Master Sponsorship Deck for Experience Life Book Tour

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Experience Life Book Tour

Dear Potential Sponsor, I am writing to expose your company to a great opportunity as a sponsor for, “Experience Life,” book tour. The objectives for the program Everyone knows reading is important, but have you ever asked yourself why is it so important? Here’s a list of eight reasons why reading is important. Reading can help an individual to explore new things. Through reading an individual will find themselves open to new things, to new information, new ways to solve a problem new way to achieve one thing. Who knows the person may find a new hobby within it. Who knows an individual might actually explore to one thing and it becomes a career and success in the future. Self-improvement can be discovered helping an individual to form a better you. Through reading and individual can learn to understand the world more; through reading you get to understand more on a topic that interest you. For example, how to build self-confidence, how to make a better plan before action; also learn to memorize things more. The tour will start on May 18th 2013 and end on September 8th 2013. Your generous sponsorship would be highlighted in announcements to our guest(s), during the introduction at the event itself, and in an article about the tour to be published in varies publication(s) afterwards. You and any other representatives of your company would be most welcome to attend so that we could thank you personally for your support. The estimated audience of 1200 would benefit tremendously from your generosity. The cost to sponsor the educational “Experience Life,” book tour would be (please see sponsorship option(s). I would be most appreciative of a telephone call to let me know your interest. My telephone number is (773) 492-1350. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for considering this request. Thank you, Ms. Lawrence Publicist


Men Writing to Share their Life Journey(s) May 2, 2013 Authors Torrey Rush and Cedric Nettles write to encourage and inspire their Readers, to Overcome Life Obstacles, by sharing their heartfelt stories with the world Columbia, SC- Two male authors with a passion to share their experiences with the world are working to release their book careers, to inspire and empower others. Torrey Rush of South Carolina has self-published his first novel, Tears of a Lonely Son, involving his experience with the absence of his father, the highly emotional read takes the reader through the process of how to release and overcome life obstacles. Cedric Nettles also a native of South Carolina has self-published his first novel, Torrential Waters, Cedric takes his readers through an emotional and impactful journey, as he deals with self-identity, relationships, and being bullied. Meet Author Torrey Rush Mr. Rush is the Founder of Carolina Community Development Corporation, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that specializes in promoting and maintaining affordable housing, business ownership, and the economic vitality of Richland County and other counties throughout South Carolina. After attending East Clarendon High School, he received a full football scholarship to Liberty University where he was a 4-year starter at Free Safety. He accumulated many accolades including being a Football Gazette All-American, Division I–AA All-In-

dependent Player, Virginia Collegiate All-State Team and several Player of the Week awards. He graduated in May 2000 with a Bachelor of Science Degree from Liberty University. After college he spent a season as a member of the NFL Europe professional football team Barcelona Dragons. He is also the Vice-Chair of Board of Zoning Appeals for Richland County, a South Carolina 2nd Congressional District Minority Affairs Commission Member and served on Attorney Alan Wilson Inaugural Gala Transition Team. He is currently a candidate for Richland County Council District 7 in Columbia SC. He is married to Darci Strickland Rush and they have 3 girls Logan, Layla and Lauren. Meet Author Cedric Nettles He is the founder of Sage Rage Productions. Cedric is the author of ‘Torrential Waters’ and has a passion for creating other positive and hard-hitting stories. His first film was a documentary on his alma mater which was the first black school to be accredited by the state Department of Education in South Carolina called ‘Mayo High School: 105 Years of Golden Heritage.” He also served as a communications specialist and paratrooper for elite military intelligence unit. Later he was appointed squad leader for signal intelligence unit for the 10th Mountain Division based in Fort Drum NY. He spent 6 years working behind the scenes for WPDE/WWMB Florence/Myrtle Beach. Cedric has acted in independent films and commercials, modeled, as well as consulted on other projects.

Press Release He attended the University of South Carolina for Broadcast Journalism. He is a native of Darlington, SC. Born to write these men are looking to share with others their abilities to overcome life obstacles while achieving their purpose.

