies in our lives with some love and sweets this month. The best way to celebrate is to be with family and friends enjoying a wonderful meal, sitting around the table, and sharing love for one another. As you plan your menu for a simple brunch, lunch or a spring-filled dinner, add these glazed shortbread cookies to share with your special mom. What I love about these cookies is the combination of a buttery, flaky texture and creamy, soft icing for the perfect decoration.

16 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014 Launch FOOD
Kristen Massad writes a monthly column about sweets and baked goods. The Preston Hollow resident graduated from the French Culinary Institute in New York City and owned Tart Bakery on Lovers Lane for eight years. She blogs about food and lifestyles at inkfoods.com.
CARE FOR YOUR TREES. Trust the real professionals Certified Professional Arborist Family
Photo by Kristen Massad
Owned Since 1937 214-394-2414

Shortbread cookies


1 cup sugar

2 cups unsalted butter

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4 cups all-purpose flour

Zest of 1 lemon (optional)

Royal icing

6 cups powdered sugar

3 pasteurized egg whites

½ teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Cream sugar and butter in mixing bowl with paddle attachment. Add eggs, vanilla extract and lemon zest, and mix on low speed. Slowly add the flour and mix until the dough has come together.

2. Place the ball of dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Once dough is chilled, roll it out to 1/8 inch thick and cut into 2-inch squares or other desired shape.

3. Bake cookies at 350 F for 12-15 minutes or until light golden on the edges. Allow cookies to cool completely before glazing and decorating.

4. Make royal icing by combining powdered sugar and egg whites in mixer on medium speed for 5 minutes. Icing will become very smooth and glossy. (Add more powdered sugar if you want it to be thicker. Cover icing if not using immediately, or it will get hard).

9. Draw a border around each cookie with royal icing. Once the border is dry, cover the entire cookie with icing.

6. Allow the base icing to dry completely, and then stencil or draw letters onto the cookies. Allow cookies to dry before serving or packaging.

Note: If you do not want to make a traditional royal icing with egg whites, you can replace the egg whites with meringue powder (follow directions on the container).

Makes 75 2-inch cookies

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 17 Launch FOOD
VISIT YAYAFOOTSPA.COM OR CALL 214.707.0506 TRADITIONAL CHINESE FOOT REFLEXOLOGY REFLEXOLO GY EXPERTS LOVERS LANE 5555 Lovers Ln. Dallas, TX 75209 214.612.8046 BISHOP ARTS 509D Bishop Ave. Dallas, TX 75206 214.707.0506 MAIN STATION 100 S. Main St., Ste. 104 Duncanville, TX 75106 214.707.0598 CALL FOR RESERVATIONS AND AVAILABLE TIMES $36FOR60 MINUTES Traditional ChineseFoot Reflexology IT’S YAYA TIME. 3762 Northview Lane 4223 Firebrick Lane WeArePrestonHollow.com 6532 Brairhaven $459,900 1827 Walnut Springs $799,000 SOLD in 2 Days! Dallas Soft Contemporary Enjoy the convenience to everything! Twin Creeks-Lexington Beauty
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Growing up, earning good grades, pursuing a talent and gaining college acceptance is tough, but imagine doing so in the face of rocky life transitions, family separation or an incurable disability. Complicated circumstances can become an excuse for teens to escape down a destructive path. For a few Preston Hollow high school seniors who will graduate this month, however, challenges are reasons to strive for a better future. Their determination and support from teachers, friends and family have driven them to succeed.

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Petite and slender with fine features, the unassuming Alexis Kerman spends most of her free time killing it on the Ultimate Frisbee field.

Having struggled to fit in at school, she has carved out her place at Hillcrest High as captain of the coed team — no ordinary feat in the male-dominated sport — and she’s leading her players to the state competition this month.

Right now, “it’s Frisbee or sleep,” she says. “Without Frisbee, I don’t know how I would have gotten through this year.”

