My wife was silhouetted in the doorway, late afternoon sunlight streaming from behind, arms on hips, head cocked slightly to the right, voice smooth as silk, looking on as I sat in a recliner, feet up and head back, angling the remote control toward the television.
“Honey,” she purred, “we have to get you out of your rut.”
I nodded, because statements like that call for agreement, if not always action. Besides, any time she uses the word “honey” in a sentence referring to me, she doesn’t mean “honey” in its sweetest sense.
Anyway, I knew what she was talking about. Our lives are changing, and now our weekdays are filled with work, dinner and TV, and our weekends are filled with other work, dinner and TV. You could call it repetitive, but to identify it as a “rut” seemed harsh.
But I did what any good husband would do. I promised to do better, beginning in the morning, because now it was time for the Rangers on TV.
So the following morning, I started out simply. My morning routine is typically exercise, shower, brush teeth and go to work. It didn’t seem prudent to eliminate exercising or showering, but what if I shook things up by starting my brushing regimen on the lower right instead of the upper left? That would be a significant step in de-ruttifying my life.
So I started brushing on the lower right, and I sawed the brush back and forth and up and down for what seemed like the normal period of time, and then I switched to the lower left. But as I slid the toothbrush back and forth, I had this nagging feeling something was wrong.
I stopped brushing and concentrated my
mental energy on what to do next: Was I done on the lower left, or did I still have brushing left to do there? Or should I be working on the upper left, or had I already done that? (I know all of this sounds implausible, but try it before you condemn me.)
Toothpaste leaked from my mouth as I pondered the alternatives. By deviating from my regular routine, whatever that routine was since now I was having trouble recreating it, I’d pulled myself from a rut, but I’d created an entirely new problem. With my newly enhanced lifestyle, I couldn’t even figure out how to end my tooth-brushing session.
So I just quit brushing and headed out the door, my wife having left long before, unaware of the turmoil her request had caused.
My conclusion: Ruts may not be exciting, but some of them serve the purpose of con-
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serving mental energy while helping slide through the day.
That night, just about the time the Rangers’ game was scheduled to start, my wife was there again in the doorway, sunlight streaming from behind her, arms on hips, head cocked slightly to the right, voice smooth as silk.
“So did you do anything differently?” she asked.
I noticed that her voice sounded the same as before, and her positioning in the doorway was identical. Even the exact time of day, following on the heels of finishing her standard dinner and her nightly glance at People magazine, was identical.
In fact, one could argue that her own actions indicated perhaps she was in a rut. I chose not to bring up that point. though: That is one rut I’ll just keep to myself.
fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.
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Any time she uses the word “honey” in a sentence referring to me, she doesn’t mean “honey” in its sweetest sense.
Dennis Bowsher competed in the men’s modern pentathlon at the London Olympics. Although he finished 32nd out of 36 in the five-sport event, Bowsher is proud of his accomplishment. He told the American Forces Press Service, “I’m taking everything positive out of it. I really enjoyed my experience. … I didn’t win a medal today, but I was here to at least have a chance at a medal. Only 36 people in the world can say that.”
Bowsher graduated from W.T. White in 2001 and is a member of the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program. His parents are John and Nancy Bowsher.
The pentathlon itself is a feat. Bowsher earned 5,324 points competing in five events: epee onetouch fencing, 200-meter freestyle swimming, horseback show jumping, cross-country running and laser-pistol shooting.
Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Shay was chained without shelter or water as the sun beat down on a rural property near Dallas. SPCA of Texas Humane Investigators discovered her barely alive, and our veterinarians used all their skills to save her. After months of kindness and care, Shay was ready for her new home – thanks to your help.
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Hilary Rinella built the W.t. White dance program from the ground up. In four years, she has more than doubled enrollment and sparked a passion for the art among the student body, who pack the auditorium to see these dancers in action.
What’s your background in dance?
I grew up dancing at a studio in Arlington and did all the competitive dancing. In high school, you had to pick one thing, and I chose choir, which is great for [W.T. White] because I can understand what’s needed [for choreography]. At my dance studio, I was an assistant instructor by age 12, and I was teaching classes on my own at 16. I was choreographing all the recitals. After high school, I went to Texas Tech University, but I did not major in dance. I was on scholarship with the pom squad. I still taught dance full-time at a studio in Lubbock while also taking 18 hours of coursework so I could graduate in four years. I graduated in 2005 with a degree in public relations and marketing.
But you didn’t end up doing that, did you?
I couldn’t find a job right away. Both my parents are educators. My mom was having double knee surgery, so I subbed for her class. In the 12 weeks that I was there, I thought, “This is what I should be doing.” It’s what I should have been doing all along. I was accepted into the Dallas ISD alternative certification program. I taught at a Cleburne elementary school. At night, I was still teaching dance at a studio in Duncanville. I’ve never stopped teaching or taking dance since I was 2. I thought that would be the perfect world, to teach dance during the day. W.T. White had an opening, and luckily, I was chosen. This is my fifth year at W.T. White.
What was the dance program like when you arrived at W.T. White?
There was not a dance program when I got here. I got to build it from the ground up. There was not a dance room — no mirrors, no bars. I just brought my iPod and iPod dock. That’s just the way it is when a program is starting. We knew we’d have to get people interested, so we have hip-hop because that’s what the students like. That’s what they see every day. Then I was able to teach them the more classical genres.
