6 minute read
Editor’s Letter
Iwas running a little late for the photoshoot in Antigonish with artist Grace Lane-Smith, but I put my signal on and eased onto the exit that would take me down the northeastern section of the Sunrise Trail passing through Merigomish, Arisag, and around the head of Cape George. It might take a few minutes longer but certain that it would be a better choice, having been delayed by highway construction a few days before. It was one of those hot and sticky days we had in midAugust. I turned my AC down and I opened the windows of the car to let the warm air waft in carrying with it the smells of fresh-cut hay fields, goldenrod, and seashore.
Despite being so humid mid-day, I passed several walkers and cyclists. Maybe they were like me and hoped that they could thermally download the heat and draw on the stores when days are cold and dark this winter.
Not far down the trail, I spied a sign for flowers for sale and a farm stand. I decided that I would drive home the same route later in the day on the chance that they would still be open.
Grace’s house was easy to find, only a few doors down from my sons’ apartment in the university town. Photographer Steve Smith was already inside. I knocked on the door and let myself in. I could hear the chatter of both photographer and painter. Grace was excited to be able to share a little bit of her story with us, but she was more excited to meet new people, a luxury we had mostly taken for granted before the experience of the pandemic. Both Steve and I laughed when she called us interesting. I can’t speak for Steve, but I have certainly never thought of myself that way, but I accepted the compliment and replied that the only thing that might make me interesting is the people that I meet. A little camera shy, Grace eased when we just chatted about her painting and Steve did his work. You’ll meet Grace in the story “Capturing Comfort” on page 18. It was interesting to learn about her process of creating a painting, her book of sketches and notes, how she chooses her colour palettes, the artists that inspire her, and what music or podcast she listens to when she paints.
Saying our goodbyes, my thoughts wandered to the idea of what makes a person interesting. The scope of what can be interesting is infinite but also subjective. The videos on TicTok and the social media influencers that capture my teenage daughter’s interest have little interest for me and my Malcom Gladwell podcasts do little to captivate her. As I meandered my way back to Pictou County along the Sunrise Trail, keeping an eye out for that farm stand from the morning, I thought about the interesting people whose stories we share in this issue. As you are soon to learn many of the people are new to the area. They chose a life in Northern Nova Scotia before the pandemic sweetened the allure. They were drawn here for the many reasons many of us would never think about leaving. Thinking I was back in the farm stand territory in Merigomish, I slowed so I wouldn’t miss it. A woman driving a small tractor had just replenished the bags of potatoes and started to drive away. I waved as I pulled over and parked my car thinking she would see me as an eager customer, but she and her tractor disappeared down the dusty driveway. I walked up to the stand and saw the cash box. I had a å$10 bill in my purse and popped it in, then picked up a bag of potatoes and a zucchini. When I reached for a bulb of garlic a slight breeze lifted the Nova Scotian flag that was mounted on the side of the stand and for a moment it wrapped around my shoulders and gave me a soft embrace. The flag didn’t know if I had lived here all my life or if I was new. But that doesn’t matter in Nova Scotia, whether you have come from far away or from a few minutes down a winding shore road, you are always welcome here. Perhaps that is a very good reason why people from across the country find Nova Scotia a most interesting place to be.

DEBBI HARVIE Says “Fall is my favourite season, the crunching of the leaves, the colours in the foliage, and of course, the pumpkin spice. There’s nothing better than a quiet moment with a warm blanket, and a pumpkinspice latte.” And what better place to do that than in a She-Shed? I had the pleasure of chatting with Kora Hanrahan about her She-Shed; read about it in this issue! TRACY STUART is reminded of her Monet-inspired moments in her own garden. As an Olympian, Tracy travelled extensively and took the time to admire the beauty of the varying landscapes. Tracy takes her culinary inspiration from her surroundings and says that there is no better place to be than her cottage in River John, Nova Scotia.
PHOTO: STEVE SMITH,VISIONFIRE STUDIOS author of three books for young readers. This season finds her soaking up the last of the hot sunny days and enjoying the sweet, tangy smells of pickling. When she’s not writing, she likes to walk along the beach enjoying the scenery. In her article “Making Waves”, artist Grace Lane-Smith shows how she captures these stunning views on canvas. Learn more about Melanie at melaniemosher.com SARAH BUTLAND says she was taken higher and further this season while staying at home. She travelled to Canso where the legend of Stan Rogers is still bringing tunes and smiles through Troy Greencorn’s book The Power of Music, back to New Glasgow for a look at a Wisteria bush, and was uplifted by TUC Talks—Transformative Uplifting Conversations. Butland hopes you’ll be transported, too!
TRISH JOUDREY, an ardent world adventurer, has uncovered some of her top hiking trails right here on Nova Scotia’s North Shore. Her latest hike, the Cape George Heritage Trail, was a real adventure, exposing one of the best views in all of Nova Scotia. When her hiking boots are away, she writes, plays the piano, or plans for her next adventure from her home in Halifax. NICOLE LEBLANC is a communications professional, a passionate community volunteer, and current town councillor who loves DIY. She lives in Trenton with her husband and beloved dog—and when she’s not getting crafty, she can be found exploring Nova Scotia, meeting new people, and being involved in projects that make our communities better. STEVE SMITH Fall 2021! How did summer become a memory so fast! But changing seasons mean a new At Home on the North Shore is upon us, and Fall 2021 does not disappoint. I can’t say it enough, but our region is rich with natural beauty, and just as rich with lovely and talented people, and it’s a pleasure to spend time with them and help share their stories. Be well and continue to protect each other!