5 minute read



A few wooden 2-by-12s and some soil can go a long way. Just ask Hillcrest Forest resident Earl White who planted a small herb and vegetable garden on the side of his house, enlisting the help of neighborhood children. “It makes me happy to see all the young kids,” he says. “It puts them to work. They feel productive.” White has been living on the west end of Midbury for 38 years, watching the street evolve through three generations of families. “The neighborhood is very social,” he says. “We keep our little cul-de-sac busy.” So, it wasn’t long before White’s garden idea caught on with two other neighbors. It all began last year while his wife underwent cancer treatment. White visited her every day but needed a distraction. “It was an outlet for me,” he says. “I had been thinking of starting a garden anyhow.” He built two, 12-foot containers, filled them with dirt, installed a watering system, and started planting one of everything. But that didn’t work out too well. His okra plant grew a few feet with only one small okra pod on top. “You could make barely a cup of gumbo out of that,” White says.“You learn as you go.” So he started planting several of each seed — strawberries, watermelons, green peppers and tomatoes; basil, mint, chives and parsley. But while life was sprouting from White’s garden, his wife was losing her battle with cancer. She died last August, and he had to adjust to life alone after 37 years of marriage. Today, he has the company of neighborhood kids, like Josh next door, who helps rake leaves and plants some of his very own fruits and veggies. White has room to expand the garden, and plans to involve more children by sectioning off patches just for them. A lot has changed since the Whites moved into the neighborhood more than three decades ago. “We were the young kids on the block,” he says. “Now, I’m the grandpa.”

GOT ALAUNCH-WORTHY IDEA? Let us know about it: Call editor Emily Toman at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com.

? As the OWNER of a dog or cat, what do I need to know about Dallas REGULATIONS ?

Common sense and a strong fence will go a long way toward keeping you and your pet out of trouble. But there’s more to it than that. To keep things safe and legal, here’s how it works:

1. Register your dog or cat with the City of Dallas Animal Services department by mailing up-to-date vaccine information along with a $7 fee for spayed or neutered pets and $30 for unaltered pets. This is not just a way for the city to make some quick and easy cash. The process prevents the spread of diseases such as rabies, and helps prevent the forced euthanization (of which there were more than 26,500 last year alone) of unwanted pets. Pet owners who do not wish to spay or neuter their pets can obtain an intact animal permit for an additional fee of $70 per year if they are a member of a purebred dog or cat club, or have completed a responsible pet ownership class.

2. Up to four dogs or cats can live in an apartment or condominium, up to six in a single-family home, or up to eight in a home with more than 1/2 acre of land. This law became effective in 2008 and includes a grandfather clause for anyone who owned more than the allowed number prior to 2008, as well as a provision for volunteers fostering homeless dogs and pets for approved rescue groups.

3. It is illegal to tether or chain a dog. When dogs 6 months and older are confined outdoors, their yards, pens or kennels must be at least 150 square feet, and each dog must have a weatherproof, three-sided shelter.


4. When dogs or cats are outside their home or yard, keep them on a leash. The only exceptions to this are designated off-leash dog parks or freeroaming feral cats that are part of a trap, neuter, return program. When a cat is spayed or neutered through a T-N-R program, the vet “tips” one ear, so you can easily identify a participating cat in your neighborhood.

5. A dog that barks while protecting his home isn’t a dangerous dog; he’s just doing what dogs do. But one that causes injury could be officially deemed a “dangerous dog”. If a dog is outside its home or yard and causes serious injury to a person or another animal, a resident can request a city hearing to determine whether the dog should be declared dangerous. No fines are involved and no monetary damages are awarded, but if a dog is determined to be dangerous, its owner faces serious consequences. The dog may be euthanized, ordered out of the city, or allowed to return home if the owner complies with a stringent set of rules that includes paying a “dangerous dog” registration fee of $50 per year. Currently, 21 dogs that have been deemed dangerous live in Dallas.

6. Other good rules to know, whether or not you own a pet, is that it’s illegal to place poison where it is accessible to a dog or cat; to sell or give away pets on any property except for pet stores, animal shelters and animal rescue group adoption sites; to offer animals as prizes in auctions, raffles, giveaways or other promotions; to transport a dog in the open bed of a pick-up truck, unless it’s in a carrier; or to fail to pick up after your dog.


GOTA MAZE YOUCAN’T FIND YOUR WAY THROUGH? Email howitworks@advocatemag.com with your question.

TO VIEWA DETAILEDDALLAS MAP of dangerous dogs, find state rabies statistics, and learn other animal tidbits from Rebecca Poling, visit the Back Talk blog at farnorthdallas.advocatemag.com


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What giVes?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits

JOIN A TEAM a Boomer Green Team, that is. The Senior Source, an organization that helps enrich the lives of local senior citizens, will host events on July 7, 10, 24 and 28 in which teams of “boomer” volunteers can participate in environmental projects. They’ll tackle issues like recycling, water and energy conservation, community gardens and clean air. The office is at 3910 Harry Hines near the Tollway. To find out how to join, call Susan Grundy at 214.525.6134 or email her at sgrundy@ theseniorsource.org.

Donate Clothing

to the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store at Northwest Highway and Bachman Lake. The shop provides gently used clothes, furniture and household items at a fraction of the retail price. All proceeds benefit the local Vincentian mission and needy families in the community. Visit svdpthirft.org to find a list of items the store accepts. And if you’re feeling extra generous, check out ways to volunteer your time.

KnoW of Ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.

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