How has it grown over the past four years?
We had about 200 students the first year.
We had about 280 the second year. Then they let me hire a part-time instructor, Krisna Martinez. We had 1,000 students sign up between the second and third year, but we try to keep each class to about 30 students. So the third year, we had around 300. Now, we have about 450 students. So within four years, we went from not having a dance program to doubling [enrollment].
Do you have better facilities now?
Yes. We should give credit to DISD. Diana Gallego is the dance coordinator for the district. We were dancing on wrestling mats with no air conditioning. This is the first year that we’ll have air conditioning. Now, we have two studios. We have stateof-the-art dance floors, we have mirrors, we have bars. And, DISD paid for it.
How does the program compare to what you might find at a professional studio in the area?
We run the program just like a dance studio. We cover every genre you could think of — ballet, modern, hip-hop, world and social dance — and we keep to a schedule. We don’t compete. We want it to be about performing and loving the art of dance. Sometimes, when you compete, you lose what you were really trying to accomplish. Every student is in the endof-the-year program. We have three ways students participate in dance. We have Dance 1, which is for anyone who wants to sign up, and most of them have never had a formal dance class. We have the dance academy (part of the school’s Academy of Visual and Performing Arts) where they have to audition as eight-graders going into freshman year. Ms. Martinez and I each have a dance company for students who want hardcore training before and after school. We had seven students in the Debbie Allen Dance Institute, 10 students in the DISD Summer Dance Intensive. I have a former student who’s on the Harvard University dance team. This is not just an extra-curricular. Students are interested in this for their life. If you asked anyone what my motto is, they’d say to get bigger and better every year.
—Emily TomanGet up and give
Sept. 13 is Get up and Give! North Texas Giving Day, an online campaign to support hundreds of local nonprofits. DonorBridge sorts groups by category and allows them to receive matching funds when donations are made through the website. Neighborhood nonprofits that would benefit include Foster Kids Charity, Dallas International School, Arc of Dallas and others. The campaign runs 7 a.m.midnight. Visit cftexas.org.
Eat a cupcake
Sept. 24-28, Sprinkles Cupcakes will donate a portion of sales from its Brown Boot Vanilla cupcake to the Give Cancer the Boot campaign. It’s part of the annual Cattle Baron’s Ball set for Sept. 29 at Southfork Ranch — the world’s largest single fundraising effort for the American Cancer Society. Sprinkles is at 4020 Villanova. Look for the vanilla cupcake with the brown boot decal. For more information on the Cattle Baron’s Ball, visit cattlebaronsball.com.
The Winston School Parent Teacher Organization hosts its Start the Season Gift Market 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 15 at the school, 5707 Royal. Visitors can browse all kinds of festive gifts such as jewelry, home décor, and arts and crafts, and enjoy lunch in the Happy Holidays Café. Proceeds go toward funding scholarships and classroom technology for the school, which serves students in first- through 12th-grade who learn differently. For more information, visit starttheseason.com.
Know of ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@advocatemag.com.
Two of the world’s best junior water skiers happen to live in our neighborhood. Hillcrest Forest residents Grace and Ryan Warner, 14 and 11, have been skiing with their parents since before they can remember and naturally became competitive. “It’s much easier when you start out young,” says their mom, Suzanne Warner, but she never pushed them in the sport. “We only wanted to do it as much as they wanted to do it.” By the time they reached ages 9 and 12, USA Water Ski had ranked them no. 1 in their age groups. In November 2010, Grace’s team took the gold medal at the Pan American Water Skiing Championship in San Bernardo, Chile. “It’s really different than any other sport,” says Grace, a freshman at The Hockaday School. Skiers compete in three categories: slalom, which is like downhill skiing but instead of hitting flags, they must hit the buoys in the water; trick, which involves stunts such as 360s; and jump, in which skiers fly off a 5- to 6-foot ramp and try for the longest distance (the record is 240 feet). Ryan, who attends St. Marks, took first place overall in his age group the past two years at regionals and headed to nationals in West Palm Beach, Fla., in August. Grace placed second overall at regionals, but she had a back injury, she says, which is the only reason she didn’t easily take first. Grace and Ryan practice most weekends at the family’s lake house about two hours from the city. Practice often involves cook-outs and family get-togethers, which makes it a little less stressful. “They can be outdoors and enjoy the world God gave us,” Warner says. The kids aren’t sure where the sport will take them, but Grace is sure she can’t water ski for a living. “Even the top pro water skiers have to have other jobs,” she says. It will be a while before Grace and Ryan decide on careers. After all, they’re only 14 and 11, and they’ve got competitions to win.
—Emily Tomanpage 19.
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Tackling city-related maintenance issues in our neighborhoods
GOTA QUESTION? Email launch@advocatemag.com
A few sidewalks in our neighborhoods are in such bad shape that it’s not uncommon to see people walking or pushing strollers on the street instead. Fortunately, residents on Meadowcreek will see a complete reconstruction of their sidewalks as part of the Complete Streets program included in the proposed 2012 bond program. Everyone else will have to do it the hard way.
A: You can take advantage of one of two programs, but either way, it will cost you.