All her life, Alexis has pondered the question, “Where do I belong?” — from her abandonment at a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to her shocking 11th grade transition from private to public school.

Alexis weighed just 10 pounds when her parents adopted her at 9 months old the size of a newborn, says her mother, Kay Kerman. The doctor deduced that Alexis probably was born about three months premature. The family lived in Asia for the next few years and had two more biological children.

Growing up, Alexis struggled through the angst typical of adopted children. As a little girl, after minor disagreements with her family, she’d pack a bag, declare, “I’m going back to Vietnam,” and march down the street outside her Preston Hollow home en route to her birth country more than 9,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean.

“I’d make it to the stop sign and realize I wasn’t going to get very far,” she says.

The tension worsened with age. The fascination surrounding the cute baby years faded, and routine moments became awkward. Alexis has to explain her place in her all-white family — from being seated in a restaurant (“Are you with them?”) to registering for high school (“What is your relation?”) to simply hanging out with her brother (“Is that your boyfriend?”).

She knows almost nothing of her biological parents. The adoption center provided a police report with their names and a note that Alexis had been abandoned. She tried searching for them online without success.

“Your parents bring you into this world,” she says, “and they’re supposed to be the ones who love you the most.”

She soon realized that none of that mattered so much.

“I’m here; I’m blessed.”

20 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014

So blessed that she was able to attend a top-notch private school in Preston Hollow. That is, until she decided she needed a change. Alexis moved from the Cambridge School of Dallas to Hillcrest halfway through high school. She knew it would be different.

“I just wasn’t sure how different,” she says. “I’ve pushed myself so much harder.”

Alexis is in the top 15 percent of her class and found her niche on the Ultimate Frisbee team. Out of the 32 teams competing at state, only five include girls. Hillcrest coach James Wright says Alexis holds her own against the boys on the field.

“She has the right attitude,” Wright says. “She’s very sweet but also has a competitive switch that she can turn on.”

Wright says that after Alexis graduates, the team won’t be the same, particularly in regard to generating interest among girls.

“She acts as a role model to the other girls,” Wright says. “She shows that women can compete in the same realms as men.”

Alexis is taking that mentality to the next level, pursuing a career as a military officer.

A space camp she attended in seventh grade sparked her interest, which shows no signs of burning out. She has finished the rigorous application process for the United States Air Force Academy and the United States Naval Academy —both of which include multiple essays and nominations from her congressman, senators or the vice president.

She says it’s easy to become disillusioned with the idea of serving one’s country, particularly in a place like the United States, where political tensions run high. For Alexis, it’s deeper than that.

“It’s about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is what is so important for me to protect and fight for. I’ve been given that; I’ve been given everything.”

Even if she doesn’t gain acceptance to one of the academies, she’ll apply again while attending her freshman year of college at Texas A&M University or The Citadel Military College of South Carolina, where she hopes to join ROTC and continue playing Ultimate Frisbee — even though her academic credits likely won’t transfer.

“It’s hard finding a purpose in life, but I feel like I’ve found mine,” she says. “I’m going to get there; I will get there.”

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During his freshman year at W.T. White High School, Yusef Emad almost gave up on band.

“The bullying was getting bad,” he says. “Freshman year was my hardest year.”

Yusef is Muslim, and other kids often labeled him a terrorist. One evening after a concert, someone yelled a racial slur outside the band hall in the presence of Yusef’s mom.

“She was upset and wanted to tell the principal, but I told her to just ignore it,” he says, following the advice of two friends, Mirtala Martinez and Jackie Toribio, who convinced him not to quit over a few senseless bullies. “The only thing you can do is ignore it.”

It worked. The bullying eventually stopped.

Yusef has played the bass clarinet in band since sixth grade and plays the saxophone in the jazz band. He excels in science, and after he completes basic courses at Brookhaven College, he plans to enter the pre-med program at Texas Tech University and become a doctor.

Phillip Potter, the assistant band director at W.T. White, describes Yusef as “an incredibly high achiever.”