### Find more details about Torrey Rush and Cedric Nettles online: Torrey Rush Online Torrey Rush on YouTube Torrey Rush Radio Interview Cedric Nettles Online sb_noss/183-6743059-4886739?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=cedric+nettles Cedric Nettles on YouTube

Book Reading & Signing Event

Starting Date: May 18th 2013 Where: Columbia, South Carolina Location(s): For listings Email Sponsorship(s): Available Email: Literacy Community Brand Partnership: Opportunities Available Contact Ms. Lawrence Guest Speaker Bookings: Contact Ms. Lawrence (800) 319.4686 Ext 1

Media Contact:

Ms. Lawrence, Senior Publicist AD VYBE PR & MEDIA RELEATIONS Direct: (773) 492.1350 Office: (800) 319.4686 Ext 1 Email: Website:

Greetings, As Senior Publicist for the “Experience Life Book Tour, I would like to personally welcome you as a new supporter. We are anxious and appreciative to have your company join this news and noteworthy opportunity. I love greeting new companies because it allows me the opportunity to describe the AD VYBE PR client’s philosophy. Our years of success are due to this philosophy, which includes helping our clients meet and exceed their objective. We at AD VYBE PR give 110% to all our clients, media, and supporters to assure our service provides, results. Anything less is not good enough. This means that on every campaign we give you more than you expect and pay for. By consistently going the extra mile, we have created successful campaigns that work and a loyal clientele. In this same manner, we hope to earn your confidence and continued support.

Sincerely, Ms. Lawrence Senior Publicist (773) 492-1350

Sponsorship Book Tour

“You have to look for the good in the bad, the happy in your sad, the gain in your pain, and what makes you grateful not hateful.”

May 2013 to September 2013 Global Book Tour and Speaking Events

Did the comment hit home for you? Well, that’s the message good reading brings on an emotional outcome that only the reader can choose, how it’s received.

Local Columbia, South Carolina Monthly Book Tour Starting May 18th 2013 Ending September 7th 2013

“If you want something in your life you’ve never had, you’ll have to do something you’ve never done.”

Book Authors Torrey Rush and Cedric Nettles Experience Life Book Tour

Everyone knows reading is important, but have you ever asked yourself why is it so important? Here’s a list of eight reasons why reading is important. Reading can help an individual to explore new things. Through reading an individual will find themselves open to new things, to new information, new ways to solve a problem new way to achieve one thing. Who knows the person may find a new hobby within it. Who knows an individual might actually explore to one thing and it becomes a career and success in the future. Self-improvement can be discovered helping an individual to form a better you. Through reading and individual can learn to understand the world more; through reading you get to understand more on a topic that interest you. For example, how to build self-confidence, how to make a better plan before action; also learn to memorize things more. In addition, reading can help with improving understanding, preparation to act, gain experience from others, great tools of communicating, connecting your brain, and as well reading can boost imagination and creativity.

Another, moving quote that can revolutionize your core being to act on its purpose. Social media platforms are loaded with quotes and sayings, keeping us motivated to read more and more. This is why it’s so important for book tours and inspiring author(s) to grace us with their presence near and a far. Both authors, Torrey Rush and Cedric understand their purpose and the importance of their work; as a result they seek to share their books with the world. The benefits of sponsoring “Experiencing Life Book Tour,” hosted by Torrey Rush and Cedric Nettles Sponsors are the material support of the “Experiencing Life Book Tour,” as an active partner. It is a good way of increasing your brand awareness, which helps to generate consumer preference and to foster brand loyalty. Your company can reinforce awareness among its target market by sponsoring an event promoting the importance of education, arts & literature, as well as empowerment.