The city has two programs for sidewalk repair. One is the 50/50 costshare in which the homeowner and the city split the cost of the repair, which takes at least eight months, says Maryruth Valenzuela with the Public Works department. The homeowner calls the Public Works department at 214.948.4287 to be added to the list. After two months, the resident receives an estimate and has three months to pay it. Then, a contractor comes out to do the repair. The second option is the fast-fix program in which the homeowner pays the full cost of the repair, and it’s done in 30 days. If you need a quick fix just to alleviate any safety concerns, the city will lay asphalt on problem areas of the sidewalk for free. Call 214.671.0932.
From India with love, the PINK CHICKEN Masala collection is now available. The gorgeous, delicate and intricate prints are a must have for your miniMe’s fall wardrobe! 6719 Snider Plaza minimedallas.com 214.346.5401
Gone Fishin’! Plaza at Preston Center 214.871.9170 MatthewTrent.com
Now open in the London Café inside Timothy Oulton at Potter Square. 4500 N. Central Expressway. 214.534.2241 thehospitalitysweet.com
Calling All Top Dogs and Cool Cats!! Attendees create paintings with a featured piece of art, Perfect for Private Parties 5202 Lovers Ln. 214.350.9911 paintingwithatwist.com
September 22, westies and breakfast 9-12; wine social and fundraiser 5-9. Proceeds + 20% of sales benefit the Westie Rescue of North Texas. 15615 polkadotbakery.co
Loose Diamonds since 1983. We Custom Design your Jewelry. Designer & Gemologists on staff. Mention this Ad & get a FREE Jewelry Inspection and Cleaning. By Appointment call 972.490.0133 diamondsndesigns.net
Discover a stylish selection of home decor with a distinct South of the Border flair! 2813 N. Henderson Ave. 214.826.0069 lamariposaimports.com
The Advocate Foundation’s limited-edition, numbered, and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or Dallas transplant. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com
than 200,000 sets of eyes are checking out these items right now. Get your specialty items or featured products in front of your neighbors that love to shop local for unique items.
September 2012
The Fashionistas and NorthPark Center invite shoppers to celebrate Fashion’s Night Out from 6–10 p.m. Enjoy runway shows, live music, food, mini-makeovers and instore events. The Neiman Marcus fashion show will take place at 7 p.m., followed by the NorthPark Center show at 8 p.m.
NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441, northparkcenter.com, free
more local events or submit your own
Dallas financial advisor and artist Don Parr uses abstract impressionist techniques with aviation themes. His works are on display, showcasing his use of aluminum panels and constructions with aircraft designs. The Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon, 214.350.3600, flightmuseum.com, $5–$8
SEPT. 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
Grab a yoga mat and your little one for MoMe Yoga at Bookmarks at 10:30 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Mommies are invited to sing, play and feel great. Bookmarks NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.671.1381, dallaslibrary2.org, free
SEPT. 6–29
The Jewish Community Center of Dallas has announced the lineup for this year’s annual Jewish Film Festival; films include “David,” “A Wonderful day,” “Torn,” “My Australia,” “Remembrance” and more. All films will be screened at Angelika Film Center at The Shops at Legacy, the Zale Auditorium at the Aaron Family JCC and The Studio Movie Grill on Royal. 214.739.2737, jccdallas.org, $10–$17 (one film)/$95 festival series pass
Benefiting the ALS division of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Run Proud 5k kicks off at 8:30 a.m. In honor of Diane Proud, this race offers runners a sponsor village with lounges,some of the best desserts in town and more.
Cooper Fitness Center, 12100 Preston, runproject.org, $30–$40
Sept. 14
Songwriter Buddy Mondlock performs songs from his new album, “The Edge of the World.” Vanessa Lively is opening.
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, NorthPark Presbyterian Church, 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15–$18
Pat Wictor, Greg Greenway and Joe Jencks form the male trio Brother Sun. With roots in folk music, Brother Sun is known for its harmonies and its rich blend of guitar, slide guitar and piano.
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, NorthPark Presbyterian Church, 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $15-$18
SEPT. 22
From 7–11 p.m., some of Dallas’ finest chefs come together to raise money for Big Thought, an organization dedicated to improving public education through creative learning.The Grape’s Brian C. Luscher, Sissy’s Southern Kitchen’s Lisa Garza and Marquee’s Tre Wilcox are just a few of the notable chefs who will be serving “tastes” alongside live entertainment, a silent auction and more.
Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon, 469.916.9818, foodforthoughtdallas.com, $100–$150
We would like to welcome you to our Walnut Hill OB/Gyn family. Please call our office or go online to schedule an appointment.
It’s one of the last “Point” bars in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Midway Point has been open since 1980, and when the original owner wanted to sell it four years ago, Jim and Ellen Latchaw bought it. “I had always been a patron of the Point,” Jim says. “I liked the area and the way it was set up. I could see its potential to be better.” Everything is made from scratch, never frozen or from a can. While the food has stayed the same — in particular the famous Point Burger, which is still the top seller — the atmosphere caters more to sports fans. “We made it into more of sports bar and added TVs,” Ellen says. “We always have sports on somewhere.” But the bar maintains its low-key vibe that attracts customers in their late 30s and older. “We like to keep it quaint.” —Emily
Toman12801 Midway
You’ll find a diverse crowd of sports fans here from CeOs to college students to blue-collar workers. 5101 w. Lovers 214.956.9552 totdfw.com
this popular dive bar just celebrated its 48th anniversary. While not a huge production, you can bet there’ll be a good game on tV. 7717 Inwood 214.353.2666 inwoodtaverndallas.com
You could have hail damage and not realize it.