“He’s always challenging himself to be a better player,” Potter says. “He’s really passionate. We think he’s going to do great things.”

This past year, though, Yusef has seen his father only via Skype. His father has

been on contract as a translator in Afghanistan for an unspecified amount of time. They’re told he’s in a safer region of the country, but that hasn’t relieved all the fears associated with such a separation.

“We still worry every day,” Yusef says. “What if something happens to him?”

His parents moved from Kabul, Afghanistan, to the United States, where they married and started their family of three boys, Yusef being the middle child. A certified pilot, his dad struggled to find work after his company, Eastern Airlines, went bankrupt in the 1990s. He became a linguist, working as a translator to train other pilots in various parts of the country from El Paso to Washington, D.C.

In his father’s absence, Yusef and his brothers grew close with their uncle (his mother’s only local sibling). They spent many an afternoon at his house in McKinney learning how to change the oil in a car, building birdhouses and picking blackberries from the backyard garden.

Then came the day that Yusef’s uncle began slurring his speech, and the family soon learned he had several tumors scattered throughout his brain. Survival was not likely.

“It was unexpected,” Yusef says. “He was the last guy you would think would get cancer.”

“You could tell in his face that he was go-

ing to die soon,” he says about his uncle’s last days. Headed north on the highway, trying to make it to his bedside, Yusef got the call.

That was his junior year of high school, and just a few months later, his dad left for a job he couldn’t refuse in Afghanistan.

“At first, I was mad at him,” Yusef says, “but then I understood that he has to provide for us. It hit me hard, but it affected my brothers more.”

They stay in touch via a computer screen, talking about life, school, the future and volleyball, their favorite family pastime and a ubiquitous sport in Afghanistan — one that Yusef wishes was offered for boys at schools here.

“He tells me to keep practicing so when he comes back, we can all play together.”

His dad will be home this month long enough to participate in their community’s annual Islamic spring picnic. And before returning to Afghanistan until at least the end of the year, he’ll get to watch Yusef receive his high school diploma.

Yusef not only understands and accepts his family’s less-than-perfect circumstances, but also realizes they are what have allowed him to succeed. And he plans to return the favor someday.

“Maybe when I graduate [college], I can buy them a house.”

22 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014 NO EXCUSES



Carissa Milburn is described as self-motivated, dependable, hardworking and honest. She likely gleaned a few of those positive traits from her Army dad.

“I’m a Daddy’s girl,” she says with a smile. “I’m closer to my dad than anyone else.”

So, when he came back from the Iraq War disabled, Carissa took on the challenge of helping her mom care for him while pursuing an education.

The war exacerbated his onset of glaucoma and diabetes, which has affected his vision and ability to walk. Most days after class at Hillcrest High School, Carissa heads straight home to her father’s aid. The family must make sure he eats and take him to his many doctor appointments each week.

Her dad, who once was more lively and talkative, also suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. Although he doesn’t open up much about it, she can see the toll the war

has taken. He no longer likes action movies, cringes at the sound of helicopters and often awakes from nightmares in a sweat.

“He hasn’t been himself since the war,” Carissa says.

Breanne Hill, who works in the counseling office at Hillcrest, says that for a teenager, Carissa has a rare ability to balance her responsibilities in life, always being there for her family and friends without sacrificing her own goals in the process.

“It’s hard to find that balance,” Hill says. “She is a phenomenal girl. I always brag on her. If I had 230 of her, the school would be perfect.”

Hill met Carissa while establishing the club Celebrating Sisterhood, a mentoring group geared toward at-risk AfricanAmerican girls. Hill reaches out to students who are prone to struggle in school. Carissa could have been one of them but in-

stead acted as a leader in the group when it launched.

“She joined the group, serving as a role model and mentor for the other girls who aren’t quite there yet,” Hill says.

Carissa doesn’t see her father’s situation as a burden. If anything, the strong support system at home has helped her succeed.

