1 minute read
Table of Contents
Portside Notes
The latest on cargo and ship movements, key stakeholders, and new developments
Cruise industry on hold....................................................... 6
Answering the call ............................................................ 7
Bigger is better................................................................ 8
Around the Port
A year of transition
As COVID-19 causes changes to Port exercises and business plans, containerized cargo traffic rallies in late 2020, and a living lab takes shape ............... 10
Carrier Spotlight
Staying on course
Over five decades, ACL and the Port of Halifax have built and maintained a strong partnership .................................................... 14
Sailing Schedule ....................................... 16
A 50-year legacy
Logistec has a long history in Halifax, becoming a valuable partner in the Port and the wider community ............................................. 18
ON OUR COVER: As the pandemic’s impacts continue, the Port of Halifax adapts and moves forward. Photo: HPA
INSET: The Port of Halifax and cargo giant ACL have been working together for five decades. Photo: HPA port OF HALIFAX MAGAZINE
Port of Halifax magazine is distributed free to maritime, industrial, and transportation stakeholders around the world. Metro Guide Publishing produces Port of Halifax magazine independently. For permission to reproduce original material, editorial inquiries, advertising, or subscription information, contact the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure factual accuracy, Metro Guide Publishing and its partners and stakeholders cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions.
For more information on the Port of Halifax and its stakeholders, please contact: Halifax Port Authority, Business Development & Operations P.O. Box 336 Ocean Terminals, 1215 Marginal Rd. Halifax, N.S. B3J 2P6 Canada Tel: 902-426-8222 • Fax: 902-426-7335 Email: info@portofhalifax.ca Website: portofhalifax.ca
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