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Sometimes, whether for a special occasion or just because, it’s nice to buy a more expensive bottle of wine. But that can be even more complicated than the complications involved in buying an ordinary bottle of wine. How much should you spend? How do you tell the difference between one expensive bottle and another? Is a $40 bottle that much better than a $20 bottle?
So four tips to help when it’s time to go up market: of a brand that you already like. Oregon’s King Estate makes Acrobat, which is very nice red, white and pink wine for $15 or so. Its more expensive namesake label, like the pinot noir ($30), offers value, even for expensive wine.
This is easier said than done, but it’s also much easier than it used to be. Our neighborhoods have attracted small, local wine shops like never before, where customer service is their reason for being. These are the places where you should be able to walk in, explain what you’re looking for, and get several solid options.
Every person’s palate is different, so wine critics (even the best intentioned ones) can give you only a general idea about what’s what. Case in point: I really like the Pio Cesare Barbaresco ($65), a dry, acidic and tannic wine. But if you don’t like what tannins do (that bitter, astringent taste), it’s probably not worth your $65.
This is the easiest way to make a safe splurge, and Champagne Delamotte ($45) is not only very well made, but a steal given how silly Champagne prices are.
—Jeff SiegelJEFF SIEGEL’S WEEKLY WINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
There are about a zillion of these recipes floating around the internet, of varying degrees of quality. This one, which replicates the best qualities of red velvet cake with the best things about brownies, is one of the best. And they don’t go badly with Champagne.
1/2 c unsalted butter, at room temperature
3/4 c granulated sugar
3/4 c brown sugar
2 large eggs, at room temperature
1 oz red food coloring
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/4 c all-purpose flour
3 Tbsp
unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 to 1/2 c chopped
white cream cheese frosting
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour (or use parchment paper) an 8x8 baking pan.
2. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add food coloring and vanilla and mix until the batter is red. Slowly add flour, cocoa, nuts and salt. Don’t overmix; the batter will be very thick.
3. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 30-40 minutes (35 minutes for a thin crust on top and gooey underneath). Set aside to cool, and frost if desired.
Q: Why is some wine so much more expensive than other wines?
Much of the time, it’s about quality, but it also takes into account the cost of production (land in Napa Valley in California is more expensive than land in Chile) and supply and demand. If a wine gets good reviews, but there isn’t much of it, it’s going to be more expensive regardless of whether the wine is worth the price.
—Jeff Siegel13th Annual Celebrating Women Luncheon
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before developing a hip disorder that forced her into retirement, tiva was a dog agility champion. the 8-year-old Australian Shepherd mix qualified for the American Kennel Club National Agility Championship in 2010. She obtained the AKC’s prestigious master Agility Champion title (mACH), and her kennel room is full of other ribbons, medals and certificates. Dog agility is dominated by purebreds that go on to compete internationally. mixed-breeds were only recently allowed to compete, and they cannot advance from the nationals. “there’s always some satisfaction when we beat [the purebreds],” says tiva’s owner, Anne pullen of Northaven park. Dog agility is no cakewalk for the humans or the dogs. Owners are given just eight minutes to memorize complicated obstacle courses. Half the time, it’s the owners who slip up during agility. Other times, the dog just has a bad day. “the dog is the variable,” pullen says. “She couldn’t care less. For her, it’s about getting to run around.”
Lose your job? break up with the boyfriend? blubbering over a sappy movie? Funny how that ever-present furry family member can fix the world with a big sloppy kiss some days. the Advocate this year received an unprecedented amount of entries into the annual best pet contest. each submission, accompanied by photos and amusing anecdotes, confirmed the power of a pet’s unconditional love. though we could only highlight a few in this magazine, the whole collection, which you can see on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com, had us oohing and ahhing, laughing and crying for days.
Jennifer Doss Davis adopted terrier mix Sadie at 10 weeks old from a rescue organization in Denver where she and her husband, Curt, were living at the time. Sadie was the first of their three “fur angels,” which now include mixed-breedsmax and Jesse. “She’s the big sister,” Davis says. “She’s the queen of the house.” Sadie is smart and energetic and possibly telepathic, Davis jokes. She’s everybody’s best friend, but she can be a bit demanding. “every night before bed, she gets her father to come tuck her in,” Davis says. “She’ll go in the den, and Curt will have to come in the bedroom and tuck her in under her blanket before she can go to sleep.”rough life.
the German drahthaar is bred to hunt everything from birds to wild hogs. but this 3-year-old hardcore working dog finds plenty of time to play. Her pastime of choice? Water skiing. “She would always ride in the boat and watch us,” says Suzanne Warner, whose children Grace and ryan are internationally ranked water skiers. the family spends most weekends at their lake house about two hours from the city. peaches didn’t need much training. On shore, she stepped on a kneeboard tethered to the boat and went for it. “We put her on it, and she just took off,” Warner says. “most dogs you’d have to train, but she wanted to do it. It came naturally.” Several laps around the lake wear peaches out, and each session is followed by a long, hard nap.
