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Hudson Taylor felt the call of God on his life when he was 18 years old, when he believed God called him to China. He prepared himself through a medical course, trusting God for all his needs. He initiated his own mission journey as he could not find any person to support a mission to China. By faith, trusting God to provide his every need, Hudson Taylor launched the China Inland Mission in 1865. 40 years later he died having established mission stations all over China with more than 800 workers who trusted God for all their needs.
John Wesley was the founder of the Methodist Church in England and America. During Wesley's life the Industrial Revolution took place, bringing with it much change. During this time the church was very out of touch with the people and moral standards were deplorable. Wesley would deliver open air sermons, to seek out the unchurched people who never went inside the church, and he would allow laymen to preach. This passion for saving souls made him break with century old church practices. His ministry had a considerable influence in improving the national life In England. Wesley wrote many books and died at the age of 87.
Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German monk, and the leader of the Reformation that led to the birth of Protestantism. Luther challenged some of the practices of the church and proclaimed the authority of the Bible rather than the church. Luther translated the Bible into German and wrote many other books, one of which was his Catechism which is the most famous. It summarised what a Christian should believe and how he should live. He also made a great contribution to music.
John Wycliffe was born in 1320 and became a leading English philosopher in religion and politics. In 1367 he was saying that wealth and political power had corrupted the church and urged the church to return to the simplicity of the early church and that the Bible, not the church, was the authority of Christian belief. John Wycliffe translated the Bible from Latin into English so that people could read it for themselves. He also wrote many other books. His name is still used by the society called the “Wycliffe Bible Translators” who have translated the bible into many languages.