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Message from the Premier of Nova Scotia
Over the past year, we have witnessed just how resilient and adaptable older Nova Scotians can be .
Older Nova Scotians are the backbone of our communities, offering valuable experience and knowledge while enjoying longer, healthier lives . Older adults have spent a lifetime building momentum . They are skilled, experienced and bring their knowledge and connections to our communities—making them stronger and better .
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted issues faced by seniors, such as social isolation . Despite the challenges of the pandemic, older Nova Scotians have risen to the challenge, and stepped up to continue to be community leaders and an inspiration to us all . Thank you for your continued commitment to your community, family, and neighbours . We know that by working together, we will build a stronger province . Sincerely, Honourable Iain Rankin Premier of Nova Scotia
Message from the Minister of Seniors
Older Nova Scotians are leaders in our province . They are business owners and entrepreneurs, volunteers, mentors, and caregivers . We value and recognize the important contributions of our older population . That’s why the Department of Seniors is finalizing our plan for an aging population, called Reimagining Aging Well . The new plan builds on progress made in the first plan, Shift, and responds to new and changing circumstances that we’ve seen emerge during the Covid-19 pandemic . You may notice that this years Positive Aging Directory looks different . Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to provide as much information about local seniors clubs and activities as we would have liked .
We know you want to stay active and connected to your community, and we know the resources provided through 211 the definitive information source and will help you to navigate opportunities and services in your area . From learning, socializing, volunteering, and being active, to important numbers to call for business and personal matters— help is as easy as dialing 211 . If you haven’t used 211 before, I encourage you to explore this valuable service to find information. The expert 211 staff have kept on top of many changes to hours of operation, mask and social distance requirements, and other Covid-19 protocols so that when you call 211 or go to www .ns .211 .ca, you’ll get the most up to date information .
At the Department of Seniors, we welcome your comments and inquiries . I encourage you to join the conversation on what it means to age by following us on Twitter @NSSeniors . Sincerely, Honourable Kelly Regan Deputy Premier and Minister of Seniors