We understand wholeheartedly that sponsorship is not an act of charity and the opportunity must show some form of positive return on your company’s investment. Since sponsorship is a business arrangement, standard evaluative criteria should be used to establish the suitability of our event in relation to your brand. As a sponsor your company will enjoy a wide range of benefits such as: • Raising your brand awareness • Shaping Consumer Attitudes and Enhancing Image • Increasing Sales • Creating Positive Publicity and Heightening Visibility • Building brand positioning through associative imagery • Supportive Sales Promotion Campaign • Internal Emotional Commitment to Your Company/Brand • Corporate Hospitality, “Free Books!”

Target Market Columbia South Carolina Male Population of: 56999 Female Population: 59279 Age Group 10 to 24


25 to 45

35,007 Ethnicity

African American




Hispanic or Latino


Before sponsoring the, “Experience Life Book Tour,” it’s best we address the #1 frequently asked question.


Does the event have a proven track record? “No one can possibly know what is about to happen; it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.” James A. Baldwin We stand to achieve the greater challenge within our community, spreading the value and significance of reading.

Head-of-House Unmarried Partner

42,245 2093



Married Couples


Householder Living Alone


Corporate Brand Partnership Make-A-Reader Premier Partner Exclusive Title Sponsorship By investing $10,000.00 in the Experience Life Book Tour, you will be able to: 1.

Support a Good Cause Literature, Education, and Literacy


Receive 500 copies of each book, your company can use the books as giveaways,

sweepstakes promotion, and/or give them away to all experts within your organization. ($14,850.00 value) 3.

Promote your Company and Its experts, products, and services and receive exclusive

opportunity to send a Keynote speaker to participate in Live Events ($5,000.00 value) 4.

Receive the “Experience Life Award,” in creation of Experience Life Book Tour you will

receive an enchanting signature plaque, for your company’s contribution. ($340.00 value) 5.

Receive a display booth or set-up for your giveaways or use as an opportunity to col-

lection consumer data/surveys ($500.00 value) 6.

Place items in our gifting suite exclusive to patrons and VIP attendees ($500.00 value)


Press Release Coverage: Your company will be mentioned for its Community Social

Responsibility and Support in all Press Coverage: Radio, TV, PBS notification(s), Print Publication(s) and Online Media Sources ($4500.00 value) 8.

Full Page Ad Space: The presenting authors have an exhilarating magazine as a book

teaser to share (it’s FREE for all guests) the magazine consist of a short/sample and/or teaser of their books ($3400.00 value) Magazine (texture) 8x11 booklet size printing 2000 for 2013 9.

Brand Visibility- on ALL promotional materials:

Retractable NEW banners ($455.00 value)

Online Commercial ($560.00 value)

Experience Life Book Tour Trade Show Booth ($3300.00 value)

Social Media Campaign ($1400.00 value)

Coffee Mugs & Reader Bags ($900.00 value)

Exciting Keepsake Book Markers ($650.00 value)

SAGE Community Partner Leading Sponsorship Opportunity

By investing $7500.00 in the Experience Life Book Tour, you will be able to: 1.

Support a Good Cause Literature, Education, and Literacy


Receive 250 copies of each book, your company can use the books as giveaways,

sweepstakes promotion, and/or give them away to all experts within your organization. ($7425.00 value) 3.

Promote your Company and Its experts, products, and services and receive exclusive

opportunity to send a Keynote speaker to participate in Live Events ($5,000.00 value) 4.

Receive a display booth or set-up for your giveaways or use as an opportunity to col-

lection consumer data/surveys ($500.00 value) 5.

½ Page Ad Space- The presenting authors have an exhilarating magazine as their

book teaser to share (it’s FREE for all guests) the magazine consist of a short/sample and/or teaser of their books ($1700.00 value) Magazine (texture) 8x11 booklet size -printing 2000 for 2013 6.

Place items in our gifting suite exclusive to patrons and VIP attendees ($500.00 value)


Press Release Coverage: Your company will be mentioned for its Community Social

Responsibility and Support in all Press Coverage: Radio, TV, PBS notification(s), Print Publication(s) and Online Media Sources ($4500.00 value) 8.

