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A womAn’s world

A womAn’s world

Ashly R. Cothern, ddS, PA

Dr Cothern is one of a small distinguished percentage of dentists who have invested in postgraduate training at one of the world’s premiere continuing education institutes, The Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education. We care about you as a unique individual and examine you in a way that together we can understand every aspect of your oral health. In our office we love what we do. NOW THAT IS SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT!



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diane Colter, ddS allaboutkidsdentist.com

At All About Kids Dentistry, Dr. Diane Colter believes that happy kids have healthy smiles. Dr. Colter specializes in comprehensive dental care for infants, children, teens and children with special needs. Dr. Colter wants children and their parents to feel comfortable about their visit to the dentist and designed a warm, caring, and inviting office to meet this goal. She and her professional staff look forward to providing exceptional care to each and every child who entrusts them with their oral health.

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Dr. Ampil and the other board-certified physicians at Wade-Huebner Clinic are committed to providing advanced medical care while adhering to traditional doctor-patient values. We treat most acute and chronic illnesses and focus on prevention by offering wellness and preventive examinations. We are on the medical staff at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, and we strive to make our patients’ experience a rewarding one that leads to better health and well-being.

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THE CATHOlIC fOuNd ATION, based in Preston Hollow, is calling for nominations for this year’s Work of Heart program that honors deserving Catholic schoolteachers in the area. As the school year begins, parents, teachers and students are encouraged to recommend their choices for the award, which amounts to $500 in grants. For details visit catholicfoundation.org.

THE prOVIdENCE pAT r IOT s second-grade girls softball team went undefeated this summer in the Town North YMCA Softball League. The players attend Providence Christian School Of Texas.


w.T. wHITE sTudENTs Of THE lONgHOrN sOlAr COrps competed again this year in the Hunt-Winston Solar Car Challenge, driving their solar car along an 866-mile route from Fort Worth to Boulder, Colo. The team received the Guntis Terauds Award for “courage in the face of engineering obstacles”. Team captain Alex Madere received the Order of the Solar Cell, awarded to people with a strong passion and belief in high school solar car racing.

w.T. w HITE s ENIOr J ulIE NEguss IE received the Gates Millennium Scholarship, which covers tuition, room, board and other college expenses. Negussie is among 1,000 minority students selected for the scholarship. Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates, the scholarships are awarded through the United Negro College Fund to “outstanding, low-income African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific islander American and Hispanic American students.”

THE HIllCrEsT HIgH s CHOOl INTErACT CluB received the 2009-10 Presidential Citation Award from Rotary International, recognizing the group for “strengthening Rotary’s future through exemplary action and service.”

MArsH MIddlE s CHOOl was spruced up last month thanks to representatives from Fidelty Investment and volunteers from the Volunteer Center Of North Texas. The project included creating a College and Career Investigation Center with books and a boardroom setting for students to host events like Student Council meetings; planting a garden in the courtyard; outdoor classrooms and solar lighting; and a general renovation of the main entrance.


w.T. wHITE 2006 AluMNus BryAN HOlAdAy was drafted to the Detroit Tigers. The catcher led TCU to the College World Series, playing 68 games for Horned Frogs this season, batting .355 with 17 home runs and 53 RBIs. He also won this year’s Johnny Bench Award.

fOOTBAll lEgENd ANd prEsTON HOllOw rEsIdENT rOgEr sTAuBACH received the 2010 Hope for Humanity award from the Dallas Holocaust Museum, and he’ll be honored at a special dinner on Nov. 11 at the Fairmont Hotel.

Correction: In the July 2010, advertising supplement, “Women in Business”, Laura Tyson was identified as a “landscape architect”. She should have been identified as a landscape designer. We regret the error.

T HE d Og wAs f E d, BuT THE HOME TrAs HE d.

It was just after sunset when Cynthia macLennan returned home. Her poodle that patrols her home had been a bit sick of late. A friend had come by to check on the pooch, so at first she didn’t think anything of her bedroom light being left on. she hopped out of the car and walked a couple doors down to visit a friend for a few minutes.

When she returned to her house, macLennan was shocked at what she found inside.

“the door was wide open,” she says. “the kitchen cupboard and drawers were all wide open. my bedroom was trashed.”

Frightened by the scene, she quickly grabbed her phone and called for help.

“I picked up my dog and went in my bedroom and dialed 911,” macLennan says. “the police were here so quickly.”

Among the items stolen were jewelry passed down from her mother, a brand new laptop computer, tools, cash and even a pair of her glasses. Fortunately, she had all her computer files on a flash drive.

“I was frightened and angry, and I’m still angry,” she says. “It’s just such a violation.” strangely, the burglar filled her dog’s bowl with food. And despite many things being stolen, some electronics were left behind. she believes the burglars may have actually been in her home when she drove up.

“the policeman who came said since they

07.25 dATE w HEN A r OBBE r HEld

A g O ld p Is TO l TO A MAN’s HEA d AT fI rEsIdE pIE s AT lOVE rs AN d I Nw OO d, d EMAN d IN g THE MAN HAN d OVE r HI s w A ll ET

The Victim: Cynthia Mac lennan

The Crime: Burglary date: wednesday, July 21

Time: Between 7 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. location: 5800 block of Harvest Hill left the flat screen tV, they probably were spooked,” macLennan says. “It was my driving up that spooked them. I am so grateful I didn’t walk in and get hurt. I’m OK, and my dog’s OK.” since the burglary, macLennan has added a security system for more protection.

Dallas police Lt. barry payne of the North Central patrol Division says the burglars probably fed the dog to stop it from barking, and may have either been disturbed while stealing, or simply ran out of room for transport.

“It is possible that the burglars were scared off, but there was a lot of property taken and it appears that the suspects may have spent a good amount of time inside,” he says. “Usually if burglars spends a good amount of time inside and they are intending to take something, they move it near the door or unhook it to facilitate taking it. the property may have been too big or too much to carry, but that is purely speculation.”

If a resident returns home and believes someone is in their home, payne recommends staying outside in a safe place and calling 911.

“they should not risk their lives by trying to enter and confront a suspect.” — SEAN CHAFFIN


T OTA l CO sT Of VA luAB lEs

THE r OBBE r s TO lE, INC lud IN g $200 IN CA sH, A $689.21 COM p AN y CHEC k AN d A $10 w A ll ET

972.559.5000 dA ll As p Ol ICE Nu MBE r TO CA ll w ITH AN y IN fOr MATION r EgA rd IN g THE Cr IME sO urCE : dA ll As pO l ICE dE pAr TMENT

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