“[My dad] always encouraged me. He always talked about college,” she says.

Carissa lights up when she talks about higher education. She plans to attend Brookhaven College for her basic courses and then hopes to remain local at the University of Texas at Arlington. She’s interested in studying computer science or criminal justice.

“I’m eager to get a good career,” she says. “I know for a fact that I’m going to have a good career. I want to keep going. I want to be something bigger.”

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 23

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Proposal for Preston Center’s tallest building aims to create ‘24/7 presence’ in the commercial district

While discussion continues on the potential Transwestern development of a six-story luxury apartment community at the northeast corner of Preston and Northwest Highway, a much larger project is underway in the same corridor, and the re-zoning application already is headed to the city plan commission.


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At 8215 Westchester, on what is now a three-story medical office building, Crosland Group plans to construct Highland House, a 24-story residential tower with approximately 250 units, marketed toward empty nesters. It’s the “highest-end residential in Dallas,” says chairman and CEO Luke Crosland, who also was behind the luxury iLume in Oak Lawn.

The entire Preston Center area south of Northwest Highway is a planned development district (PD 134). This project needs re-zoning approval to allow for greater height and density, affecting only this particular site within the existing PD, which historically has catered to commercial uses.

“The zoning isn’t residential-friendly,” says Rick Williamson, Crosland Group’s director of development.

If approved, Highland House would be the tallest building in Preston Center by 30 feet but still lies within the residential proximity slope. The site is near the center of the commercial district, surrounded by other office buildings, so the tower wouldn’t cast its shadow into neighborhood yards.

District 13 Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates — who recused herself

from engaging in the Transwestern project over a conflict of interest — has been engaged with neighbors on Highland House. The developers have hosted two public meetings, and the reaction to the height and density increase hasn’t been nearly as contentious.

“I’m not getting much opposition,” Gates says. “I do believe that some type of residential is wanted in that area.”

The units would range from 1,200 to 1,400 square feet with rents starting around $4,000 a month. The building design includes five stories of parking garage — 30 percent more than what the city requires — and 19 stories of residential, which also includes climate-control storage, a dog spa, a private club and other high-end amenities.

Crosland has officed out of Berkshire Court in Preston Center for decades and says he has seen little change when it comes to creating a true urban lifestyle.

“Twenty-seven years, and nothing has changed,” he says. “The one thing the area’s missing is residential. We want to create a 24/7 presence at Preston Center.”

What about all the traffic?

The traffic study that Crosland Group submitted to the city suggests Highland House would actually decrease traffic in the area, compared to what’s there now.

According to projections from Deshazo Group, the engineering firm that conducted the study, the existing medical building

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generates 1,666 cars daily, and the proposed residential tower — which would house around 400-500 people — amounts to 1,181 cars entering and exiting each day. That’s 29 percent less traffic.

Williamson and Crosland say office buildings have a more intense impact on traffic than residential buildings. And the residents of Highland House would be retired folks, people who spend half the year at a second home, lock-and-leave types.

Plus, they’re likely to walk to most retail and service businesses within Preston Center.

Crosland insists that the back-up seen along Northwest Highway each day comes mostly from through-traffic drivers avoiding LBJ and other congested freeways at rush hour. He says he has just as much of an interest in relieving traffic as concerned neighbors.

“It’s a daily thing for us,” Crosland says.

That’s why he has worked with TxDOT,

University Park and the City of Dallas to install left turn lanes at Preston and Northwest Highway, which should be happening soon.

A warm reception for now

In its public meetings with residents and business owners around Preston Center, Crosland Group has fielded a few questions about the design of the building, parking and traffic, but no concerns have resulted in fierce opposition.

Preston Hollow East — the homeowners on the north side of Northwest Highway who are fighting the Transwestern proposal, is remaining neutral on Highland House, says president Ashley Parks.

The Highland House zoning case goes before the Dallas City Plan Commission this month. It also will need approval from the City Council.