Logo- on branding/promotional materials

Retractable NEW banners ($455.00 value)

Social Media Campaign ($1400.00 value)

Exciting Keepsake Book Markers ($650.00 value)

Awareness Sponsor Community Leadership Sponsorship By investing $2500.00 in the Experience Life Book Tour, you will be able to: 9.

Support a Good Cause Literature, Education, and Literacy


Receive 50 copies of each book, your company can use the books as giveaways,

sweepstakes promotion, and/or give them away to all experts within your organization. ($1,485.00 value) 11.

Receive a display booth or set-up for your giveaways or use as an opportunity to collec-

tion consumer data/surveys ($500.00 value) 12.

1/4 Page Ad Space- The presenting authors have an exhilarating magazine as their book

teaser to share (it’s FREE for all guests) the magazine consist of a short/sample and/or teaser of their books ($850.00 value) Magazine (texture) 8x11 booklet size -printing 2000 for 2013 13.

Place items in our gifting suite exclusive to patrons and VIP attendees ($500.00 value)


Press Release Coverage: Your company will be mentioned for its Community Social Re-

sponsibility and Support in all Press Coverage: Radio, TV, PBS notification(s), Print Publication(s) and Online Media Sources ($4500.00 value)

Growth Building Sponsor Community Sponsorship By investing $1000.00 in the Experience Life Book Tour, you will be able to: 1.

Support a Good Cause Literature, Education, and Literacy


Receive 25 copies of each book, your company can use the books as giveaways,

sweepstakes promotion, and/or give them away to all experts within your organization. ($742.50 value) 3.

Receive a display booth or set-up for your giveaways or use as an opportunity to collec-

tion consumer data/surveys ($500.00 value) 4.

Business Card Size Ad Space- The presenting authors have an exhilarating magazine as

their book teaser to share (it’s FREE for all guests) the magazine consist of a short/sample and/or teaser of their books ($425.00 value) Magazine (texture) 8x11 booklet size -printing 2000 for 2013 5.

Place items in our gifting suite exclusive to patrons and VIP attendees ($500.00 value)


Press Release Coverage: Your company will be mentioned for its Community Social Re-

sponsibility and Support in all Press Coverage: Press Release ($399.00 value)

Thank you... The 2013 Experience Life Book Tour, Public Relations Team is very grateful for the presence and support of our sponsors and exhibitors. Without you, this Book Tour simply would not have been possible. We are extremely dedicated to you! The Experience Life Book Tour, PR team recognizes your contributions by supplying attendees with contact information and a description of the products and services you provide. Attendees will be encouraged to visit your booth and to retain our Author Magazine for future reference in everyday business needs. This year we are running concurrent event dates (see schedule) in Sponsor Welcome Packet. As a result, you can look forward to traveling with us from May 18th 2013 to September 8th 2013 throughout Columbia South Carolina. Experience Life Book Tour Schedule: Date: May 18th 2013 Time: 10:00AM to 1:00PM Location: Nonnah’s 930 Gervais Street, Columbia South Carolina Date: June 6th 2013 Time: 6:00PM to 8:30PM Location: TBA Date: July 10th 2013 Time: 6:00PM to 9:00PM Location: 701 Whaley 701 Whaley Street Columbia, South Carolina Date August 7th 2013 Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM Location: TBA Date: September 8th 2013 Time: 5:00PM to 8:30PM Location: TBA

We want you to be successful and hope that you enjoy the 2013 “Experience Life Book Tour, hosted by authors Torrey Rush and Cedric Nettles. It’s been our pleasure to bring this event to you. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Salute to Military Families, on September 8th 2013 a red carpet event hosted by celebrities: South Carolina News Anchor Woman Daric Strickland and Television Celebrity Darrin Henson in honor of Military Families. If you’d llike to get involved please contact our office for a sponsorship and/or vendor booth application. Sincerely, Ms. Lawrence

Senior Publicist (773) 492-1350

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