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Celebrating an Incredible Summer in Africa
Summer Missions Teams Make Huge Impact
We hosted four back-to-back church missions teams over the summer in Rwanda, from June through July; two teams from Life Church (Alabama), one team from United Church (Tennessee), and one team from Destiny Church (Tennessee). Through their time in Rwanda, we were able to extend our reach to impact over 13,000 students in the public schools of Rwanda, as well as the men, women, and children in the surrounding villages and refugee camps. We want to thank each church that sent teams for helping to bring hope, compassion, and education to more people than ever before in the history of this organization.

New School Uniforms Means Children Can Attend School
Many children in Africa do not have means to an education because they lack some of the basic necessities needed to go to school. To some, it’s school fees, books, school supplies, while for some, it’s truly just a lack of the required school uniform they are unable to afford.
Learning that so many children were not attending school because they lacked this uniform, we set a goal to help 1,000 children with their school uniform needs. Many of you responded with pledges and donations, however, we were still well short of our goal with one week left to our deadline.

That’s when Victory Family Church in Norman, Oklahoma stepped in with a generous donation that pushed us past our original goal and up to 1,040 uniforms to give away. We were able to distribute all 1,040 this summer to children who are now able to attend school. Thank you to all that gave and to Pastor Adam Starling and Victory Family Church for helping us provide an avenue for education in Rwanda.

Photo by Brice Smith

13,000 Students Receive Hope through ‘Book of Hope’
Our summer teams delivered and distributed 13,000 copies of the Book of Hope Bible this summer, thanks to our partners at OneHope. The Book of Hope is a Scripture book designed to engage and speak to the heartfelt needs of children and youth within various cultures, clearly showing God’s redemptive plan through Christ’s life, death and resurrection and is in more than 148 languages, with a variety of specially targeted editions for different age groups, cultures and circumstances.