luckythis purebred Golden retriever was down on his luck, having been returned to the Wylie Animal Shelter twice by different owners. At just 1 year old, he had already been called two different names — Harley and then Charley. He didn’t respond to anything. then, Kathy Wine came along in search of her sixth Golden. “they’re so sweet, smart and intuitive,” she says. “they’re a people dog. they always want to be with you.” Wine had recently lost her 7-week-old puppy to an allergic reaction. “It was so quiet in our house, we couldn’t stand it.” So, she took the shelter dog home and called him Lucky. He’s about 6 years old now, enjoys a 3-mile walk with Wine and her girlfriends every morning, and is always plotting his next move to pull out the trash compactor in the kitchen. the Wines have since installed baby locks.
Thanks, Advocate readers, for sharing pictures and stories of your amazing animals — if only we could print ‘em all! Scotty received the most “likes” during the Facebook readers’ choice contest. You can see the rest of his competition at facebook.com/prestonhollowadvocate. Advocate editors will continue to consider new and existing entries for our monthly “Pet Pause” section.
1902 Abrams Pkwy., Dallas / 214.821.2066 / schoolofcbd.com
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Send business news tips to LIVELOCAL@ADVOCATEMAG.COM
Sugar fiends will soon be able to get their fixes 24/7. This fall, Sprinkles will install a cupcake ATM at its Preston Center location. The company is based in Beverly Hills, where it has already opened its first cupcake vending machine. The machine will feature a touch-screen where you can choose a flavor, and individual cupcakes pop out for $4 each – 75 cents more than what it costs in the store. It’s the price you pay for convenience.
A major tenant is moving out of the Lakeside Village Shopping Center at the southwest corner of Central Expressway and Walnut Hill. Performance Bicycle closed its doors when its lease expired at the end of August. The shopping center is adjacent to the future site of Preston Hollow Village, a mixed-use development that will be anchored by Trader Joe’s by 2014. Cory McCord is the leasing director at Retail Plazas, Inc., which owns Lakeside Village. He says he is working with several potential tenants to replace Performance Bicycle – from retailers to medical facilities – but, nothing can be announced yet. The 8,000 squarefoot store is the largest contiguous space in Lakeside Village but doesn’t necessarily generate the most traffic.
The Preston Valley Shopping Center at Preston and LBJ is experiencing lots of
activity, despite the construction mess that is the LBJ Express. Tippy’s Thai Café, a traditional breakfast/lunch/dinner Thai restaurant with American influences, recently opened. Owner Tipapom “Tippy” Klungpong cooked at InterContinental Hotel in Addison for 30 years, and found her home in Preston Valley based on references from her customers over the years. Bodacious Boutique, an independent plus-size retail store, has expanded to another space within the shopping center. Owner Paula Guthrie says in spite of the construction on LBJ, her business has increased 20 percent, sparking the need for more space. After four years on East Northwest Highway, the plus-size consignment store Larger Than Life has moved into Preston Valley. Co-owner Alice Sevier says she is excited about sharing clients with Bodacious Boutique. Texas’s first Kabbalah Bookstore had a soft opening in the shopping center at the beginning of July with plans for a grand opening party Sept. 9, featuring free mini lectures, refreshments and gift bags for all attendees. Publicists Kate Hall Johnson said there’s a substantial Kabbalah community in Dallas, which is what prompted the expansion. Finally, Mangiomo Italian Restaurant opened mid-July in the old Opa! space.
more business buzz every week on
1 Becks Prime is now open at the northwest corner of Preston and Forest near Torchy’s Tacos. This is the Houston chain’s first Dallas location and the 13th overall. 2 After naming a new chef and updating its menu in June, the neighborhood Italian spot Ristorante Nicola has closed its Preston Center location and will re-open as Nick and Sam’s Grill by early October. 3 Spec’s Wines and Spirits, which took over the former Blockbuster space at the northwest corner of Preston and Royal, is now open. This is the second Dallas location.
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Sprinkles Cupcakes
Lakeside Village Shopping Center
Tippy’s Thai Café
12835PRESTON,STE. 310
Bodacious Boutique
12835PRESTON,STE. 320
Larger Than Life
12817PRESTON,STE. 136
Kabbalah Bookstore
12817PRESTON,STE. 130
Becks Prime
Nick & Sam’s Grill
Spec’s Wines & Spirits
Bread Winners Café & Bakery
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org
All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary), Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500
WIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am
Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org
GRACE BIBlE CHURCH / www.gracebiblechurch.org
Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 a.m.; Contemporary 10:30 a.m.
Adult Bible Classes Both Hours /11306 Inwood Rd. / 214.368.0779
Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am
Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697
CENTRAl CHRISTIAN CHURCH, /4711 Westside Drive/214.526.7291/
Sunday Worship: 11am./ Sunday School: 9:45am.