At the time of publication, Transwestern still hadn’t filed its zoning application.


What is the future of the Preston-Northwest Highway corridor? Follow the latest updates at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 25 Marsh Midway Royal Hillcrest Westchester Preston 12 Inwood Park Sherry Walnut Hill W. Northwest Hwy DNT 75 Bennet Ross La Vista Abrams 12 Transwestern proposal Highland House 2 1
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26 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014 education GUIDE


The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses

Send business news tips to livelocal@advocatemag.com

Senior-living high-rises to be built near NorthPark Center

Buckner International, a faith-based social services organization, plans to establish a new senior-living community on three acres at the southwest corner of North Central Expressway and Northwest Highway, across from NorthPark Center. Ventana by Buckner will be two 12-story towers with 314 units and measure about 450,000 square feet. The building will provide 182 independent-living residences, 36 assisted-living apartments, 24 memory-care apartments, 48 skilled-nursing apartments and 24 short-term-rehabilitation apartments. The community also will feature three dining areas (casual, formal and bistro), a wellness and fitness center, a pool, a chapel, a movie theater, roof terraces, a business center, a library, a day spa, indoor parking and 24-hour security. Ventana is scheduled to open by 2018 and already is accepting deposits.

LYFE Kitchen to open in Preston Center

LYFE Kitchen, a California-based chain restaurant that serves locally sourced, organic and healthy eats “in minutes,” is coming to Dallas. That’s according to Christine Perez at D Magazine, who reports that the restaurant is planning to open three locations in North Texas this summer, with one of those locations in Preston Center. Menu items — which are all fewer than 600 calories — include breakfast, lunch and dinner options, as well as beer, wine, and fresh-pressed smoothies and juices. The expansive menu, which includes a number of gluten-free and vegan offerings, was developed by vegan chef Tal Ronnen and chef Art Smith, who was once a personal chef for Oprah Winfrey. The restaurant’s sustainable/healthy concept doesn’t apply to just menu items: LYFE Kitchen’s interiors are eco-friendly too, from bamboo tabletops to soy-based cushion foam.

More business bits

Celebration Restaurant suspends summer farmers market

Since 1971, long before any “locavore” and “green” trends hit the restaurant scene, Celebration Restaurant has been serving comfort food with a conscience the ground beef comes from grass-fed cows, chickens are raised in pastures, and during summertime, the restaurant’s farmers market fills the parking lot weekly.

But this summer there will be changes. The restaurant has announced that its farmers market is suspended for the 2014 growing season. That doesn’t mean, however, that the popular market won’t return next year. This isn’t the first time the Celebration Farmers Market has taken a break. Costly city permits forced the restaurant to cease the market for the 2009 season, but it returned in 2010. Although you’ll have to check out other farmers markets for fresh, local produce this summer, rest assured that Celebration Restaurant and its neighbor Celebration Market, which sells plenty of locally made items, aren’t going anywhere.


Buckner International 4830 Samuell 214.388.1442 BUCKNER.ORG


Celebration Restaurant 4503 W. LOVERS 214.351.5681


Gigi’s Cupcakes 5450 W. LOVERS, SUITE 130 214.352.2253


NorthPark Center 8687 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY 214.363.7441


1 Summit Parque, a seven-story apartment complex under construction near Merit Drive and LBJ, is slated for completion by the end of the year. Amenities will include a rooftop terrace, fitness center and a cyber lounge. 2 Gigi’s Cupcakes in Inwood Village has some new spring flavors, including lemon daisy, triple chocolate torte, raspberry pink blossom and pink champagne. 3 Steve Madden in NorthPark Center has expanded beyond shoes and now offers apparel and accessories. Check out the new products — and the store’s new location — between Macy’s and Nordstrom on level one. 4 In other NorthPark news, Tesla Motors, an interactive store that invites customers to learn about owning an electric car and design one of their own, will open in NorthPark this summer. It will be the only Tesla Motors store in Dallas.

