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My first encounter with Erskine Sandiford later Sir Lloyd was in the 1980s,as a young graduate of Political Science and History of the University of the West Indies .
It was just before the 1986 election was called. He was a tutor of the Barbados Community College teaching Political Science.Once the election date was announced,he was un able to teach his classes. I was recommended to take over his students until the outcome of the election was determined. That election saw him elevated to the position of Deputy Prime Minister of Barbados.
On rejoining the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation as a reporter in 1987 I worked covering his office in the late 1980s .Sir Lloyd was meticulous and thorough in his dealing with the media. He was approachable, engaging and always willing to share positive advice with the fourth estate.
As lead Prime Minister in the signing of the Grand Anse Declaration at the Grenada Heads of Government in 1989, Sir Lloyd clearly demonstrated his commitment to regional integration. He was a die hard regionalist who strongly believed in the great potential of Caribbean nation states.
As an educator he also took the role seriously and will forever be remembered for the establishment of the Barbados Community College and the Sherbourne Conference Center, which now bears his name.
May the ancestors welcome this Caribbean son with great jubilation.
UWIViceChancellor,SirHilaryBeckles. RememberingSirLloydErskineSandiford
TheUWIRegionalHeadquarters,Jamaica.Friday,June30,2023—The followingstatementisissuedbyProfessorSirHilaryBeckles,Vice-ChancellorofTheUniversityoftheWestIndies,onthepassingofCaribbean politicalstalwart,SirLloydErskineSandiford.

Reflecting on the political poetics of Caribbean small islands, I realize that long have I been of the view that while they are deeply troubled by their size, they are also adamant enough to say to the mighty ocean that seeks to engulf and erase them – ‘if you want to pass, go around!’ Ill winds, persistent and penetrating, have also made them even more adamant. These were my first musings when I heard of the passing of Sir Lloyd.
As a political stalwart Sir Lloyd was generally unhurried and often unshakable in his approach to divisive phenomena. This was also reflected in the manner in which he spoke. The steady certainty with which he engaged spoke to a confidence endemic to his belief system. Democratic in orientation, the core of his politics was grounded in ‘love of country’. From the beginning he threw his political weight behind the imperative of publicly funded education for the masses. This was a principle of his social democracy and the vehicle on which he believed the nation would travel to economic prosperity and social stability. In this regard, he never failed to stand his ground in the pursuit of access to development for the historically disadvantaged, and the necessity to blunt the social sword of the traditionally privileged.
Sir Lloyd was an intellectual product of the ideological vision of The UWI. He was for example, adamant in his commitment to national independence and dignified nation building. He evolved as the quintessential servant leader and served The Right Excellent Errol Barrow’s strategy with skill and sustainability. When his turn came to serve as Prime Minister, he dug in his heels in defence of Barbados and its democracy and insisted that the rich and powerful had no personal keys to his private office. They too, like the mighty raging ocean, would have to go around. It was this sense of service to the nation that contributed significantly to its freedom from International Monetary Fund (IMF) enchainment.

Departing the Office of Prime Minister, he was called upon to serve his nation as ambassador to China. From Beijing he often took the opportunity to remind us that there was nothing surprising about the appointment since his father often said to him that he would go far in life. His has been the remarkable journey of a steadfast soldier. The UWI community is honoured to celebrate him for living a life selflessly in the service of his people. Travel well Sir Lloyd and thanks for your lessons in the art