Wed. Bible Study 5pm www.cccdt.org ALL are welcome
E AST DAll AS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185
Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am
Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org
Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org
lAKE HIGHl ANDS UmC/ 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com
9:30 – Sunday School / 10:30 – Fellowship Time
10:50 – Traditional & Contemporary Worship
SHORElINE DAll AS CHURCH / 5321 E. Mockingbird Lane
ShorelineDallas.com / 469.227.0471 / Pastor Earl McClellan
Everyone’s Welcome at 9:15am / Children’s & Youth Ministry
kingsparish.com / Rev. David Winburne / Worship at 10:00 am
Meets at Ridgewood Park Rec Center / 469.600.3303
9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org
Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services
UNIT y Of DAll AS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972-233-7106 / UnityDallas.org
Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Let’s face it. Sometimes we churchtypes get a bad rap, and we often deserve it.
We are seen as set in our ways, because we too often are. We resist change because we’ve learned from experience that there are many changes that have failed to be improvements on the tried-andtrue. We recite creeds that are downright revolutionary, and then act in reactionary ways. We claim to be filled with the Spirit, but people call us the “frozen chosen.”
Sometimes we are more likely to be the priest who walks by the wounded guy at the roadside, rather than the Good Samaritan who takes the risk and asks, “How can I help?” We have too many opinions and not enough faith. And we don’t get upset enough about the terrible injustices of the world. We dispense judgment more readily than mercy.
Perhaps worst of all, we have an unbecoming tendency to divide the world into the good people and the bad people, and we are terribly sloppy with our line-drawing.
OK, maybe I’m being a little hard on my family and families like us, but it’s true that the church still has a long way to go to resemble the divine kingdom. But recently, while perusing a church publication (yes, an actual church publication), I ran across this refreshing entry:
“We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, lattesippers, vegetarians, junk-food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems or you’re down in the dumps or if you don’t like ‘organized reli-
gion.’ We’ve been there, too.
“If you blew all your offering money at the dog track, you’re welcome here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, work too hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church.
“We welcome those who are inked, pierced or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your
throat as a kid or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We welcome tourists, seekers and doubters, bleeding hearts … and you.”
I really like that. I pray each day that the church will live up to it — until even the “we” and “you” language dissolves away, too, and we all realize, “churched” and “unchurched,” that all of us are really you, too. Because what lots of people never come to realize is that, even for this church-type pastor of an organized church, a lot of the descriptions you see above describe me (I’ll leave it to you to figure out which ones).
You see, we’re all so much more alike than we let on.
“We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake.”
Preston Hollow Early Childhood Association has expanded its philanthropy efforts. This year, the moms group is partnering with Big Thought to provide funding for its learning programs that focus not only on engaging children in the classroom but also in the home and the community. The group will continue to contribute funds to ongoing neighborhood projects at the Bookmarks Library at NorthPark Center, the Preston Royal library and Preston Hollow Park.
Dallas Junior Police Academy accepts applications for its Nov. 3 session through Sep. 20. The training session is for students in grades 4-7 who want to learn what it’s like to be a Dallas Police recruit. The event takes place at the department’s basic training academy. Applications are available at dallaspolice.net. For more information, call Sgt. Cheryl Cornish at 214.671.4406.
It’s My Park Day is a one-day event for residents, families, and community groups to pitch in and clean their neighborhood parks 8 a.m. – noon Sept. 8. Help beautify our neighborhood parks by removing graffiti, picking up litter, weeding and participating in other activities. To volunteer, call Dallas Park and Recreation at 214.670.8400. Sign up by Aug. 31 at itsmyparkdaydallas. eventbrite.com.
Molly Nolan, a Preston Hollow resident and Ursuline Academy graduate, interned this summer with The Retina Foundation, thanks to the ExxonMobil Community Summer Jobs Program. Nolan worked in the pediatric eye research laboratory, helping test a new device that screens children for vision disorders. Nolan attends Texas A&M and is majoring in allied health. She plans to attend nursing school and become a nurse practitioner.
Two W.T. White alumni played roles in the London Olympics. Shannon Land Gillespy, a 1979 alumna, was on the coaching staff for the U.S. Olympic swim team, serving as team manager for the open-water swimmers. Dennis Bowsher, W.T. White Class of 2001, was on the U.S. pentathlon team, competing in five games: freestyle swim, cross-country run, an equestrian jump, fencing and target shooting. He finished in 32nd place.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
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Water quenches and cleans. Just as it takes care of us, we take care of it. In looking for ways to make your house more livable and sellable, go straight to the water sources: sinks and showers. Before making kitchen and sink updates, first look within.
“Think about how your kitchen functions, how you work in the space and what works for you, but what doesn’t work is important, too,” says Kim Armstrong, local lead designer and owner of Kim Armstrong Interior Design. “Start pulling visuals of the kitchens that appeal to you.”
A professional can then help you find patterns, she says. Consider your preferences before renovation, like double ovens or an extra sink, and ways in which you function, such as cooking habits
and the number of family members.
“A deep sink can hide the coffee pot in the morning that doesn’t quite make it into the dishwasher,” says Armstrong. “If there are existing countertops, you need to make sure the sink fits the space. You want a good, functioning faucet, one that’s not going to drip over time. Invest more money in the faucet than in the sink.”
One option is a motion sensor faucet, which can save money and help your house be more resourceful. Sharon Flatley, owner of Flatley & Associates, says this is great for “people with limited mobility or people who are cooking and maybe their hands are covered in flour.” They can usually be found at home improvement stores, she says.
