| financal wellbeing - a moral and business case
Despite the financial hard wrought by COVID-19, ha employers (49%) don’t ha a financial wellbeing polic according to the latest Re Management Survey from CIPD, the professional bo for HR and people development.
The CIPD’s survey (whi 420 employers respond to) finds that:
• 12% of employers hav introduced, or plan to introduce, a financial wellbeing policy in dire response to the pande (29% already had one)
• 19% are planning or considering becoming accredited Living Wage Foundation employer ( further 18% of employ are already accredited and another 18% alrea pay the ‘Real Living Wa without being accredit
• 24% of employers hav explored how the pandemic has impacte their employees’ financial wellbeing, so they’re better able to identify the right kind o support. Another 18% plan to do so by the en March 2021
the moral & business case for employee financial wellbeing advocate spring 2021 | | 22
• Nearly a third (30%) of employers say the pandemic and econom crisis has prompted th to consider how fair th pay and benefits are.
As well as affecting an individual’s health and wellbeing, money and debt worries can impact performance at work, which can have knock-on implications for productiv and the bottom line.
You can read the original CIPD pres