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 27 LIVE Local
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W.T. White High School theater students performed “The Importance of Being Earnest” in the UIL One Act Play Competition, earning a straight score of “excellent” across the board. Dru Miers was awarded best actor, Jason Tarlton was awarded best technician, and Paige Madkins and Cecilia Gatling received honorable mention to the all-star cast.


CitySquare President and CEO Larry James, whom Mayor Mike Rawlings recently appointed to chair his Poverty Task Force, spoke at a luncheon held at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church early last month. While working at CitySquare, James has become well acquainted with factors that exacerbate homelessness, poverty and mental disability. In response, CitySquare is exploring and developing innovative ways to help. The PHPC Foundation also supports CitySquare’s Cottages at Hickory Crossing, a housing project that will aid homeless individuals battling drug abuse and mental health issues.


City Hall

District 13 councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates spoke at the recent Crimes Against Women conference Downtown. Gates, who heads the city’s domestic violence task force, organized a citywide effort to “Paint The Town Purple” for domestic violence awareness — even the Reunion Tower and Omni Hotel were lit purple in honor of the cause.

In April, Mayor Mike Rawlings proclaimed May 4 “Lemonade Day” in Dallas. The free, community-wide educational event promotes entrepreneurship in children. Students, under adult supervision, learn lessons about creating a budget, setting goals, securing investors, rationing resources and handling money. A panel of celebrities will judge the best-tasting lemonade in town. The winning concoction will be served at one of Phil Romano’s restaurants for a year — “and we’ll pay a royalty,” he adds. Other judges will include Dallas Cowboys coach Jason Garrett, State Senator Royce West, Klyde Warren, Hockaday senior Maddie Bradshaw (founder of m3 girl designs, a jewelry company with $1.6 million in annual revenue), and Heart of a Warrior Charitable Foundation founder Gail Warrior.

Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

TRUE Crime


Claire’s Christian Day School Parent’s Day Out & Pre-School 214.368.4047

Josue Valerio had been out of town. He has a bit of a non-traditional job – he’s in the gospel business. Valerio works as a Baptist minister and is a consultant at hospitals, churches and universities throughout Latin America and Texas. On March 27, he had been in California for some training, and the call he received from his wife that morning was a bit startling. While heading out for work, she saw that his 2000 Honda was gone.

The Victim: Josue Valerio

The Crime: Auto theft

Date: Wednesday, March 26

Time: Between 6 p.m. (March 26) and 7:30 p.m. (March 27)

Location: 6000 block of Steamboat

While he is happy to get the car back, the circumstances of the theft are a bit strange.

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After reporting the crime, she received an interesting call that night from the police in Denton. Her husband’s car had been recovered when two men were arrested during a drug crime.

Valerio later retrieved the car from a tow lot, but discovered that a radar detector and GPS that weren’t his had been left in the car. After waiting at the police station for an hour, the good Samaritan was able to return them.

“What worries us is what they were doing with the car,” he says.

Lt. Edwin Ruiz-Diaz of the North Central Patrol Division says sometimes it is hard to prevent crimes like this. He recommends parking in well-lit areas or a garage if at all possible. He also advises people never to leave anything of value inside their cars so that criminals will not be attracted to their vehicles. Car alarms also can help by scaring off criminals and alerting others to a possible crime.

MAY 2014 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 29
NEWS & Notes
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.
Class Hours: 9am - 3pm School of choice by families in our neighborhood. NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL CLASSES 4 months to Pre-K
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New ways to address the plight of the poor

There are moments in life when you hear the voice of God. To clarify, I have not heard an audible voice; instead, God most often speaks to me through the voices of other people — especially people who are passionate about a cause. They are the folks who are captured by a vision of what could be, those who challenge us to consider a better, more human and just world.