In choosing sinks, double-bowls used to be more popular but Flatley says they might not be as relevant today. Whatever you choose, it should be right for you. “If you have a great kitchen, it makes you happy,” says Flatley.
Like kitchens, bathrooms are more than just a key area to reselling; they are a part of daily life. One way to make your bathroom seem larger and showcase the tile work is to add glass shower doors.
“You’re in your shower once or twice a day,” says Jason Gantenbein, owner of Shower Doors of Dallas. “Older framed showers can break down, they’re difficult to clean and they can be outdated. With a frameless shower you still have to maintain the glass, but if you do, the shower is going to last a lifetime.”
Depending on the shower, bathroom walls or tile might need to be renovated before one can be installed. In hiring someone to renovate or install, Gantenbein advises finding out whether the company personally hires, background-checks and trains
the employees. “It’s uncomfortable to let people inside your home, so it’s important that the company you are working with is actually performing the install,” says Gantenbein.
There are many “ingredients” in thinking about changes, Gantenbein says. “Look at the drainage and basic layout. When thinking about purchasing a frameless shower, it is important to have a professional look at the opening, tile and wall conditions to ensure proper fit and stability of the glass enclosure.
In regards to choosing a shower door style, glass options include frosted, embossed, clear, tinted and etched. Almost any design can be etched into the glass but remember this might be a lifelong decision.
“For resale value of the home, stay elegant and simple,” says Gantenbein. “If you ever decide to sell the home, it will be more appealing to people who might want to buy the home. To keep things simple, many people stick to the basic clear frameless shower.”
Think about how your kitchen functions, how you work in the space and what works for you, but what doesn’t work is important, too.
If you drove around town the day after Dallas’ June 13 hailstorm, you might have seen shattered windows, pockmarked roofs and destroyed gardens. For many residents, the storm literally hit close to home, damaging an estimated 35,000 houses according to Mark Hanna, spokesperson for the Insurance Council of Texas. Dallas is still riding in its wake. Whether your home was damaged or whether you are looking to make changes, there are smart ways you can repair and make the most of what was for many people a painful situation.
Hail larger than an inch is a cause for concern, though older roofs are more susceptible to smaller-sized hail. So how do you know if your roof has been damaged?
You don’t have to crawl onto your roof to find out. Instead, take a look at your wood fences, windowpanes, gutters and window screens, which can all show signs of hail. If you are still in doubt, call Bert Roofing with your address and they can tell you how much hail damage your area received. Their sophisticated hail maps can even show the size of the hail that fell in your neighborhood.
If signs point to potential damage, call a roofing company and have them take a look but take care to avoid scammers. If roofing contractors offer to cover your deductible, something is fishy.
“The biggest scam going around is insurance fraud,” says John Edward Bert, CFO of Bert Roofing. “People are supposed to pay the deductible. If you send an invoice for 15 [thousand dollars] and you only pay 13, that’s fraudulent and unfortunately it’s pretty widespread.”
Before installing a new roof, contact your neighborhood association to make sure you don’t break any rules. Keep in mind that your house’s beauty also depends on the houses around it. Try not to choose colors or styles that clash with your neighbors’ houses and the surrounding environment.
It may take over a month from the time you call a roofing repair company to the time your roof is fixed since demand is high right now. Several weeks of waiting might be a fair trade for years of a solid roof over your head.
“You could go a dozen years” after repairs if you take care of your roof, Bert says.
One way to keep your roof intact is to keep it clean. Many historic homes have add-ons with low sloping roofs, which can easily accumulate debris. Piles of debris can impede water flow and lead to leaks. The same goes for gutters, which can become clogged, causing water to pool.
Other healthy roof maintenance habits include pruning the surrounding trees. This will protect the roof from its branches and from animals that can make the leap from a low-hanging branch to the roof. Hail storms, falling trees, strong wind and other similar events might also warrant a roof evaluation.
Windows and shutters might also be damaged from the storm. A slight window crack may not seem like cause for concern but it could grow and lead to moisture damage or air leakage, which could decrease home and property value and increase heating and cooling bills.
Shutters are a great way to maintain or add to your home value, says Ginger Jordan, office manager at Ken Jordan Shutters. They help with the aforementioned bills, they keep the harsh Dallas sun from damaging furniture and, barring outside shutters in hail storms, they have long lives.
“Some shutters have lasted 30 to 40 years,” Jordan says. “You don’t have to do much with shutters. You have to dust them or [paint them] if you want to change the colors after years, but there’s really not much else.”
Styles and prices range. Smaller louvers—the shutters’ slats— are seen as traditional but larger louvers allow for better views through the window. Plastic shutters are typically inexpensive but Jordan, whose company has installed shutters for windows shaped like circles, arches, octagons and more, says customized shutters bring greater value and flexibility in adapting to the window shape and trim color
“You can get cheaper but our shutters are made with USA wood, we buy locally, everything is made right here, we customize it to the window and we match the window trim’s color exactly,” Jordan says. “It’s rarely the lowest price but we pay a lot of attention to detail.”
Winner of a Dallas Children’s Theater contest, Lily Forbes, 10, will get to see actors wearing her costume designs for bees, butterflies and birds in the fall performance of “Pinkalicious the Musical.”Awards were announced Friday, July 27 at the DCT at a small ceremony that included pink cupcakes, pink lemonade and flocks of decorative pink flamingos. Forbes is a fifth-grader at The Hockaday School. “Pinkalicious the Musical” runs Sept. 21-Oct. 21.
ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. Lake Highlands N. Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross, 214-534-6829. Linda, 214-808-4919.
Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www.artisticgatherings.com
DRUM & PIANO LESSONS Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill See: buchermusicschool.com on Facebook 469-831-7012
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VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-769-8560
Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.
PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH PRESCHOOL is now enrolling for Fall 2012. Spots are available for 3 and 4 year old children. For more information visit our website at www.pcbc.org/ preschool or contact Farrai Smith at 214-860-1564.
PRO DJ SERVICE & SOUND Corporate Events & Weddings. 20 + Years Experience. 469-236-8490
SIGNS: Nameplates, Badges, Office, Braille. A&G Engraving. 214-324-1992. getasign@att.net agengraving.vpweb.com
ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com
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Preston Hollow resident Meredith Grabham competed in July on TLC’s “Four Houses” reality show in which four homeowners critique and score each other’s homes. Grabham came up short in the competition, but not without leaving an impression about her personal ideas on design.
TO READ THE FULL STORY, visit prestonhollow. advocatemag.com and search “Four Houses.”
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HASTINGS STAINED CONCRETE New/ Remodel. Stain/Wax Int/Ext. Nick. 214-341-5993. www.hastingsfloors.com
New/Remodel. Res/Com. Int/Ext. Refin. 15 Yrs. TheConcreteStudio.com 214-321-1575
ROCKET GARAGE DOOR SERVICE -24/7. Repairs/Installs. 214-533-8670. Coupon On Web. www.RocketDoorService.com
UNITED GARAGE DOORS AND GATES Res/Com. Locally Owned.214-826-8096
A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Expert Window Cleaning. Haven 214-327-0560
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Jim Crittendon, 214-821-6593
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ROCK GLASS CO Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829
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Contact 214-531-1897
WANTED: ODD JOBS & TO DO LISTS Allen’s Handyman & Home Repair 214-288-4232
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Repairs, service, drains. 27 yrs exp. Ll 6295. Backflow Testing Cell-469-853-2326. John
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Designed & Installed. Drained & Cleaned. Weekly Service. Jim Tillman 214-769-0324
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U R LAWN CARE Maintenance. Landscaping. Your Personal Yard Service by Uwe Reisch uwereisch@yahoo.com 214-886-9202
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BLOUNTS PLUMBING REPAIR Rebuild or Replace. 45 yrs exp. Insured. 214-275-5727
For All Your Plumbing Needs. ml#M38121 972-523-1336. www.justinsplumbing.com
M&S PLUMBING Quality Work & Prompt Service. Jerry. 214-235-2172. lic.#M-11523
REPAIRS, Fixtures, General Plumbing, Senior Discounts. Campbell Plumbing. 214-321-5943
Slab Leak Specialists – inquire about reroute instead of jackhammering
All Plumbing Repairs Licensed/Insured 214-727-4040
1 month free service for new customers. Call for details. 469-358-0665.
LOCK’S POOL SERVICE - 469-235-2072
Dependable repairs. Pool Electrical TICL #550
Maintenance & Repair 214-727-7650
Parts and Service. Chemicals and Repairs. Jonathan Mossman FREE ESTIMATES 214-729-3311
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Clean Out, Repair/Replace. Leaf Guard. Free Estimates. Lifetime Warranty
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George Collins knows what it’s like to have his car broken into and has learned his lesson through the years.
“We’ve had our car broken into, it seems, every four or five years,” he says. “I don’t leave anything in my car anymore.”
Taking those precautions certainly prevented a crime from being worse recently. Asleep in his Inwood Estates home, Collins was startled out of bed just before 1
The Victim: Maxine Cutler
The Crime: Theft
Date: Monday, Oct. 31
Time: Between 10:30 p.m. and 7 a.m. Location: 7100 block of Round Rock
a.m. by the sound of his car alarm. The car was parked in the driveway, and not knowing what to expect, he raced into his garage and banged on the door. He then went out to investigate and the thief had
While the passenger-side window was smashed, there was not much in the vehicle to actually steal. The thief’s haul? Two small LED flashlights. But for taking such a risk, this thief was anything but bright.
Dallas Police Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division says it’s unfortunate that Collins’s car was broken into, but pleased he took precautions to prevent major theft.
“One of the best things he did was not to leave anything valuable laying out in plain view. The motto ‘lock-take-hide’ is something that all people should keep in mind when securing their vehicle. In addition, it is helpful to be aware of any crime trends in the neighborhood.” Dwyer recommends residents use dallaspolice.net’s crime information section to find out about any types of crime occurring in the neighborhood. Crime updates also are regularly reported on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com.
Amount of cash stolen when someone grabbed the tip jar from the Starbucks at Preston and Northwest Highway and fled the scene
7:40am 7900
Time of night Aug. 2 when a security guard was assaulted while patrolling the Spanish Point apartments in the 4100 block of Harvest Hill; he chased down and arrested the suspects
Block of Forest Lane near Medical City where a woman reported that an unknown suspect pointed a handgun at her while she was pumping gas at Racetrac; she left the location and called 911
SOURCE: Dallas Police Department
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