At a recent luncheon at our church, we had the privilege of hearing one such person: The Rev. Larry James, President and CEO of CitySquare in Dallas. Larry has a passion for addressing the challenges of the poor, and he recently wrote a book titled “The Wealth of the Poor” (Leafwood Publishers, 2013). Years ago, Larry became acutely aware of the plight of the poor in Dallas — a city of growth, wealth and economic strength. Dallasites in Preston Hollow and the Park Cities often are not aware of the fact that Dallas residents in general are more likely to be impoverished than in any of America’s 20 largest cities except Detroit, Memphis and Philadelphia. Although the unemployment rate in Dallas is 6.1 percent, jobs alone are not the answer to lifting people out of poverty. According to Celia Cole, president of the Texas Food Bank Association, unemployment is not the main problem. “It’s underemployment. Texas has lots of jobs, but too many with no benefits or low wages,” she says. The fact is that a considerable portion of the poor have jobs, but are paid too little to better their situation.

Dallas, at present, is home to 18 billionaires and lots of wealthy, successful people and yet 39 percent of the population, according to Larry James, is underemployed. Another startling statistic is that just under 40 percent of children under 5 live in poverty. About 260,000 people in Dallas are considered poor. Shocking statistics.

In response to the situation, Mayor Mike Rawlings recently launched a Poverty Task Force and appointed Larry James to chair

the effort — a great decision, given Larry’s knowledge of the problem and can-do approach to homelessness and poverty. “We’ve got to have some short-term plans that are more substantive,” said Mayor Rawlings. “I want them to come back and tell us, as a city, what we can do more of, quicker. Not the pie-in-the-sky stuff, which by the way, we’re working on.”

The Task Force will appropriately include

be impoverished than in any of America’s 20 largest cities except Detroit, Memphis and Philadelphia.

some people from society’s margins who are affected directly by poverty, so that its work will be rooted in actual experience. This will not be another group of privileged people trying to help folks they have no real way of understanding.

In my study at the church, I have a wood engraving hanging on the wall. It’s by Fritz Eichenberg, and it’s titled “Christ of the Breadlines.” It pictures seven individuals, each wrapped in tattered blankets against the cold, standing in a food line. The center character in the line is clearly Christ himself, waiting patiently along with the rest. I can’t help but think that, were I to find myself in that food line, I might not be so patient, waiting for a better society of fair wages and a commitment to human dignity that might make such lines unnecessary. In the meantime, efforts like CitySquare and the Poverty Task Force need our impatient commitment to being part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

30 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com MAY 2014
Dallasites in Preston Hollow and the Park Cities often are not aware of the fact that Dallas residents in general are more likely to
worship LISTINGS SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION to advertise call 214.560.4203
Blair Monie is senior pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church (phpc.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
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BBQ Battle

Sonny Bryan’s inaugural barbecue competition and fundraiser, “It’s in the Sauce,” featured local celebrities last month. Chefs Dean Fearing, JP Mancha, Kent Rathbun (executive chef of Rathbun’s Blue Plate Kitchen) and Tre Wilcox each created a oneof-a-kind barbecue dish using Sonny Bryan’s signature barbecue sauce to raise money for a nonprofit of their choice. JP Mancha’s pulled pork slider won the competition with the most votes, awarding $5,000 to the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Fox 4 anchor and Preston Hollow resident Clarice Tinsley served as emcee.

Local Resources

TO ADVERTISE 214.560.4203



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SCENE & Heard
Bruce S. Chandler photography
Estate Sale? >> List your garage or estate sale ad for free online.  Visit classifieds.advocatemag.com to post and view neighborhood ads.

Tea time

Last month Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church hosted the Mad Hatter’s Tea, which featured hat contests and a silent auction to raise money for missions. The guest speaker was Linda Faulkner, who served as social secretary to the White House during the Reagan administration. The event raised funds for Mi Escuelita, Good Shepherd Community Center, Vickery Meadow Learning Center, Grace Presbyterian Village, Interfaith Housing Coalition and North Dallas Shared Ministries.

SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.



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Photo by James Coreas
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